Intuition from the God of Architecture? Qingyu looked puzzled, and then looked in the direction Lin Yu pointed, and the person in this direction was Kavi.

Although I don't understand why Lin Yu chose such a person, since Lin Yu did this, there must be Lin Yu's own reasons.

"Uh... What about the others? If they are allowed to leave without any reason, they will probably be dissatisfied, right?"

Now they haven't asked anything about them, but they have already been designated by Lin Yu. Others will definitely be dissatisfied when they know such a result.

Lin Yu didn't care: "If they are dissatisfied, they are dissatisfied, what can they do? But trouble is trouble after all, and we can't kill them all. Just send them away with 10,000 Mora each, so it won't be a waste of time."

"Uh... I know." Qingyu was ashamed.

If all these people were really killed by Lin Yu, that would be terrible. However, Qingyu knew Lin Yu's character, and he would definitely not do such a thing...

After Lin Yu said this, Qingyu left Lin Yu and walked to the front of the seven people.

And told everyone about this matter.

"What? Are you kidding? Just made such a hasty decision?"

"I think I'm no worse than him, right? How about letting me introduce myself first?"

"That's right, are you so anxious to make a decision before listening to our resumes? How about making a decision after listening to it?"

Everyone who learned about this from Qingyu was undoubtedly shocked. But they didn't want to lose such a chance to make a lot of money so hastily, so they began to fight for their own opportunities.

It's just that the quota has been determined by Lin Yu, which has become an established fact that cannot be changed, so they are destined to have no chance.

As the person involved, Kavi was also confused.

This matter was simply a blessing from heaven for him, but after calming down, he didn't know why the client chose him.

The client was a businessman from Liyue, and he was an architectural designer from Xumi. Logically, he shouldn't know much about him. He hasn't shown anything yet, but he chose him like this...

This made Kavi himself feel a little unbelievable.

"No need, this matter has been decided. The other losers don't have to be sad. Everyone can get a reward of 10,000 Mora."

Originally, the client's absurd decision made them feel resentful, but after hearing from Qingyu that they would get 10,000 Mora's hard work fee, the resentment that had just arisen disappeared without a trace.

Some people were even a little fortunate that they chose to stay instead of leaving, otherwise they would have missed the hard work fee of 10,000 Mora.

Those who left earlier would probably regret it if they learned about this news in the future.

Qingyu took out the Liyu bank card, and after transferring money to the other six people one by one, only Kawi was left on the field.

Then he brought Kawi to Lin Yu, and Lin Yu nodded and asked Kawi to follow them to go to the Oasis Game Store for on-site inspection.

For some reason, Kawi felt an inexplicable but awe-inspiring temperament from Lin Yu.

Strange, he looked like a teenager who was not even as old as himself, why did he have such a strange feeling?

Because of this temperament, Kawi just followed silently behind him without saying a word until Lin Yu asked him.

"Can you introduce your views on Liyue architecture?"

"Ah? Of course!"

He got excited when he mentioned this matter, and then Kawi spoke like a torrent of river water, and like the Yellow River flooding and uncontrollable.

He told his views on Liyue architecture inside and out.

He also said a lot of knowledge about Liyue architecture that Lin Yu had never known. What? As the God of Architecture, is it okay for him not to know architectural knowledge? Is there a rule in the world that the God of Architecture must know architectural knowledge?

After that, Kawi even mentioned the matter of Yunshang Palace and the God of Architecture... Kawi began to talk about it incessantly.

Xiao deeply agreed with Kawi's words.

He naturally knew that the God of Architecture was Yu Shen, and Kawi was praising Yu Shen when he praised the God of Architecture, and praising Yu Shen could gain Xiao's friendship to a certain extent.

At least now Xiao has a lot of good feelings for Kawi, and he has left a very good impression on Xiao Shangxian unconsciously.

"Not bad, you have your own opinions and your ownPursuit, we really need talents like you. "Lin Yu said with a smile.

Kavi scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

This was the first time he told others about the knowledge of Liyue architecture so freely in Xumi. The client chose him at first sight among more than 40 people, which made Kavi feel like he had found a soulmate.

For the decoration design of this building, he must use his lifelong learning to achieve the ultimate than a work of art, otherwise he would fail the client's choice of him.

Kavi made up his mind secretly.

Soon after, he arrived at the door of the Oasis Game Store. At this time, the Oasis Game Store was still in the process of demolition, but the demolition work was already in the final stage, and it would probably be completely completed before dark today. Demolition work.

The problem is not big. Now it's just to let Kavi get familiar with the internal layout of the building and conduct a field investigation.

The two together do not hinder each other.

Kavi took out the measuring tools from the engineering box he carried with him and began to collect detailed data inside the building. After obtaining these data, he drew a complete drawing of the room with paper and pen.

With this drawing, it will be beneficial for Kavi's subsequent decoration design.

Looking at Kavi's smooth and extremely professional movements, Qingyu was amazed. He is worthy of being chosen by the God of Architecture.

Is this the intuition from the God of Architecture? It's so terrifying.

"That, I still don't know how to call it." Kavi, who had finished drawing the drawings, just wanted to ask something further, but found that he didn't seem to know the name.

Through the previous situations, he already knew that the young man in front of him was the one who actually made the decision.

"Lin Yu, Lin of the forest, Yu of the feather, just call me Lin Yu." Lin Yu said lightly.

"Okay, Lin Yu employer! Well, I don't know how much budget you plan to invest in this project, Lin Yu's employer? "This is an extremely important question. In construction projects, the budget almost determines everything, so it is particularly important to ask this question clearly.

