The Inazu people who watched the public trial at the scene of the public trial, after seeing the rule of order coming here with their own eyes, just took a look, and felt that they were full of a heart longing for justice.

To rebuke all the past misconducts, as the saying goes, no one is perfect, who can guarantee that they have never made any mistakes in their life?

After Lin Yu sat down in the presiding judge's seat, he looked at Kujo Sara standing under the stage.

"Let's start." Lin Yu said lightly in a voice full of divine power.

Obviously, it was a young man's voice without any majesty, but under the influence of Lin Yu's divine power, it could deter countless villains.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Kujo Sara nodded, and then took out a very thick booklet.

She read: "Send the criminal, Kujo Takayuki."

As soon as Kujo Sara finished speaking, two shogunate soldiers detained Kujo Takayuki, who was tied up tightly, and walked onto the stage of the public trial.

"Kneel down!" The shogunate army that detained Kujo Takayuki hit him hard, causing him to kneel down in pain at the public trial.

He raised his head in embarrassment and saw Lin Yu sitting in the presiding judge's seat.

"Sir, this is the crime book of the criminal Kujo Takayuki." A shogunate soldier held a book in both hands, walked to Lin Yu's side with his head down, and said respectfully.

The chief judge Lin Yu nodded slightly, and he took the crime book from the shogunate army.

After opening the crime book, Lin Yu used the quantum reading method to read all the contents on the crime book, and then handed the book back.

Ahem... Although he did not read the contents carefully, it did not affect the iron-faced and impartial Lin Yu's next most fair trial.

Lin Yu first pondered for a few seconds, pretending to be thinking.

"The criminal, Takayuki Kujo, committed treason and endangering national security. At the same time, he used his power during his tenure to do things that benefited the country and the people, but destroyed the unity of the people of Inazuma for his own selfish interests and embezzled up to 17.5 billion Mora."

"In summary, this court will now make the final judgment."

Takayuki Kujo, who was blocked in the mouth, became nervous after hearing Lin Yu's words, because this was the moment to show his future fate.

Considering that he had worked hard for the general all his life, the crimes he committed should only be imprisoned for about ten years, right?

"I sentence the criminal, Takayuki Kujo, to death, and execute immediately!"

!!! After hearing this, Takayuki Kujo's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He did not accept this verdict!

I am the criminal of Inazuma, and the trial should be conducted by General Raiden!

Kujo Takayuki struggled frantically, but the shogunate army was worried that these criminals would anger the gods with their outrageous words, so they had already blocked the criminals' mouths with cloth strips in advance.

So now Kujo Takayuki could only make a "woohoo" sound.

He was held up by two shogunate soldiers beside him, and no matter how he struggled, it was useless. He could only be dragged to the execution platform where Lei Dianying was like a mad dog.

"General." The two shogunate soldiers said respectfully.

Lei Dianying nodded slightly, then waved the Dream One Heart in his hand, and saw the lightning flashing on the execution platform, and then Kujo Takayuki disappeared in the lightning.

It was completely eliminated, not even the ashes were left.

Paimeng, who was watching the excitement from the audience, covered her eyes with her hands timidly. She asked Kong nervously: "Is it done? Is it done? Is it done?"

"It's done, that guy has been killed by General Lei Dian's Wuxiang sword, and there is not even a trace left. Don't be afraid, open your eyes boldly and look." Kong looked at Paimeng beside him and said.

Lei Dianying moved quickly, just waving the long sword in his hand, and the man disappeared in the lightning.

There was no way to see the bloody scene.

So Paimeng opened her eyes and looked at the execution platform where Lei Dianying was. It was exactly as Kong said.

Also coming to the public trial to watch the excitement were Kamisato Ayaka and Kamisato Ayato. As the manager of the community magistrate, the Kamisato family was also the only manager among the three magistrates who were not affected. They naturally had to attend the public trial of this level and level.

After witnessing Kujo Takayuki disappear in the lightning, Kamisato Ayato commented: "Kujo Takayuki, the once powerful and arrogant head of the Kujo family, was eventually destroyed by the lightning of the general."

