Meanwhile, on the other side.

Kong and Paimeng already knew the true identity of the local boss Thomas, and received an invitation letter from Thomas. Thomas had gone back to ask Miss Kamisato for instructions, and was ready to invite Lin Yu and Qing Yu together, but he was a step too late. Lin Yu and Qing Yu had already left the island.

Since Lin Yu and Qing Yu had already left the island, there was nothing that could be done, so Thomas could only give up and wait to see if there would be a chance to contact them again.

After Kong and Thomas separated, Kong immediately decided to set off for Inazuma City.

It took more than a week on the road, and Kong and Paimeng successfully arrived at Inazuma City. After arriving at Inazuma City, Kong immediately completed the letter delivery mission of Chitose Hiiragi.

After completing Chitose Hiiragi's letter delivery mission, Kong and Paimeng took the invitation letter and went to the Mulou Tea House to meet Thomas.

Under Thomas's deliberate guidance, Sora was taken to the Thousand-armed Hundred-eyed Statue, and conveyed to Sora the idea of ​​ruthlessly depriving wishes.

Because of Sora's special physique, when he touched the Thousand-armed Hundred-eyed Statue, he directly felt the strong wishes of the owner of the Eye of God embedded in the statue.

It was also at this time that Sora began to sprout the buds of wanting to change the current situation of the Eye Hunting Order.

After Sora learned about the cruelty of the Eye Hunting Order, Thomas formally invited Sora to go to Kamisato House to meet with the lady of Kamisato's family who wanted to resist the Eye Hunting Order.

But before that, Sora still had an important thing to do.

That is, he needed to go to the Riyu Bank in Inazuma Castle.

"Okay, tourists from Narukami Island, it's time to follow me to the next stop, Kamisato House!" Thomas said seriously.

Kong said apologetically: "Sorry, Thomas, I can't go to Kamisato Prefecture with you now. I need to go to Liyu Bank."

"Oh, right!" Paimeng then remembered that Kong still had the Liyu Bank commission task given to him by Lin Yu.

Thomas smiled and said sympathetically: "It's okay, I know that when you go out, you will always need Mora. Then I will wait for you to get Mora and then go to Kamisato Prefecture together."

"Well, please wait for us for a while." Kong nodded and said.

Thomas: "Without further delay, I am familiar with the road here, let me take you to Liyu Bank."

Then Kong and Paimeng, led by Thomas, began to head towards Liyu Bank in Inazuma City.

Soon after, they arrived at the door of Liyu Bank.

Although the two words Liyu are very Liyue-colored, the Liyu Bank built in Inazuma City is in the architectural style of Inazuma, giving people a solemn feeling.

Because withdrawing money was Kong's business alone, Thomas did not go in with him. He stayed outside the door of Liyu Bank and waited.

After Kong entered Liyu Bank, he found the staff of Liyu Bank.

"Hello, what can I do for you? If you want to withdraw money or deposit money, it's at the window over there." The staff of Liyu Bank looked at Kong with a smile and said.

Paimon said: "No, no, we are not here to withdraw or deposit money."

After hearing Paimon's words, the staff immediately showed an expression on his face that you are not kidding me. If you don't come to withdraw or deposit money at Liyu Bank, what else can you do?

"Kong, take that thing out quickly." Seeing that the staff's expression was wrong, Paimon pushed Kong and said.

Then, under the slightly puzzled gaze of the staff, Kong took out the head office documents given by Li Changsheng, the general manager of Liyu Bank.

Kong, holding the document from the head office, said, "This is a document issued by the head office of Liyu Bank. The head office asked me to bring it here. Can you let your president come out for a moment?"

A document issued by the head office of Liyu Bank?

After hearing what Kong said, the staff of Inazuma Liyu Bank couldn't help but frown.

This is not only because their Inazuma Liyu Bank has been disconnected from the Liyue head office for many years, but also because the internal structure of Inazuma Liyu Bank has undergone tremendous changes.

