"Is it actually the war illusion between the former Swamp Demon God and the Emperor and the Feather God?"

"Hmm... The battle with the Whirlpool Demon God Osel at that time was terrifying. This Swamp Demon God actually needed the Rock God and the Feather God to attack together. His strength must be even stronger!"

"I hope he won't be scared to death directly."

Paimon exclaimed.

At the same time, she thought that the Whirlpool Demon God Osel was already so strong, so wouldn't the former Swamp Demon God be even more powerful.

Entering such a terrifying environment, he must be scared to death directly!

"I hope so..." Kong nodded.

At the same time, on the other side, after the thief was hit by Lin Yu's illusion, the whole person opened his eyes and came to the Demon War period in a blink of an eye.

Then the thief felt three very powerful demon pressures.

They came from the Swamp Demon God Hastus, the Rock Demon God Morax, and the Demon God Zennos of Manifestation.

"I was the one who offended you in the past."

"How about we all take a step back today? From now on, we will not interfere with each other and turn hostility into friendship."

The voice of the Swamp Demon God resounded.

"Today's events all started from yesterday's events."

"Today I come here, and peace is not what I want."

Morax said calmly beside Zennos in the sky.

"Morax! Don't think that you and him can defeat me! I, the Swamp Demon God Hastus, am not so easy to bully!"

"I'll ask you one last time, will you retreat or not?!"

Hastus's angry voice, wrapped in the powerful pressure of his status as a high-level demon god, resounded from all directions.

"What if you don't retreat?"

"Morax! Today this swamp will be your burial place!!"

Then the swamp covering this world exuded a brown swamp light, and the Swamp Demon God Hastus was mobilizing his authority and power.

As a thief who had only stolen an Eye of the Lordless God from the Southern Cross Fleet, how could he have seen such a grand scene before him?

He was pressed down tightly into the swamp by the pressure from the Swamp Demon.

A yellow-white substance flowed from his crotch.

His whole body gradually sank into the stinking swamp, and his mouth and nose began to be submerged in the swamp. For the first time, he felt the threat of death, and at the same time, a strong desire to survive broke out from his heart.

No, I, I can't die here yet.

I want to live, live!

A strong desire to survive was aroused from him, driving him to struggle out of the swamp, but in the face of the pressure from the Swamp Demon, he was a mortal, no matter how he struggled, he could not escape the fate of being submerged and swallowed by the swamp.

"Gurgle... Gurgle..."

The swamp submerged his mouth and nose. He was in urgent need of breathing, and couldn't help but open his mouth, but was filled with a large amount of stinking swamp.

Lack of oxygen, suffocation, coma.

Gradually, until his whole body was submerged in the swamp.

Finally, the small fireball released by the materialized demon god Zennos burned him into a dried corpse in the mud.

At this point, Lin Yu stopped the operation of the illusion world constructed by using the data in his memory.

The thief was lying peacefully on the grass in the last second, and the next second, his forehead veins suddenly bulged, and he stood up suddenly and sweated all over. It seemed that he had just experienced something terrible.

"I, I'm not dead yet?"

The thief stared at his hands with a dull look.

It was really too shocking to see the scenes in the illusion just now.

"Life and death are at stake. Even if one tries his best, he still cannot be favored by the gods."

"Leave the Eye of God and leave. The punishment just now can be regarded as a cleansing of your sins."

After sighing, Fengyuan Manye looked at the thief who was still in a trance.

After hearing Manye's words, the thief realized his situation just now, so he fled on the grass with his hands and feet.

He couldn't even stand steadily. It seemed that he would not be able to get over this experience for a month or two.

But this was a punishment, so it should be so.

After the thief stumbled away from here, Paimon looked at Manye with some curiosity and doubt.

From Manye's words, she knew that Manye seemed to be able to test whether people could activate this ownerless Eye of God when they were facing despair.

He and Beidou had said before that this Southern Cross Martial Arts Competition was held to find someone who could activate the Eye of the Lordless God.

Then a question arose in Paimon's mind.Why did Wan Ye do this? Was it just out of curiosity?

