Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the past fifteen days, Kong, who was wanted by the shogunate army in Inazuma Castle, successfully escaped the pursuit of the shogunate army with his own agility and came to the outside of Inazuma Castle to meet with Thomas.

After the meeting, the two knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so they went to the Kamisato family with Kong.

Anyway, what the Kamisato family is planning now is to resist General Raiden and let General Raiden take back the Eye Hunting Order. It is disrespectful to go against the will of General Raiden, so it seems nothing to shelter another wanted criminal.

Under Thomas's guidance, due to the blockage of Inazuma's message transmission, the shogunate army outside Inazuma Castle did not know that Kong was a wanted criminal, so Kong passed through the checkpoint openly and successfully arrived at the Kamisato family.

And this time Kong also met Kamisato Ayaka herself.

As the Kamisato family, they had not seen General Raiden many times in Inazuma, let alone advise General Raiden to withdraw the Eye Hunting Order.

So they could only start from some minor details.

For example, helping the owner of the Eye of God to successfully escape the surrender of the Eye of God under the Eye Hunting Order.

And the method they used was to make a fake Eye of God, that is, a glass bead that looks like the Eye of God. Anyway, except for the owner of the Eye of God, no one else could sense the power inside.

It was not General Raiden who personally took over the Eye Hunting Order, so there was naturally a lot of room for maneuver.

But the problem now is that Master Masakatsu, who had been helping them make fake Eye of God, was exposed. The shogunate army discovered that he made fake Eye of God, and arrested him on the spot and imprisoned him.

The department that manages the Inazuma Prison Organization is Tenryo Bugyo, which has nothing to do with their Kamisato family's Sha Bugyo.

So the Kamisato family has no say in this.

Once Master Masakatsu is captured, there will be no one else in Inazuma who can copy the Eye of God, so the remaining owners of the Eye of God will have no way to escape the fate of the Eye Hunting Order.

At the same time, Master Masakatsu, who is imprisoned in Inazuma Prison, may be tortured by lynching to make him reveal those who have used the copied Eye of God.

As the shrine magistrate, the Kamisato family knows too well the current situation of Inazuma, and they will definitely do so.

It doesn't matter whether the Eye of God can be copied in the future.

What's important is that those who carry firewood for the public should not be frozen to death in the wind and snow, and those who open the way for freedom should not be trapped in thorns!

So Kamisato Ayaka planned to rob the prison and rescue Master Masakatsu from Inazuma Prison!

It's just that the shrine magistrate and the Tenryo magistrate are originally one family. If it is found out that they are related to their shrine magistrate in the future, it will be a major blow to the entire Kamisato family.

And Kong is now wanted by Inazuma, so... Kong took over this task very naturally.

He had walked all the way from Mond to Inazuma, and had seen all kinds of storms. Isn't it just a jailbreak? Among all the things he had done in the past, this could only be regarded as a trivial matter.

The most important reason was that during his journey to Inazuma, Kong had seen too many cases of people who had lost the Eye of God and were deprived of their wishes.

Kong was moved, and he decided to change everything.

As Manye said before, no one can deprive others of their wishes, not even gods.

So the next day, it was a dark and windy night, and it was appropriate to jailbreak.

Kong took Paimon and sneaked into Inazuma's prison alone. He found Master Masakatsu who was imprisoned in Inazuma's prison, and witnessed the process of the shogunate army using lynching to force a confession on Master Masakatsu.

"Well... It's so abominable! How can they treat an old man like this?" Seeing this scene, Paimon was so angry that he stomped his feet in the air.

Then he looked at Kong and said, "Kong, let's hurry up and rescue Master Masakatsu!"

Kong nodded.

A section of wind element exploded under his feet, and the whole person flew out quickly, throwing out a wind blade to knock down two shogunate soldiers, and then helped Master Masakatsu up.

Then he used the power of wind element to accelerate, and rushed out of Inazuma Prison along the way he sneaked in.

The shogunate soldiers along the way were no match for Kong at all. The shogunate soldiers who tried to stop Kong were all knocked to the ground by Kong's wind blade without exception.

And Kujo Sara, who happened to be in Inazuma Prison, witnessed the whole process of Kong's prison robbery.

But she did not stand up to stop it. She herself had strictly prohibited the occurrence of lynching, but there were still people who used lynching for utilitarian purposes. The main reason was that the current environment in Inazuma was like this.

This is one of the reasons. At the same time, Kujo Sara did not want Master Masakatsu to be killed.Give out those who handed in the fake God's Eye.

