The place the girl pointed to was clearly a sea. If it was a sea, how could there be a small mound? If there was a small mound on the sea, shouldn't it be called a reef?

"A small mound? Where is the small mound?"

Qingyu seriously suspected that the girl in front of him had been strongly stimulated by something, which led to some problems in her cognition.

He couldn't help but cast a concerned look.

"Yes, yes, the place you pointed to was clearly a sea. Are you actually a mermaid living in the sea?" Paimon said whimsically.

The girl began to explain herself.

"Although people always call the water around Fontaine the sea, it is actually just an inland lake filled with fresh water."

"Although the small mound is so clear in my memory, it now lies naturally on the seabed."

"I remember a lot of memories about us, but the sea is swallowing up these memories that belong to us little by little... Then it will be our turn."

"I, I don't quite understand..." After listening to what the girl said, Paimeng felt dizzy and didn't understand what the girl wanted to express at all.

Except for Paimeng, everyone present should have understood what the girl said.

What the girl said was that the water level of Fontaine was rising, and it was submerging the traces of the people of Fontaine who had lived there little by little. As time went on, all the people of Fontaine would be submerged by the sea in the end...

At this time, another young man came over from the side.

"I haven't seen the face before. Is it Linnet's new friend?"

"Thank you for taking care of my sister. She often misses our childhood here. Don't worry about her."

"Oh, let me introduce myself. I am Linnie and she is my sister Linnet. It seems that you are travelers from outside?"

Linnie looked in the direction of the crowd and introduced herself.

Looking at the dress and temperament of the two, Lin Yu guessed that they should be workers engaged in magic performances. Lin Yu began to be a little curious about the two.

"Are you dressed like the magicians in the legend? I wonder if you know a magician called Kaito Kidd. He is a very powerful magician I know."

Ah? Lin Yu's words made Linnie stunned. What Kaito Kidd?

After thinking carefully in his mind, Linnie shook his head and said truthfully.

"Linnet and I are indeed magicians. We came back to Fontaine this time to organize a series of wonderful magic shows. However, I'm sorry that I don't know a magician named Kaito Kidd."

"Don't know him? It's a pity. His magic is really amazing."

"Really? If I have the chance to meet him, I think I will definitely have a wonderful and exciting magic competition with him!"

Hearing Lin Yu mention the magician named Kaito Kidd, his magic is very powerful. Linni also became interested for a while. I wonder who is better between him and him.

Zhongli shook his head and sighed secretly. Where did this competitive spirit come from?

"Haha, I will definitely recommend it to you if I have the chance."

Lin Yu felt that he might not have a chance in this life. After all, the two of them were not in the same dimension, unless he could travel through time again and travel to Conan's world.

However, Lin Yu did not want to enter a world full of death cases. If he was involved in a series of troublesome cases, how could he feel the joy of life?

"Listening to Linnet's story just now, you seem to be worried that the sea water will rise and submerge the entire Fontaine?" Lin Yu asked.

As the ruler of order, he came to Fontaine to conduct an investigation, which is obviously a very reasonable thing.

"Oh, this, everything has to start from the long-standing prophecy in Fontaine."

"But it seems that it can't be completely said to be a prophecy, because the impression given to people is that prophecies are often very mysterious things, but in Fontaine, it is really happening."

"According to the prophecy..., anyway, that's it."

Linnie told the prophecy in detail in front of everyone. Before, Shikong and Paimon learned from Heulia that the water in Fontaine would rise, but they didn't know why the water in Fontaine would rise.

Now from the prophecy told by Linnie, they know that the people of Fontaine are carrying a certain sin.

So the people of Fontaine were born with a certain sin.What is it?

Suddenly, it feels like this matter has become more confusing, especially for our Paimon.

"So that's the case. Thank you so much for answering this question for us."

"You said before that you wanted to hold a wonderful magic show in Fontaine this time. I wonder where the magic show is? As a new friend, you should come and support it."

Lin Yu smiled and looked at Lini and said.

This is the first time he has seen and heard about magic in Teyvat. It is also a good pastime to watch the magic show in Teyvat in his spare time.

"It's in the Fontaine Court, but we haven't found the specific venue yet. We have to wait until the time comes to decide based on the situation." Lini replied.

"Fontaine? Is it where the water god is?" Paimon said.

"Yes, that's right, but to be precise, the water god should be in the Mo Mang Palace in Fontaine. I heard that the room on the top floor of the Mo Mang Palace is the residence of the god."

"What? Are you interested in the water god of Fontaine?"

Linnie looked in the direction of Kong and Paimeng and said. As a child of the Hearth House, he naturally knew about this famous traveler from the information he had.

"Yeah, we want to meet the water god of Fontaine." Paimeng nodded and said.

This is Lin Yu's faint interruption.

"Correction, it's you and Kong who want to meet the water god of Fontaine."

The purpose of his coming to Fontaine this time is very simple, that is, to help Kong and Paimeng promote the main line process, but because he doesn't know the game plot of Fontaine, he didn't have any advance layout or anything.

Since it is related to the main line task, it must be a big deal.

Lin Yu had already guessed about this major event. The main plot must be related to the rising water of Fontaine and the whole Fontaine being submerged. What Kong and Paimon have to do is to prevent this from happening.

The current Fontaine people are the former water god Egolia, who used the water of the original fetal sea without authorization. The imperfection of power left a serious flaw for the Fontaine people.

