Relieved, Lin Yu began to think about the problem of the ship.

Now there are two completely different choices in front of Lin Yu. The first is to use Mora to buy a suitable ship in Liyue Port, but not all ships have the ability to pass through thunderstorms, and it is not certain that you can meet a suitable ship.

Then it seems that there is only one other choice left.

This choice is that Lin Yu directly uses his own materialization power to materialize a ship on the sea, so the materialized ship is customized according to Lin Yu's requirements, so there is no such thing as whether it is suitable or not.

Using the materialization power to materialize a ship out of thin air is not a difficult thing for Lin Yu.

But the main problem now is that not all ships can dock in Liyue Port. The ships that can dock in Liyue Port are all registered in Liyue Port or registered in institutions recognized by Liyue Port in other countries. Only such ships can be approved to enter the port.

After all, there is never a lack of extremists in this world, so Liyue Port cannot allow an unknown ship to enter the port.

Now, as a human, Lin Yu should naturally abide by this rule.

Then Lin Yu needs to go to the official department of Liyue Port for approval and registration after registering the ship. Generally speaking, this process takes about one to two weeks.

Compared with the process of other countries, Liyue Port is relatively fast, but Lin Yu will set off at 8 o'clock tomorrow night.

This matter is a bit troublesome for Lin Yu, but it is not too troublesome.

He is the Lord of Feathers in Liyue. He only needs to use his personal connections slightly to easily solve this matter in Liyue Port.

As for why Lin Yu did not directly order as the God of Feathers, if he was the God of Feathers, wouldn't the various things involved in this matter become more troublesome?

After confirming the action process he needs to do next.

Lin Yu shook the goblet, sipping the Coke in the goblet, letting his brain empty. He now needs to design a ship for himself.

In the production of things, Lin Yu has always adhered to the craftsman spirit of striving for excellence.

So he now wants to design a very good ship. If the designed ship is not good enough, it is not worthy of the four characters of Yushen Product.

Lin Yu closed his eyes. He now felt that he was simply the god in charge of ship design in ancient Greece.

The purpose of this ship is only to go from Liyue to Inazuma this time, so Lin Yu was not very serious and the design was more casual.

But these casual designs in Lin Yu's mouth are excellent designs that Teyvat has never had.

Still the same sentence, as long as I make a little move, it is the limit of this world.

Soon after, a cruise ship appeared in Lin Yu's mind. In order to make the appearance of the cruise ship less abrupt, Lin Yu also made many Liyue localized style designs on the cruise ship.

Mainly based on the auspicious clouds and auspicious texts in Liyue culture and dragons as the element style design.

Excluding the deck, there are two layers on the deck. The main thing is the private living area for Lin Yu and Qing Yu, as well as the guest rooms for other people to live in.

In addition, there are also many supporting facilities, including restaurants and lounges.

On this ship, Lin Yu also designed a rune tablet e-sports room for Qing Yu, so that he can spend time here when he is free on the sea.

At the same time, Lin Yu also reserved an outdoor rest area and an outdoor barbecue area on the deck.

If that's all, then this is just an ordinary luxury cruise ship with excellent exterior design, which is not enough to support the complex weather conditions and cultural environment in the Inazuma Sea.

So two special systems are needed on this ship.

The first is the defense system, which is very easy for Lin Yu to do. He doesn't need to start with the materials, and can directly install a shield for the ship.

When in danger, the shield can be activated at any time to resist attacks from outside the ship.

After having a defense system, another system is the weapon system. Lin Yu directly embedded twelve plasma cannons on the hull. Because it is an embedded design, the existence of the weapon system is almost invisible when it is not activated.

On the surface, it is harmless to people and animals. When a bandit approaches, it will immediately show its edge and cover it with firepower.

At this point, the ship designed by Lin Yu is completed.

Now it is late, Lin Yu plans to have a good sleep first, and then go there early the next morning to find an unmanned place.The sea materialized the ship.

