After Kong and Funina fell into silence, in the eyes of the Fontaine people, this was their Lord Water God, who was confronting the famous traveler.

"Great, worthy of our Lord Water God, he directly crushed the traveler in terms of momentum!"

"Yes, yes, Lord Water God came here specially, and he must have come here to have an exciting duel with this traveler from a foreign land."

"Is that so? That's really exciting, I know that Lord Funina will never let people down!"

Funina, who was worried about not being able to find words to continue the conversation just now, happened to hear the heated discussion of the people below with her sharp ears.

Since it is what the people expect...

Funina, standing on the high platform, took a deep breath secretly, and then began to laugh. The whole person's state seemed a little crazy in Lin Yu's eyes.


"That's right, stay calm. My people who believe in me always like to shout with the spectators. It's so loud, and I will tolerate these disturbances."

"Just think of it as a reward. As you can imagine, I am indeed determined to have an epic showdown with this foreign traveler!"

That Villette:...........

It shouldn't have come, but it still came.

After hearing the speech of the water goddess Funina on the high platform, Paimon suddenly began to feel a little at a loss, but with Lin Yu and Zhongli by her side, she felt safe enough, so Paimon did not show panic.

"Uh, ah? This, this is inexplicably going to fight? Isn't it a bit too fast?!"

Paimon looked at Kong in a panic.

According to the usual practice, shouldn't they be wanted by Fontaine before fighting?

No, why did she feel that she was wanted by Fontaine!

Lin Yu, who was standing behind Kong, also smiled slightly. He hadn't felt such an interesting scene for a while.

He couldn't help but want to participate.

Of course, he didn't fight with Funina himself. After all, if that was the case, wouldn't it seem that he, the God of Feathers, was too bullying?

So... Lin Yu took out a long sword from his space.

He patted Kong's shoulder and handed the long sword to Kong in person. Kong looked at the long sword handed over from Lin Yu, which was emitting white light in the groove of the Sword God, and couldn't help showing a puzzled expression to Lin Yu.

"This is my sword, called the Broken Sky Sword." After saying this, Lin Yu immediately felt the very strange expression on Kong's face, and then he understood something.

Then he smiled softly and said, "Hahaha, don't get me wrong, this Duankong is not that Duankong, but it does not mean to cut the air into two with one sword. Duankong sword means to cut off space."

"This is a long sword that can easily cut off space. Even if you don't have extremely high martial arts, you can easily cut off space with this sword."

"Now I will lend you this long sword, go and fight with the water goddess Funina! I am very optimistic about you."

After saying that, Lin Yu patted Kong's shoulder again.

Unexpectedly, this is a long sword that can easily cut off space. He has also seen sword skills that can cut off space. For example, the Wuxiang sword in Lei's movie martial arts before is the ultimate martial arts that can cut off space.

Kong held the Duankong sword in his hand. After learning that this is a very powerful sword, a smile appeared on his face.

He then held the Duankong sword and looked in the direction of the water goddess Funina with sharp eyes.

"In that case, let's give it a try!"

Seeing this situation, the special patrol team also surrounded them at the first time, and the water god Funina on the high platform was dumbfounded. She, she, she is a god! Shouldn't you be afraid of gods? Why, why did you face the challenge!

Feeling the cold edge emanating from the Broken Sky Sword and the sharp eyes on Kong's face, Funina couldn't help but take a step back.

Hmm? Lin Yu has already sung in his mind, are you serious about taking a half step back? A small action...

It's no wonder that Funina was scared. Her ears are still sharp, and when Lin Yu spoke to Kong, he didn't deliberately lower his voice.

The people of Fontaine around heard Lin Yu's words and thought that this little boy was just exaggerating. How could there be a sword in the world that can cut through space? Even if there is, it can't be something that a little boy like you can touch?

But... after years of experience in performing arts, Fu Nina did not find anyThere is no trace of interpretation, so... this sword should have a 70% chance of being real.

Even if it can't really cut through space, it should be a very powerful sword.

After this scene, Navilete has successfully locked on the strong man among Liyue's group. He thinks that if nothing unexpected happens, it should be the one who lent the Broken Sky Sword.

He looked at the face of the boy and he didn't recognize him. The boy didn't have the breath of a god, or he hid it very well, which shows that he is a very powerful existence.

Navilete frowned silently, he looked at Funina and just hoped that she would be more obedient in the future...

Funina felt the gaze from Navilete, and then she immediately felt relieved. She came here today with Navilete by her side. What is there to be afraid of with Navilete around?

Thinking of this, Funina gradually regained her composure.

"Hmm? It's really unexpected. You dare to draw your sword and face me directly. Aren't you afraid of this? This is a duel with God."

Paimon first glanced at Kong, and then at the lineup behind him.

Ruler of Order·Feather God·Zennos·Lin Yu.

Ruler of the World·Rock God·Morax·Zhongli.

Former God·Sword Immortal·Qing Yu.

Former God·Salt Immortal·Heulia.

Three-Eyed Five-Manifestation Immortal·Golden Roc General·Xiao.

At this point, Paimon nodded with a sense of security. With such a luxurious lineup behind her, there must be no problem even if she takes down the entire Fontaine.

With such a strong sense of security, how could she feel fear? It's really not a little fear.

As the captain of the special patrol, Clorinde looked at Kong with a serious face and sharp eyes when she saw the majesty of her own god being challenged by outsiders.

"What do you want to do, traveler? Are you offending the gods in front of the people?"

Hmm? At this time, Kong, holding the Broken Sky Sword, slowly typed a question mark. Isn't it your god who wants to fight with him? Why did I offend him?

? ? ?

"···Ahem, well, it's okay, Clorinde, I admire her courage. There are not many people who dare to draw the sword against the gods. Obviously, she is a real fighter."

