Lin Yu smiled faintly and said, "Please follow me."

Then Lin Yu took Yae Shenzi directly to the Tianzi No. 2 box on the second floor of the Oasis Game Store. This box is the best box in the entire Oasis Game Store, but it is also a box that is not open to the public.

If you want to put it in a simple way, it is actually Qingyu's personal e-sports room.

After bringing Yae Shenzi to Qingyu's e-sports room, during this short journey, Yae Shenzi thought about a lot of things in her mind, from the initial tension to the present.

Because she has basically decided that this person should have no ill will towards her.

Lin Yu sat casually on the sofa in the room, and Yae Shenzi saw this and sat down opposite Lin Yu.

"Now there are only two of us here, I think you should be able to tell me your true identity, right? Otherwise, my heart has been pounding, and I am almost trembling." Yae Shenzi showed a pitiful look to Lin Yu.

In response, Lin Yu said that he was indeed the son of the Eightfold God.

I see that you, the son of the Eightfold God, still have charm.

Lin Yu looked at the son of the Eightfold God and raised his eyebrows: "Hmm? I didn't expect that my unusual identity would be discovered by you so quickly? You are very discerning."

Uh... The son of the Eightfold God fell into deep thought.

She didn't believe that when she was sensing Lin Yu's breath just now, the powerful breath that suddenly appeared and only affected her was accidentally leaked by Lin Yu.

"Hehe... After all, I am a fox. If a fox has no discernment, how can it work?" The son of the Eightfold God smiled softly and took over the conversation. She continued to ask: "I wonder who is visiting Inazuma?"

During the journey of following Lin Yu into the box, she had recalled the characters that had appeared in Inazuma in her memory, and she really couldn't find a comparable existence.

But this is normal, after all, only Zhen and Ying came to each Seven Gods Conference.

I remember the only time Lin Yu visited Inazuma, it was when the Demon God War was declared over, and the Heavenly Justice Maintainer took him to take back the Thunder God, but the Heavenly Justice Maintainer was in the spotlight at the time.

Since Lin Yu had invited the Eightfold God Son to come alone, he naturally did not intend to hide his true identity from the Eightfold God Son.

"My name is Lin Yu, also known as Zennos, and now I should be the Ruler of Order, but I prefer others to call me the God of the Sun or the God of Light."

"Don't show a shocked expression, I'm not a big shot."

Lin Yu waved his hand calmly and said to the Eightfold God Son.

After hearing the answer, the Eightfold God Son was obviously stunned. As for Lin Yu's true identity, she had always relied on Ying's friends and social contacts, but she never thought that the visitor was actually the Ruler of Order who was above the seven rulers of the world.

For the name of the Ruler of Order, mortals in the world may have never heard of it.

But for those who have experienced the Demon God War, the name of the Ruler of Order is not loud.

She remembered the first time she heard about the Order Ruler, it was when Raiden Shin and Rai Yingying returned to Inazuma after establishing their godhood, and they talked to Kitsai Palace about their experiences on this journey, and she overheard it.

Some about the prosperity of Liyue, the construction of the city, and finally the legend of the Feather God.

···Hearing Lin Yu say that he was not a big shot, Yae Shenzi now wanted to complain to his face. If even you, the Order Ruler, were not a big shot, then what could be considered a big shot?

But due to unfamiliarity and fear of its powerful strength, Yae Shenzi finally couldn't say it.

"···Okay, I understand, then I think the Order Ruler must have seen my master Ying? I wonder what the Order Ruler thinks of Inazuma's current situation?"

Yae Shenzi thought that since Lin Yu had a general order in his hand, he must have seen Ying and greeted Ying.

By the way, she asked Lin Yu about his opinion on Inazuma. Yae Shenzi wanted to try to help Ying get out of the eternal dilemma by starting with Lin Yu and truly understand the current situation of Inazuma.

"Ying? I haven't met him yet."

"? Then, that general order..."

"Oh, you mean this. I borrowed it from the castle tower with one move of the Great Shift of the Universe."