The next morning, after Qingyu set out for the Oasis Game Store and left the mansion.

Lin Yu began his own actions. He first mobilized his own spatial authority and found an uninhabited sea area in the Liyue Sea.

After confirming the location, he then waved to summon a space gate, and crossed the space gate to reach this sea area.

Above the sea, Lin Yu used his divine mind to confirm again that there was no one around.

He stretched out his right hand, and then a dazzling white light flashed on the palm of his right hand, and the materialized crystal in his body was playing its role.

Soon after, a white light flashed on the sea, and a ship appeared out of thin air on the sea, raising layers of surging waves.

After the sea was calm and the ship was not shaking so seriously, Lin Yu personally boarded the ship to appreciate his work. After everything was done and found that there was nothing unreasonable.

Lin Yu once again floated in the air of the sea, overlooking the ship.

He always felt that the ship seemed to be missing something.


Yes, that's right, a name.

This ship still doesn't have a name of its own, so what name should he give it now?

Thinking of this, Lin Yu fell into deep thought.

He has never been very good at naming.

So after thinking for a while, Lin Yu chose to give up thinking. Simply Lin Yu simply chose one from the well-known ship names on Blue Star, and naturally he had to choose the most well-known name.

So Lin Yu chose the Titanic, which is said to be unsinkable.

I hope this ship will not repeat the same mistakes as the Titanic!

After completing the naming, Lin Yu waved his hand, and the five big words Titanic written in the common language of Teyvat appeared at the front of the port side of the ship.

At this point, the problem about the ship has been solved.

Walking into the cabin of the Titanic, Lin Yu drove the ship and docked it a hundred meters away from a deserted seashore in Liyue.

Now he will use his personal connections to help him legalize this three-no cruise ship.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu simply went to Yuehai Pavilion. After arriving at Yuehai Pavilion, under the dual titles of Qingyu Sword Immortal Disciple and Liyu Bank Controller, Lin Yu easily entered the office of Ganyu, the general secretary of Yuehai Pavilion.

As expected by Lin Yu, Ganyu was in the office at this time. She was dozing off and writing documents with a pen.

She is worthy of being a model worker who has worked for Liyue for thousands of years.

Even though he entrusted Ganyu to take care of the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds, he still couldn't resist Ganyu's desire to be a model worker in Liyue.

Ganyu, who was completely immersed in work, did not notice Lin Yu entering her office at the first time, but raised her head a few seconds later and realized that there were other people in the room.

"Yu, Mr. Lin Yu, why are you here?"

"Excuse me, is there anything?"

After Gan Yu saw that the person in the room was Lin Yu, she suddenly became alert, as if you were dozing off while the head teacher was staring at you from the window.

"Indeed, there is something."

"What is it? I will definitely do my best!" Gan Yu looked at Lin Yu seriously.

Lin Yu said lightly: "The thing is, I built a ship to play with when I was free, but now in Liyue, ships seem to need some kind of permit documents to dock."

"So I want to ask Gan Yu to help me get some kind of permit document for this ship."

Ah? As the general secretary of Liyue, she is naturally very clear about the various procedures for the sailing of new ships, but the position of registering and managing ships is not in her hands as the general secretary of Liyue.

"Then, then, when will Mr. Lin Yu need it?" Gan Yu lowered her head and thought.

"The sooner the better. I need it before 7:30 p.m." Lin Yu said directly and decisively.

"Ah!" Gan Yu was shocked.

Gan Yu originally thought that she would help Lin Yu go through the registration procedures required, and the registration speed should be much faster under her urging, but it is obviously not within a few hours!

"Hmm? Is there any difficulty?" Lin Yu looked at Gan Yu and said.

If the normal process is followed, the fastest waiting time will be about three days. Now Lord Yu Shen requires it to be processed within a few hours.

This is another commission after Lord Yu Shen entrusted her to "take care of" the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds. How could she disappoint Lord Yu Shen because of this?

