"In that case, you will be the one to translate the Kanreya text in the Abyss Mage's mind."

Lin Yu waved his hand, and he directly projected the text content of the Kanreya text in the Abyss Mage's mind in front of Dainsreb like a holographic projection.

After seeing these text contents appear, Dainsreb was immersed in them.

He read the contents with a slightly solemn expression.

"···Use the enemy's faith as new firewood to present glory to the noble princess···"

"The loom of fate, the original plan."

"They···the abyss, seem to be executing a plan. The key words of the plan are···the loom of fate."

"It seems to be still in the startup stage, or in other words, it is still undergoing the initial test···"

The loom of fate? The original plan? What are these? Everyone at the scene was confused and didn't understand the meaning of it at all.

I just know that the Abyss Cult seems to be carrying out some kind of plan.

"The loom of fate, the original plan? Since the information is obtained from the Abyss Cult, I believe that once these plans succeed, they will definitely have a huge impact on the entire region." Qingyu has obviously realized the seriousness of the problem here.

There is no simple thing when it comes to the abyss.

You must know that the disaster that swept the entire Teyvat continent five hundred years ago was caused by the abyss.

So these things now have to be taken seriously.

"Dain, so what is the plan of the Abyss Cult?" Kong looked at Dain and asked.

Dain said: "In a nutshell, the preliminary plan is related to the vortex demon Osel."

"Eh?! The vortex demon? But hasn't the vortex demon been sealed back again by Kong with the help of Lin Yu's power?"

"But what does the Abyss Cult want to do with the vortex demon?"

Paimon said after a burst of exclamation.

"Remember the incident with Mondtevalin? I guess it's similar to Tevalin. The Abyss Cult wants to use the power of the abyss to erode the Vortex Demon God." Kong thought of what the Abyss Cult did before.

"Yes, that's right." Dainsreb nodded.

"Hehe... They were the followers of God before, and now they are the past demon gods. The guys in the Abyss Cult are getting bolder and bolder." Lin Yu said with his arms folded in front of his chest.

"Erosion of the demon god? How do they want to do it?" Qingyu was a little curious.

"From the content of the information, the plan this time is to go a step further."

"Not only the transformation at the consciousness level, they are also going to use the technology of making tillers to completely transform Osel's body."

Dainsreb told the story based on the content of the information.

"What is a tiller?" Kong was a little confused.

After all, judging from the name of this thing, it should be a machine used in the fields. But can this kind of machine technology used for agricultural operations really be used to transform the body of the demon god?

Kong was very confused about this.

"What is a tiller? Haven't you seen it before? It is the ruins guards wandering around the ruins."

"The tiller originated from Kanreya and is a war machine developed by the Kanreya people."

"Kanreya believes that land is not cultivated with farm tools, but fought for with iron and blood. Based on this concept, the tiller was born."

After Dainsleb's explanation, Kong and Paimon instantly understood the meaning of the tiller.

This tiller is not a machine for cultivating farmland, it is clearly a war machine for external use!

Kong was originally wondering, who would launch missiles on an agricultural machine? Was the risk factor so high when the Kanreya farmers cultivated the fields that they needed to use force to protect themselves?

Since it is a war machine, then all this can be explained.

As for Lin Yu and Qing Yu, one of them knew the plot, and the other saw the relevant content when collecting information about Kanreya five hundred years ago.

"Hmm... Fighting for land with iron and blood? Kanreya people actually understand arable land in this way..." Paimon fell into silence.

She seemed to understand why the country of Kanreya was destroyed.

Then Paimon said: "But can the technology of the tiller really transform Osel's body? After all, for a big guy like the Ruins Guard, Kong can deal with many of them at one time."

"Nowadays, there are very few people in the world who truly understand the civilization level of Kanreya.Of course, it is difficult to judge. "

"Only the Abyss Cult has been pursuing the lost civilization of Kanreya. Although they are no longer human, their obsession still exists."

"The letter dares to say that they want to use the filthy reversed statue as a base, combine Osel's limbs, and create a mechanical demon."

"And the new core used to replace the orb in the statue's hand is... the eye of the world's first tiller. "

Uh... After Lin Yu finished listening to Dainsreb's words, he actually had a question a long time ago.

That is, in this plan, the materials that make up the mechanical demon are relatively ordinary, but if they are combined together, can the Abyss Cult have the power to resist the law of nature?

However, since this is a technical experiment of the Abyss Cult, it can be roughly guessed from the side that the Abyss Cult wants to use some method to mass-produce similar mechanical demons.

If there is the blessing of the abyss power, I am afraid it will be a big threat to the whole world.

"Although I don't quite understand the steps in the plan, if the mechanical demon is to be made on the territory of Liyue, then we, as the guardians of Liyue, naturally can't stand idly by." Qingyu looked serious.

"Yes, the vortex demon Osel alone can bring super big trouble. If there is an upgraded and enhanced version of the mechanical vortex demon, ah! Just thinking about it makes me feel so dangerous. "Paimon shook his head and said with some fear.

"From the current situation, the Abyss Cult should not have found the eye of the world's first tiller."

"That means we still have a chance to stop the Abyss plan. As long as we can find the eye of the world's first tiller before the Abyss Cult, the plan without the core will not be able to proceed."

The ethereal light flashed and said.

Since the Abyss Cult has not had time to collect all the materials for the plan, they just need to take the things away before the Abyss Cult, right?

But then another problem came up.

