Seeing that Vashey had fallen into a state of madness, Villette immediately notified the guards.

"The accused is a little out of control, guards, please control him."

"Don't come over! No one, I still have to save Viniel, I have an agreement with her..."

Vashey held a bottle of the original fetal sea water in his hand and splashed it at the approaching guards. For a while, no one in the guards dared to approach.

After all, the original fetal sea water can dissolve the Fontaine people, but it's not just talk.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu simply snapped his fingers easily, and then the original fetal sea water bottle in Vashey's hand appeared in Lin Yu's hand the next moment.

There is no way, who made him a top magician?

Isn't it a piece of cake for him to do a small magic like space transfer?

"Great, Lin Yu! Guard members, hurry up and catch him!!" Furninna, who was in the VIP seat, shouted loudly after seeing this scene.

Seeing that Vash had lost the water of the original fetal sea, the guard members rushed up and directly pressed the crazy Vash to the ground.

Vash, who was pressed to the ground, kept repeating Vinel's name.

Navilet said: "It seems that this trial has a result. After Ms. Navia's accusation was established, the accusation against Mr. Tartaglia was also not established."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. It was a bit disappointing. Now I'm in a good mood after watching a wonderful debate." Tartaglia, who was sitting in the audience, also stood up and said.

In the subsequent process, the guards came to Navia and obtained all the evidence from Navia. After the guards verified the evidence one by one.

As the highest judge, Navilet began to restore the truth of the serial girls' disappearance case.

"Marcelle's original name is Vache, and she and her lover Vinier are adventurers."


"The truth of the mysterious "serial disappearance of girls" has been revealed."

The tens of thousands of spectators in the audience burst into applause.

"Then, the accusation against Mr. Vache will now be handed over to the Oracle for the final decision."

Villette inserted the blank card into the Oracle Cardinal, and then waited for the final decision of the Oracle Cardinal.

After a burst of light, Villette also got the judgment card in his hand.

According to the content on the judgment card, Villette began to read.

"According to the judgment result given by the Oracle Cardinal, Mr. Vache is guilty. "

After hearing Villette's announcement, Vashie's spirit and energy were gone. He knew that he would spend the rest of his life in Mero Petersburg.

There has never been a death sentence in Fontaine, but what is the point of living without Vinier's company for the rest of his life?

"Guards, take Vashie away!" Funina shouted with a wave of her hand.

She was so excited now. A decades-long unsolved case in Fontaine finally came to an end today.

And the process of trying Vashie was also very exciting in Funina's eyes.

"Good! He deserves it!"

"We have also witnessed history. I didn't expect that the culprit was this hypocritical guy. "

The audience applauded at this moment, completely forgetting what they had said before.

Looking at this scene in front of her, Navia fell into silence, calmly looking at the place where her father had dueled on the stage below.

I just hope that her father's spirit in heaven can see this scene today. She finally found the real culprit of the serial girls' disappearance case, and her father's reputation is now completely cleared.

The young man in the audience applauded: "Well, it's a wonderful drama. The real culprit was caught, the injustice was redressed, and everyone is happy!"

"I don't blame you for catching the wrong person if I can appreciate such a good show. I have something to do here, so I'll leave first..." After saying that, the young man turned around and was about to leave the Opikle Opera House.

At this time, Villette's voice sounded: "Please wait a moment, Mr. Tartaglia."

The young man was stunned. Wasn't the suspicion on him cleared? He turned around and looked at Villette in confusion.

"Oh? What's wrong? Isn't there nothing for me to do?"

"According to the trial process, this trial started because of you, and you will need to be convicted of a crime in the end."

"Hey, is this necessary? The real murderer has been caught, isn't it time for a supporting role like me to leave?" Young Master Tartaglia was speechless. In his opinion, this was no longer necessary.

The Kingdom of Justice Fontaine, I think it should be called the Kingdom of Trouble FontaineDan is right.

"Please respect the laws of Fontaine, this has always been the rule." Villette looked at the young master with a serious look and said.

"Okay, okay, it's really troublesome. I'll just stand on the platform, right? Please do whatever you want to do quickly." The young master waved his hand helplessly, the main reason was that he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

Although these rules seem very troublesome to the young master, they are the key to maintaining procedural justice.

For hundreds of years, Villette has always adhered to these procedures.

"The perpetrator is someone else, so Mr. Tartaglia should be innocent."

"Finally... let the Cardinal of the Enlightenment make the final decision."

Villette repeated the previous operation. After a flash of light, he took the judgment card from the Cardinal of the Enlightenment. He looked at the content written on the judgment card and couldn't help but frowned.

Because the content on the judgment card was completely different from what he imagined.

This is the first time in hundreds of years.

"According to the judgment result given by the Cardinal of the Decree, Mr. guilty."

But he still chose to make the final judgment on Mr. Tartaglia based on the content given by the Cardinal of the Decree.


After hearing this judgment, Lin Yu immediately expressed great confusion.

The accusation against Mr. Tartaglia is the murderer of the serial girls' disappearance case, but it is obvious that the murderer of the serial girls' disappearance case is not Mr. Tartaglia.

In this case, how can Mr. Tartaglia be convicted?

Even if Tartaglia committed other crimes in Fontaine, it should be investigated separately like the previous trial of Linni and Linnet.

"Hey, hey, hey, such a joke is not funny... You just said that I should be innocent."

