If he was not mistaken, this group of shogunate troops should belong to the Tenryo Bugyo. So if something happened to Kong inside, he might not be able to help.

He could only take one step at a time.

Inside the Inazuma Riha Bank, Kong blasted open the locked tea room with a wind blade.

He was stunned by Kiriyama Heiji, because he did not find the existence of the Eye of God on Kong, so it was unexpected that he could use elemental power on Kong.

But soon Kiriyama Heiji calmed down, because the shogunate troops had arrived at this time.

It would have been better if he did not take action, but now this action directly confirmed the crime.

"Catch him! He tried to destroy the eternity of the general, and now he has used elemental power. He must have the Eye of God!"

Kiriyama Heiji shouted loudly, pointing in the direction of Kong.

Chidori Michiichi, the captain of the shogunate army who was in charge of the team, immediately gave orders to the shogunate army behind him after seeing that the wind elemental power on Kong's hand had not completely dissipated.

"You bold lunatic, why don't you surrender now?"

"Turn over the Eye of God hidden in your body now, and I can also seek leniency for the crime you found in the name of Tianling Fengxing!"

Dozens of shogunate soldiers surrounded Kong with spears.

Kong took out his sword, held it in his hand and looked at the shogunate soldiers surrounding him with a vigilant look.

"We are surrounded, what should we do, Kong!" Seeing this situation, Paimeng was directly in a panic, and he didn't know what to do at this time.

Surrender? Kong didn't want to fall into the hands of this group of people.

Although Lin Yu, who heard the news, might come to rescue him after he was caught, this is a prison disaster after all, and I don't think any normal person would like to do so.

So now, the only way is to resist!

"Wind Blade!"

Sora leaped forward and sprinted forward. The wind blade in his hand directly knocked away the four shogunate soldiers. He blocked the spears of the other two shogunate soldiers with a long sword.

He used force on the sword body to attach the wind elemental power, and pushed it outward violently and cut out a wind blade.

After knocking away the shogunate soldiers in front of him, this wind blade accidentally rushed towards Kiriyama Heiji, but the angle was slightly off, and it passed through his Mediterranean and cut a sword mark on the ceiling.

"Surround him, don't let him run! Support forces will be here soon!" Seeing that Sora was in a momentum to fight more than 50 people alone, Captain Chidori Doichi shouted hurriedly.

And ordered his shogunate soldiers to form a military formation to meet the enemy.

But with Sora's current strength, how could this group of shogunate soldiers stop Sora? Unless General Raiden could come here in person, this group of shogunate soldiers would not be Sora's opponent at all.

But Kong didn't want to hurt their lives, so he deliberately held back and didn't show his full fighting power.

Looking at the shogunate troops who surrounded him again, Kong knew that he couldn't drag on in the current situation, and he had to find a chance to quickly get out of it.

"Brothers, kill!"

The shogunate troops surrounded Kong with spears in hand, and it seemed that they wanted to use the spears in their hands to pierce Kong into a hedgehog.

Kong was particularly calm when he saw this situation.

A wind elemental force burst out from the bottom of his feet, and his whole body flew directly into the air, leaving the shogunate troops empty, and then another barren star smashed down, breaking all the spears in the hands of the shogunate troops.

Stepping on the power of the wind element, a wind blade blew through the wooden wall of Inazuma Riha Bank, and Kong escaped from it with the sawdust raised by the wind element.

Thomas, who happened to see this scene outside, opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a moment.

It's just withdrawing money, not robbing a bank, why did it make such a big noise?

But Thomas soon reacted and shouted in the direction of Kong's escape.

"Kong! Meet outside the city!"

After Thomas shouted this, he ran quickly towards the outside of Inazuma City through many quiet alleys in Inazuma City.

Soon, the shogunate army of the entire Inazuma City was alarmed and joined the search for Kong.

At the same time, inside Inazuma Riyu Bank, Lin Yu and Qing Yu were in stealth mode the whole time, and took in all the scenes of Kong's battle just now.

"I have to say that this foreign traveler has really done something big again without making a sound."

"Lin Yu, aren't we doing anything?"