One move of the Great Shift of the Universe? Uh... Yae Shenzi is the editor-in-chief of Yaetang after all. In recent years, Yaetang has also received Liyue-style articles, so she can roughly understand what the Great Shift of the Universe means.

But... isn't that robbing...?

Well, with Lin Yu's identity and strength,That is to say, he is indeed qualified to take things from Ying openly.

I think that the conservative General Lei Dian did not draw his sword stubbornly, he should have asked Ying himself, otherwise the stubborn General Lei Dian would have drawn his sword to Lin Yu...

Uh... This may also be a unique way to break eternity.

"What do you think of Inazuma?"

"Opinion? What do you want me to think?" Lin Yu looked at Yae Shen Zi and said.

Yae Shen Zi did not believe that Lin Yu did not understand what he said, so did he not want to answer or did he not want to get involved in this trouble?

Yae Shen Zi, who guessed this, did not give up.

She continued, "Then, Lord Ruler of Order, what do you think of eternity?"

"Eternity? I don't believe in eternity, because I think that everything in the world cannot remain unchanged forever, even the law of nature will eventually wither."

"Just like a light novel, no matter how colorful the story is, it will always come to an end."

Lin Yu said bluntly.

At least in his opinion, there is no real eternity on the continent of Teyvat, even the law of nature, who is now the lord of Teyvat, cannot achieve true eternity.

"Then as Lord Ruler of Order said, isn't the path that Inazuma is pursuing now a mistake?"

"And as the Ruler of Order who governs the world's order, will you intervene in Inazuma?"

Yae Godson asked.

If the Ruler of Order takes action, then it should be much easier to change Inazuma's state, let Ying come out of his own consciousness space, recognize the real Inazuma, and hear the burning wishes in people's hearts.

She knew that Ying had actually been running away all along. She was afraid of continuing to lose, so she chose to stop moving forward and pursue eternity.

So now she needed a force to stop Ying from running away and allow her to truly face the pain of loss.

Only by moving forward can she get new things, and stopping moving forward will only make her regress.

Before she met Lin Yu, her chosen goal was Kong. But now that she has met Lin Yu, she only needs Lin Yu to move his fingers and say a few words to solve it, so why should she do those roundabout things?

"Intervene? Looking at your expression, you seem to particularly hope that I will intervene?" Lin Yu asked when he saw a hint of expectation on Yae Shenzi's face.

And Yae Shenzi, who was asked, could only tell the truth.

She first told about the various current situations of Inazuma after Ying issued the Eye Hunting Order and the Closing Order, and then proposed her idea of ​​letting Ying truly understand Inazuma's current situation.

She couldn't let Ying close herself off like this any longer. She needed Ying to hear what the Inazuma people really thought and wanted.

"What you said makes sense, but for the God of Thunder, this is a mental illness. If you force it blindly in the face of mental illness, it will backfire."

"So it's better to let the God of Thunder walk out of his own space at the right time."

Lin Yu looked at the Eightfold God Son and said.

And the Eightfold God Son also understood that the meaning of Lin Yu's words was that he didn't want to interfere in this matter.

Although a little disappointed, it was not very surprising.

Before this, the Eightfold God Son had already estimated that after all, there was not much relationship between Ying and the Rule of Order, so it was reasonable that the Rule of Order was unwilling to intervene.

There is no point in saying more, and continuing will be counterproductive.

After thinking about it, the Eightfold God Son decided to temporarily give up Lin Yu's path and continue on the original path. And she was also confident that she could make Ying walk out of her inner world and realize the real Inazuma now through some of her own plans.

It's just that compared to letting Lin Yu do it, it will be much slower in terms of efficiency.

"I heard that the Lord of Order seems to like reading the light novels of Yaedo?" Yaedo said, changing the subject.

Lin Yu nodded: "Yes, light novels are a good way for me to pass the time."

"It's just that the light novels in Yaedo are mostly based on the local theme of Inazuma. If one day I can see the story of Rock God or Feather God in a light novel, I think I will be the first to pay for it."

