Lin Yu looked at Dainsreb, staring at the Chaos Core floating in Qingyu's hand. He could see at a glance that Dainsreb wanted this Chaos Core very much.

But... Hey, I just won't give it to you~

"To prevent Liyue from being destroyed, let me destroy it." Lin Yu said lightly.

"Well... But Dain said there is a huge amount of energy in it. If it is destroyed, there will be a big explosion, right?" After hearing Lin Yu say that he wanted to destroy the Chaos Core, Paimeng began to worry.

However, the explosion caused by the Chaos Core was nothing to Lin Yu.

"Don't worry, it doesn't want to make any noise in my palm."

After saying this, he had already figured out what means he should use to destroy this Chaos Core.

He thought of an item that is very suitable for this job.

When he heard Lin Yu say that he wanted to destroy the Chaos Core, Dainsreb did not speak.

Because he knew that he probably had no way to get the Chaos Core from Lin Yu. Rather than letting it fall into the hands of the Abyss Cult or the Seven Gods he did not trust, it would be better to destroy it in front of him.

So under the curious eyes of Paimon and Kong, a small black hole that captured the heart appeared on the palm of Lin Yu's right hand.

This thing is called a small black hole, but it is also called a garbage recycling station.

It is very suitable for dealing with the Chaos Core that the Abyss Cult wants, and it is guaranteed that not even a grain of Chaos Core dust will remain.

"Hey... The core was torn and disappeared just like that, without leaving any trace or movement."

Under Lin Yu's control, the Chaos Core in Qing Yu's hand was immediately locked by Lin Yu's small black hole, and then the Chaos Core quickly approached it under the traction of the black hole's gravity. Finally, the Chaos Core was torn into particles by the powerful gravity of the black hole and completely disappeared in the black hole.

After watching this scene, Kong was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect that Lin Yu actually had something so shocking to the world. He couldn't believe what would happen if he used this small black hole in Lin Yu's hand on a person?

Fortunately, such a powerful Lin Yu was not his enemy.

"Okay, now this chaos core has been completely destroyed by me." After saying that, Lin Yu put away the small black hole in his hand again.

At this moment, Dainsreb also deeply realized how powerful the enemy that Kanreya faced was.

"Hehe... The core has been completely destroyed by Lin Yu, so the Abyss Cult will not be able to carry out their evil god-making plan!"

"Hu... Now it's finally over, I just want to go back to Liyue Harbor early to have a big meal."

Paimon said happily.

But what Dainsreb said next was a cold water on Paimon, who was happy.

"No, it's not time to be completely relieved. It's better to destroy the filthy reversed statue in the ruins together, so that it can be considered at ease." Dainsreb said.

"That makes sense, let's go." Lin Yu said lightly.

On the surface, Lin Yu's face had no expression, but in fact he knew what would happen when he returned to the ruins this time, and he began to look forward to it in his heart.

"Hey! Do we have to go to that gloomy and terrifying place?"

"Do we have to go? Well, then okay."

At present, Lin Yu, Qing Yu, Kong, and Dain have made their own decisions. In this case, it is obvious that Paimon's opinion is not so important.

So everyone turned back and entered this strange secret realm three times.

Before re-entering this strange secret realm, Lin Yu directly put on a low-influence stance to reduce the power emanating from himself.

Let outsiders only think that he is just an immortal.

Otherwise, Lin Yu is worried that with his current strength, the abyss apostles hidden in this secret realm will not dare to show up in front of him.

After all, knowing that the opponent's strength is enough to crush him, he still stood out. Isn't that a gift?

I don't think the Abyss Apostle would be so stupid.

After entering this strange secret realm, on the way to the place with the filthy reversed statue, everyone encountered some mechanisms that blocked their way forward.

Obviously, this should be the work of the Abyss Apostle.

However, these mechanisms don't need to be used by themselves at all. Qingyu has cleared them out with just a few swords.Yu completely solved it.

After passing five levels and killing six generals, he soon arrived in front of the filthy reversed statue.

It is worth mentioning that the corpse of the treasure-stealing group kneeling under the reversed statue has disappeared. It seems that even from the aesthetic point of view of the Abyss Cult, it is also very annoying.

"Woo woo woo... No matter how many times I come here, I still feel that this place is very scary..."

The timid Paimon hid behind Kong, as if this could bring her a sense of security in her anxiety.

But if Paimon knew that there was an Abyss Cult hidden five or six meters behind her from the beginning to now, would she still feel at ease?

"There is no time to be afraid, because the next is the battle time."

"This guy hiding in the dark, I wonder how long you want to hide?"

Lin Yu immediately drew out the Broken Sky Sword from the space and held it in his hand.

He looked at the dark corner with a sharp look.

"‌‌Hehehehehe... sharp sense of smell..."

"Enemy of the Dainsleb Cult, you are still so annoying. You have been haunting the Cult like a ghost, and today you brought helpers to stop the Cult."

"I can feel that there is a terrible bloody smell on you. Is it from a dark nightmare? Or... um?"

"... Really dangerous, you also have that rotten smell, which makes me familiar..."

"You are a dangerous thing like us. But dangerous things outside the Cult should be placed in a cage!"

Facing the ridicule of the Abyss Apostle, Dainsleb also fought back.

"I'm afraid your tongue has been rotten for too long. It's time to cut it off!"

After saying that, Dainsleb also took out his long sword, and then went directly to the Abyss Cult, and then Kong started with a wind blade and joined the battle.

Qingyu did not choose to join the battle immediately, but looked at Linyu beside him.

He was asking Linyu's opinion.

Linyu nodded and approved Qingyu to join the battle, while he was watching the show with the Broken Sky Sword on the side, not ready to join the battle.