But the Eye Hunting Order was ordered by the Shogun, and she, Kujo Sara, was a firm follower of the Shogun.

So after this jailbreak, she would personally catch him back the next time they met.

After rescuing Master Masakatsu from Inazuma Prison and settling him down, she returned to Kamisato Mansion and brought such good news to Kamisato Ayaka and Thomas.

In order to celebrate a small victory on the road to resisting the Eye Hunting Order, everyone tasted a Thomas specialty hot pot dish under the arrangement of Thomas in Kamisato Mansion.

Well, the specialty is indeed the specialty, but whether it tastes good or not is another matter.

I miss living in Lin Yu's mansion again.

Starting from the details, that is, rescuing Master Masakatsu, Kamisato Ayaka saw Kong's determination and ability, so this was a test of Kong by Kamisato Ayaka.

After gaining Kamisato Ayaka's trust, Kong will cooperate with Kamisato Ayaka to give Inazuma a big wave.

As for how to deal a big blow to Inazuma, Kamisato Ayaka only had a vague idea and had not yet fully sorted out the plan, so they agreed to meet at the Mulou Tea House in five days.

Discuss how to deal a big blow to Inazuma.

But things never go as planned. Five days later, Kong sneaked into Inazuma Castle and entered the Mulou Tea House, but he did not see Thomas in the Mulou Tea House.

"I understand, Thomas wants to play the same trick as last time!"

"Hehe, the trick that has been used once will not work now!"

Paimon said with his hands on his hips.

But when they went to the same place as last time, they did not find Thomas's location. This time it seemed that Thomas was really not in the Mulou Tea House.

In so many days of getting along, Kong knew that Thomas was a very punctual and well-planned person.

So on such an important day today, Thomas should not make such a low-level mistake. Could it be that something happened to Thomas during these days?

Kong suddenly felt something was wrong.

A hurried sound of footsteps came from the corridor of the Mulou Tea House, and Kamisato Ayaka entered the Mulou Tea House with an anxious look on her face.

She came to Kong.

"You two, have you seen Thomas?" Kamisato Ayaka asked.

Paimon said with a puzzled look on his face: "Eh? Could it be that Thomas is not with you? We didn't find Thomas in the store, and we thought he was with you."

"Oh no... Is what they said true?"

"What happened?" Kong asked.

Kamisato Ayaka: "On my way here, I heard that Thomas was captured by the Tenryo Bugyo."

"I couldn't tell whether the news was true or not, so I ran over to confirm it immediately. If Thomas didn't show up here as agreed, it means that the rumor is most likely true."

"General Raiden will hold a hunting ceremony for the 100th God's Eye in front of the Thousand-armed Hundred-eyed Statue."

"And the holder of the 100th God's Eye, who is about to be publicly hunted...I'm afraid it's Thomas."

It turned out that Thomas had heard that the Tenryo Bugyo seemed to be preparing some ceremony recently, and it seemed that it was the hunting ceremony prepared for Thomas this time.

The hunting ceremony also means that Thomas will be deprived of the God's Eye.

And the consequences of losing the God's Eye, Kong had witnessed many, many things before. Generally speaking, those who lost the God's Eye were like being forced to undergo a frontal lobe resection.

Thomas was the first friend he met when he came to Inazuma, and they were eating hot pot with laughter for five days.

He didn't dare to think about what kind of person Thomas would become after losing the Eye of God.

Numbness? Lost memory? Cognitive error?

"Well... How could this happen? We can't let Thomas be deprived of the Eye of God. How about we go to Lin Yu for help now? Lin Yu must have a way to help us."

"But speaking of it... We haven't seen Lin Yu in Inazuma for a long time, and we don't even know where Lin Yu is now... If we can't find Lin Yu, what should we do now?"

Paimon thought of it at the first time. He could go to Lin Yu for this matter, but they didn't even know where Lin Yu was now. The time they took to find Lin Yu would be enough for Thomas's hunting eye ceremony to be repeated hundreds of times.

Lin Yu? Kamisato Ayaka knew him. He was the holder of the general order mentioned by Thomas before.

But since leaving the island, Thomas wanted to contact Lin Yu again, but he couldn't find Lin Yu's location at all, so the subsequent invitation to Lin Yu could only be shelved.The holder of the General Order, he might really have a way.

But it's too late now.

"No, we can't wait any longer. The hunting eye ceremony doesn't give us enough time. I must go and save Thomas immediately!"

Kamisato Ayaka's eyes were full of determination. She never regarded Thomas as a servant, but as one of her few very good friends.