"But it's a pity... In this era, people will only crave more and more excitement. A simple duel of force cannot satisfy those hungry souls!"

As soon as Finina said this, the people around her started a heated discussion again.

"It seems to be true. It seems a bit boring to just fight."

"There are always criminals on Ilia Island who ask for a duel to defend their reputation. I am really tired of seeing duels of force."

The discussion of the people made Finina's face lightly show a smile of success.

Since fighting with arms doesn't work, can't she fight with words? Over the past hundreds of years, she has seen so many trials, and although she has not personally participated in the defense, she is also rich in defense experience, okay?

"See, so... let me, as the god of justice, fight this foreign traveler in court!"

"Yes, yes, yes!! That's how it should be, it's more interesting this way!!"

"Yes, after all, this is our Fontaine's home court, it would be a pity if we don't use the opera house."

Paimon's head is dizzy now, she doesn't understand what this water god wants to do now.

She complained helplessly to Funina on the high platform.

"Why do you care so much about the reaction of the onlookers? Have you been in your opera house for too long?"

"And you said you want to have a duel in court. How do you do it? Do you mean to judge us? We haven't committed any crime. You were the one who first proposed the duel just now."

Paimeng was really helpless about the water goddess Funina in front of him.

This is the only one that made her feel so helpless after she has seen so many gods. Even Wendy, the guy who doesn't do his job, didn't make her feel so helpless.

At this time, Lin Yu's mouth corners were slightly raised and he materialized a handful of melon seeds.

Because he thought it was too interesting.

"Haha, of course there is a reason to judge you, and it's obvious, right?"

"According to the Fontaine law, no one is allowed to fly flying objects in the Fontaine city area in the first three days of each month. You have violated this one."

What does no one allow flying objects in the Fontaine city area? When did they fly flying objects?

In about a few seconds, Paimeng reacted immediately.

"You, you, you, what do you mean? You mean I'm flyingA flying object? Do you think I am a flying object? Do you think I look like a flying object? Am I a flying object? ! ! "

Paimon was very angry. How could Paimon be a flying object? She is not an object!!!

"That's right, Paimon is the best emergency food, not a flying object." Kong also said to Funina.

Paimon stomped his feet in the air and said to Kong: "Ah! Paimon is neither a flying object nor an emergency food, Paimon is Paimon!"

Damn water god Funina, damn traveler Kong.

"That's right, it's a flying object. If you two have no objection, I will arrest you in the name of the water god."

Funina put her hands on her hips and looked at Kong and Paimon under the platform.

Ah? Are they going to arrest us? Isn't this a bit too absurd? Can you at least find a better and more reasonable reason?

For example, stealing the sky harp, assassinating the rock king, the exception outside of eternity, revealing some evil plan.

"Well, Kong, what should we do now? This, this is too unreasonable! "

Kong looked at Lin Yu behind him and cast a look of help at Lin Yu. Before Lin Yu felt Kong's gaze, he calmly stuffed the melon seeds in his hand into Xiao's hand.

Xiao: Lord Yu Shen must have a reason for doing this.

Lin Yu did not expect that the situation would develop like this. From the original fighting to the fighting, and the fighting in the court, it was really interesting.

I am not talented, but I have also been called the chief judge.

Feeling Kong's look of help, he immediately said that it didn't matter and I would take action.

"I object."

"Is it a bit too absurd and rude for His Excellency the Water God to judge like this?"

Lin Yu slowly walked to Kong and Paimeng, looked at Funina on the high platform and said so.

"It looks like you want to defend the two of them. This is interesting. I approve of your behavior! "

"But I don't agree with what you said. The Fontaine Law clearly states that no one can release flying objects in the first three days of each month. Obviously, they have violated this law, haven't they?"

Funina folded her arms and formally confronted Lin Yu.

"Oh? I don't know how the Lord of Water defines the concept of flying objects? I think even Ms. Funina, who is the God of Water, probably doesn't have the right to assume that others are flying objects, right? How can you assume that Paimon is a flying object?"

"Even if we take a step back and say that Paimon is a flying object, how can the concept of flying be established? Isn't Paimon flying by himself from beginning to end? But is there an act of others releasing it?"

"If it is according to your statement and judgment, the God of Water, then wouldn't all the birds in the sky be lawbreakers and need to be arrested and brought to court for trial? "

"Let's talk about Ms. Funinna. We can take a step back. According to what you said, the Fontaine law stipulates that no one can release flying objects in the Fontaine city area during the first three days of each month. Then, is the port area where we are located considered as the Fontaine city area? Then, Ms. Funinna, what is your definition of a city?"

"Okay, I can't take another step back. If I want to take another step back, I'm afraid I can only ignore the facts. Ms. Funinna, please answer my question. "

After saying this, Lin Yu's mouth corners rose again. He really deserves to be the chief judge. In just a moment, he found many loopholes in Funina's law.

Uh, this

How did he find so many loopholes? She, how should she answer so many questions about the whole person now?

Then Villette, don't watch it, help me!

Then Villette:..........

Now that so many people in Fontaine are still watching, Funina simply gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

"Ahahahaha, wonderful, so wonderful! This is really a wonderful defense. I like this unexpected turn. With you here, today's performance can be called complete. "

Since she can't win the argument, she can only find a reason to fish in troubled waters. If it's just a performance, don't make it so serious, haha.

"Performance? Do you regard everything today as a performance? "

Kong and Paimon both put their hands on their hips and looked at Furninna.

It's really infuriating.

"In that case, the trial ends here. The God of Justice cannot wrongly accuse an innocent person."

"But... as long as there is a reason, let alone a foreign traveler..."

"I can even judge the gods of foreign countries, hehe..."

That Villette:............

Lin Yu, Zhongli:???

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