On the way back to the Oasis game store.

Lin Yu smiled and looked at Qing Yu and said, "How is it? The style of this great judge is not bad, right?"

"Of course! When it comes to judgment, who in the world can compare to the Rule of Order? Even the God of Justice of Fontaine will only be eclipsed in front of the Rule of Order." Qing Yu's main point is that his good buddy is praising himself.

But it's not too outrageous to say that he is praising himself. After all, in terms of universal rationality, the Rule of Order is above the God of Justice of Fontaine in terms of identity and status, so Qing Yu's words are very reasonable.

Qing Yu's words are very useful to Lin Yu. His whole state now is that his tail is about to rise to the sky.

Alas... It's just a pity.

If I had known earlier, I would have recorded the scene of the Inazuma public trial. After returning to Liyue, he would have been able to let Zhongli see the style of the Rule of Order.

But now that the public trial of Inazuma has passed, Zhongli is destined to miss the chance to see the style of orderly governance.

After Inazuma executed so many people at once, Raiden Zhen, Raiden Yingying and Raiden General are very busy now. Among the three, especially Raiden General, she is the busiest.

Raiden Zhen and Raiden Yingying do some brain work in the castle tower, but Raiden General is different. The current Raiden General can be said to be the former Ying. She is now the executor of Inazuma, born to clear all obstacles on Inazuma's way forward.

So the current Raiden General has to run around in Inazuma.

After dealing with the scum in the Three Magistrates, the number of officials in the Three Magistrates has dropped sharply. But it is not so serious that the entire Inazuma is shut down. After all, before this, it is not clear that the Society Magistrates really did many great things for the Inazuma people.

But the next thing will be different, because the primary goal of Inazuma is to make the entire Inazuma rotate, like a high-speed machine.

Gradually eliminate the impact of the previous Eye Hunting Order and the Closure Order, and then cooperate with the Liyue official to vigorously develop Inazuma's trade economy, and at the same time strengthen the various problems of Inazuma's local construction.

Now the first problem for Inazuma to solve is to return the confiscated Eye of God. At the same time, because the Eye Hunting Order has brought an indelible impact on the parties involved, the Inazuma government will also pay a large amount of Mora as compensation.

Depending on the situation of the holder of the Eye of God, it is about 300,000 Mora to 1 million Mora.

Another primary problem is the problem of the Coral Palace rebels on Haiji Island. The original General Thunder and Lightning was not aware of this matter because of the concealment of the Tianling Fengxing.

But since this matter has already happened and has also brought a certain degree of negative impact to Inazuma, this matter must be resolved.

At first, when General Raiden heard Raiden Zhen's question, the answer he gave was that she could quell the rebellion of the Coral Palace of Haigi Island within one day by leading the army in person.

Uh... Zhen decisively rejected General Raiden's proposal.

The reason why the people of the Coral Palace of Haigi Island were left behind and allowed to have different beliefs from Inazuma can be traced back to the Demon God War.

This is the agreement between Zhen and the Demon God Orobas, and it is also Zhen's promise to the Demon God Orobas.

The reason why the Coral Palace of Haigi Island launched a rebellion now is fundamentally due to the chaotic situation during General Raiden's administration and the various wrong decisions made by the Inazuma government.

If people can't survive, they will naturally work hard to survive, and this is the result of the efforts of the people of Haigi Island.

So, after the discussion between Raiden Shin and Raiden Yingying, the plan for General Raiden to go to war was changed to that the Inazuma government would send people to the Umi Island for negotiations, asking them to immediately put down the rebellion flag and restore the status quo. If they did not comply, the plan of General Raiden would be adopted.

And this task naturally fell into the hands of Kujo Sara. When Kujo Sara received this order, one head was almost bigger than two heads.

She was not suitable for negotiation. If she was just commanding the battle, it would be fine.

For this reason, Kujo Sara thought of a person, that is, the traveler Kong from Liyue. Kong still had a position in the Umi Island resistance army, and the Umi Island also had a good impression of Kong.