The Thunder General created by Ying firmly implements the eternal concept.

After Liyu Bank was not under the control of Inazuma and was reported to the Thunder General by someone with ulterior motives, a decree was issued immediately under the advice of someone with ulterior motives.

The Inazuma people were forcibly appointed as the president of Liyu Bank.

At the same time, Liyu Bank continued to recruit Inazuma people, and constantly marginalized the original Liyue staff within Liyu Bank, letting them work in some insignificant positions, or simply paying them salaries.For the temporary post.

Because of the national isolation order and the blockade of the thunderstorm sea, if you want to leave Inazuma and return to Liyue, you are destined to take huge risks.

Now you can get a salary without working. Who would choose to take huge risks and go through the blockade of the Inazuma thunderstorm sea to return to Liyue to tell the story of Inazuma Riyu Bank?

Over time, it has created the current situation of Inazuma Riyu Bank.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I will inform the president." The staff said.

Then she went to the president's office of Inazuma Riyu Bank as soon as possible.

In the president's office, the current president of Inazuma Riyu Bank, Kiriyama Heiji, was leisurely tasting the high-quality tea smuggled from Liyue in the office.

He frowned when he saw someone coming in.

"What do you want? Don't you know that it's working time now and you can't walk around freely?" Kiriyama Heiji frowned, looking like he was about to scold.

The staff member immediately bowed 90 degrees to apologize.

"I'm sorry, President!"

Kiriyama Heiji raised his eyebrows, and then he felt better, and asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"President, this is what happened..." The staff member gave a detailed explanation of his encounter with Sora and the document from the head office in Sora's hand to the president.

After listening, the president pondered for a while.

Inazuma Riyu Bank has lost contact with the head office for such a long time. If they really want to restore contact, they probably would have sent someone before. Now it's been so long, what could it be?

Could it be that the current situation of Inazuma Riyu Bank was known by the head office, so they sent a document to hold it accountable?

If so, it doesn't matter.

After all, why should you care about my Inazuma's affairs with your Liyue documents? Right.

"Okay, I see. Then you go and give me the document. I'll give him a reply after I've read it." Kiriyama Heiji said calmly after taking a sip of tea.

The staff nodded and then returned to the bank lobby.

She came to Sora and repeated the president's words to Sora.

"What do you mean? He didn't even come out to greet us in person. This guy is so arrogant!" Paimeng stomped his feet in the air and said angrily.

They are here on behalf of the head office of Riyu Bank!

The president of the Inazuma Riyu Bank branch, after knowing that there was a document from the head office, did not come down to greet him in person. It was so arrogant that Paimeng was very angry.

Compared to Paimeng's anger, Sora was quite calm.

Because he had expected it long before, he would not be angry or surprised about his attitude towards Inazuma Riyu Bank now.

He handed out the head office document very calmly.

After all, he didn't expect this document to make Inazuma Riyu Bank turn back, so this document was just a notice to explain what he would do next.

Although he hasn't figured out how to do this in the next period of time.

By the way, try your luck, maybe Inazuma Riyu Bank will agree on a whim?

After taking the head office document, the staff member turned around and left in front of Kong, then took the head office document to the president's office and handed it to the president.

Kiriyama Heiji took the document and raised his eyebrows.

"Mobile payment? Don't use Mora, use Riyu bank card?"

"Heretics! It's simply a heresy outside of eternity!!"

"Hurry up and hand this document to Tianling Fengxing. This is their evidence of trying to subvert the general's eternity. In addition, I suspect that they are stowaways from Liyue."

When the president saw this document, he immediately thought of the content of this document, which violated the general's will and the general's eternity.

In addition, this person is always a trouble, and what he hates most is this kind of trouble.

So Kiriyama Heiji simply covered up the crime of destroying eternity.

And this head office document is their evidence of guilt, and they can take this opportunity to beat him to death with a stick, and then be arrested and locked up in the prison by the people of Tianling.

