After listening to Paimeng's words, Lin Yu nodded and said with a smile: "After all, this is a serious matter concerning national sovereignty. If the negotiation fails, then the Inazuma side will naturally take this matter to a higher level in order to maintain its own territorial integrity."

"It's just that Inazuma and the rebels are already in a state of war. If the situation escalates further, the god of Inazuma should indeed come down."

"But it's not a big problem, as long as the Haigi Island side knows the current situation."

"Well, I don't think the Coral Palace of Haigi Island should make too many demands." Kong agreed with Lin Yu's words.

He felt that since the Inazuma side now wanted to negotiate with Haigi Island, then given the current situation of Haigi Island, they should not refuse this negotiation.

After all, Haigi Island is in a weak position. If the god of Inazuma comes down personally, Haigi Island will not be able to have a good result in the end.

Lin Yu nodded and asked, "Okay, then this matter has been finalized. When are you going to leave? We will meet up at that time."

"Kujo Sara told us that we will leave at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Hehe, if Kujo Sara sees Lin Yu tomorrow, he will be surprised!" Paimeng said with a smile. She seemed to have seen the expression on Kujo Sara's face tomorrow.

For Kujo Sara, although Lin Yu did not tell him his identity information in person, after parting at the castle tower that day, anyone who was not a fool should be able to guess Lin Yu's true identity.

The Order Ruler personally participated in this Inazuma diplomatic negotiation.

Well, it is indeed worth Kujo Sara's shock.

Lin Yu highly recognized Paimeng's words.

"Then, let's say goodbye and see you tomorrow." After saying that, Lin Yu put his hand on Qingyu's shoulder as usual, and the two walked towards the direction of the Oasis game store together.

Seeing the two people walking away, Kong and Paimeng would not stay there in a daze. They decided to use the remaining time to visit Inazuma City.

In front of the Inazuma Oasis game store, due to the handling of a large number of officials, eternity can no longer be an obstacle for the Inazuma people to pursue new things. In addition, Lin Yu's Oasis game is attractive enough. The explosion of Oasis game has led to a large number of Inazuma people lining up in front of the Oasis game store.

"It's great. We are one step closer to the wish of letting the rune game bloom in the seven countries of the world. How about it? Are you happy, Qingyu?" Lin Yu, who was watching this scene, couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time looked at Qingyu beside him and asked him how he felt.

Qingyu was naturally very happy. Nothing is happier than watching his dreams come true little by little.

"Looking at my dreams, which are being realized step by step, how can I not feel happy?" Qingyu said to Lin Yu with a faint smile on his face.

Lin Yu nodded and said, "Well, after we go to Xumi, maybe we can realize the function of online rune games in all regions."

"Well? Really? That's great. If so, even in Inazuma, we can play online with people far away in Mondstadt."

"In this way, our Oasis game will set off a new wave!" Qingyu said to Lin Yu while imagining the future of Oasis game.

He has already thought of the scene of him holding a game competition between many countries after Lin Yu realizes this function!

Because of Lin Yu's powerful ability, Qingyu has no doubt whether Lin Yu can do what he said. Anyway, since he has been in contact with Lin Yu for thousands of years, he has not found that Lin Yu has said that he can't do it.

In this regard, he naturally believes in his good buddy Lin Yu 100%.

Lin Yu nodded and said, "Well, then you can start planning now. When the dust settles on Inazuma's affairs, it's time for us to move towards Xumi."

"I know, I know. I will definitely plan it well. Leave it to me." Qingyu patted his chest and said with confidence on his face.

With Lin Yu's ability, he can indeed do what he said above. But this time Lin Yu does not intend to do it himself, but intends to use the power of the God of Wisdom to realize the various functions he wants.

After all, how can your own things be as good as free stuff? Isn't it good to get it for free? Getting it for free makes me happy, getting it for free makes me happy.

Ahem... How can it be said to be free? I am the ruler of order, am I still thinking about your little melons and two dates of the God of Wisdom? This is clearlyIt is a great historic moment, a win-win cooperation and common progress between the ruling order and the god of wisdom!

