It was almost like a flash, and fifteen days passed. During these fifteen days, Qingyu launched a variety of publicity methods.

In a short time, everyone in Xumi City knew about it.

Various attractive publicity methods directly raised the expectations of the people in Xumi City. They all wanted to take a good look at the so-called Oasis Game. What kind of sacred place is it?

The Oasis Game staff transferred from Liyue officially arrived three days before the opening of the Oasis Game store.

After the boss Qingyu bought a house for them to solve the accommodation problem, he gave them three days to get familiar with the environment, and three days later is today.

It is the opening time of the Oasis Game Store.

The opening time announced to the public is nine o'clock in the morning, and it is about eight o'clock in the morning now, and there is more than an hour before the official opening of the Oasis Game Store.

But outside the door of the Oasis Game Store, there are already crowds of people, gathering many Xumi people who want to experience the Oasis Game.

There are many scholars from the Ministry of Education, and they call it the exploration and research of new things. Some people with more cunning minds may even take this opportunity to write an academic paper for themselves.

As time goes by, it is soon time for the opening of the Oasis Game Store.

The staff of Oasis Game just opened the door of the Oasis Game Store, and the crowd gathered outside the door directly poured into the Oasis Game Store.

The staff are no longer surprised by the popularity of Oasis Games. They organized the crowd in an orderly manner and began to limit the flow of people entering the Oasis Game Store.

There is no way to do this. After all, the area of ​​the Oasis Game Store is limited. If too many people come in, the experience of the game will be reduced.

Obviously, for Qingyu, who focuses on the game experience, this is something he does not allow.

After the first batch of customers tasted the sweetness of Oasis Games, they had never seen such a novel way of playing games, so they almost sank into it all at once and became the earliest loyal fans of Oasis Games in Xumi.

For three consecutive days, a lot of people gathered in front of the Oasis Game Store. It can almost be said that the Oasis Game Store is now the store with the best business in Xumi.

As the Oasis Game continued to be popular for a week.

The Church of the Order noticed a lot of unusual things, that is, many scholars asked for leave in a short period of time, and some even chose to skip classes directly!

Such a large-scale leave incident, Azar, as a great sage, naturally noticed this matter.

He notified the investigation of the matter as soon as possible, but the results of the investigation came out soon. The source of all the problems pointed to a store called Oasis Game.

After the great sage Azar learned about the Oasis Game Store, his face was full of unhappiness.

As a scholar pursuing wisdom, how could he let the game interfere with his firm heart? He immediately issued an order through the void terminal, requiring each school to strengthen the management of scholars and to prevent such incidents from happening again.

After three days, the number of scholars asking for leave to go to the Oasis Game Store was effectively reduced, but it did not affect the hot scene in front of the Oasis Game Store at all.

After learning this news, the great sage Azar felt that he was out of his management scope at this time. He was the great sage with the highest power in Xumi!

Then the great sage Azar ordered the Oasis Game Store to close down and stop business on the grounds that it endangered the physical and mental health of the people of Xumi, otherwise it would be regarded as endangering Xumi and approved to be arrested and imprisoned.

This is still based on the premise that Qingyu has the background of a big businessman in Liyue. If he was a native of Xumi, he would probably have been arrested and imprisoned in the prison under the Church Order Institute.

Qingyu, who learned the news, was naturally very angry.

He almost couldn't help but chop the two discipline officers who came to the door of the Oasis Game Store at that time with a sword.

Fortunately, Qingyu finally refrained from taking action, otherwise he would be forced to directly become an enemy of the entire Xumi. He was not afraid of this, but he thought that this might ruin Lin Yu's plan, so he didn't take action in the end.

After calming down, Qingyu asked the staff of Oasis Games to close the store, and then walked into the room alone, took out a Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Note and crushed it, and called back Lin Yu who was wandering around Xumi.

Lin Yu, who learned the news about Qingyu, stopped and continued immediately.Taking the steps of taking photos and checking in, he waved his hand and a space gate appeared in front of everyone. He took Zhongli and Xiao directly back to the Oasis Game Store.

"You are in a hurry to find me, but what happened?"

"Two Xumi disciplinary officers ordered our Oasis Game Store to close before, and they obeyed the orders of the great sage."

"Lin Yu... What should I do now?"

When he saw Lin Yu coming out of the space gate and asking him, he told Lin Yu everything that had happened before.

He did not feel wronged or sad now, but was forbearing his true thoughts.

He was afraid that he would be impulsive and directly hold a three-foot-three-long sword and kill all the sages in the world.

Lin Yu saw Qingyu's forbearance in his heart, and he did not expect that they had not yet gone to trouble the sage, but the sage had troubled him first.

Could it be that there was a master behind this? !

The time has not come yet, Lin Yu does not want to overturn the entire church in advance, so for now, he can only temporarily spare the life of the sage.

However, since others have already provoked him, Lin Yu, he naturally cannot do nothing.

What if I don't do something and my good buddy Qingyu is upset? He is such a good buddy!

"I know you are very angry now, but please don't be angry."

"The right time has not come yet..."

Really? After Qingyu heard Lin Yu's words, the whole person's eyes lost their brilliance, as if he had lost his spirit, and became a little dejected.

"But if you feel angry, you can go with Xiao to choose a sack of your choice now, and wait until night falls to find the great sage Azar with the sack, put him in the sack and beat him up, which can temporarily relieve your anger."

"If you feel that it is not enough to relieve your anger, don't worry. Even if you want to cut the great sage into pieces in the future, I, Lin Yu, will support you with both hands."

Zhongli: ? ? ?

Zhongli, who was beside Lin Yu, couldn't help but twitch his mouth after hearing Lin Yu's words. As the ruler of order, he used the method of putting people in sacks, which really made him feel helpless.

