This is a product of immortals, and it is the famous Qingyu Sword Immortal in Liyue.

So although the ship was speeding in the port area, since it was related to Qingyu Sword Immortal, they, as the managers of the port, chose to turn a blind eye with great human touch.

After officially entering the port, there were more ships around, and the Titanic was relatively large. In order to avoid colliding with other people's ships, Lin Yu could only choose to slow down.

That is, the acceleration of wind and water elements was cancelled.

Released the divine consciousness, locked the position of Qingyu and others in the port, and drove the Titanic towards this place.

Docked on the side of the port.

As soon as the Titanic appeared in the port, it had already attracted people's attention. People obviously had not seen this style of cruise ship.

After docking in front of Qingyu and others, Lin Yu only needed to press a button in the cab to realize the function of automatic opening of the hatch and automatic lowering of the gangway.

Qingyu stood at the edge of the port, looking at the tall Titanic, and saw the automatically opened hatch and automatically lowered gangway.

Whether it is from the exterior design or the internal details, it is full of high-end feeling.

Seeing this, Qingyu couldn't help but give Lin Yu a thumbs up in his heart, worthy of being Lord Yushen!

"This is the ship we are going to take to Inazuma."

"Let's go."

Qingyu looked at the Oasis Game Store employees beside him and said.

Before Qingyu spoke, the employees had actually vaguely guessed that they were likely to take this ship to Inazuma.

Now after getting a definite answer from Boss Qingyu, everyone's face showed an excited smile, because this novel and cool ship was also the first time they saw it.

It looks better than the Death Star of the Southern Cross Fleet seen at the port before!

This looks like just a passenger ship, and it doesn't seem to be equipped with any crossbows or cannons. The Inazuma Sea is so dangerous, so don't you worry about encountering pirates?

But it seems that there is really no need to worry.

As employees of Oasis Games, they naturally know who their boss is. The boss of their Oasis Games is Lin Yu.

The last disciple of the Qingyu Sword Immortal!

How could such a powerful boss be afraid of pirates?

After the hatch of the Titanic was opened, the employees of Oasis Games, led by Qingyu, stepped into the cabin of the Titanic.

This was also the first time Qingyu boarded the ship, so he was also looking at the interior environment of the cabin with curious eyes.

Relying on his ability to sense Lin Yu's location, Qingyu took the employees of Oasis Games and moved towards Lin Yu's location.

After Lin Yu noticed this, he went directly to the restaurant on the first deck to wait.

In the cabin under the deck of the Titanic, in addition to the power group and energy center, there is actually a lot of space.

According to the practice of Blue Star Cruises, these rooms will be divided into first, second, third and fourth level rooms according to the number of floors. But it is obviously unnecessary for Lin Yu here. There are only ten Oasis Game staff members brought to Inazuma, so it is completely enough for them to live on the first floor.

It can also better reflect the superior working environment of their Oasis Games.

After Qingyu brought people over, the employees of the Oasis Game Store looked at Lin Yu with curious eyes. They had only heard of him before but had never really seen him.

But this is also normal. After all, Lin Yu is not like Qingyu, who goes to the Oasis Game Store every day.

"All the rooms on this floor are available. You can move in to any room you like."

"This is the restaurant, which has a fully automatic food vending system, so if you are hungry, just come here."

"Because it is a fully automatic food vending system, there are not many types of food here, and I hope you don't mind it."

"The second floor is my and his private area, so if there is nothing urgent, please don't bother us."

"Now you can choose your own room. Our Titanic will officially set sail for Inazuma soon."

Lin Yu came to everyone and explained some relevant precautions to them.

After all, he didn't want to be disturbed by others when he was slacking off and reading light novels.

He also wanted to go to Yaedo in person after arriving at Inazuma, and then use his money offensive to let the author of the light novel write a light novel specifically for him, Master Yu Shen.

Lin Yu believed that this type of light novel must have a market in Liyue!

Employee of Oasis Game StoreAfter listening to Lin Yu's instructions, the workers immediately went together to choose their own rooms.

Lin Yu took Qing Yu to the second floor of the deck and came to the Titanic's cabin on the second floor.

"Watch and learn well, the voyage to Inazuma will be handed over to you." Lin Yu patted Qing Yu on the shoulder and said.

"Well, then you have to teach me seriously how to operate this ship." Qing Yu said.

He happened to be very interested in driving this ship, so Lin Yu's idea was just what he wanted.

Lin Yu nodded.

Then Lin Yu began to teach Qing Yu how to drive the Titanic seriously. The Titanic driving method designed by Lin Yu was relatively simple.

So under Lin Yu's demonstration, Qing Yu understood it all at once.

"Do you know it?"

"Yes, yes!"

Qing Yu nodded repeatedly.

"Pay attention to the turn, but don't hit other people's boats."

"I know, I know, don't worry."

Qingyu patted his chest and promised seriously.

Seeing this, Lin Yu also nodded.

Then Lin Yu turned around and left the cab, returned to his room on the second floor, sat on the rocking chair and continued to read the light novel.

Under Qingyu's driving, the Titanic cruise ship slowly drove out of Liyue Port, and according to the sailing direction indicated by Lin Yu, it sailed towards the Inazuma Sea on the endless sea.

Three days later, the Titanic was sailing on the sunny sea as usual, but suddenly there was a strong wind, dark clouds, and thunder.

Even the originally calm sea surface was surging one wave after another!

A cruise ship of the size of the Titanic also began to sway under this wave, but it was still within a safe range, so it could not threaten the normal navigation of the Titanic.