A short day was spent in the game with Qingyu.

At nine o'clock the next morning.

Kong and Paimeng had already arrived at the gate of Inazuma Castle and joined Kujo Sara's convoy.

"Since everyone is here, pass on my order to set off immediately." Kujo Sara waved his hand and said.

Paimeng stopped them: "Wait a minute, we still have two friends who haven't come yet!"

Hmm? Kujo Sara was stunned, but still waved and ordered the convoy to stop. If it is according to the process and rules of Inazuma, such as this important diplomatic event, irrelevant personnel are generally not allowed to participate.

Just considering the identity and ability of this traveler, if it is a friend of the traveler, it is not counted in the general situation.

For the friend mentioned by Paimeng, Kujo Sara just stopped the convoy, and did not ask further questions, but stood aside with his arms folded and waited.

She was not very curious in her heart. When people arrived, the mystery would be solved naturally. Before that, Kujo Sara was too lazy to make those insignificant guesses.

About ten minutes later, the figures of Lin Yu and Qing Yu finally appeared in Kong's field of vision.

"Lin Yu! Qing Yu! We are here!" Paimeng looked in the direction of Lin Yu and Qing Yu, waved his hand and shouted loudly.

The two walked towards the direction of the convoy. Because they were more than ten minutes later than the agreed time, Lin Yu said with a little apology on his face: "Sorry, we are late. Qing Yu and I were studying some information about Inazuma just now. Sorry for the long wait."

"Hehe, it's okay!" Paimeng said with a smile.

Qing Yu silently complained in his heart. If Lin Yu hadn't pestered him to peel all the remaining grapes, how could he be ten minutes late?

Lin Yu also called it a shameful waste.

Forget it, my good buddy, I spoil him myself.

After seeing Lin Yu, Jiujo Sara was obviously stunned. It was obvious that Jiujo Sara did not expect Lin Yu to appear here.

For a moment, she did not know what to do.

"You..." Jiujo Sara was about to ask, but was interrupted by Lin Yu.

Lin Yu said: "No need to be so respectful, just call me Lin Yu. As for why I am here, it is because I was invited by Kong. Do you mind if I go with Qingyu to participate in this diplomatic negotiation?"

"No, I don't mind. You are welcome to join at any time." Jiujo Sara said hurriedly.

There will be no problem in participating in a negotiation meeting with the rebels as Lin Yu, but... Jiujo Sara thinks, will this be a bit of a waste of talent?

At the same time, Jiujo Sara looked at Kong with a somewhat surprised look. Jiujo Sara did not expect that his invitation to Kong this time could bring him such a pleasant surprise... It was really unexpected.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Don't mind? That's good. I've kept you waiting for a long time. Let's not waste any more time. Let's set off now."

"Well, pass the order, set off!" Jiujo Sara said calmly.

Under Jiujo Sara's order, the convoy began to move slowly, and Lin Yu and Qing Yu were also invited to sit in the carriage.

Lin Yu and Kong were arranged to the same carriage. With Paimeng, a live treasure, in the carriage, it was difficult to feel bored.

After a simple chat, Lin Yu took out the long-sealed Go board from his space. Under the power of Lin Yu, the Go board was suspended in front of him and Kong.

Lin Yu asked Kong, "Do you want to play chess with me?"

"I'm not very good at it, but I should give it a try!" Kong replied.

Not very good? Then Lin Yu also enjoys the pleasure of kneading Kong in his palm.

In layman's terms, it's bullying!

Lin Yu holds the black pieces, and Kong holds the white pieces. The battle between the two on the chessboard is about to break out.

About five minutes later, Lin Yu frowned slightly. I didn't expect that Kong, who looks honest on the surface, is actually not honest at all behind the scenes. He actually lied about military intelligence!

During the game with Kong, Lin Yu, who has thousands of years of chess skills, actually felt a pressure from a master on Kong.

