After seeing the expressions of Kong and Paimeng, Lin Yu really wanted to laugh, but he felt that it was not good, so Lin Yu held it back.

"I don't know if we will make any noise when we walk, after all, Xiao and I were flying just now." Lin Yu smiled softly and spread his hands to the two of them.

Ah, that makes sense, no, that's not right! It's so abominable!!

"Humph!" Paimeng hugged his hands in front of his chest and turned his head to the other side.

After seeing that it was Lin Yu and Xiao, Kong no longer had the nervous panic just now, but turned to ask Lin Yu about the situation in the canyon at the moment.

"Lin Yu, do you know what happened in the Xumi Desert?"

Paimeng echoed, "Yes, yes, I just woke up from the Dust Song Pot and was surrounded by those monsters. Paimeng doesn't want such a surprise!"

She hopes to see a table full of all kinds of delicious food waiting for her after she wakes up, instead of letting herself become food in the mouths of monsters!

"I don't know." Lin Yu spread his hands and said very bluntly. "If I knew that this kind of thing would happen in the Xumi Desert, it would probably not happen."

"Xiao and I are investigating the whole story of this matter. What? Do you want to come with me?" Lin Yu looked at Kong.

Kong nodded.

He knew clearly that the ominous aura was the power of the abyss, and this matter must be related to the abyss. When he mentioned the abyss, he thought of his sister who had met again.

He now wanted to know what the abyss wanted to do, and at the same time hoped to take this opportunity to further collect information about his sister.


"Since you want to participate in this investigation, then participate in it. But I have to explain in advance that this incident is related to the abyss, so it is particularly dangerous." Lin Yu folded his hands in front of his chest, staring at Kong and Paimeng and said.

Paimeng smiled and said: "With Lin Yu around, what danger can there be? Even if there is danger, you can't ignore it, Lin Yu?!"

"Who knows?" Lin Yu said with his hands spread out.

Paimeng was immediately frightened. The reason why she was able to remain calm was because Lin Yu was around, providing strong and safe shelter for her and Kong.

But now who knows what Lin Yu said, so Paimeng was a little unsure.

She pulled Kong's clothes and said: "Professional matters should be left to professionals. Kong, why don't we get involved in it..."

Kong fell into silence, and Paimeng changed his face really quickly.

From Mondstadt to now, Kong has summed up a set of experience in the time he has spent with Lin Yu.

Lin Yu is the kind of person who is unreliable in words but very reliable in actual behavior.

So he doesn't think that Lin Yu will abandon them when they are in danger. At the same time, he also has a certain strength, and it is not necessary for Lin Yu to take action every time.

"Have you decided? Do you still want to go with me?"

"Yes!" Kong said with a firm look.

Lin Yu shrugged: "Well, since you have made up your mind, I naturally can't refuse it."

He knew that Kong was not the kind of person who would be scared off by a few words, so he was not surprised at all that Kong finally chose Lin Yu.

"What should we do now?" Kong looked at the black tide below the canyon, then raised his head and looked in the direction of Lin Yu, asking Lin Yu's opinion.

"Of course, we have to go to the source and take a good look. Before this, I have already found the source of the matter. As for what is going on? After arriving at the source, won't all the answers be revealed?"

After saying this, Lin Yu raised his hand and summoned a space gate. On the other side of the space gate was the source location that Lin Yu had previously released his divine thoughts to search for and lock.

Xiao entered the space gate first, paving the way for Lord Yushen, and everyone followed closely.

After everyone came out of the space gate, they saw this amazing scene in front of them. They saw a huge vortex filled with abyss power hanging upside down in the sky.

A large amount of abyss power was gushing out from the abyss vortex, like a black shock wave rushing straight to the ground.

"Solid as a rock."

Being in the thick abyss fog, he didn't care, but for the safety of Xiao and Kong, he immediately summoned a shield composed of light elemental power.