"···But the ruins guards are everywhere. I feel like they are all over the world. Looking for the first tiller in such a wide range, isn't it like looking for a needle in a haystack?" Paimon touched his head and said.

"It is indeed an action like looking for a needle in a haystack, but as long as you follow the clues, you can always find some relevant clues. "Dainsleib said with his arms folded across his chest.

However, Lin Yu was not very interested in this kind of action of trekking through mountains and rivers and looking for things aimlessly.

It was like this before Yu Shen came, and it was still like this after Yu Shen came.

Wasn't Yu Shen's coming in vain?

So Lin Yu directly planned to skip this step.

"Leave it to me. "Lin Yu smiled slightly.

Looking at the confident smile on Lin Yu's face, Kong and Paimon immediately recalled that when the Sky Harp was stolen before, Lin Yu found it by searching the space.

So now can Lin Yu also find the core that the Abyss Cult wants to find in the same way?

Lin Yu, who has read the script, naturally knows where the first tiller is.

It's just that his detailed location has obviously been forgotten by Lin Yu, so now Lin Yu plans to mobilize the power of space to directly cover the entire Wind Dragon Ruins.

At the same time, Lin Yu directly locked all the tillers in the entire Wind Dragon Ruins, and then Lin Yu added his own divine consciousness to sense the traces of time on these tillers.

After After all this trouble, Lin Yu successfully locked onto a suspected Unit-01 cultivator on the high tower of the Wind Dragon Ruins.

Judging from his own divine sense and the plot, this ruins guard is most likely the world's first cultivator.

After confirming the target, a space gate was immediately generated under this cultivator.

And above the open space in front of everyone, a space gate was also generated in the sky under Lin Yu's operation.

The cultivator in the Wind Dragon Ruins fell into the space gate, and then fell in front of everyone through the space gate.

The cultivator weighing several tons fell to the ground with a bang, making a lot of noise and raising a cloud of dust.

! ! !

"This, this can't be the world's first cultivator?! "

Paimeng exclaimed.

She had thought that Lin Yu would use the previous method to find the world's first tiller, but when she actually saw the tiller being sent by Lin Yu, she was stillThe old man would still be shocked by the situation in front of him.

"If I'm right, this should be the world's first tiller that the Abyss Cult is looking for."

"Go and confirm it."

Lin Yu said lightly.

Kong on the side was stunned. If it weren't for Lin Yu, they would have to look aimlessly for it. It's unknown when they would be able to find the world's first tiller.

Lin Yu was still reliable. With just a little effort, he knew the existence of the world's first tiller and brought it to them.

Deinsreb, who was urged by Lin Yu to confirm, couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly after seeing this scene with his own eyes.

God is indeed his enemy, but from other places, sometimes the power of God is really very convenient.

Deinsreb nodded slightly, and then walked towards the tiller that Lin Yu had transported. He looked at the tiller carefully, and then found the serial number of the tiller.

Finally, through various evidences, it was proved that this was indeed the world's first tiller.

"It can be confirmed that this is the world's first tiller." Dainsleb said.

Through Paimon's observation, she found that the eyes of the tiller should be the core mentioned by the Abyss Cult. But the eyes of the tiller are completely fixed inside, so how to take the eyes out of the body of the tiller?

Since Paimon couldn't figure it out, he stopped thinking about it. Anyway, Lin Yu and Dain are here now, so how to take out the core, they should be able to solve it!

"Hehe! It's so easy to find the world's first tiller, so let's take out the core of this tiller now."

"In this way, the Abyss Cult has lost its core, and the plan should not be able to proceed, right?"

Paimon said proudly.

Lin Yu's answer to this is... not necessarily.

He believed that even without this core, if the Abyss Cult was really determined to carry out the plan, it would still find a substitute in the end.

And this move would most likely only delay the progress of the Abyss Cult's plan.

"Qingyu, take it out."

"No problem, watch me!"

Under Lin Yu's order, Qingyu drew out the sword from his own space and walked directly towards the direction of the tiller.

Qingyu stabbed lightly with the long sword, and the blade with immortal power pierced into the solid armor of the tiller. Then Qingyu used the long sword to circle around the core and cut off the parts that fixed the core one by one.

After doing all this, with a wave of his hand, the chaos core flew into the air above Qingyu's palm with the support of immortal power.

"Is this the core of the first tiller? It... looks like the core of other tillers, almost no difference." After Paimeng looked at it, she said.

"No, the two cannot be generalized."

"All the ruins guards that remain today are actually replicas of this machine. As a prototype, its combat power is uncontrollable, and this is why the Abyss Cult chose it as the core."

"If it is placed in the hands of the filthy reversed statue, used as a base, and combined with the limbs of the vortex demon Osel, the mechanical demon can be created, it can give the newly born filthy demon the power to shake the throne of the sky island."

When Dainsleb said this, he also deliberately observed the facial expression on Lin Yu's face.

However, for Lin Yu, it doesn't matter whether he resists the law of nature or not, but if it is a move that threatens the safety of Teyvat, then Lin Yu will have to take care of it.

After all, he doesn't want to see the originally colorful Teyvat continent after being eroded and polluted by the power of the abyss.

"Then, what should I do with this eye?" Paimon asked.

Lin Yu could feel that the energy contained in this eye was about one-fourth or one-third of the energy of a night light. This level and degree of power was nothing.

But it was normal. After all, if this eye could really burst out with super power, then perhaps Kanreya would not be destroyed in the battle with Kanreya.

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