"So when you are in a high position, you must understand what you can and cannot do. Once you cross that line, you will become a sinner of Inazuma."After the execution of Kujo Takayuki, Kujo Sara did not feel sad. She had expected the result of Kujo Takayuki. It was all what he deserved.

However, since he was his adoptive father, he still needed to build a tomb for him after the execution, so as to repay Kujo Takayuki's upbringing for many years.

"The criminal, Shinsuke Hiiragi."

Accompanied by the voice of Kujo Sara, Shinsuke Hiiragi was quickly detained by two shogunate soldiers. After the previous experience of Kujo Takayuki, he was trembling all over when facing Lin Yu.

He knew that with the crime he committed, there was a high probability that he would have the same result as Kujo Takayuki...

The process was still the original process, but when the shogunate army was about to hand over Shinsuke Hiiragi's crime book, it was rejected by Lin Yu.

Lin Yu waved his hand and said, "No need to watch. As the ruler of order, I am in charge of all the order in the world. All the crimes committed by the world are in my eyes."

"No one escapes the most fair judgment in the world in front of me."

Lin Yu is too lazy to read quantum reading now. For him, it is simply a waste of time. He only needs to make a little move to know the sins of the world.

Really? No, of course, this is made up by Lin Yu. He will not waste his own materialization power to realize the above functions.

Although what he said was all made up, the people of Inazuma and Lei Dianying, as well as the Raiden Zhen and Raiden General behind the scenes, all believed it.

If it is the ruler of order, then there must be no problem!

"The criminal Shinsuke Hiiragi has committed treason and endangering national security. At the same time, he used his power during his tenure to do things that benefit the country and the people, but instead destroyed the unity of the people of Inazuma for his own selfish interests and embezzled up to 25.7 billion Mora."

"In summary, this court will now make the final judgment."

"I sentence the criminal Shinsuke Hiiragi to death, and execute him immediately!"

After hearing this result, Shinsuke Hiiragi's last hope in his heart was completely extinguished. He was dragged to the execution platform where Lei Dianying was like a dead dog by the shogunate army.

With just one knife, Shinsuke Hiiragi was eliminated by Lei Dianying's Wuxiang knife.

At this Inazuma public trial, the two most heinous criminals were eliminated in the lightning of Lei Dianying.

After Shinsuke Hiiragi was eliminated in the lightning, there was a burst of shouting from the audience of the public trial! Previously, when Kujo Takayuki died, everyone was restrained from their excitement in front of the gods.

But now, with the death of Hiiragi Shinsuke, one was the chief criminal of Tenryo Bugyo, and the other was the chief criminal of Kanjo Bugyo. The two criminals who harmed Inazuma and destroyed their lives were killed. How satisfying it was to watch!

The people under the stage of the public trial could no longer suppress their excitement.

They kept shouting at the top of their lungs.

"Silence, the public trial continues."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Yu called out to stop the cheers of the audience. It's not that Lin Yu didn't want to have fun with the people, but if the scene was always so chaotic, what was the difference from a vegetable market? Should the public trial continue?

Lin Yu waved to Kujo Sara, and after waiting for Kujo Sara to come over, Lin Yu played his traditional art at the Mond public trial at that time.

He asked Jiujo Sara to take the next batch of ten people on stage, and after hearing it, Jiujo Sara also carried out the order of the chief judge Lin Yu without hesitation.

He ordered people to bring ten people to the stage to be judged.

Lin Yu frowned and looked at the ten people under the stage. He said: "The aura of sin on you is no less than that of the first two."

"Drag them away, you will all be sentenced to death, and execute them immediately!"

After Lin Yu's verdict, this group of people were then detained on the execution platform. Fortunately, considering that Lei Yingying was personally executing the execution, the execution platform of the public trial was built wide enough. Otherwise, it might not be able to accommodate so many people.

Looking at these ten people, Lei Yingying had no extra expression on his face, and he still waved the dream in his hand.

Killing one person is killing, and killing ten people is also killing.

After Wuxiang's knife, these ten people instantly disappeared in the lightning, and they did not even leave ashes.

Seeing this, Lin Yu was very satisfied. Some people might ask, how can such a fair judge like you convict people so hastily? At least take a look at the crime book to understand what they have done before convicting them.

Aren't you afraid of making a wrongful case by doing this?

