"Since there is no objection, although there are still many contents that need to be tried separately about Lillian and Linni's actions, this case can be handed over to the Cardinal of the Oracle for the final decision."

After speaking, Navilet put the judgment card into the Cardinal of the Oracle, and then the entire Cardinal of the Oracle gave off a light blue light, which spread and gathered and finally bloomed.

And Navilet on the high platform has also received the result of the Cardinal of the Oracle.

Then it was announced to the whole public.

"Therefore, I officially declare that Linni and Linnit are not guilty."

Hearing this result, Lin Yu smiled softly, and he turned around and looked in the direction of Linni and Linnit.

"How? I said that with my famous detective Lin Yu, there will be no accidents. As for the case you are about to face next, you can only solve it by yourself."

"Thank you Lin Yu, thank you very much." Linnit said.

Lini scratched his head and said, "Well, we can leave the rest of the case to ourselves. We also know that this matter is set in stone and there is no room for change."

In the previous time, the picture released by Lin Yu had already shown in detail the process of his breaking into the confidential room, and the guard team also found traces of his entry.

This kind of case obviously has no room for defense.

There is only one thing he is very curious about, that is, what kind of person is Lin Yu in front of him. He can actually show the past pictures to the world. As a person who has experienced it personally, he can clearly feel that every action in the picture can match him.

So this is definitely a real picture, not a scene created by some kind of spell or illusion.

What is his identity? How did he do this?

"Well, it's time to leave. Qingyu and the others are still waiting for my return."

"Kong, what about you?" Lin Yu looked in the direction of Kong and Paimeng and asked.

Kong thought for a moment and replied, "I won't go with you. I have something to do later."

He had already made an appointment with Navia before, and he would meet Navia after the trial. At the same time, Paimeng was also looking forward to it, because yesterday, Navia said that she would treat them to a big meal.

Only food should not be let down!

"Okay, then we'll say goodbye and see you later."

Lin Yu waved his hand, leaving only a back figure to everyone, and disappeared from everyone's sight in a short while.

Then Lin Ni continued to chat with Kong, and began to ask some questions about Lin Yu, wanting to learn Lin Yu's identity from Kong.

However, since Lin Yu did not take the initiative to reveal his identity, Kong and Paimeng naturally could not expose Lin Yu's identity.

The two of them did not want Lin Yu to know about this matter, and Lin Yu would send them back to Mond, the starting point of the trip, with a punch.

So Kong and Paimeng could only start talking nonsense. In short, Lin Yu is a very powerful person.

Lin Yu walked down from the accused seat and waited at the exit of the audience seats until he saw Zhongli and the others, then he walked straight over.

He came to Zhongli's side, stretched out his hand and patted Zhongli on the shoulder.

He smiled and said, "How is it? Do you feel like the best detective in the world?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhongli answered.

"I think you should be more confident at this moment. Even if you say you are the best detective in the world, no one will object with your ability."

Directly retrieve the scene of the crime from the World Tree, all criminals are invisible in Lin Yu's eyes. If the concept is changed, isn't this the best detective in the world?

Who else can be Lin Yu's opponent in the field of detectives?

"Hahaha, Zhongli, you don't understand this. People should be humble. Do you understand humility?" Lin Yu said with a smile.

But Zhongli couldn't see any humility from the smile on Lin Yu's face.

But Zhongli didn't want to say anything more about this, as long as he was happy.

Drinking tea.jpg

After this topic, Lin Yu opened his arms and put his hands on Qingyu and Xiao's shoulders at the same time.

"I have wasted so much time, and I don't know if my progress has been caught up by Ruotu and his group. According to their progress, it should be almost caught up."

"No, how can this be? Jiawei, return quickly, we must defend our honor!"

"Always defend the honor of Lord Yushen." Because people were coming and going around, Xiao held back his excitement and just responded in a low voice.

Qingyu said: "What are you waiting for? Waiting for Ruotu to catch up? Hurry up and returnGoing to gain points is the right way."

"Not bad, not bad, just what I want, where is Zhongli's toilet! "Lin Yu shouted.


The three of them are not serious. Xiao used to be a serious kid, but now he has been brought into this state by Lin Yu. He should have thought of it earlier...

Zhongli did not speak, but silently pointed out a direction for Lin Yu.

Then Lin Yu took the hands of the two and quickly ran towards the public toilet of the Opikle Opera House. After arriving at the toilet, he ignored the people around him and directly opened an empty cubicle, and the three of them entered it.

The people around were very confused.

The relationship between the three teenagers is really good. Even going to the toilet has to go to the same cubicle. It is unheard of to go to the toilet in three rows.

It's really strange every year, but this year is particularly frequent.

In fact, from the moment the cubicle was closed, Lin Yu directly mobilized the power of space authority to transfer instantly, and returned to the hotel from the Opikle Opera House.

Lin Yu put on the hands of the two and fell directly on the soft big bed.

"Go to the number, go to the number quickly! "

Oasis world, start!

While Lin Yu, Qing Yu and Xiao were playing in a three-person team, Kong and Paimon followed Navia into a restaurant after parting with Linni and Linnit.

Navia waved her hand and treated the two of them to a luxurious meal, which cost about one million Mora.

Although the Thorn Rose Club was rich, it didn't have much money in the current situation. It was worth spending the money just for Kong and Paimon.

"Come on, friends, let's raise our glasses and celebrate our victory today!"

