After hearing what Funina said, Lin Yu and his party were all stunned.

Although Lin Yu had heard some of Funina's words before, hearing them and hearing them from her mouth were completely different feelings.

"Okay, let's stop here. Welcome to the kingdom of water, Fontaine! Now I'm going back to do what the god of justice should do."

After saying this, Funina immediately walked back without looking back until she disappeared in front of everyone.

That Villette also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

After all, if a battle of that level occurred in Fontaine, it would be a catastrophe for the entire Fontaine.

After Funina left, only the dumbfounded people were left.

And how excited were the people of Fontaine who were crazy applauding for Funina's bold words? Probably to the extent of blushing.

"She, she just said that she can judge even the gods of foreign countries, right?"

Paimon just felt that he was a little confused now.

Sora nodded. If it wasn't for the problem with their ears at the same time, then the water goddess Funina did say this.

Qingyu came to Lin Yu's side and patted Lin Yu's shoulder.

"Did you hear it? Did you hear it? She just said that even the gods of foreign countries can be judged, and the gods of foreign countries include you."

Looking at Qingyu who was crazy about the fire, Lin Yu's mouth twitched a little.

Then he looked serious and looked at Qingyu seriously.

"No, she only said to judge the gods of foreign countries, and I am not a foreign god."

"In terms of universal rationality, the ruler of order should be an existence above the world. How can the people of the world and the laws of the world control me as the ruler of order?"

Zhongli silently became a little helpless. Why is Lin Yu learning to talk like him?

"Eh? Then Lin Yu, wouldn't you feel angry? She just said so much."

Paimeng looked at Lin Yu with some doubts. She remembered that in the Golden House before, Young Master Tartaglia just said a few provocative words, and then was directly punched out by Lin Yu.

Funina said so much just now. According to Lin Yu's previous personality, why didn't he feel angry?

Something is wrong, this is very wrong!

"Huh? Why should I be angry? I have always been kind to others. How can a few words threaten me?"

Lin Yu spread his hands and looked in the direction of Paimeng.

After all, before this, Lin Yu already knew that Funina was not the real water god, but was pushed out by Fukaros to attract attention.

This can also explain why, as the identity of the water god, Funina's words and deeds are so exaggerated.

If she is not exaggerated, how can she attract others' attention? In this way, Fukaros could secretly carry out his plan to change Fontaine's fate and fight against the prophecy step by step.

But when Lin Yu asked Fukaros if he needed help, Fukaros, after considering many aspects, finally chose to take it on by himself.

Make a plan to fight against fate and prophecy.

Since that day, Lin Yu has never seen Fukaros again, so until now he doesn't know what Fukaros's plan is, and how far her plan has progressed.

Will this plan succeed? Can Fontaine's fate be changed?

Listening to Lin Yu saying that he has always been kind to others, Paimon looked at Lin Yu with doubt and disbelief.

Having been in contact with Lin Yu for such a long time, how could she not know what kind of person Lin Yu is? Anyway, he doesn't look like the kind of god who treats people kindly.

If it's Nashida, then it's almost the same.

"Why do you look like you don't believe it?"

Lin Yu smiled and cast a look in the direction of Paimong.

Paimong coughed a few times and cleared his throat.

"Hahahaha, how can I feel unbelievable? After all, we are people who have experienced ups and downs together. I know Lin Yu best. Of course, he is a kind and good person."

As the two talked, Xiao nodded slightly. He agreed with what Paimong said.

In his opinion, Lord Yushen is the most benevolent god in the world.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. When Lady Funina appeared just now, all the people in the port were excited and rushed in this direction. Linnet and I were separated."

Linnie and Linnet, squeezed in from the crowd on the side, and said with a little apology on his face.

Paimon said.

"Don't blame you, Linny, blame the water god!"

After all, this series of things were caused by the water god Funina, who wanted to welcome them to Fontaine, put pressure on them, and then wanted to duel with Kong, and finally even wanted to arrest them.

It was only a short time, but so many things happened.

However, the people of Fontaine have become accustomed to the existence of this god.

"Now you have seen what kind of god the water god is, right?"

"She is sometimes inexplicable, but she is still reasonable." Linnet, who was standing next to Linny, also expressed her own opinion.

Is she still reasonable for the time being...

"Hmph, fortunately she is still reasonable for the time being, otherwise if she really attacks me and Kong, we will have to pay..."

Before Paimon could say anything, Kong quickly covered Paimon's mouth with his agility, so that Paimon did not finish the next sentence.

Kong smiled and attracted the attention of Linni and Linnit to himself.

"Haha, since Linni and Linnit are back, let's set off for Fontaine as soon as possible and try to reach Fontaine before dark."

"Don't worry, there is a patrol ship leading to Fontaine above, and it is completely possible to reach Fontaine before dark."

Linni calculated the time and said to Kong.

Lin Yu also nodded.

"Then let's set off now"

After that, under the familiar leadership of Linni and Linnit, everyone successfully entered the tower and took the elevator to Fontaine.

When the elevator went up, it took about five or six minutes. It can be seen how much the plates in the Fontaine region were improved by the previous water god Egolia.

Fortunately, Fontaine's technology is superior enough, and there is a constant supply of law compensation mixed energy. It did not cause the plates in the Fontaine region to rise, which brought too much trouble to the people of Fontaine.

After taking the elevator to the top, Linny led us to the place where we took the patrol boat.

"This is the patrol boat, which connects the main areas of Fontaine."

"If we want to go to Fontaine now, we need to take this patrol boat."

