After Lin Yu said this, he immediately felt that there should be a golden square mark on his head.

After listening to what Lin Yu said, Kong thought about it carefully.

Analyzing from Lin Yu's words, this matter is like conveying a letter. Just take the instructions of the change to Inazuma's Liyu Bank as Lin Yu said.

So overall, this matter should not be very difficult, right?

And Lin Yu has helped him a lot from Mondstadt to Liyue, so now that Lin Yu has found him, he should help Lin Yu complete this matter.

Kong nodded.

"I understand, then leave this matter to me!" Kong said confidently.

"That's great." Lin Yu said with a faint smile.

This matter is indeed very simple to do, but now Inazuma is a country that pursues eternity, and change in the eternal country is obviously in conflict with the concept of eternity.

So Lin Yu had a hunch that after Kong went to Inazuma, he would inevitably be imprisoned for this matter.

But I think Kong should have been used to it.

After Kong took over this matter, Lin Yu did not say anything else. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal in the private room of the world's number one restaurant.

After tea and food, the four of them returned to Lin Yu's mansion.

After arriving at the mansion, Kong, who had been tired for a day, went back to his room in the mansion to rest, and Paimeng did the same.

After the two returned to the room, Lin Yu called Qingyu over again.

"Do you know what I called you to do?"

"Uh... I don't know."

In the face of Lin Yu's inquiry, Qingyu thought carefully, but in the end his brain still did not give him an answer, so he chose to give up thinking.

"Stupid! What is the ultimate goal of Oasis Games?"

"I know! It is to make Oasis Games go global."

"That's right, do you understand what to do now?"

Uh... Qingyu fell into deep thought again.

He analyzed the current situation and soon found the answer to the question.

"I understand, Lin Yu, you mean we can open a new Oasis Games store in other countries, right?"

"Yes, and the next country is Inazuma." Lin Yu nodded and said.

Inazuma? Are we going to open a new Oasis Games branch in Inazuma?

Although Qingyu did not deliberately understand some of the current situation of Inazuma, he knew a lot more or less.

Given the current situation of Inazuma, it should not be very suitable to open an Oasis Games branch, right? According to Qingyu's observation, Xumi and Fontaine next door are both good choices for branches.

Only the environment of Inazuma is too harsh.

"Ah, Inazuma? Isn't this a bit inappropriate?" Qingyu looked at Lin Yu and said.

Lin Yu tilted his head and looked at Qingyu and said, "Inappropriate? Is it? Why don't I think it's inappropriate? If it's inappropriate, then I think I should be able to make it appropriate."

Hmm? What does Lin Yu mean by this?

If it's inappropriate, then I think I should be able to make it appropriate?

After Qingyu heard Lin Yu's words, he repeatedly thought about the meaning of this sentence several times, and finally an amazing idea emerged in his mind.

He combined Lin Yu's past behavior and gave a convincing behavior.

"You mean, we have to go to Inazuma, and then use emotion and reason to make the God of Thunder change the eternal policy?" Qingyu asked.

But with Lin Yu's emotion and reason, I'm afraid he would directly hold the little black hole in his hand and talk to the God of Thunder with a kind smile.

As expected of his good buddy Qingyu, he understood his idea at once.

"Yes, that's right."

"I think the traveler's entry into Inazuma will be an opportunity for Inazuma to change, so we just need to add fuel to the flames and follow the trend." Lin Yu nodded and said.

"Ah? Add fuel to the flames and follow the trend? Aren't we going to attack the God of Thunder until she changes?" After discovering that what Lin Yu actually said was different from what he thought, Qingyu felt a little surprised.

After hearing what Qingyu said, Lin Yu couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

He really didn't know what kind of strange brain circuit Qingyu had. Has he always been such a violent image in Qingyu's eyes? It's really sad, he is such a kind and amiable boy.

"Of course not, what are you thinking about?"What, Qingyu?" Lin Yu looked in the direction of Qingyu and rolled his eyes at him.