Who said that you must fight after drawing the sword? Right?

"The tide of the abyss!!"

"Serve the abyss!"

Originally, the Abyss Apostle could fight with Kong and Dainsleb with ease and even strength.

But after the sword fairy Qingyu joined, the situation on the battlefield took a sharp turn for the worse for the Abyss Apostle.

Qingyu's sword skills, which contained the peach blossom sword meaning, were aimed at the life gate of the Abyss Apostle.

The Abyss Apostle tried his best to resist, but to little effect. After being hit by Qingyu's sword, the dark power of the abyss began to overflow from his wound.

Kong and Dainsreb took the opportunity to launch a more fierce attack. The Abyss Apostle was defeated and was about to collapse.

"Oh no, he's going to escape!!" Kong shouted, reminding Qingyu Xianjian and Dainsreb.

The Abyss Apostle, who was about to be defeated, decided to flee. He flew into the air and mobilized his own abyss power, tearing open an abyss portal in the sky.

Just when the Abyss Apostle was about to leave through the portal.

Dainsreb, who did not try to stop the Abyss Apostle from escaping, exerted his strength. His right hand radiated a wisp of abyss power, and then he seized control of the portal.

He directly closed the abyss portal, and stuck the Abyss Apostle, who had half of his body passed through the abyss portal, in the air.

Just when the Abyss portal was about to be completely closed and split the Abyss Apostle in two under the control of Dainsreb, a figure with yellow head and white skirt appeared, holding a long sword with dark power in his hand, swinging the sword towards Dainsreb.

A ball of Abyss power hit Dains directly, causing a violent explosion at Dains's location!

Fortunately, Dainsreb was agile and jumped up and ran to a safe place at the moment of the explosion.

After waiting for the thick fog of dark power raised by the explosion to dissipate, the appearance of the mysterious man who made the move was finally revealed.

After seeing her, Kong's pupils dilated and he stood there in disbelief.

"Your Highness."

The rescued Abyss Apostle knelt on one knee and saluted Ying and said.

Unlike Kong's extremely complicated expression and mood now, Ying looked at everyone with a calm face.

"Then, that person, is it...?" Paimon exclaimed!

The moment she appeared, Paimon remembered all the details about her sister's appearance that Sora had told her, and these details completely matched the person in front of him!

So she was the one Sora had been looking for all along..."Ying!" Kong shouted excitedly.

"Brother..." Ying responded.

"Wait...wait, Kong, he just blocked the attack for the Abyss Apostle..."

"Your sister seems to be related to the Abyss...", but Paimon was afraid that Kong would not be able to accept it, so he could not say it out loud.

"Brother, why are you with Dain?"

"Ying, we meet again." After a moment of silence, Dainsleb said.

? Kong is now completely confused.

What's going on? Why do it seem that Dain and Ying know each other?

" shouldn't go with this person."

"This my enemy."

"Ying..." Dain said somewhat uncomfortably.

As partners who once traveled together, now they are standing on opposite sides of each other, which obviously brings pain.

But Dain did not agree with Ying's approach...

"Ying, stop saying these things I don't understand. I have been looking for you since the moment I woke up." Kong looked at Ying and said.

Ying was silent for a while. In fact, Ying had been observing Kong during his trip to Mondstadt.

And how could she not know that her brother was looking for her?

But in order to complete that mission, these were all choices that had to be made.

"But this is what I must say to you, brother."

"Don't join Dain to stop me, don't stop the abyss."

"That man... Dainsleb. He was the Sword of the Last Light of the last palace guard of Kanria. Five hundred years ago, he failed to stop the destruction of Kanria."

"At that time, he was cursed with immortality and wandered in the wilderness... He could only watch the people he wanted to protect turn into monsters in the abyss."

Daiyin was actually Kanria or something? But now Kong was not interested in all of these, whether it was Kanria or not, what immortality curse, and what people turned into monsters!

He just wants to be with his sister now.

"Don't talk about this, Ying."

"Come with me, let's go home, okay?"

Sora looked at Ying sincerely and said.


"Well, of course, where my brother is is home."

"But I can't go to the next world with you to find a new home... at least not now."

"Before the abyss submerges the throne, I have an unfinished war with the law of nature..."

"Listen to me, brother."

"I have already had a journey. So, you have to reach the end like me, so that you can leave the sediment of this world in your eyes."

After Ying said this, the abyss apostle behind her understood the meaning of Her Royal Highness the Princess, and then opened an abyss portal behind them.

"We will meet again."

"But don't rush, brother. I have enough time to wait for you."

"Our time... is always enough."

After saying this, Ying looked at Kong for the last time, then turned around resolutely and walked towards the abyss portal.

Kong then quickly chased after Lin Yu and the abyss portal.

And Dainsleb was even faster. With the blessing of the power of the abyss, he rushed in directly.

The wind element burst out under Kong's feet. Under the power of the wind element, he jumped from the ground and sank one hand into the abyss portal.

Then... the whole person passed through the abyss portal.

From Lin Yu's perspective, he had already seen that the space node connected to the abyss portal had been cut off after Dain passed, so Kong was destined to be in vain.

Kong, who was unable to pass through the abyss portal, was now very disappointed.

I thought that this meeting with Ying would be a reunion with Ying, but I never thought that after a short reunion, there would be a long separation.

Lin Yu walked to Kong's side and patted Kong's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I should have been able to stop them."

"But... this is Liyue, I can feel that her power is very strong... If we clash, it will be no less than a war between demons and gods in Liyue, and Liyue will be devastated."

"As a god of Liyue, I naturally consider the perspective of the people of Liyue."

"I'm sorry, Kong."

Lin Yu's face was full of apology, he looked at Kong and said.

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