She couldn't watch Thomas lose the Eye of God, otherwise she would feel extremely guilty for the rest of her life.

"Don't be impulsive! Linghua!"

"Your identity represents the Society Commissioner. If you go there in person, doesn't it mean that the Society Commissioner will be the enemy of General Raiden?"

"If you openly resist General Raiden, the ordinary people in the Society Commissioner will also be involved..."

After listening to Paimon's words, Kamisato Ayaka fell into a deep silence.

On one side is his friend, on the other side is the magistrate of the community...

"Let me go, Thomas is also my friend, I will not give up Thomas just like that." At this time, Kong showed a firm look on his face and said to Kamisato Ayaka.

Kamisato Ayaka looked at Kong's firm eyes, and she did not expect Kong to do this for Thomas...

A ray of tears flashed in the corner of her eyes.

"... Then... You must come back safely."

"I will definitely bring Thomas back safely!" Kong nodded and said.

Time was running out, Kong immediately left the Mulou Teahouse, and after a simple disguise, Kong ran on Inazuma Street, mixed in with the crowd watching the ceremony and came to the Thousand-Eyed Hundred-Handed Statue Square.

Kong hid in the crowd, and he saw Thomas with his hands tied behind his back, kneeling in the Thousand-Eyed Hundred-Handed Statue Square.

A circle of shogunate troops around separated the crowd of onlookers from the square.

And how could there be less of such a place to watch dramas? What about Lin Yu and the other two who were eating melons in the crowd with a low-impact attitude?

Soon after, General Lei Dian walked onto the high platform.

She faced the Thousand Eyes and Hundred Hands Statue, first admired the ninety-nine God's Eyes embedded in the statue, then turned around and faced Thomas, stretching out a hand.

Her eyes were sharp, and lightning flashed in her hands.

The God's Eye tied around Thomas's waist trembled slightly, and then flew directly to General Lei Dian.

But at this moment! A wind element flashed by.

Before Thomas's God's Eye could fly into General Lei Dian's hands, it was intercepted by Kong halfway, landed on the square, stood up and faced General Lei Dian.

Then Kong slashed out two wind blades, knocking down the shogunate army beside Thomas.

After a shift, Thomas came to Thomas' body and wanted to cut the rope with his sword, but was blocked by a lightning. He saw General Lei Dian on the high platform walking in the air, step by step towards Kong below.

"You don't need the Eye of God to drive the elemental power. You are an exception."

"Exceptions are eternal enemies!"

After saying that, a large amount of lightning elemental light burst out from General Lei Dian's body, and a lightning from his chest shot straight into the sky, and Dream One Heart appeared in the lightning.

General Lei Dian pulled out Dream One Heart from his body.

"I will build you into the statue!"

General Lei Dian waved Dream One Heart, but she did not attack Kong directly, but cut off the space to wrap Kong and sent him into Ying's self-space.

This is also what Ying asked, to face him directly.

But what General Lei Dian and Ying didn't know was that in the process of Kong being forcibly pulled into the self-space, two other people came uninvited and entered Ying's self-space.

Ying's self-space reflects her own state of mind.

Now in this space, red and black tones dominate, and a blood moon hangs in the sky. The atmosphere is dim and depressing.

Ying, who was suspended in the air, slowly opened his eyes.

"If it's you, I have to confirm it myself to be safe."

Then the battle between Kong and Lei Yingying was about to break out! Lin Yu could feel that Ying was obviously letting Kong go in the battle, and she seemed to be testing something.

But this has little to do with Lin Yu.

"Qingyu, do you want some?"

Lin Yu was holding a bucket of popcorn in his hand, eating while watching the battle between Ying and Kong.

"Naturally, naturally."

Seeing Lin Yu handing it over, Qingyu also reached out without hesitation and grabbed a handful of popcorn.

The two of them were in Ying's pure land, eating popcorn and watching the exciting fighting scenes.

The battle lasted for about ten minutes. Kong was obviously no match for Lei Ying, and Ying also confirmed Kong's true identity through the test. Since the goal was achieved, there was no need to continue the battle.

Then Ying delivered the final blow, and Kong rolled several times in the air after being hit, and finally fell onOn the ground,

Ying was sent out of the Pure Land.

"It seems that the battle is over, so it's my turn next."

Lin Yu handed the popcorn bucket in his hand to Qing Yu, and then lifted his invisible position.

Lin Yu's figure suddenly appeared in the Pure Land, and Lin Yu's existence was immediately sensed by Ying.

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