Qingyu smiled awkwardly, but he didn't say anything because he was a little embarrassed now.

"I estimate that I should leave for Inazuma in about a week. So please prepare everything you need to open an Oasis game store in Inazuma within this week."

"I will get a boat by then, and we will take this boat to Inazuma together."

Lin Yu looked at Qingyu and instructed seriously.

He had to explain it clearly to Qingyu in advance, otherwise Qingyu would still be immersed in the game, and it would take a lot of time to sharpen the gun at the last minute.

"I understand, just leave it to me. "Qingyu patted his chest and promised.

Now that he has the experience of opening two Oasis game stores in Liyue and Mondstadt, Qingyu is now very proficient in the work of opening new stores, so he is naturally confident that there will be no problems.

Lin Yu nodded, and hoped that it would be so.

After explaining the matter of Inazuma Oasis Game Store to Qingyu, Lin Yu asked him to leave directly, otherwise Qingyu would always disturb his tranquility of reading light novels.

The next day, Lin Yu first took some time out of his busy schedule of reading light novels to go to Liyu Bank. After finding President Li Changqing, he explained in detail to him why Kong was asked to execute Inazuma's Liyu Bank Kapu. and plans.

He also instructed and arranged for President Li to guide Kong more and let him understand the process of popularizing the Riyu Bank card.

After explaining these things, Lin Yu left the Riyu Bank.

After Lin Yu left, President Li attached great importance to this matter. He immediately convened an internal meeting of the Riyu Bank, and then began to arrange the internal affairs of the Riyu Bank according to Lin Yu's instructions.

First of all, someone must be sent to notify Kong, and then tell Kong the specific popularization process and precautions. At the same time, the supporting equipment for the popularization of the Riyu Bank card must be given to Kong, so that Kong can take it to Inazuma.

However, the supporting equipment of the Riyu Bank card is very important and cannot be handed over so casually. Comprehensive After the discussion, people agreed that they needed to send personnel to assist Kong in completing the task and also to supervise the whereabouts of this batch of equipment.

At the internal meeting of Liyu Bank, after all these issues were dealt with one by one, Liyu Bank sent relevant personnel to find Kong and inform him of the details of the matter.

Kong was so overwhelmed by the many details and work that he now regretted agreeing to Lin Yu at the time.

But fortunately, Liyu Bank would send staff to assist him, otherwise it would be really a headache.

Three days later, Kong, who was temporarily staying in Lin Yu's mansion, received a notice from the Southern Cross Fleet. The Death Star of the Southern Cross Fleet It is scheduled to set sail for Inazuma, the kingdom of thunder, this afternoon.

So now that Kong has received the notice from the Southern Cross Fleet, he must rush to the sea area of ​​​​Guyun Pavilion before the Death Star sets sail.

After all, according to the management regulations of Liyue Port, all armed ships are prohibited from docking in Liyue Port without permission, otherwise it will be regarded as a provocation to Liyue Port at the least, and even as an act of war against Liyue at the worst.

Even Beidou, who has a close relationship with the current Tianquan Star Ningguang, still has to abide by it, because this is a matter of principle.

So Kong and Paimon, who were about to set off for Inazuma, came to Lin Yu to say goodbye to Lin Yu.

"···Anyway, this is the situation."

"Hehe! I have lived in Lin Yu for such a long time, and I am almost used to the environment here. Now I have to leave here and set off for Inazuma. I really feel reluctant to think about it. "Paimeng said.

But fortunately, Kong has already obtained a Chen Ge pot from Grandma Ping. After owning the Chen Ge pot, although the living environment in the Chen Ge pot is not as good as Lin Yu's mansion, at least the two of them don't have to live outside in the wind and rain.

Lin Yu smiled softly: "What's there to be reluctant about? Anyway, this mansion will not run away by itself. I welcome you to stay here next time at any time."

"Hehe, Lin Yu, you are so nice!"