"Wan Ye seems to have been testing whether this person can activate the Eye of God from the beginning, but why did you do this, Wan Ye?" Paimon looked at Wan Ye and asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I just want to know if the extinguished Eye of God has the possibility of rekindling."

"Since I noticed that he was stealing the Eye of God, I decided to use him for this experiment."

"And in the past, I have tried many ways."

"Although I have only heard of a few legends that the ownerless Eye of God can shine again."

"But since I have seen Kong, he can master multiple elemental powers without the Eye of God, so what is impossible?"

"So, do you want to try it too? See if you can give me an ideal answer."

Maple Leaf first spread his hands to express his helplessness, then smiled slightly and looked at Kong with expectation on his face, and at the same time handed over the ownerless Eye of God in his hand.

Kong looked at Wan Ye like this, and it was really hard to refuse.

"Then I'll try it, but I don't know if it will work."

Kong said to Wan Ye.

At the same time, he took the Eye of God from Wan Ye's hand, held it in his own hand, and then Kong closed his eyes and felt the Eye of God in his hand.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

"It seems that there is no special reaction." Qingyu said.

He was focused on the game and swordsmanship. Qingyu himself didn't know much about the Eye of God that was born after the Demon God War, so he was still curious about it and looked at it carefully just now.

But the Eye of God without a Master was still dim in Kong's hand and didn't give any reaction, not even a ripple.

"So that's it, it seems that even you can't do it..." Wan Ye showed a hint of disappointment on his face, and his mood began to get a little depressed.

But he didn't want to be seen by others, so he forced himself to say it again.

"It doesn't matter, this is also expected. In this way, the Eye of God can continue to accompany me." Wan Ye showed a smile on his face.

"Do you have to light up this Eye of God? Can you tell me why?" Kong stretched out a hand and asked.

He could sense that this Eye of God seemed to have some very important meaning to Wan Ye, so Wan Ye was so persistent in lighting it up.

Maybe he could provide some help to Wan Ye in this matter?

At the very least, he could still ask Lin Yu for advice in the end...

"Then, I have to mention an old friend..."

Seeing Kong asking about this matter, Wan Ye's face also showed the color of memories. He didn't want to hide this matter... It's just that the old things mentioned again are still unforgettable for him.

An old friend? Wan Ye's old friend?

After hearing Wan Ye's words, everyone pricked up their ears beside Wan Ye, quietly listening to Wan Ye telling the story between him and his old friend.

"He was once my best friend. That day he asked me if I had ever heard of Wuxiang's sword. I said of course."

"That sword can only be seen when the divine punishment comes. That sword is the ultimate martial arts of General Lei Dian and the strongest symbol, but he said that the sword may not be unattainable."

"There will always be creatures on the earth who dare to face the power of thunder."

"Later, the Eye Hunting Order came unexpectedly, and the wishes of the people gradually became bricks and tiles for building eternity. When I was helpless and wandering around, I heard that he challenged the executor of the Eye Hunting Order to a duel in front of the emperor."

"The duel in front of the emperor is solemn and cruel. The loser will face divine punishment, and the winner can win a turnaround."

"Or Maybe he was thinking that he was the most suitable person to stand up. Facing Wuxiang's sword was his lifelong wish. But when I arrived at the castle tower, the duel was over, and I only heard the sound of his sword breaking and falling to the ground after the divine punishment. "

"That is the light he wanted to witness. What would his face look like at the last moment? There was no time to guess. I just stepped forward and took away the scattered God's Eye, and then fled. "

"I only know that I can't let his ardent wish be built into the cold statue of God."

After everyone listened to Wan Ye's story about him and his old friend, the scene fell into silence.

Except for Lin Yu, no one had ever thought that there was such a story behind Wan Ye.

It turns out that this ownerless God's Eye is so meaningful to Wan Ye.

"Wan Ye..."

"Hehe, don't worry about my feelings. "Wan Ye smiled softly, but there was no trace of happiness on his face. "It's getting late, we should go back to the martial arts competition, otherwise everyone in the Southern Cross Fleet will be worried if they wait too long."

