After finishing the meal, Kong and Paimeng looked at the time. Although it was dark now, it was not too late.

For some people in Fontaine, this time period was just the beginning of their nightlife.

So Kong and Paimeng made a decision. They decided to take Navia to the hotel where they lived and introduce Navia to Lin Yu.

At the entrance of the restaurant.

"Navia, let's take you to see Lin Yu now." Paimeng looked in Navia's direction and said.

This matter was beyond Navia's expectations. She didn't expect Kong and Paimeng to act so quickly.

"Now? But... Should I prepare something?" Navia was stunned at first, and then said to Kong and Paimeng.

"No need to prepare anything. Lin Yu has everything. We can just go there directly." Paimeng replied.

In fact, Navia was thinking about how to improve the impression of the first meeting. If she did so, she might be able to make Lin Yu accept her commission...

This trick might work for ordinary people, but the effect on Lin Yu was very weak. Because when Lin Yu does something, he is completely subjective to see if he is willing to do it. If he is unwilling to do something, it is useless even if justice comes.

Of course! If Zhongli can visit the Lin Mansion three times, it is not impossible to ask him to do something he is unwilling to do.

It also has a similar effect on Qingyu, Xiao, Guizhong, Ruotu, and Marcosius.

"Okay, Navia, don't worry about it. Let's go to find Lin Yu as soon as possible. If we go too late, we may not see Lin Yu." Paimon told a little lie here.

In fact, since arriving at Fontaine, except when everyone acted together, Kong and Paimon have not seen Lin Yu and the other three come out of the room.

Of course, with Lin Yu's extraordinary ability, he might have gone out in other ways, but they just couldn't see it.

After hearing what Paimeng said, Navia made up her mind to follow Kong and Paimeng's steps and headed towards the hotel where Lin Yu lived.

After walking on the streets of Fontaine for such a long time, the three finally arrived at the door of the hotel.

Under the guidance of Kong and Paimeng, Navia successfully arrived at the door of Lin Yu's room.

"Hehe, I'm finally here. I don't know if Lin Yu will open the door. Last time, Kong and I knocked for a long time before Lin Yu and the others opened the door late." Thinking of this, Paimeng couldn't help complaining to Navia.

Navia didn't think there was anything wrong with this. After all, some people with special abilities or strengths usually have weird personalities.

Emmmm, usually this is written in the script.

Then Kong walked up and stretched out his hand to knock on Lin Yu's door. As expected, just as Kong and Paimong expected, after a while, no one came to open the door.

After the last experience, Kong and Paimong were used to it, and continued to knock on the door after a while.

Navia was a little confused, standing outside and not being able to hear any movement inside the door.

Is there a possibility that there is no one in the room at all?

About ten minutes later, the three had been waiting outside Lin Yu's door for more than ten minutes, and finally the three heard a movement from inside the door.

Then Xiao opened the door.

"Yu... Detective, let you in." Xiao still couldn't change his habit of calling out Yu Shen, but fortunately he reacted in time and changed it to Detective, which was reasonable.

After the three entered the room, they came to the reception area in the room, which was actually a sofa and coffee table area next to the bed.

At this time, Lin Yu was sitting on the sofa, and Qing Yu was standing behind Lin Yu and leaning on the sofa.

"Well... It's not easy to see you. Kong and I have been waiting outside for more than ten minutes." Paimeng couldn't help but complain.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "I'm really sorry for this. We were at a critical moment of study before, and we couldn't get out to open the door for a while."

"After the study, didn't I open the door for you as soon as possible?"

"Tell me why you came to me?"

Are the three of you studying in the room? This explanation still sounds very unreliable. Kong and Paimeng are smart now, the two of them will not listen to Lin Yu's nonsense now.

Even Navia felt it was a bit outrageous...

Paimon came behind Navia, pushed Navia to Lin Yu with his hand, and then Paimon introduced first.

"Lin Yu, this is Navia, the president of the Thorn Rose Society. She wants to ask you for help with something."

Help? Lin Yu raised his head and took a good look at Navia in front of him.

Then he said, "Tell me about it."

This time Navia did not let Paimon, the mouth of God, play a role, but took the initiative to tell about her father and the serial girl murder case.

"Mr. Lin Yu, the famous detective, can you take this commission? I am willing to pay as much as possible." Navia looked at Lin Yu and said.

Uncovering the truth of the serial girl murder case is not a difficult thing for Lin Yu.

However, because he wanted to rush to the top, he didn't want to take action.



In an instant, the wall of the hotel exploded, and bricks and dust flew everywhere. Fortunately, Lin Yu's movements were fast enough, and a pale white shield wrapped everyone in it.

Looking out the window through the broken wall, more than a hundred Fontaine security machines appeared on the street outside the hotel. It was these security machines that just launched missiles at the room where Lin Yu and his friends were.

Lin Yu, who was covered by the shield, slowly typed a big question mark.

Xiao's face immediately turned cold. Xiao, holding the Hepu Yuan, exuded a sharp wind elemental power all over his body.

Disrespecting the feather god, you should be killed!

With the accumulation of anger in his heart, Xiao even skipped the process of asking Lin Yu for instructions.

Kong and Paimon only felt that Xiao's figure flashed and disappeared from their eyes. Looking in the direction of more than a hundred security machines outside, they saw only a hint of green looming in these security machines.

"Jing Yao Nuo Wu! Disappear now!"

Xiao leaped up, the tip of his gun pointed downward like a gun array, causing a huge impact on the ground, and the dazzling wind element power penetrated the Fontaine Street at night.

Cracks appeared on the ground of Fontaine Street.