"Well... can't continue to chat like this, we have to hurry up to go there, otherwise we will miss the time. "

"Then Lin Yu, Kong and I will go first!" Paimeng looked in the direction of Lin Yu and waved to Lin Yu to say goodbye.

"Goodbye, Lin Yu." Kong also waved and said.

Lin Yu looked in the direction of Kong and nodded slightly, then smiled and said: "Bon voyage! I wish you a happy journey to InazumaHurry up. "

As for whether Kong's Inazuma trip can be truly enjoyable, it is not within Lin Yu's consideration. Anyway, he has already sent his blessings.

After saying goodbye, Kong and Paimeng left Lin Yu's mansion.

Rush to the Liyue Port Pier, take the speedboat prepared by the Southern Cross Fleet at the pier, and take the speedboat to the Death Star parked near the sea area of ​​​​Guyun Pavilion.

After Kong and Paimeng left the mansion, Qingyu was not often in the mansion during the day. He was devoted to the Oasis game. Lin Yu's mansion returned to its original tranquility.

And Lin Yu took out a special guzheng, which was materialized by Lin Yu's materialization power. The special point is that it can automatically play the song Lin Yu wants.

As for why not just materialize a set of audiophile-level audio equipment?

Do you understand the mood? The sound played by the speakers and the guzheng, even if the sound The details of the sound are exactly the same, but the feeling it gives people is still different.

This is probably where the soul is.

While listening to the elegant guzheng music, Lin Yu held the latest light novel "Reincarnated as a God Statue, Become Stronger by Praying!" smuggled from Inazuma, and at the same time held a goblet in one hand, and the shaking goblet was filled with Lin Yu's favorite - Coca-Cola.

Without Kong and Paimon in the mansion, Lin Yu can enjoy the fun of life unscrupulously.

He, the God of Feathers, has worked hard for Liyue for thousands of years, so can't he enjoy it?


Until three days later, there was only one day left before Lin Yu said he would set sail for Inazuma.

Qingyu came to Lin Yu's side that night.

"Lin Yu Lin Yu, I have prepared the matter of opening a new Oasis game store in Inazuma, so when will we set off tomorrow? "

Qingyu had completed his task ahead of time. He remembered that Lin Yu didn't seem to say the specific departure time, so he came to ask specifically, so that he could convey the exact departure time to the Oasis Games employees who were going to Inazuma together.

After hearing Qingyu's question, Lin Yu was stunned.

Ah? Huh? Is there only one day left?

These days, he has been completely immersed in light novels and enjoyment, and has almost forgotten about this matter.

Now Qingyu's question really stumped Lin Yu.

When will we leave? Now Lin Yu hasn't even solved the problem of the boat for departure, let alone the departure time.

After all, there is no boat yet, so how can we talk about departure?

"Ahem, let's set off at 8 o'clock tomorrow night."

"People have to leave their homes and go to a strange country. It will take a long time for them to come back next time, so why not give people more time to say goodbye to the thousands of lights in Liyue Port. "

Lin Yu looked at Qing Yu and said.

What do you mean by asking them to say goodbye to the thousands of lights in Liyue? This is just Lin Yu's excuse.

He just wanted to give himself more time so that he could prepare the ship.

But Qing Yu didn't know.

As expected of the God of Feathers, his mind is so delicate and worth learning.

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Qing Yu was thoughtful.

"Well, I understand."

"I will convey this message to them later, and let them have fun in Liyue Harbor tomorrow and say goodbye to the thousands of lights in Liyue Harbor."

Qing Yu said sincerely.

"Well, go ahead."

"Remember to arrange personnel at 8 o'clock tomorrow night to go to Liyue Harbor to board the ship. "

Lin Yu nodded slightly.

Qing Yu then left Lin Yu's residence. He was going to convey the detailed departure time and Lin Yu's words to the Oasis Games employees who were about to go to Inazuma.

Lin Yu was slightly relieved after seeing Qing Yu leave...

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