At the same time, under the influence of Lin Yu's power, everyone soared into the air and flew towards the inverted vortex hanging high in the air.

Meng exclaimed, and then immediately covered her eyes with her hands. It was not because she was afraid of heights because of the sudden takeoff, but because the inverted abyss vortex was already deep and terrifying. Now Lin Yu brought her closer, wouldn't it become even more terrifying?

Kong didn't show too much, just stared quietly, and his breathing gradually became heavier.

After reaching a similar height and approaching the inverted abyss vortex, Lin Yu stopped moving and turned to stare at the inverted abyss vortex in front of him with his hands around.

"This is the source of all the changes on the Xumi Desert." Looking at this huge and deep inverted abyss vortex, Lin Yu said softly.

At the same time, he was also thinking about what the purpose of the abyss was for doing all this.

Paimeng, half covering his eyes, hid behind Kong.

"Since this vortex hanging in the sky is the source of the change in the Xumi Desert, it means that as long as this vortex is destroyed or blocked, the situation in the Xumi Desert will get better?"

Lin Yu nodded. In theory, this is indeed the case.

No matter what the purpose of the abyss is, the best solution in front of Lin Yu is obviously to destroy the abyss vortex in front of him.

Interrupt the connection between this space and the abyss.

Lin Yu stretched out a hand towards the upside-down abyss vortex, and a group of light element power gathered on his hand, and then Lin Yu's whole body radiated such light.

Two golden halos appeared behind his head, and Lin Yu quickly completed the transformation of the God of Light·Lin Yu's identity.

A pair of golden eyes stared at the abyss vortex in the sky.

"The God of Light is here, why don't you retreat?!"

Lin Yu shouted coldly.

Then a strong light element power burst out from his body. The huge light element power burst out, instantly clearing all the filth on the entire land. The various creatures that were previously affected by it were also washed by the light element power and restored their previous appearance.

After doing all this, Lin Yu looked up again and looked coldly at the abyss vortex in the sky.

As soon as he waved his hand, the spatial authority in his body began to play a powerful role. In an instant, the space above the entire Xumi Desert was completely under Lin Yu's control.

The Broken Sky Sword came out, wrapped in a huge spatial force, and cut off the connection of the abyss vortex.

Under such divine power, even the strongest spatial connection can only be cut off by Lin Yu in the end.

Normally, as long as the false sky set by Tianli has not been broken, the power of the abyss cannot be so easily and massively merged into the Teyvat continent, unless someone in the Teyvat continent assisted the abyss to establish a spatial connection.

In an era when the law of nature is sleeping and the maintainers are dying, it is indeed much easier to do this than before.

But I'm sorry, Lin Yu can't pretend that he didn't see the abyss destroying the Teyvat continent.

So with him, the abyss can't think of destroying Teyvat.

As for who took on the role of the insider, how many people on the Teyvat continent can take on the role of the abyss insider? I think the answer is self-evident.

The abyss vortex was cut off by Lin Yu, and it quickly lost the power to maintain its existence. In a moment, it was annihilated in the air by Lin Yu's vast light element power.

"Good, so powerful!"

"Such a terrifying thing, Lin Yu solved it easily."

Under the impact of the surrounding light element power, Paimeng only felt warm and safe in his heart at this moment, and once again marveled at Lin Yu's powerful display of strength.

Once again refreshed Paimeng's previous impression of strength when Lin Yu teased the scattered soldiers.

Only then did she realize that she was still small and narrow-minded.

After hearing Paimon's praise for Lin Yu, Xiao's head began to slightly rise, without even looking at the person in front of him, that was his Lord Yushen!

"It has been solved, but the matter is not over yet."

"The remaining abyss forces and the creatures affected by them will not disappear because of the disappearance of the inverted vortex."

Then Lin Yu smiled and threw a ball of light from his hand.

The ball of light fell and hit the ground, and instantly a shock wave burst out in all directions, and this gentle shock wave will pass through the polluted area, cleaning and purifying all the filth in it.