Qing Yu looked at Lin Yu beside him and asked.

After all, the work of popularizing Riyu bank cards at Inazuma Riyu Bank was entrusted to Kong by Lin Yu. So what happened to Inazuma?'s face, isn't that a slap in Lin Yu's face?

With Lin Yu's character, wouldn't he overturn the entire Inazuma Riha Bank next?

Unexpectedly, Lin Yu shook his head and said, "Why do we have to do something? We should believe in Kong's personal ability. With Kong's ability, he is definitely competent for this job."

Kong got affirmation from Lin Yu.

···After hearing Lin Yu's answer, Qing Yu couldn't help but fall into silence. I hope you are not just because you want to fish.

At the same time, on the other side.

After receiving detailed information about Kong, Kujo Sara, a capable general of Tianling, came to the castle tower as soon as possible. She was going to report this special matter to the general.

"What's the matter?"

General Lei Dian opened his eyes and looked at Kujo Sara, his eyes were full of murderous aura, and people would tremble just by looking at him.

After the salute, Kujo Sara immediately reported the matter about Kong to the general.

After listening to it, the general remained calm.

"Can you use elemental power without wearing the Eye of God?"

"He is an exception, and exceptions are eternal enemies."

"Order him to be arrested as soon as possible."

"Yes, general!" Kujo Sara bowed and said, then respectfully withdrew from the castle tower.

Not long after, notices about Kong were posted all over the bulletin board of Inazuma Castle, and Kong was not surprisingly wanted again in Inazuma.

On the second day, almost all the people in Inazuma Castle heard that someone openly resisted the rule of General Raiden in Inazuma Riyu Bank yesterday and injured more than a dozen shogunate soldiers.

Those who can provide clues can get a reward of at least 100,000 Mora.

Different people have different opinions on this, but these have nothing to do with Lin Yu and Qing Yu.

Because Qingyu has begun to use money power, he began to promote the Oasis game in Inazuma Castle. For a while, various posters about the Oasis game were posted.

The popularity even overshadowed the trend of Kong being wanted.

And this soon caused a series of chain reactions. As for what chain reactions?

The posters were posted in the morning, and the store was surrounded by the shogunate army in the afternoon.

As for the reason, it is already obvious. Such an unheard-of new thing, does it conform to the eternity implemented by the general?

Because of Kong's previous experience, this time it was Kujo Sara who led the team personally.

But for Lin Yu, let alone Kujo Sara, even ten Saras would not be enough.

Now in front of the store, Qingyu has already held a long sword and confronted Kujo Sara. Although the Oasis game store has not been decorated at this time, this is the starting point of his Inazuma Oasis game store, so Qingyu will not allow others to touch it.

Jiujo Sara frowned.

This matter is very simple to deal with, that is, to order him to take back all the posters he had posted before, and to prohibit him from doing similar things again. It is not a serious matter to say that it is serious.

Why does this person not listen to anything, but makes the atmosphere between the two sides tense?

Seeing that the atmosphere outside the store was not right, Lin Yu closed the light novel in his hand, and then walked out of the store calmly.

"Do you recognize this thing?" He held the general order and stretched out his hand.

While feeling the power of the general order, Jiujo Sara was also greatly shocked! She is very confused now, because she has never seen or heard of such a person around the general.

But the general order in his hand, Jiujo Sara will definitely not make a mistake.

No wonder she always felt that something was missing from the general's desk when she saw the general during this period of time. It was not until now that she suddenly realized that it was this general order that was missing!

But why did the general give this general order to this person without saying anything?

What exactly is the general's intention?

Jiu Tiao Sala fell into deep contemplation. She really couldn't figure this out. Sure enough, the general's will was not something she could easily see through.

"Hello, general!"

After Lin Yu showed this genuine general order, everyone in front of Lin Yu, including Jiu Tian Sala, looked in Lin Yu's direction and saluted very respectfully, not daring to show any disrespect in their behavior.

You must know that the saying "seeing the general order is like seeing the general" is not just a saying.