So if Kong could help, then this negotiation should be much smoother.

Not long after, Kujo Sara found Kong in Inazuma City. Not long after Kong arrived in Inazuma City, he suffered a comprehensive attack by Inazuma.Wanted, so he and Paimon didn't have time to take a good look around Inazuma Castle.

After being found by Kujo Sara, Kong listened to Kujo Sara's story. He didn't want to get involved in this kind of trouble again, but when Kong heard that if the negotiations broke down, General Raiden would most likely lead the expedition in person.

Kong changed his mind at this moment.

In his mind, General Raiden was very decisive. If General Raiden led the expedition to Umi Island in person, there would probably be another narrow gap with lightning in the territory of Inazuma.

···Such a strange and unique scene would be good if there was only one in Inazuma. Umi Island is beautiful enough, so it's better not to add icing on the cake.

After Kong agreed to go, Kujo Sara began to arrange this matter.

The departure time was set for tomorrow. After all, many things still need to be prepared by the Tenryo Bugyo. This matter is very important, so naturally he won't set off in a hurry.

During this day, Kong and Paimeng decided to take a good walk around Inazuma City.

The two were walking around Inazuma City, and then they saw Lin Yu and Qing Yu, who were buying something in front of the Inazuma stall, so Kong and Paimeng naturally went up to say hello.

"Lin Yu, Qing Yu! Hello!"

"What a coincidence! I didn't expect to see you here today. After all, some people clearly said that they would protect the safety of Kong and me before, but when Kong and I were in danger, they didn't even find a shadow!" Paimeng said to Lin Yu with his arms around his chest.

It can be seen that Paimeng seems to hold a grudge.

Ahem, Lin Yu was stunned for a moment and then thought about it carefully. He seemed to have promised Kong and Paimeng about this matter, but at that time Lin Yu had already entered the pure land of Ying, so naturally he couldn't help.

Lin Yu thought of something. After this incident, Lin Yu looked at Kong and Paimeng with some confidence.

He didn't do nothing!

"Ahem, people like me have too many responsibilities. I was too busy for a while and neglected to take care of you two. It's all my fault. I apologize and reflect on it."

"But I didn't do nothing either."

Lin Yu said with a smile.

Paimeng was puzzled: "Oh? Then tell me, what did you do?"

"Ahem, your friend named Zheping, uh uh, yes, I did this thing. How about it? Are you very touched? Do you want to cry? Have you thought about how to repay me?" Since Lin Yu is still in front of the vendors, some things are not convenient to say directly, but Lin Yu believes that this does not prevent Kong and Paimeng from understanding.

Sure enough, Paimeng suddenly realized it after listening to Lin Yu's words. As for Kong? He had already expected it at the time, so he was not very surprised by this result now.

"So that's the case!" Paimeng said in surprise.

"Thank you, Lin Yu." Kong looked at Lin Yu sincerely and said.

If it weren't for the God's Eye that Lin Yu had sent at that time, I'm afraid Zhe Ping would have been separated from me.

After hearing Kong's sincere thanks, Lin Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, and a smile appeared on his face.

He smiled and waved his hand and said: "No need to thank me, no need to thank me. How polite are you to say these words when we are friends? I heard that the dumpling milk sold by this guy tastes particularly mellow. It just so happens that Qingyu and I came here to taste it. Why don't you buy some for me as a thank you gift?"

With the price of a few cups of dumpling milk, you can get a God's Eye.

You should know that in Liyue, an ownerless God's Eye can be auctioned for tens of millions of Mora. This is an activated and usable God's Eye. The price must be several times higher?

Just tell me whether it is cost-effective or not, and whether it is a bloody profit or not!

Uh... After hearing what Lin Yu said, Kong and Paimong were stunned.

If Kong remembered correctly, it seemed that they were the ones questioning Lin Yu just now. Why did they have to prepare a thank-you gift for Lin Yu now?