After doing all this, Lin Yu patted his hands, looking relaxed and comfortable, and was ready to take off the appearance of the God of Light on his body.

Although he was very satisfied with the image design of his God of Light, he couldn't wear it every day, right?

Just when Lin Yu was about to take off his attire,A huge dragon roar came from afar!

"Roar, roar, roar!!!!"

? After hearing this dragon roar, Lin Yu immediately typed a question mark.

He had just solved a problem, so he didn't want any other problems to arise elsewhere.

Paimeng, who had been relieved, was frightened back to his original appearance in an instant, and immediately hid behind Kong, pulling Kong's clothes tightly with his hands.

Only half of his head was exposed, looking around at the place where the sound came from.

"Fa, what happened? What's the matter with that sound just now? Listen, it sounds like he is very angry."

"Go over and take a look, and you will know the answer." Lin Yu looked at Paimeng's useless look and said lightly.

Being able to transmit such a huge dragon roar in the Xumi Desert area, Lin Yu can basically determine who the sound is without using his divine thoughts to investigate.

If nothing unexpected happens, it is the grass dragon Apep.

But why did he make such a roar?

Lin Yu directly controlled the power of space to cover everyone, and transferred himself to space, and appeared in front of Apep the next moment.

Everyone in the sky could see the huge worm-like grass dragon king Apep at this time, exuding ominous abyss power all over his body, and the whole dragon was twitching on the ground in pain or unconsciousness.

The terrain that was whipped by it collapsed and cracked in an instant, and the mountains were just small mounds in front of it.

Except for Lin Yu, the three people were all shocked when they looked at the grass dragon Apep. Xiao felt relieved after looking at Lord Yushen...

"What a huge and terrible creature, what on earth is it? What happened to it?" The fear and fear in his heart obviously did not resist Paimeng's curiosity.

"It is the Grass Dragon Apep, and one of the first seven elemental dragons that followed the Dragon King Nibelung."

"Looking at its current appearance and situation, it should be contaminated by the power of the abyss pouring out from the vortex of the inverted abyss, or it can be said that the abyss itself is the plan of the abyss to pollute and erode the Grass Dragon Apep."

Lin Yu connected the two points together. Anyway, the abyss would not waste its efforts in vain, so it was probably for this reason.

"So what should we do now?" Kong looked at Lin Yu and asked.

"If we let it go, the upside-down vortex of the abyss has been cut off, and there is no subsequent source of the power of the abyss, so it is impossible to complete the complete transformation of Apep into the abyss."

"Then the end of the grass dragon Apep will only be death due to the erosion of the power of the abyss, and the death of a grass dragon at this level will burst out with a very powerful force, which will have a great impact on the entire Xumi."

"So in order to prevent Xumi from being affected, I should probably take action to treat it."

Lin Yu looked at the twitching grass dragon Apep and said lightly.

He was not interested in the various grievances between the elemental dragon clan and the law of nature in the past. .

"Hmm... There are such terrible consequences?!"

At this time, Paimon's mind began to flash the picture of Apep exploding, a powerful force instantly swept across the entire Xumi City, and Nashida's thin body swaying in the wind.

It doesn't matter, I will take action.

Then Lin Yu stretched out a hand, and the brilliance of the light element power appeared again. A light element burst out from Lin Yu's hand and went towards the direction of the grass dragon Apep.

The soft light element power began to wrap the body of the grass dragon Apep.

This caused the grass dragon Apep to resist fiercely, and the result was that Apep's body twitched faster and harder, looking very devilish...

"Stop, I won't accept everything you bring, I'm different from those ancient dragons who compromised with you!"

"It's ridiculous, it only existed for a moment, but relying on the majesty of the sky, it claims to be the lord of this place, ridiculous!"

Lin Yu, who was supplying power to the grass dragon to clean up the filth of the abyss, looked at the grass dragon Apep and was a little speechless, but did not stop the action in his hand.

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