But it takes a few hoursIf you want to complete the registration in it, you need to violate the rules to do it.

Ganyu was caught in a dilemma for a while.

"Well... If you want to complete the registration within a few hours, you must violate the rules to accept it..." Ganyu said weakly.

Violate the rules? How did it violate the rules? In my opinion, the rules are meant to be broken!

Besides, I am the boss of the whole Liyue, and my words are the rules!

If anyone does not understand the ways of the world and dares to punish Ganyu for this matter, then Lin Yu, the ultimate judge, will be back in the arena, and the next day that person will be sentenced to death for stepping into the Moon Sea Pavilion with his left foot.

"Don't worry, just do it, and there are immortals standing behind you." Lin Yu reached out and touched Ganyu's head.

At the same time, Lin Yu gave Ganyu some information that might be used, such as Titanic parameters, photos, etc.

······Gan Yu fell into silence. It was not because she was afraid or did not dare to do so, but because she did not want to violate the principle in her heart.

But if she could get special approval from the Seven Stars of Liyue, it would not be considered a violation of the rules.

So Gan Yu planned to ask the Seven Stars to make a decision on this matter.

He said that the ship was just a mechanical creation of Qingyu Sword Immortal, and Qingyu Sword Immortal gave it to Lin Yu as a gift...

"I know, then Mr. Lin Yu, I will try it." Gan Yu nodded and said.

Lin Yu then nodded slightly.

After leaving Yuehai Pavilion, Lin Yu returned to his mansion and waited for Gan Yu's good news.

Because it was Lord Yu Shen's business, it had a particularly high priority for Gan Yu.

She immediately went to Ningguang's new office space, which was a mansion that Ningguang had purchased before. This mansion was called Piaomiao Fairy Palace and was one of the few best properties in Liyue.

After Ningguang of Tianquan heard about the matter of Qingyu Sword Immortal, she chose to approve the matter without hesitation.

As Ningguang of Tianquan Star, she was still happy to give the immortal a face.

After Ganyu finished this matter, she came to Lin Yu's mansion as soon as possible and brought all the documents required for the ship. In this way, the ship manifested by Lin Yu was registered.

Now there is only more than an hour left before the departure.

Since there is more than an hour left, Lin Yu plans to read a light novel for more than an hour.

An hour later...

Lin Yu suddenly woke up from the light novel. At this time, there were still more than ten minutes before the departure, but he had not driven the ship over.

Lin Yu, who woke up, immediately opened a space door.

Crossing the space door and standing in the cockpit of the Titanic, after Lin Yu's tinkering, the cruise ship successfully started to operate.

In order to arrive at Liyue Port within the agreed time.

While the Titanic's power system was pushing it by itself, Lin Yu summoned a wind element and a water element to push the ship on the water and underwater respectively, speeding up the Titanic's voyage!

So in the waters of Liyue, there appeared a strange sight of turning a cruise ship into a speedboat.

After seeing the huge size and amazing speed of the Titanic, the surrounding ships changed their sailing directions one after another to avoid the sailing routes that might overlap with the Titanic.

Liyue Port, at the port.

"The time has come, why haven't we seen any ships approaching to pick us up?"

"Yes, didn't Boss Qingyu say that the big boss would personally drive the boat and send them to Inazuma together?"

"I don't know, maybe something delayed the time, let's wait anyway, we are not in a hurry now."

"Huh? Look, what's wrong with that ship? It's so fast!"

The Oasis Games employees standing at the port waiting to board the ship also noticed the Titanic at a glance.

The Titanic looks good and sails at such an amazing speed, how could it not attract attention?

The port managers also noticed this ship.

They immediately started looking for files, wanting to see where this ship came from!

After searching for a while, they couldn't find it. Just when they were about to sound the warning of a strange ship, an intern found it in the files that had just been stored today.

The files also specially marked that this ship was the product of Qingyu Sword Immortal.

···Well, it's okay then.

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