"Oh, by the way, it's free to take the patrol boat."

Everyone stood in front of the patrol boat, and Linny began to introduce the patrol boat.

"Well, it's really a very convenient thing." Paimon looked at the patrol boat in front of him and gave a very good evaluation.

Lin Yu felt that it was a bit unnecessary.

After all, it costs so much to build an elevated road on the sea, and there is a channel for ships to navigate on the elevated road. This patrol boat looks quite large, but it cannot carry passengers.

Passengers need to sit on it. It is roughly estimated that it can only accommodate about 20 to 30 people.

And there is no carport or anything like that. It is said that the weather in Fontaine is unpredictable. It may rain at any time. If you don’t bring an umbrella, you will become a drowned chicken when riding a patrol boat?

In the end, Lin Yu gave the evaluation that the patrol boat is not a qualified means of transportation. If it is used for sightseeing and entertainment in an amusement park, it is still very good.

By the way, you can also give it a project name, so why not call it whitewater bravery.

In summary, the rune train they are building in Liyue is more stable and reasonable. After all, trains have been tested by the modern society of Blue Star for many years and are already a very mature means of transportation.

It has many advantages such as high speed, high stability, and large passenger capacity.

Maybe in the future, when he is responsible for the return of the Rune Train, he can come to Fontaine in person to do such a profitable business.

It just so happens that the viaducts are all ready-made. They only need to be slightly modified and laid with rails, and they can be put into operation at any time to benefit the people of Fontaine.

Rune technology is great!

"Time is almost up, this patrol ship is about to start, let's hurry up and get on now."

Linni finished the chat between them and Kong at the right time.

Hearing that the patrol ship was about to start, everyone also came to the top of the patrol ship through the steps of the patrol ship in the first time, and then sat down.

Lin Yu was observing the Fontaine species of the patrol ship.

It's really a very strange creature, so cute like rua, especially with two small horns on his head.

The last time I came to Fontaine, why didn't I and Qingyu see this type of race in Fontaine?

Lin Yu held a heart of exploration, and then in his own space,The smart tablet was turned out, and he searched for detailed information about this creature.

He then knew that the very cute creature in front of him was called Meilushin.

At the same time, Lin Yu also learned some past events about Meilushin through the smart tablet.

There is no way, just like reading a light novel, once the interest is aroused, you can't help but want to read on until all the contents are explored.

In particular, the smart tablet can show the pictures of the year, giving people a visual experience like watching a movie. If it is not inconvenient at this time, Lin Yu can also enter the picture in person and be truly immersive.

Meilushin originated from the decisive battle between the Narcissus Cross Society and the Chasing Shadow Court in the body of the "giant beast" Erinus more than 400 years ago.

An explosion occurred in the decisive battle, and the broken Chasing Shadow Court clockwork parts pierced into the body of the giant beast, and the Meilushin clan was born in the broken meat.

At first, Melusin could communicate with Erinus, and with its help, developed its own home "Haimo Village" in Erinus. But later, most Melusin gradually lost this ability.

Most Melusin came from Haimo Village in Erinus. More than 20 years after the birth of the Melusin race, about 400 years ago, in order to find the meaning of their own existence, Navilete allowed them to work in Fontaine after the request of Carolee and other Melusin.

But a completely different race, wanting to integrate into the human life society, it is difficult not to be rejected by people.

Not to mention between different races, even between different countries and cultures among humans, there will be rejection.

Most Melusin use their excellent senses to be responsible for reconnaissance work in the Shadow Chaser Court, but there are also Melusin engaged in other industries.

Despite this, Melusin, as a foreign race, is still rejected by humans. But after more than 400 years of coexistence, they have changed the minds of the Fontaine people with their own behavior and have become a mascot-like existence of Fontaine.

Behind the change of the Fontaine people's ideas, there is another past event related to Navilette. However, due to the special existence of Navilette, it is not recorded by the World Tree.

So in the record, Lin Yu can only see the picture of Navilette, and cannot understand Navilette's true heart through the record of the World Tree.

After so long, has Navilette let go of this matter?

Lin Yu doesn't know about this, and this matter is probably only known by Navilette himself.

"Dear passengers, we are about to arrive at Fontaine, please prepare to disembark, and I am happy to serve you!" Meilushin, who was standing in front of the patrol ship, reminded everyone on the patrol ship.

Meilushin's voice pulled Lin Yu out of the state of immersion in the smart tablet, but it happened that he had basically understood all the past events of Meilushin.

They are really a very good creature.

May the feather god protect you.

The patrol boat slowly docked in the Fontaine, and everyone got off the boat, then took the elevator to the Fontaine Street, and said goodbye to Linny and Linnet.

After Linny and Linnet left, Paimeng came to Lin Yu and asked.

"Hey, I don't know if you, Lin Yu, have any thoughts on the serial disappearance of girls that the reporter Charlotte just told us about?"

Just now on the patrol boat, Paimeng noticed that Lin Yu had been thinking, presumably thinking about the serial disappearance of girls, so after parting with Linny and Linnet, Paimeng asked Lin Yu.

Since it was Lin Yu, he must have discovered some clues, right?

But after Lin Yu heard Paimeng's question, his face was full of question marks.

Serial disappearance of girls? What serial disappearance of girls? What is the serial disappearance of girls? Have I heard of any serial disappearance of girls just now?

Just now, Lin Yu was completely immersed in Meilushin's past and didn't pay attention to what the outside world was talking about at all. In addition, no one interrupted him during the process, so Lin Yu was completely unaware of this incident.

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