Once these Fontaine people touch the water of the original fetal sea, they will dissolve and degenerate into the appearance and state of the previous pure water elves in an instant.

From an independent individual, return to the consciousness cluster again.

This matter is easy for Lin Yu to solve. The bracelet inlaid with the crystal of water rules in his hand can control the water of the original fetal sea.

After all, the water of the original fetal sea also belongs to the water in the Teyvat continent.

However, the timing is not right now, so Lin Yu does not intend to take action, so before that, it is better to enjoy the holiday life in Fontaine.

After chatting with Linni and Linnet for a while, the group decided to go to Fontaine together.

Although everyone's purpose is different, the destination is the same.

Now everyone is on the port of Fontaine. If you want to officially enter the country of Fontaine, you need to go to the tower built on the raised plate.

There is an elevator in this tower. Through the elevator in the tower, you can go to the raised plate, that is, officially enter the country of Fontaine.

The last time Lin Yu came to Fontaine was hundreds of years ago. At that time, Fontaine, which had just experienced the war, was obviously far less beautiful than the current Fontaine.

Just as the group walked leisurely towards the tower, two teams of Fontaine Special Patrol suddenly trotted out of the tower. They stood on both sides of the tower.

The hands were clenched into fists, flat on the chest, and they were saluting. The scene was very grand.

Hmm? Seeing this scene, Lin Yu slowly typed a question mark. What is going on?

"That... do you want to see Lady Funina? But she seems to have come to see you." Lin Ni said softly.

Then everyone looked up and looked in the direction of the elevator platform. They saw the water goddess Funina standing on it, and Violet was also beside the water goddess Funina.

"Hey!! Is that... the water god?! How did she know we were coming?" Paimon exclaimed.

Obviously, the scene in front of him surprised Paimon very much.

After all, she and Kong have traveled to so many countries, and this is the first time she has seen such a scene. She didn't expect to see the water god of Fontaine so easily.

It seems that Nashida is right. The water god of Fontaine is indeed a very individual god.

"Rich, poor, with wine glasses or nothing, raise your glasses! Those who don't haveJust use your arms instead. "

The appearance of Funina instantly attracted the attention of the people in the entire Fontaine Port, especially after hearing Funina's words, there was a burst of cheers.

People either applauded or raised their hands, all of which showed their love for Funina.

"As you can see, strange travelers have come to my country. Come, let us send them blessings, and respect the travelers and their companions who have come from afar! "

Funina said in a very exaggerated manner.

All of a sudden, Lin Yu and his group beside Kong and Paimeng instantly became the focus of the entire port crowd.

However, Lin Yu had long been accustomed to such gazes. He vaguely remembered the first time he followed Zhongli to his territory. At that time, facing the sincere welcome of thousands of people, he was still a little embarrassed.

Xiao, who was standing next to Lin Yu, was carefully watching everything around him. Any existence that might threaten Lord Yushen could not escape his eyes.

And Funina on the stage continued to speak.

"I have heard that you two have caused bloody storms in several countries, but I still welcome you, no, I will come to greet you in person."

"Fear is the behavior of small people. As a god, I will not take such meaningless caution as a creed. You can rest assured. I can see your piety clearly. "

This time it was Kong's turn to slowly ask questions. Is he pious? When did he become pious? How come he didn't know about this? It was bloody and violent... It seemed reasonable, but it was too...

"The audience is to better admire my power and authority. Of course, this is very wise. Smart people will always gather under the right banner."

"Welcome to the kingdom of water. I, Fukaros, will recognize the value and significance of your journey. Now you can cheer as much as you want! !"

Lin Yu, Qing Yu, Xiao:...

Kong, Paimon:.........

For a moment, everyone except Zhongli and Heulia fell into silence.

After a while, Paimon asked Funinna, who was standing on the high platform.

"Um, Lord Water God, how did you know we would come here?"

"Oh, I understand. You outsiders inevitably have some vulgar cognition. But don't forget, gods can be mediocre or excellent, and it's normal for you to be surprised by my talent. "

"Why not reflect on this, do you really have the morals and etiquette to communicate with gods? For me, getting your information is just a matter of moving my fingers, nothing is easier than this."

Lin Yu:............

Paimon moved closer to Sora, controlling the sound of his voice.

"Wow, she, she's so arrogant..."

"She always emphasizes her status as a god. "

They had seen so many gods during their journey, but they had never seen a god who would always emphasize his identity as a god.

What Nashida said was indeed right... She was indeed a very individual god.

After Furninna finished speaking, the scene between her and Sora fell into silence for a while, and Furninna began to panic at that time.

She looked at Navilet beside her with a look of help, and whispered to Navilet.

"Why doesn't he say anything, just staring at me? Isn't the welcome ceremony enough here? What should I say? Navilet, help me think! ! "

That Villette was very helpless, he wanted to hold his forehead to express his helplessness.

As a dragon integrated into human society, he could tell from his cognition that this was not a welcome ceremony at all, who would hold a welcome ceremony like this.

I'm afraid that in this world, only Furninna is so unique...

The scene fell into silence, and Paimon became a little confused.

"...Uh, is she waiting for us to start a conversation..." Paimon asked uncertainly.

As expected of the god with a unique personality as Nashida said, his personality was so unique that Kong and Paimon didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

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