After Xiao and Qingyu became familiar with the operation mode in the virtual reality world, they were loaded into two different virtual worlds respectively.

Xiao went to "Minecraft", while Qingyu went to "Original God Honor".

The time flow in the Oasis virtual reality world is different from the time flow in the outside world. The time flow between reality and virtuality is about 1:3.

In fact, this time flow rate can be adjusted to a larger extent. From a technical point of view, even if it is 1:100, there is no problem at all.

But after all, the Oasis virtual reality equipment is to be promoted to the entire Teyvat continent, so it is necessary to consider whether other mortals can bear it, and thus produce mental pressure.

Watching Qingyu playing "Original God Honor", Lin Yu felt very bored. After all, there are only two of them in the entire root server, and Qingyu can obviously only open the human-computer battle mode.

It was really hard for Lin Yu to get interested in the battle between human and computer.

On the other hand, watching Xiao playing Minecraft, Lin Yu was enjoying it. Before this, Xiao should have never played this game. His clumsy appearance in the game was really interesting to an old player like Lin Yu.

Especially Xiao, who was immersed in pulling the tree with his hands, didn't notice the movement behind him at all.

Until he heard a "sizzle", when he reacted and turned around, the creeper came directly to him, and at the same time, its body expanded and flashed. The next moment, the creeper was directly exploded!

Directly sent Xiao, whose blood volume was not healthy, back to the birth point.

For Lin Yu, the two of them had been swimming in the virtual reality world for more than two hours, and for the two of them, the sensory experience had passed for six hours.

The two of them were worthy of the mental strength of immortals. In just over two hours, they had extracted a considerable amount of knowledge.

As for the energy size? It's about the same strength as Kong's wind blade during the Mondstadt period.

Now it seems that the energy provided is indeed not strong, but this is only the energy contributed by Xiao and Qingyu in two hours. What if it is the knowledge provided by the entire Liyue region and even the entire Teyvat continent?

A little bit adds up to a lot, and a little bit adds up to a tower. It will become a very considerable and huge energy.

Even if the gods are in front, they can only be dim.

"How is it? The experience of the virtual world is still pretty good, right?"

Looking at the two people who withdrew from the virtual world, Lin Yu said with a smile on his face.

Qingyu said excitedly: "Not bad? More than not bad, it's quite good! I used to think that the rune tablet would accompany me like peach wine, but now I want to tell the rune tablet that it has been eliminated!"

After having the Oasis virtual reality device, who would still use that old-fashioned rune tablet?

The old objects that have been passed down for thousands of years should have been abandoned by the times long ago!

"Lord Yushen, I like this thing called Oasis very much. Thank you for the gift." Compared with Qingyu's face full of excitement and excitement, Xiao's smile was slightly dim.

Lin Yu nodded.

"It's good that you like it, but this thing can only be used within the scope of Liyue. As for other areas of the mortal world, it has not been opened yet, but it shouldn't take long to wait."

"Ah? It can only be used within the scope of Liyue? Then I won't go back to Xumi!" Qingyu immediately made up his mind for the Oasis virtual reality device.

No wonder Lin Yu had to bring them to Liyue before to appreciate this thing. It turned out that it could only be used within the scope of Liyue.

Life is always full of choices, and now not returning to Xumi and staying in Liyue is the choice that Qingyu has made now.

After hearing Qingyu's words, Lin Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes at him. He is really worthy of being the world's number one internet addict. It's just right for him to choose to stay in Liyue.

"In that case, don't go back to Xumi, take it."

"Do this according to the above plan. The remaining funds on you are enough to do these things. If you don't have enough, come to me at any time."

After saying that, Lin Yu threw a previously written Oasis World Plan from his body to Qingyu.

After seeing this plan, Qingyu's eyes lit up instantly.

Although the Oasis virtual reality equipment is good, if he is the only one playing, then no matter how excellent the Oasis virtual reality equipment is, it will always feel boring after a long time.

But if according to this plan, the Oasis virtual reality equipment is popularized throughout Liyue, then everyone will have an Oasis and everyone can use the Oasis., the prosperity of Liyue will reach a new level.

Our Liyue is thriving!

"Leave it to me, I promise to strictly implement this plan, and there will be no mistakes!" Qingyu, holding the plan, patted his chest and promised.

Lin Yu nodded slightly and cast a satisfied look at Qingyu.

Then Lin Yu turned his head and looked at Xiao who was standing on the other side.

"Xiao, what about you? Do you want to stay in Liyue like Qingyu?"

"Wherever Lord Yushen is, Xiao will be there. It is Xiao's lifelong duty to clear all obstacles for Lord Yushen!" After hearing Lin Yu's inquiry, Xiao said without any hesitation.

Lin Yu nodded.

I don't know from which node in the past, Xiao, a firm Emperor fan, gradually transformed into a firm Yushen fan.

Lin Yu was a little helpless about this, but what could he do? Could he drive Xiao out? It would be too hurtful to do so.

Well, let Xiao follow him and perform the so-called duties.

Then Lin Yu told Qingyu a few more words, asking him not to slack off on the Oasis world, and to complete everything in the plan before the first batch of Oasis virtual reality equipment was shipped to Liyue.

Make sure to spread the Oasis virtual reality equipment throughout Liyue.

Lin Yu was naturally very clear about Qingyu's own abilities. He was fully capable of doing this job, and Lin Yu's worry was not that, but that Qingyu was addicted to the virtual world and forgot the progress.

After all, Qingyu's mental strength was higher than that of immortals, that was the mental strength of the demon god, so the health system in the Oasis equipment was just a decoration for him.

But if Qingyu really delayed the progress, Lin Yu could only give his good buddy an anti-addiction restriction with tears.