If you try to subvert the eternity of the general, once the crime is confirmed, you will probably spend your whole life in the cell.

Moreover, the boundary between subverting or destroying eternity is very vague, that is to say, as long as you have the intention, no matter what you do, as long as it is related, you can be charged with subverting or destroying eternity.

"I, I know."

The staff looked terrified,She didn't expect that the president would do this directly.

But for the sake of this job, and also to avoid offending the president and the forces behind him, this staff member could only do so.

She took the document and trotted out of the back door of the Riyu Bank, and ran directly and decisively in the direction of Tianling Fengxing.

At the same time, another staff member called Kong and Paimeng to the tea room to wait on the grounds that the president wanted to receive Kong and the others.

About ten minutes later, Kong felt that something was wrong.

The president of the Inazuma Riyu Bank was able to read the documents of the head office before, but why did he let him wait in the tea room when he came to see him? And now more than ten minutes have passed, and Kong still hasn't seen the president.

"It's really annoying. This president is so arrogant that he left us aside for so long."

"Well... No! The next time I see Lin Yu, I must complain to Lin Yu!"

Paimeng stomped his feet in the air angrily.

They have clearly revealed their identities, so how can the president of Inazuma Riyu Bank still be like this?

"Something is not right, Paimon, I think we have to leave." Kong stood up.

Paimon looked at Kong's solemn face and was immediately startled: "Ah, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Let's talk about it after we leave." Kong did not explain, but wanted to take Paimon away from here first.

Kong stood up and took Paimon with him. Just when he wanted to push open the door of the tea room, he found that the door of the tea room did not move at all. From this point, it directly confirmed what Kong had just thought.

"Why, what's going on! Why is the door locked?" Paimon panicked when he saw that Kong could not open the door.

After Kong confirmed that the door was locked from the outside, although he did not know what the people of Inazuma Riyu Bank wanted to do, Kong knew that he could not sit and wait for death.

"Wind Blade!"

The wind element power in his hand suddenly accumulated.

Kong used the power of wind element directly and decisively to destroy the door of the teahouse.

At the same time, on the other side.

Tianling Bugyo was on the street where Lin Yu bought the shop, and Qingyu accidentally looked out the window and saw a group of shogunate troops marching quickly on the street.

"Eh? What do these shogunate troops want to do by making such a big noise?" Qingyu felt a little strange and said.

After hearing Qingyu's words, Lin Yu was also a little curious. He directly released his divine thoughts, and the shogunate troops had not arrived at the destination at this time.

So Lin Yu didn't know what these shogunate troops wanted to do for a while.

But when he released his divine thoughts, he felt two familiar auras in Inazuma Castle, that is, the auras of Kong and Paimong.

After he felt the auras of these two people, Lin Yu thought he probably understood what happened.

If nothing unexpected happens, the target of this group of shogunate troops should be Kong and Paimong who are located in Inazuma Riyu Bank.

"You want to know? Then let's go and have a look together. Maybe we can see something fun and interesting." Lin Yu looked at Qing Yu and said.

At the same time, he stood up and was about to walk outside.

Ah? Qing Yu was stunned. He thought that he just felt strange and asked, and he really didn't feel strange or want to see it.

So... this is obviously what you want to go!

But no matter what, Lin Yu had already stepped out of the store at this time, and Qing Yu had no choice but to follow Lin Yu's footsteps and follow the direction of this team of shogunate troops.

At the door of Inazuma Liyu Bank, Thomas was bored and holding a dogtail grass.

Why did he take so long to withdraw money from the bank? Is it because the amount of money withdrawn by Kong is huge, so the bank needs time to compare it?

After all, Kong is a hero who saved Liyue, so it is normal to have a huge amount of Morana on him,

But... Thomas soon felt that it was abnormal.

Because he saw a group of shogunate troops rushing into the Riyu Bank aggressively.

Could it be... something happened?

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