But after some thought, this thank-you gift should indeed be given to Lin Yu.

···After Kong's entanglement and helplessness, Kong finally took out his wallet and used the few Mora in his wallet to buy dango milk for Lin Yu and Qing Yu, and then Paimong pestered him to buy dango milk for himself and Paimong.

His money was basically in the Riyu bank card. He had a fight in the Inazuma Riyu bank before, so Kong didn't withdraw any money.Come out. The source of Mora on him now comes from the people who rob people on the road in the wild.

After the public trial of Inazuma, Kong went to Riyu Bank again. Now Riyu Bank is letting the original employees resume their jobs. Before that, the reform of Riyu Bank will be put on hold for a while.

So before that, Kong's living expenses in Inazuma were all robbed from the people who robbed people on the road.

After Lin Yu got the dumpling milk that Kong bought for him, Lin Yu opened the bottle cap and took a sip. The entrance was a mouthful of rich milky fragrance, accompanied by sweet, soft and glutinous dumplings like taro balls.

This made Lin Yu suddenly have a sense of déjà vu that he was drinking taro ball bubble milk tea.

"It tastes good. It is indeed as delicious as the rumors say. No wonder it has such a good reputation. This is all well-documented." Lin Yu looked at the stall owner of the dumpling milk vendor and praised.

Paimong's eyes lit up instantly after trying a mouthful of dango milk, and then he quickly finished a bottle of dango milk.

She gave the stall owner a thumbs up: "Well! It's not just good, it's obviously very, very delicious!"

After drinking the dango milk, Paimong gave a high evaluation to the stall owner who sold dango milk.

"How can it be so exaggerated? I just made some combinations and innovations based on the original milk and dango. In fact, I didn't expect there would be such an unexpected fit." Zhishu, the stall owner selling dango milk, scratched his head a little embarrassedly after hearing the praise from Lin Yu and Paimong.

Lin Yu nodded and agreed: "Not bad, young people should be brave to innovate."

Ah? Zhishu was stunned when he heard this. He looked up at Lin Yu's appearance and couldn't help but fall into deep thought. It seemed that he should be older than him, right?

In Zhishu's puzzled eyes, Lin Yu took Qingyu and Dango Milk, walked with Kong and Paimeng, left the stall selling Dango Milk, and walked towards other places in Inazuma City.

Zhishu was still thinking just now.

After walking together for a while, Lin Yu looked at Kong beside him and said, "How have you been recently? I can give you some help for the sake of Dango Milk just now."

Kong's eyes lit up instantly after hearing Lin Yu's words.

You said this yourself!

"It's worthy of being Lin Yu. We just encountered a troublesome thing, and you already knew it, and decided to help us." Kong said with a smile on his face.

Hmm? Ah? Huh?

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment. He just said it casually and was polite on the surface. Wait, he will disappear directly, and Kong can't find him even if he wants to.

But Lin Yu had never expected that Kong had received a commission while strolling leisurely.

Doesn't Kong complete commissions as soon as they are commissioned? How can Kong stroll leisurely on the streets of Inazuma? What a mistake.

"Hahaha, of course." Lin Yu nodded with a smile.

Now that the words have been spilled, if he doesn't keep his word at this time, wouldn't it be a disgrace to him, the great Lord Yu Shen? Now that Inazuma's affairs are almost settled, what kind of commissions can Kong receive?

For a trivial matter in the mortal world, he only needs to make a little move to easily solve it.

Paimon said happily: "Great! Hehe, with Lin Yu joining the negotiations with the rebels of Haiji Island, it must be very smooth!"

"After all, if the negotiations don't go well, the Thunder General is likely to personally lead the expedition to the rebels of Haiji Island!"

Hmm? After Lin Yu heard the information revealed by Paimon's words, he finally understood what this matter was about.

Isn't it just negotiating with the resistance forces of Haiji Island? What's so difficult about this?

It's too late to focus on the young hero Lin Yu, because the next one to appear is the master of diplomacy Lin Yu!

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