The more than 100 security machines flew backwards in an instant, hitting the surrounding buildings in the Fontaine Court, and then the wind element mark left by Xiao exploded.

The explosion of more than 100 security machines caused a huge and roaring movement.

Lin Yu and the others rushed to the street. He looked at Xiao, who was full of anger in his eyes. If he was not stopped, it was possible that the entire Fontaine Street would be overturned.

"It's enough, come back Xiao." Lin Yu's voice sounded in Xiao's ears.

Xiao was startled when he heard Lin Yu's voice, and then he stopped his actions, and then returned to Lin Yu as if nothing had happened.

Such a huge movement almost alarmed the people of Fontaine in the whole city. Almost most of the people of Fontaine heard the explosion just now.

Na Villette was forced to work overtime and rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

Seeing the appearance of Na Villette, Lin Yu hugged his arms and looked at him directly.

"Your Excellency the Supreme Judge, I think I need a reasonable explanation. Why did your Fontaine security machine suddenly attack us in the hotel?"

He was just talking to someone, and suddenly a missile hit him. Who did he offend?

What's the difference between this and eating hot pot and singing songs, and suddenly being robbed by bandits?

He must have a reasonable explanation today!

Seeing this situation, Na Villette first came to a security machine that had been smashed into pieces by Xiao, and carefully examined the traces on the fragments of the security machine.

"This batch of security machinery does not have security signature codes, and is not under the official control of our Fontaine. This batch of security machinery is likely to be weapons and equipment that have flowed out of the factory into private hands." said Villette.

Lin Yu said: "Oh? This level of weapons can flow out to the people in your country. It seems that the laws of Fontaine, which are famous all over the world, are not very good. They don't constrain these people at all."

Lin·Unhappy·Yin Yang·Yu is online.

Wherever there are rules, there will inevitably be loopholes, and the people who are most lacking in this world are those who find and exploit loopholes.

For this kind of thing, Villette can guarantee that he is strictly enforcing the law, but Fontaine is a country, and there are tens of thousands of people in a country.

Obviously, there is no way to constrain everyone with only one supreme judge.

"The occurrence of such a situation is the inappropriateness of our Fontaine. Later, I will personally investigate the people behind this incident.And give it the most severe punishment. "That Villette promised Lin Yu.

"Okay, I hope you can do what you say." Lin Yu responded.

Then Lin Yu took everyone away from the scene, and then found a suitable hotel again under the introduction of Navia, a local.

In the top room of the hotel, Lin Yu and others gathered together again.

"It's so abominable. Who planned this attack? This is clearly aimed at taking our lives. Fortunately, Lin Yu was there at the time." Paimeng said indignantly.

At that time, several missiles burst out from the window. If Lin Yu hadn't opened the shield at the first time, they might not have been so lucky.

"Generally speaking, people who attack us are usually people who have grudges against us." Kong said.

Paimeng said: "Eh? But we have only been in Fontaine for so long, and it's not enough for a certain Fontaine person to hate us to this extent, right?"

"No, of course there is. "Sora said.

Navia also thought of something, and she and Paimon agreed.

"You mean, the case of the disappearance of serial girls!"

Hmm? Lin Yu has not used the smart tablet to check yet, but he estimates that this matter should be similar to the case of the disappearance of serial girls.

After all, when Lin Yu defended Lin Ni before, he had actually destroyed the further actions of the case of the disappearance of serial girls to a certain extent, and at the same time exposed the original fetal sea water that few people in Fontaine knew about.

After the certification of Vilet, the people of Fontaine knew that there was indeed a kind of water that could dissolve people. The more people knew about this, the more people would be on guard against it.

To some extent, it deepened the next step of the case of the disappearance of serial girls. Difficulty.

Therefore, the organization behind the serial disappearance of girls directly planned the scene just now, releasing more than 100 security machines, trying to catch Lin Yu, Navia and others in one fell swoop.

This abacus is really loud, and even Barbatos, who is far away in Mond, probably heard it.

Originally, Lin Yu was still in a state of hesitation about participating in the serial disappearance of girls. Now why did the organization behind the serial disappearance of girls do this?

Then Lin Yu had to take action, and he was bound to make the world clear.

"I didn't expect that I didn't go to the trouble of the serial disappearance of girls, but they came to me instead."

"Then I have to get involved. I hope that the organization behind the serial disappearance of girls can withstand my anger. "

Lin Yu said lightly.

Xiao nodded. He also had the same idea. Those who disrespect the God of Feathers will be punished without fail!

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Navia's eyes suddenly lit up.

Even the guy next to Mr. Lin Yu, the famous detective, was able to show the kind of momentum of destroying the world just now. How powerful is Mr. Lin Yu himself?

With the participation of Mr. Detective, Navia guessed that this case of serial missing girls has at least a 60% to 70% chance of being solved.

"Do you need me to do anything? Our Thorn Rose Society is also very powerful locally." Navia said to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu shook his head: "No need to do anything. Today is also a thrilling day. Go back and have a good rest and come back tomorrow. "

Again, he only needs to make a slight move, and it is the limit of this world.

Unless the organization behind the serial disappearance of girls has the ability to transcend the three realms and not in the five elements, no matter how secretive the arrangement is, it will not escape Lin Yu's fiery eyes.

Any evil will be brought to justice!

Ah? Go back and have a good rest for a night, right? We should start the investigation together tomorrow. It is impossible to know the truth of the serial disappearance of girls tomorrow, right?

She thought that even if it was a god, there was no way to solve the decades-long unsolved case in just one night, right?

PS: No update today due to leave (May 28, 2024 21:44:57)

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