"Hehe..." Yaedo smiled and said, "Then maybe we have to wait until the Inazuma isolation order is over, and the people of Inazuma can get in touch with and understand more of Liyue culture, so that they can suddenly come up with some new light novels."

Although Yaedo said so, she really thought this suggestion was very good in her heart.

"Oh? Is that so? Then I'll be goodI'm really looking forward to it." Lin Yu said with a smile.

Yae Shenzi: "Speaking of light novels, in fact, I founded Yae Hall to publish light novels, which is also a way for me to silently oppose eternity."

"Add some fresh things to the unchanging eternity."

"Speaking of fresh things, I was attracted by the Oasis game today. The posters promoted by the Oasis game have been passed to Narukami Taisha these days."

"In the unchanging eternity, this is a surprise. I never thought that I would encounter a bigger surprise when I came here today. "

She had investigated Lin Yu's identity information before coming here, but she really didn't expect that Lin Yu's real identity would be the ruler of order.

This was a huge shock for a helpless little fox like her.

Lin Yu saw that Yae Shenzi seemed to be interested in the rune game, so he picked up a rune tablet and handed it to Yae Shenzi.

"Meeting is fate, do you want to try the charm of the Oasis game? "Lin Yu said with a smile.

Yaezha took the game tablet without any hesitation. Her original purpose was to come to the Oasis Game Store to experience the new thing called Oasis Game.

If she left without even experiencing the Oasis Game, wouldn't her trip be in vain?

After taking the game tablet, under Lin Yu's guidance, Yaezha quickly learned the basic operation of the game tablet. Then Lin Yu opened a game of "Original God Glory" for her, and specially recommended her to go mid-lane, and then chose the hero Nine-tailed Fox Demon for her.

The first skill has three displacements. The displacement can mark the characters on the path and come with a certain degree of 's spell damage.

The second skill is a damage skill that needs to be used in conjunction with the first skill. Use the second skill to trigger a lightning on the first skill mark to cause damage. The more marks, the higher the damage.

The third skill directly locks a character and releases the Nine Heavens Thunder to cause a lot of damage to the enemy. If the target is marked with the first skill, it can trigger an absolute killing effect with a health of less than 15%!

After getting started with the Nine-tailed Fox Demon, Yae Shenzi always felt that these skills had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but it seemed that he had never seen them before.

After quickly getting started with the Nine-tailed Fox Demon, Yae Shenzi, under Lin Yu's deception, had a hearty fight with Lin Yu. In the 5V5 match, in order to make himself not bored, Lin Yu specially arranged some AIs for Yae Shenzi.

However, under Lin Yu's unique national server Xiao (Xiao), Yae Shenzi was still defeated by Lin Yu in fifteen minutes.

It would not matter if he didn't fight, but he also aroused Yae Shenzi's desire to win, and he and Lin Yu quickly entered the next game. Yae Shenzi's game skills grew very fast.

This time, Lin Yu's blood volume after catching the development road was not healthy. Considering that there might be danger in the river, he moved towards his blue zone and prepared to return to the city in the blue grass.

Just when he was about to enter the bush, a pink figure rushed out.

Shockingly It was the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon controlled by the Eight-Eight Gods. The first skill marked the target, followed by the second skill to deal damage, and then the first skill marked the target again, followed by the ultimate skill to kill the target.

The operation was smooth and smooth, and it took less than a second to complete this set.

Lin Yu used the first skill to pull away, but was stuck again and marked. When the lightning of the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon's ultimate skill flashed above his head, Lin Yu knew that he was going to be killed.

It was not a big problem. Although Lin Yu was killed by the Eight-Eight Gods once, Lin Yu quickly regained his invincible jungle rhythm.

At sixteen minutes, the game ended.

Then there was another game...

It was played until five o'clock in the afternoon, when the Eight-Eight Gods remembered that she had things to do, so she could only put the game aside and continue the game the next day.

After losing so many games to Lin Yu, if the Eight-Eight Gods did not win a game back, she would be very unwilling.

At the same time, on the other side.

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