He can't lose to Kong on the chessboard now, especially when Qingyu is sitting next to him.

It seems that he must do his best now, and the smart chessboard starts!

Lin Yu's own exclusive smart chessboard has an endgame function specially designed by Lin Yu. He only needs to put thisOne game recorded in it can make Lin Yu gain thousands of years of chess power!

Now he is enough to defeat Kong.

Kong felt the sudden pressure and did not have any doubts. He just thought that Lin Yu was serious.

If that is the case, it is normal for him to lose to Lin Yu.

"Well... Kong was beaten by Lin Yu without any chance to fight back."

"It seems that there is nothing to be surprised about. If Lin Yu loses to Kong, it would be really unexpected!" Paimeng said.


There is no way he has tried his best. In the early stage, he was able to gain some advantages while Lin Yu was not serious. Later, Lin Yu's tricks made him unable to start.

With such wisdom, Lin Yu could not believe how miserable he would die if he went against Lin Yu.


A week passed in a flash, and the convoy successfully arrived at the agreed negotiation site. However, the formal negotiations will not begin until tomorrow, so the people of Kujo Sara will build the venue for the negotiations before tomorrow's negotiations.

They are now negotiating on behalf of Inazuma, so how can they lose face for Inazuma in front of this group of rebels?

Seriousness and uprightness are the themes of the layout of this negotiation site.

Lin Yu did not pay too much attention to this, because it was not something worth caring about for him.

While the shogunate army was arranging the scene, he took Qingyu to a tree not far away and found two huge ghost beetles.

Lin Yu immediately became interested and decided to use these two ghost beetles to try this traditional local entertainment activity of Inazuma with Qingyu.

Therefore, Lin Yu also waved his hand and used the power of manifestation to build a miniature arena on the ground!

The venue is OK, the protagonist enters, and the battle is about to start...

? The two ghost beetles rushed towards each other quickly, and then hugged each other straight.

Lin Yu and Qing Yu looked at each other, Wow, this guy has caught a couple of ghost beetles.

What a disappointment, let's find something else to do.

At 9:57 the next morning, the two sides agreed to negotiate here at 10 o'clock, and there were still three minutes left before 10 o'clock.

Three minutes later, Xin Hai arrived on time, followed by a hundred rebel soldiers. According to the agreement made by both parties before, both sides can bring no more than 100 guards to the negotiation site.

After everything was ready, everyone sat down at the negotiation table.

Xin Hai looked at the people at the negotiation table. Kong naturally knew them, but who were the other two? Could they be negotiators sent by the company's magistrate? Xin Hai guessed.

Xin Hai spoke first: "It's been a long time since I saw Kujo Sara. The last time we met was on the battlefield, right?"

"In that battle, we suffered a lot because of you." Kujo Sara said lightly.

"We, the rebels, have suffered much more than you in your hands, so I think we should be equal in this regard."

"Before the negotiation begins, can you introduce the people involved in this negotiation?" Xinhai first responded to Jiujo Sara's words, and then turned to ask about Lin Yu's identity.

Uh... Jiujo Sara was speechless for a moment, and she didn't know how to introduce Lin Yu, so she could only look at Lin Yu silently.

Lin Yu, who felt Jiujo Sara's gaze, immediately took out the general order from himself.

He casually placed the general's order on the table, looked at Xinhai and said, "I am here on behalf of the general to witness this negotiation. The general attaches great importance to this negotiation. I will not interfere in the negotiation between you and Kujo Sara. At the same time, I hope that this negotiation can reach a consensus. It is also the general's hope that Inazuma will return to peace."

With this general's order, Lin Yu did not blink when he talked about his identity, and it was smooth and neat.

"So that's it. Being able to stop the war and embrace a peaceful life is also what the people of our Haiji Island want."

"I look forward to reaching a consensus with Kujo Sara in the next negotiation." After understanding Lin Yu's identity, Xinhai smiled and made a statement first.

Kujo Sara folded his arms: "Then let's start."

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