"Lin Yu! Lin Yu!"

"Come and help me, the boat is shaking so badly now, what should I do now?"

Qing Yu had never seen this situation before, so he ran over to ask Lin Yu for advice. Now the Titanic is shaking, which has affected the quality of Lin Yu's light novel reading.

"Don't panic, what kind of storms and waves have you and I not seen?"

"Just keep sailing at the fastest speed."

Lin Yu patted Qing Yu's shoulder and said lightly.

Sailing on such a turbulent wave, if the ship stops, it can only wait for death, so it is necessary to keep the ship sailing to prevent the ship from being overturned by the waves.

Even if it can't bear it and is about to capsize.

It doesn't matter at that time, because Lin Yu will take action!


A thunder rang in the sky, and suddenly a heavy rain fell from the sky. The sailing environment that the Titanic is facing now is very bad. If it were any other ship, it would have sunk in this sea long ago.

But fortunately, our ship is known as the Titanic that will never sink.

So we can sail with confidence.

Thunders blasted one after another, and the Oasis Games employees on the ship had never seen such a shocking scene.

They are now gathered in the restaurant as a group, which can also dilute some of the fear in their hearts.

After they made up their minds to go to Inazuma Country for this high-paying job, they had already made up their minds and made sufficient preparations, and learned a lot of information and content about Inazuma.

They must have known everything, but when they really faced this scene of divine power, they would still be afraid of it.

Lin Yu and Qing Yu came to the cab, and through the windows of the cab, they could see the thunder outside the window.

"Turn on the defense system."

"Ah? There is a defense system?" Qingyu was stunned after hearing Lin Yu's words. He didn't know that there was a defense system on the ship at all? Doesn't that mean there is also an attack system?

After all, Qingyu felt that with Lin Yu's personality, if he designed a defense system, there should be an attack system.

"To sail to the Inazuma Kingdom, you naturally have to pass through the thunderstorm set by the Thunder God, so you must set up a defense system."

"Press the button here to start the defense system."

Lin Yu looked at Qingyu and said lightly, pointing to the button to start the Titanic's defense system.

"Then I know, just press this button!" Qingyu then pressed the button, and then a layer of pale white film covered the entire Titanic.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Thunders bombarded the shield of the Titanic.

Then this thunderJust like opening a lock, it bombarded the Titanic one after another.

In this way, the Titanic rode the wind and waves against the thunderstorm and headed for the end of this voyage.

This process will take a few days. After a few days, it can leave the sea blocked by the thunderstorm and officially arrive at the Inazuma Sea.

The thunder in the sky continued to bombard for about a day, and it seemed that it knew it was not the opponent of the shield. It didn't strike much in the following days, but the violent storms and surging waves still existed.

Two days later.

Lin Yu was in his room at this time, drinking Coke and reading light novels leisurely, but Qingyu came over in a hurry, as if something had happened.

"What's wrong? What happened again?" Lin Yu asked puzzledly.

Because according to his feeling, everything on the Titanic was normal, and it seemed that there was nothing unexpected.

"I was in the cockpit just now and saw a ship a few thousand meters ahead. The outline of the ship looked like the Southern Cross's Death Star."

"I don't know what trouble they encountered. The Death Star seemed to have lost power and could only drift on the sea. This is very dangerous."

"Lin Yu, should we go over and take a look?"

Qing Yu asked Lin Yu's opinion.

In this endless thunderstorm sea, it is basically impossible to encounter other ships, so there is no need to worry about the collision of the two ships. So Qing Yu, who was bored, played the game tablet in the cockpit.

After winning a game, he raised his head and habitually glanced out the window, and then saw the existence of a suspected ship.

As the distance gradually shortened, Qing Yu realized that the outline looked like the Southern Cross's Death Star.

After listening to Qing Yu's words, Lin Yu was also deeply puzzled.

The Southern Cross's Death Star set off a full week earlier than the Titanic. Even though the Titanic was produced by Yu Shen and was much faster in terms of sailing speed, it should not catch up with the Death Star.

After all, Lin Yu did not use the wind element and water element to help accelerate.

"Then I think the Death Star must have encountered some trouble, so let's drive the Titanic over to have a look." Lin Yu said to Qing Yu.

Qing Yu nodded, and then entered the cabin of the Titanic with Lin Yu.

At the same time, on the other side, on the Death Star.

Originally, the Death Star, under the command of Beidou, easily avoided the thunder from the sky, but only two days ago.

The thunder in the sky seemed to have encountered some powerful enemy. It changed its previous offensive and began to bombard them madly.

Under such intensive thunder bombardment, even Beidou, who has superb navigation skills, can only be helpless.

This is not a way to avoid it with the maneuverability of the Death Star!

So Beidou immediately ordered all the crew members to enter the ship. They could only bear the thunder from the sky and rush out of the thunderstorm area at the fastest sailing speed.

But the good times did not last long. Although the Death Star was made of metal, it was an ironclad ship based on rune technology.

However, due to the large number of thunders, when thunder repeatedly bombarded a place, it would release a lot of high temperature, and when this high temperature reached a certain level, it could penetrate the deck of the Death Star!

It was precisely because of this that the deck of the Death Star was penetrated and hit the rune energy center on the Death Star impartially. The huge current directly stimulated the safety device of the rune energy center.

Fortunately, there was no explosion, but there was a problem with the energy center, which directly caused the entire Death Star to stop.

The Death Star, which was in a shutdown, swayed in the turbulent waves, and the situation was very dangerous.

If the waves were bigger, it would be able to directly overturn the Death Star without power.

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