Looking up again at Lin Yu, who was holding the general order and was heroic, Jiu Tiao Sala couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Being able to get the general order given by the general must mean that this person is very close to the general.The relationship is inseparable and like friends.

And this is what Kujo Sara has always been pursuing in her heart. She dare not think of such an inseparable relationship, but as long as she can always get the attention and reuse of the general, it is enough for her.

"This store is my property. Do you have any opinions on it?" Lin Yu looked at everyone and asked calmly.

Kujo Sara said: "We have no opinions."

"Since you have no opinions, then leave." Lin Yu said again.


Kujo Sara obeyed Lin Yu's order, and then took the shogunate army away from the store. She decided not to care about this matter anymore.

There are precedents before this. As long as the background is strong enough, it will not be affected.

For example, Yaedo next to this store.

Among the light novels on the shelves, there is even a play of reincarnation as General Raiden. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a great disrespect to General Raiden, but didn't it still enter the bestseller list of Yaedo?

How many people in Inazuma can truly understand eternity?

Most people are just doing some shameful things under the guise of eternity, to make money for themselves and exclude dissidents. Anyway, eternity is a mountain, and they can move wherever eternity is needed.

Under the effect of the general order, the shogunate army never interfered again. There were even many people who heard that Lin Yu held the general order and brought some local specialties from their hometown to make friends with Lin Yu.

But these people were all rejected by Lin Yu without exception.

Fifteen days later, tomorrow is the opening time of Inazuma Oasis Game. After these days of overwhelming publicity, it can be said that there are almost no people in Inazuma City who don’t know about Oasis Game.

In the dead of night, under the gaze of Qingyu, Lin Yu flashed a ray of materialization power on his hand, and a moment later, the whole store changed dramatically.

It has become a standard Oasis game decoration. At the same time, since the rune equipment needs electricity to operate, Lin Yu used a rune battery to power it, which is enough for this Oasis game store to use for a period of time.

After the national lockdown is resolved, the problem of rune equipment will naturally be solved.

At ten o'clock the next morning, the Inazuma Oasis Game Store ushered in its first business.

The Oasis Game staff who came from the green channel all the way from the island greeted the guests with enthusiasm and provided them with detailed game help and services.

Everything was as usual, until a pink-haired woman appeared.

She was dressed in gorgeous clothes, with a gorgeous appearance and a soft pink long hair tied at the end of her hair.

She wore earrings inlaid with purple gems on her fox ears, which was a symbol of her identity as a god.

Lin Yu recognized who she was at a glance. She was the current great priestess of Naruto Shrine-Yae Shenzi.

"Oasis game? It's such a fresh product. You are the boy who holds the general order in the rumors, right? Let me take a good look at him. He is such a handsome boy." Yae Shenzi walked in front of Lin Yu and said.

She said she was looking at him, but in fact she was sensing the breath on Lin Yu's body, and wanted to analyze Lin Yu's identity from the breath on Lin Yu's body.

Hmm? You like to look at him so much?

Originally, Yae Shenzi didn't find anything on Lin Yu, but when she didn't give up and came again, she suddenly caught a powerful breath that shook the soul.

And this breath was deliberately released to Yae Shenzi by Lin Yu.

After feeling this powerful breath, Yae Shenzi almost instinctively froze in place.

"Eh? Isn't this the chief priest of Narukami Taisha? I don't know that the chief priest of Narukami Taisha came to our store. I'm really sorry for not welcoming him." Lin Yu held back his laughter and looked at Yae Shenzi with a bad taste.

After hearing Lin Yu's voice, Yae Shinko came back to his senses.

Who is he?

Why is the breath he revealed just now more terrifying than Ying?

"Uh... I just came to see something new that I have never heard of." Yae Shinko said calmly.

Lin Yu nodded: "So that's the case. Since you are the chief priest of Mingshen Taisha, how about going to the private room on the second floor to experience it?"

Uh... Can I refuse? Yae Shinko thought in his heart.

However, since he can get the general's order and Ying has not made any response, there should be no need to worry about safety at least.

"Okay, please lead the way."

Yae Shinko was also serious after feeling that breath.

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