Since that's the case, no one said anything more. After all, this matter is a scar for Wan Ye, and it's not good to repeatedly open other people's scars.

It's a pity that so much time has passed, and the soul of Wan Ye's friend is probably already integrated into the earth veins.

If the soul is still there... the great soul god doesn't mind giving him a new life.

No one said anything along the way, and everyone returned to the Southern Cross Martial Arts Competition by the original route.

At this time, most people at the Southern Cross Martial Arts Competition had chosen to leave, but there were still some people waiting for the last link of the Southern Cross Martial Arts Competition.

That was naturally the award ceremony.

It was just that Beidou, who was originally responsible for the award ceremony, had already been called away by Tianquan Xing Ningguang, but the award ceremony of the Southern Cross Martial Arts Competition could not be missed.

So Manye took over and put the customized Southern Cross Martial Arts Tournament gold medal on Kong.

Then there was a cheer from the audience, followed by the shutter sound of the Rune Camera. It is estimated that Kong's photos will be seen on the front page of Liyue tomorrow.

After the award ceremony, the Southern Cross Martial Arts Tournament came to an end. Then the remaining audience on the scene began to leave the venue in an orderly manner by boat under the arrangement of the Southern Cross Fleet.

"As a reward for your victory, the ticket to Inazuma. Don't worry, with the character of the big sister, she will definitely do what she says."

"But the sea route to Inazuma is not easy to travel, and the wind and rain are roaring all the time."

"The endless storm is actually a manifestation of General Raiden's will to lock the country. In short, if you want to go to Inazuma, the Death Star will take some time. When everything is ready, you will receive a notice. "

"During this time, I will also go around and see if there is an opportunity to awaken the Eye of God in the vast land of Liyue."

Wan Ye looked at Kong and said.

On the route to Inazuma, the ship will encounter endless storms, and terrifying thunder will flash in the sky from time to time, and the average rolling of the waves is five or six meters.

It can be said that the sailing environment is very bad due to the rough waves, and you will be struck by lightning if you are not careful.

Even if it is an ironclad ship made with Liyue's latest rune technology, it is still difficult to cross this layer of the blockade of the Thunder General without the experience and driving skills of the veteran.

After Kong and Paimon thanked Wan Ye and said goodbye, everyone took the original rune speedboat back to Liyue In the harbor.

It was getting dark when they returned to Liyue Harbor. After a tiring day, Lin Yu suggested that he treat everyone to a good meal at the world's number one restaurant opened by Marcosius and Ruotu.

After arriving at the restaurant, Lin Yu did not go to Ruotu and the others, but asked the waiter to open a private room, and then served a table of good wine and food.

After a while, when the food was served and people began to enjoy the food, Lin Yu knew that it was time to talk to Kong about some serious matters.

"Kong, you will go to Inazuma soon. It just so happens that I have encountered a problem about Inazuma recently." At the dinner table, Lin Yu said to Kong.

"Eh? Lin Yu, will you encounter problems again?" Paimeng was a little confused.

After all, in Paimeng's eyes, Lin Yu is so powerful, and can he still encounter problems that stump him?

"Of course, as the saying goes, no one is perfect. "Lin Yu said seriously.

What is the so-called no one is perfect? ​​In fact, it is just Lin Yu's excuse. He just thinks these things are troublesome and trivial. Instead of doing it himself, it is better to find a suitable person to let him do it.

"If I go to Inazuma, how can I help you?" Kong asked.

"Liyu Bank is undergoing reforms, but because of Inazuma's national isolation order, we can't contact Inazuma's Liyu Bank for the time being, so when you go to Inazuma, can you bring the reforms to Inazuma's Liyue Bank?"

"As for the content of the reforms that Liyu Bank needs to change, I believe you have already heard about it, that is, the mobile information payment system based on Liyu bank cards."

"The specific content will be explained and introduced to you in detail by the staff of Liyu Bank before you leave."

"How? Can you do me a favor?"

Lin Yu looked at Kong and said.

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