"Budget? That's not the scope I know. You need to ask Qing Yu about this matter. He is the one." Lin Yu pointed to Qing Yu beside him.

Not long before this, Lin Yu remitted another 200 million Mora to Qing Yu, so this matter should naturally be the responsibility of Qing Yu.

"Uh... As for the budget, I don't know much about this aspect, but I think as long as it does not exceed 250 million Mora, it should not exceed the budget. ”

Du, Duo Shao?!

250 million Mora?! Are you really not kidding?

Qingyu's light words directly shocked Kawi for a hundred years.

As expected of a wealthy businessman from Liyue... Such lavish means are really shocking.

"I, I will consider every expense of building materials. With me, Kawi, I will never let you, Qingyu, suffer a loss in terms of price!" Having been in the Xumi construction industry for many years, Kawi naturally knows the price of building materials very well.

Since the employer can give him such great trust, how can he live up to such a trust?

If you want to do it, you must do your best!

"Don't be nervous, just do it with your heart, as for money, it's just something outside of your body. "Lin Yu was very calm. He was just stating the facts. Money was really not worth mentioning to him.

Kavi carefully thought about the meaning of Lin Yu's words. After thinking about it for a while, he understood that Lin Yu's employer must want him to have no psychological burden on this matter and let him do it without any scruples.

Oh my God, how many engineers have he met, the dream client in his heart!

Kavi immediately made up his mind that he must work harder and harder.

Lin Yu looked at Kavi's increasingly excited eyes and couldn't help but feel a little confused. Why is Kavi so excited? Uh... I think it must be the shoulder The debt was too heavy, and the five million Mora reward from Qingyu's commissioned task would be a timely rain for Kawi.

After that, Lin Yu took Xiao away from the scene, and the rest of the things were left to Qingyu and Kawi.

He was going back to the hotel now to enjoy the grapes that Xiao peeled for him personally. After all, he couldn't just let Xiao down, right?

After Lin Yu left, Kawi and Qingyu agreed that he would draw the required design drawings within a week.

After a week, Kawi only left himself six hours of rest time every day, and the rest of the time was all spent on drawing design drawings.

It can be said that nowThis design drawing was infused with too much effort from Kawi.

The result of this design drawing was also highly affirmed by Qingyu. In the end, Qingyu only asked to modify a few details and adopted the design drawing drawn by Kawi.

After having the design drawing, the next step is of course to prepare for construction.

This project was naturally in charge of Kawi. Kawi contacted the construction team he was familiar with before. The construction team successfully entered the site under Kawi's leadership the next morning.

Since the style used in this decoration is the architectural style of Liyue, Kawi believes that some industry rules for starting construction in Liyue should be followed before the official start of construction.

For example, before the project starts, the God of Architecture should be worshipped.

Kawi didn't know where he got a statue of the God of Architecture. He pulled the big guys of the construction team and imitated the appearance of Liyue people burning incense and began to burn incense to the God of Architecture.

Kawi's operation stunned Qingyu, who was supervising on the side...

After completing this step, the decoration work of the Oasis Game Store officially began. According to the time given by Kawi, the construction period will be as long as one month.

That is to say, the Oasis Game Store will be completed within one month.

In order to ensure that the Oasis Game Store can start business immediately after one month, Qingyu wrote a letter as soon as possible and sent it to the Oasis Game Store in Liyue.

The content of the letter was roughly asking the Liyue Oasis Game Store to recruit a group of Oasis employees who volunteered to work in Xumi.

After the letter was sent to Liyue and people arrived in Xumi City, the time for the trip should be just right to coincide with the opening time of the Oasis Game Store.

In the blink of an eye, fifteen days passed, and the project that Kawi was responsible for had already made half of the progress.

In the fifteen days, Qingyu had been busy with the Oasis Game Store, while Lin Yu took Xiao and Qingyu to travel around Xumi.

In short, it means taking photos and checking in.

Now fifteen days have passed, which means fifteen days have passed, and Qingyu still has fifteen days left, so now Qingyu has to complete the promotion of the Oasis game within these fifteen days.

First of all, Qingyu thought of the void terminal that almost everyone in Xumi City wears. He already knew about the functions of the void terminal, but it didn't matter whether he knew it or not. What mattered was that he thought that if he used the void terminal to advertise, wouldn't the effect be the best in the world?

Then Qingyu decisively went to the Order Institute to find cooperation.

But before Qingyu met the sage, he was kicked out by the guards of the Order Institute as a lunatic.

The void terminal represents wisdom. You actually want to advertise on the void terminal. Isn't this a defilement of the void terminal? !

Under the current background of Xumi, Qingyu will naturally be kicked out by the people of the Order Institute.

Qingyu thought it was too embarrassing to be kicked out of the Teaching Court, so he did not seek Lin Yu's help, but used some conventional operations instead.

In layman's terms, it is to activate one's own money ability.

With the bombardment of large sums of Mora, advertisements about Oasis games instantly filled every aspect of Xumi people's lives.

With such a dense level of advertising, it is difficult for people to deliberately ignore it.

Some people are interested in Oasis games, some are interested in Oasis game tablets, some are interested in the logic of Oasis game operations, and even some are interested in how to make games.

It should be said that it is worthy of being a country of wisdom.

Lin Yu is looking forward to someone being able to study his rune tablet thoroughly, and it would be best if he could study it to the extent that he could develop new games on his own.

In this way, rune games will usher in an era of blooming flowers in the future.

And Lin Yu doesn't have to bother making new games.

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