Then Lin Yu summoned a space gate, took Xiao through the space gate and returned to Xumi.

Although Qingyu was no longer in Xumi, Xiao was still by Lin Yu's side, and the grapes peeled by Xiao himself tasted quite good.

But such a leisurely life did not last long.

Nashida, with a trace of sadness on her face, came to Lin Yu. Seeing this, Lin Yu put down the Coke in his hand and looked at Nashida.

"What's wrong?"

"Not long ago, I felt the breath of the power of the abyss in the Xumi Desert, and it has been spreading continuously, with no sign of stopping." Nashida told Lin Yu what she found.

? Lin Yu slowly typed a question mark.

It hasn't been long since he had such a leisurely life, why did the abyss come out again?

Lin Yu frowned and thought in his mind, as if there was no such thing in the plot of Xumi? But this is not difficult to understand, after all, the fate of Teyvat has begun to deviate.

Only at the major nodes, the original fate is still maintained.

"Interesting, where are Kong and Paimon?"

Nasi Da didn't know why Lin Yu asked this, but still answered honestly: "They left Xumi City two weeks ago."

As for the specific whereabouts, Nashi Da didn't ask much, but if she really wanted to know their current location, it would not be a difficult task.

"Has it left Xumi City two weeks ago? What a pity"

Originally, Lin Yu wanted to package the abnormal situation in the Xumi Desert this time into a commissioned task and hand it over to Kong, a little expert, but he didn't expect that they had left Xumi City two weeks ago.

Well, if that's the case, then he, Lin Yu, can only take action himself to find out.

"Ah?" What a pity? What a pity? Why a pity? Nashi Da looked at Lin Yu a little confused.

Lin Yu waved his hand: "It's okay, I already know the situation in the Xumi Desert. Since I'm in Xumi now, I won't let this matter go. I will go there to investigate it myself later."

"Thank you for the order." Nashida said.

It's a pity that she can't go with Lin Yu. Before she figured out the purpose of the abyss power, Nashida must stay in Xumi City and guard the world tree with the Great Compassion Tree King.

Lin Yu nodded slightly and stood up. Xiao also came to Lin Yu's side at the first time, and the Hepu Yuan in his hand was glowing with emerald green cold light.

Xiao will clear all obstacles for Lord Yushen one by one on this trip!

Then Lin Yu raised his hand to summon a space gate. Through the space gate, the two came directly to the desert and stood in a place in the desert.The tip of the cliff.

And under the cliff is the surging power of the abyss, engulfing all kinds of monsters along the way, and is now moving in another direction along the canyon.

If Lin Yu could not clearly feel that the seal he set up under the ground of Xumi five hundred years ago was not problematic, he would have thought that the abyss had once again swept across the Teyvat continent.

"Lord Yu Shen, do you need me to deal with these filthy monsters?"

Xiao, who was following Lin Yu, stepped forward.

"No." Lin Yu shook his head.

This abyss power and the monsters engulfed in it are obviously not the source. If the problem cannot be solved from the source, no matter how much An cleans up, it will not have any great effect.

Just leave it here for the time being. Anyway, there are few people in the Xumi Desert, and there will be no big problems if it is left alone.

Wait until he follows this abyss power and finds the source behind the problem. After solving the source of the problem, he will start to clean up these residues.

Then Lin Yu released his divine consciousness and investigated in the direction of the abyss power.

He stopped in another canyon because he saw an interesting scene here, two of his acquaintances.

"Uh!! Kong, be careful! There are more over there!"

"What happened here? How could there be so many monsters with ominous aura!"

Kong was holding a long sword and attacking hard in the encirclement of monsters, while Paimon was shouting loudly and pulling the belt on Kong's clothes in fear.

God knows what happened. The two of them just took a commission from a Xumi archaeologist and went to a place in the Xumi Desert to find the location of an ancient ruins.

Although the environment in the desert was a bit bad before, it was obviously not as bad as before.

It was just a change overnight. When they came out of the Dust Song Pot, they were directly trapped in the whole monster pile. Now they were in a dilemma.

They couldn't even go back to the Dust Song Pot to hide. After all, if they entered the Dust Song Pot at this moment, the monsters outside would definitely attack the Dust Song Pot...

The surrounding monsters seemed endless. No matter how many monsters Kong killed, there would still be a steady stream of monsters coming up.

Kong realized that if he was entangled here all the time, he would be exhausted sooner or later.

Surrounded by towering cliffs of the canyon, and this road in the canyon was full of monsters. Kong looked at the sky of the canyon and there was only this one road.

"Paimeng hold me tight!"

"Ah? Kong, what are you doing? I'm holding on tight!"

Without Kong's reminder, Paimeng had already held on tight before.

Then Kong slashed several sword energies around him, repelling the monsters gathered around him. Taking advantage of this gap, he jumped high and released a wind blade at his feet.

As the wind blade exploded, the impact force also pushed Kong towards the sky.

Wind elements burst out from under his feet, and he stepped on the cliffs in the canyon to further relay, and directly escaped from the canyon surrounded by monsters and stood on the canyon.

When he came to the top of the canyon, he saw the black mist filling the entire canyon, which looked like a wandering black dragon.

No wonder he felt that he could never kill them all when he was below.

It would be strange if he could kill them all!


Just when Kong breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt an extra hand on his shoulder. Kong, who was concentrating on the situation in the canyon, was directly frightened.

His body shook and he almost fell back into the canyon again.

"Yes, it's Lin Yu and Xiao!"

" don't make any sound when you walk? You almost scared me and Kong to death."

Paimon looked at Lin Yu and Xiao, still a little scared.

It's really, really scary when two people suddenly appear from behind at this time, okay? !

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