"Xiao, obey the order of Lord Yushen!" Xiao knelt on one knee in an instant, bowed his hands and said seriously.

In Xiao's opinion, ordering the closure of Lord Yushen's industry is a blasphemy and challenge to Lord Yushen, so he will strictly abide by Lord Yushen's orders, choose his favorite sack, and teach the great sage Azar a huge lesson, so that he knows that Lord Yushen must not be blasphemed!

At this time, the great sage Azar had no idea that he had been targeted by two lions.

Qingyu's eyes lit up again. Although he couldn't kill the great sage Azar directly, it seemed that it would be good to just put a sack on him and teach him a lesson?

"Let's go, Xiao, we still have to choose a sack." He patted Xiao's shoulder gently with his hand, and a smile appeared on his face, but there was a bit of viciousness in this smile.

Xiao nodded, and left the Oasis Game Store with Qingyu, heading towards the largest market in Xumi City.

The two of them decided to choose the most suitable sack for the great sage here.

Not long after, Qingyu and Xiao came out of the market, holding a light green sack in their hands, and this sack was the result of Qingyu and Xiao's selection.

Green is closest to nature. Xumi is the kingdom of wisdom, the kingdom of grass, and the kingdom of green. It is most reasonable to use a green sack to set the great sage of the green kingdom.

"Hmm? Have you chosen it?" Looking at the sack in Qingyu's hand, Lin Yu asked.

"This sack is the final result of my and Xiao's thinking and discussion for a long time. I believe that as the great sage of Xumi, he will definitely like the gift I prepared for him." When saying this, Qingyu became gloomy.

This can't be blamed on Qingyu, it's all the fault of the great sage Xumi.

At present, Oasis Game is in the hot development stage in Xumi. Qingyu had carefully planned a grand game competition to raise the popularity of Oasis Game in Xumi to a higher level. Unexpectedly, he was visited by the discipline officer before that.

He had been preparing and planning for a long time, but was suddenly interrupted by someone with an inexplicable reason. Anyway, Qingyu was very unhappy about this matter.

When ordinary people encounter such things, they can only know that they are not strong enough and endure it, but he is Qingyu, the sword fairy of Qingyu, who is backed by his good friend Order and governs the country. He must let the great sage have a good meal.It's hard work.

"Yes, it looks suitable."

"Brother Zhongli, do you want to go with us for tonight's operation?" Lin Yu looked in the direction of Zhongli.

"No need. Xiao and Qingyu are fully capable of this operation. One more person will increase the risk of being discovered. It's not appropriate." In fact, Zhongli was a little embarrassed to put a sack on the great sage Xumi behind his back.

If the Church of the Order was overturned openly, he, Zhongli, might not have such a heavy psychological burden. The only problem would be that the Rock God, who died with great difficulty, would come back to life.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid of being discovered? Isn't the perfect infiltration to kill every witness? Wouldn't no one find out then?"

"Ahem... just a little joke, don't look at me like that, I, Lin Yu, have always been calm and not a violent person."

"Since Brother Zhongli doesn't want to go, then play a few games with me here."

Could he, Lin Yu, be a very violent person? Impossible, absolutely impossible! If you don't believe it, go to Liyue and ask around. Who doesn't know that Lord Yu Shen cares about the world, is kind-hearted, and is kind to others?

Uh... Compared to the Demon God War period, when Lin Yu would start with a round of night light bombing at any time, it seems that he has indeed become much calmer.

How can something like putting a sack on someone be considered a violent incident in front of a night light? Soon, Zhongli convinced himself in his heart.

"Of course." As long as he was not asked to go with him to put someone in a sack, everything would be fine. It was just a few games. As long as he played against Lin Yu with the intention of losing, he would never fall into Lin Yu's trap.

As time passed, the moon soon climbed up from the horizon.

Night had fallen, and the hunt began.

At this time, Qingyu and Xiao seemed to have two fierce red lights flashing in their eyes, and they disappeared from the Oasis Game Store in a flash.

The next time they appeared was on the branches of the trees above the Church Order.

"Go in directly or go in directly?" Qingyu asked Xiao's opinion beside him. Xiao didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Qingyu's words. He had only one thought in his mind at this time: "Go in."

In an instant, the two disappeared from the branches.

At the gate of the Church Order, there were two mercenaries standing guard, guarding the safety of the Church Order.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew towards them.

"It's quite windy today. Do you think it will rain tonight?"

"I don't know, but with just this gust of wind, I think it's unlikely to rain."

The two mercenaries didn't realize that the gust of wind they were talking about just now was not just wind, but the airflow caused by Qingyu and Xiao's rapid movement.

It was normal for them not to notice the existence of Qingyu and Xiao.

As long as the immortal wanted to hide his existence, it would be impossible for mortals to see the existence of the immortal.

And Qingyu and Xiao, who were in their current state, would be killed if they saw him, so they not only missed the opportunity to meet the immortal, but also missed the favor of the god of death.

Qingyu and Xiao were very fast and soon came to the elevator of the Order House.

They did not start the elevator, but went straight up along the elevator shaft. Before they entered the Order House, they had already determined that the great sage Azar was alone in the sage's office on the top floor of the Order House.

The Great Sage Azar was reading the documents with the Fatui at this time.

Just as he was reading them seriously and fascinated, Qingyu and Xiao suddenly appeared behind the Great Sage Azar, holding the sack with both hands and aiming at the Great Sage Azar's body.

Slam it down!

In an instant, Azar felt that his eyes went dark, and then his body began to turn upside down.

"Who! What do you want to do?! Dare to offend the sage, this is a capital crime, do you understand?!" The Great Sage Azar in the sack suppressed his panic and tried to scare the two away.

PS: I will take a leave of absence for my birthday tomorrow and will not update, please don't miss me.

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