In fact, it is not the case. People who are interested may have seen that the order of trial of the criminals arranged by Kujo Sara is from the highest crime to the lowest.From low to high.

Kujo Takayuki and Hiiragi Shinsuke are the two with the most serious crimes, so they are naturally ranked at the top.

According to this gradient, there are a total of 2,541 criminals to be tried this time, and there is no problem in sentencing the first 500 to death.

After all, they are in the high position of the Three Magistrates, who doesn't have a few lives in their hands? Who hasn't embezzled and accepted bribes of tens of millions of Mora? Just one of them is enough to be sentenced to death.

So Lin Yu deserves to be the fair and great judge.

"Drag them away, you will all be sentenced to death, and execute immediately!"

"Drag them away, you will all be sentenced to death, and execute immediately!"

"Drag them away, you will all be sentenced to death, and execute immediately!"


Lin Yu's trial is very efficient. Basically, he was detained at the public trial meeting, and then he was detained on the execution platform and accepted Lei Yingying's Wuxiang knife.

So at the public trial of Inazuma, a win-win situation was presented.

Lin Yu shouted death penalty happily, which was the first win, Lei Yingshi swung the knife happily, which was the second win, the people of Inazuma watched the excitement below the stage, which was the third win, and the sins of the criminals were washed away, which was the fourth win.

"I sentence you all to life imprisonment, no commutation of sentence, deprivation of political rights for life, and a fine of 10 million Mora."

I'm going to die!

Hmm? The devil on the stage seemed to read it a little differently this time? Life imprisonment? Not death penalty? ! Oh my God! Praise the great rule of order!

The criminals who thought they would be eliminated under the general's knife had a huge change in their hearts after hearing this result.

Life imprisonment is life imprisonment, at least you don't have to die! Wait until this wave of turmoil is over, and ask someone to do it a little bit. What if there is no commutation of sentence? They can still get out!

But what they don't know is that Inazuma is no longer the Inazuma she used to be. Inazuma is now managed by Lei Yingdian, Lei Dianzhen, and General Lei Dian. The chaotic political situation in Inazuma in the past will never appear in Inazuma again.

Unless Inazuma suffers the same intensity of war as five hundred years ago.

Another group of people were sentenced to life imprisonment. After Lin Yu estimated that it was almost the same, the next group of people changed to another sentence.

"I sentence you all to 25 years in prison, no commutation, deprivation of political rights for life, and a fine of 8 million Mora."

···Another group.

"I sentence you all to 15 years in prison, no commutation, deprivation of political rights for life, and a fine of 6 million Mora."

···Another group, well, there is no other group, and all the rest are sentenced to this sentence.

After all, there is a threshold for going to the public trial, right? Those little Karami who were sentenced to five, six, seven, or eight years or suspended sentences were not worthy of being judged by Lin Yu.

As for why everyone was sentenced to deprivation of political rights for life? Hmm? Just based on your performance in the Inazuma government agency, you were not killed together with your superiors, which was already a blessing from your ancestors! Do you still want to continue to engage in and exercise political rights in the future? I'm afraid you are dreaming.

In the end, Lin Yu completed the trial of 2,541 criminals at this public trial before nightfall.

After completing his work, the fair and great judge Lin Yu naturally had to leave the scene.

I saw a divine light blooming on Lin Yu's body. After the light, Lin Yu, who was originally in the presiding judge position, disappeared. The next moment, Lin Yu returned to the appearance of the young hero Lin Yu, and appeared next to Qingyu in the crowd with a low-impact stance.

He smiled and patted Qingyu's shoulder: "What are you looking at? It's done. The rest of the finishing work will be left to Ying and Kujo Saro."

"And I, the fair judge, will go back to enjoy my good buddy Qingyu. Continue to peel grapes for me, and lychees!"

······After listening to Lin Yu's words, Qingyu instantly fell into deep thought.

For a moment, Qingyu himself didn't know what to say. He could only say that it was worthy of Lin Yu!

Qingyu nodded helplessly: "Okay, okay, let's go back. I want to peel grapes and lychees for my good buddy."

While peeling for Lin Yu, he also ate some by himself, so as not to make himself suffer!

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