"Cheers!" Paimon and Kong raised their glasses.

Then Navia looked at Kong and Paimon with a serious look.

"Today, I got a lot of information about the serial missing girls in the trial. Now I know that all the girls were not kidnapped and disappeared. No wonder I couldn't find the evidence all along. It turned out that the missing girls were dissolved into water by this method. ”

“Who would have thought that people could be dissolved into water before? Even if there were similar traces at the scene, they would probably be ignored by people, not to mention that they would deliberately cover up the traces of dissolution, making the case even more difficult to solve.”

“Eh? Navia, why are you talking about the serial disappearance of girls again? Do you want to...” Paimon looked at Navia and said.

Navia nodded: “Yes, I just want to solve this case, let the truth of this case surface, and let all the people of Fontaine know who is the murderer behind the serial disappearance of girls.”

“But...but, this is a decades-long unsolved case, and many of the details have become blurred or disappeared. The difficulty of solving it is no less than asking the murderer to come out and confess. "Paimon didn't want to discourage Navia's enthusiasm, she just felt that this matter was too difficult.

But Navia didn't choose to give up, she had reasons to persevere.

"No matter what, I won't retreat because of this little setback. No one can defeat me. One day I will definitely know the truth about the serial girls' disappearances."

"Kong, can you do me a favor? Help me introduce that famous detective. I think he should be able to solve this case with his ability. I will prepare a lot of Mora, even if... even if it takes all the Mora of the Thorn Rose Society, I am still willing. "Navia put one hand under the table and pinched her skirt hard to make up her mind.

When she was in the audience, she witnessed the strength of the famous detective.

Although she didn't know whether the magic that could see the past was true, but even without this, from the outstanding ability shown by the famous detective, Navia thought he would be the most suitable detective for this case.

Sora and Paimon looked at each other.

At the same time, Paimon whispered in Sora's ear: "Sora, what should we do now? I can feel the determination that is about to overflow from Navia's eyes."

"I don't know what happened in her past, but I feel that the serial disappearance of girls is very important to her."

It has to be said that Navia is very sharp. If Lin Yu took action, this decades-long unsolved case would be solved in an instant in front of Lin Yu...

But it all depends on whether Lin Yu is willing to take action.

"Can you tell me your reasons? Why are you so obsessed with solving the serial disappearance of girls?" "Is it the case?" Sora looked at Navia and asked.

After hearing what Sora said, Navia lowered her head.

Then she made up her mind and looked up at Sora again.

"Now that things have come to this, there is no need for me to avoid this topic. As a partner, this is also what I hope you can understand."

"My father's name is Cares, and he is the man who is now called "Unjust Cares" on the streets."

"He was identified as the murderer of his friend more than three years ago, but he refused to be tried and finally died in the duel."

Listening to Navia's story, Sora and Paimon showed disbelief on their faces. They didn't expect it at all...

"But I really don't believe that my father is the murderer. There must be injustice..."

"I think if he was tried at that time, after the official investigation, there would definitely be some clues that would prove his innocence. "

"But the strange thing is that he not only proposed a duel, but it is said that... after he was seriously injured in the duel, he could have been judged to have lost the duel, but he refused to surrender and insisted on dying on the duel field."

"It's been three years, and I still can't figure out why... If he died like that, he would lose the opportunity to defend his reputation..."

Perhaps because she recalled the past, Navia's expression gradually fell.

But soon she cheered up again.

"I think the most likely connection with this matter is that my father was... investigating the serial disappearance of girls at that time."

"I also tried to investigate my father's murder case back then, but I have checked all kinds of records and files countless times, and I can't find any new clues."

"But I believe that if this matter is related to the forces behind the serial disappearance of girls, then they must know something. No matter whether my father was coerced or framed, even if he really killed someone, I must know the truth..."

Navia smiled bitterly.

And then said.

"Alas... He always didn't like to tell me clearly when he was alive."

"Even my mother's death during childbirth was kept secret from me... I didn't expect that now I have to investigate his death myself. It really causes trouble for others, Dad."

"Navia..." Paimon looked at Navia with some distress.

Then Paimon pushed Kong's shoulder again and said, "Kong, let's help Navia."

"Don't worry about me. I have come through all these years. A moment of sadness will not defeat my determination. I just want you to introduce me to the detective. Leave all the other things to me. I won't make it difficult for you. "

"No matter whether the matter succeeds or not, I will continue to investigate until the day when the truth emerges." A firm look appeared in Navia's eyes.

And Kong and Paimeng were also moved by Navia's firmness.

"Navia, I will introduce Lin Yu to you." Kong promised.

At this time, Navia knew that the name of the powerful detective was Lin Yu.

Navia smiled and said, "Thank you Kong and Paimeng, no matter whether the matter succeeds or not, I will treat you to a big meal after this matter, just as a thank you, don't refuse me."

"Hehe, don't worry, I have never retreated from eating! "Paimon said proudly.

Kong didn't know how Paimon did it, saying this in such a proud tone. Is this something to be proud of?

After a luxurious meal, when Navia paid the bill, they realized that the meal cost more than one million Mora.

You know, the most expensive meal they had eaten before was the five million Mora luxury meal hosted by Lin Yu, but Mora was obviously nothing to Lin Yu. (Seven Gods Banquet: Probably because I can't name the price.)

I didn't expect Navia to treat them like this, and a meal cost more than one million Mora.

It really touched Paimon.

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