"What's the matter with this result now? Is your machine broken?"

Mr. Tartaglia is now full of question marks. How can your Fontaine's trial be inconsistent? Why change so suddenly?

Tens of thousands of spectators in the audience also experienced the previous situation for the first time. This was the first time they saw that the Oracle and the Supreme Judge’s judgment were different...

Could it be that the Fatui’s executor had committed many evil deeds, and the Oracle saw through his other crimes, so it had to execute justice?

"Based on the result of the Oracle’s ruling cardinal, we will adopt the guilty verdict."

"Guardians, please perform the task according to the preset process."

That Villette said.

Hearing this, Young Master Tartaglia smiled disdainfully, and the Young Master jumped directly from the accused seat. The security machines in the Opikle Opera House also took action immediately.

They circled in the direction of the Young Master on the stage.

"The trial that the Fontaine people are proud of is so absurd."

"If this is your rule, then I have my own rules!"

Young Master Tartaglia activated the evil eye he was wearing and directly entered the second form. Holding two short blades with purple light, he shuttled between the security machines like a lightning bolt.

After a fight, the security team prepared many security machines in the Opikle Opera House after knowing that the person who was judged today was the Fatui executive. At this time, more and more security machines gathered.

Young Master Tartaglia shook his head and smiled disdainfully, and more evil eye power bloomed from him.

Demon King Arms, rise!

The huge power rose from the center of Tartaglia on the stage, and the entire Opikle Opera House was affected for a while.

And the water goddess Furninna also widened her eyes at this time.

···Fortunately, she did not accept his duel at that time.

Seeing this situation, Navilet, the supreme judge of Fontaine, had to take action. If the fight continued, Young Master Tartaglia would affect the innocent audience in the audience.

Navilet jumped down from the supreme judge's seat, and a huge cloud of dust suddenly rose in the light.

This move killed Tartaglia in seconds.

When the smoke cleared, Young Master Tartaglia fell face down on the ground, and Navilet stood beside him.

"Sorry, if there is any injustice, we will find a way to find out."

"But the rules of the court cannot be broken."

Navilet said coldly.

Navilet is so handsome and strong, he is worthy of being the supreme judge of Fontaine. Funina suppressed her excitement and looked at Navilet with a very admiring look.

"What on earth is going on? Young Master Tartaglia has been cleared of suspicion, but why did the Cardinal of the Decree convict him? Lin Yu, do you know what's going on?" Paimon looked atAsked in the direction of Lin Yu.

Lin Yu, who was suddenly cueed by Paimeng, was stunned at first.

How could he know what happened here? He was not an omnipotent and omniscient god.

"I don't know, don't ask me, how do I know what's going on, or you can go ask the water god or the supreme judge." Lin Yu spread his hands and hit backhand with a three-hit combo.

Kong, Paimeng:.........

Since Lin Yu said so, what else can we do?

So Paimeng shouted in the direction of Villette: "Hey, Villette, what's going on! Shouldn't the young master have been acquitted?"

"I'm sorry, this is the first time I've encountered this situation, but according to the rules originally formulated by the Fontaine Court, the judgment should be based on the result of the oracle machine's ruling."

"At the moment, I am just doing my job impartially. As for the reason why the oracle machine came to such a conclusion, I think you have someone more you should ask."

Villette said that he didn't know, and at the same time provided a new direction of inquiry.

Everyone knows that the Cardinal Oracle is a product made by the current God of Water, so as the creator of the Cardinal Oracle, he must know what is going on, right?

After Villette finished speaking, the eyes of tens of thousands of spectators in the audience all converged in the direction of Funina.

People may not care about the ending of Prince Tartaglia, but he must want to know whether there is any problem with the result given by the Cardinal Oracle, and whether it will affect the fairness of the Fontaine trial in the future?

And this is what every Fontaine person should care about.

After feeling the gazes from the audience, Funina panicked.

"Ah... why are you looking at me? This is none of my business..."

"I... how do I know this will happen... don't stare at me..."

The Cardinal Oracle has no relationship with her at all. Now that the Cardinal Oracle has given a different verdict, how can she know what happened?

Seeing this performance of Funina, tens of thousands of audiences were once again confused.

What does Lady Funina mean? Wasn't the decree of the cardinal made by Lady Funina? Could it be that even Lady Funina didn't know what was going on?

Is this verdict reliable? Can it be considered justice if it is so casual? Without any logic or evidence, people were convicted. How can this be tolerated?

In a panic, Funina forced herself to calm down. She knew that she had to come up with a seemingly reasonable explanation now.

"Ahem... ladies and gentlemen, do you really think there will be such an absurd misjudgment? Could the verdict just now be wrong? Could it be an accident?"

"The Oracle is the embodiment of the concept of justice, and it will not make a judgment without reason!"

"You think that the young master has nothing to do with the serial disappearance of girls, but it is just because you are blinded by the appearance of nothingness... Everything he has done, his danger, is immeasurable and unforgivable!"

"Leave the answer to time to verify! Sooner or later you will understand my good intentions and the correctness of today's verdict! Hahaha..."

Funina chose to leave with laughter.

She can only confirm the young master's crime in words now. She can't and cannot admit that there is a problem with the Oracle.

If there is really a problem with the Oracle, wouldn't it be necessary for the water god to repair it? But how can she repair the Oracle?

Who knows whether this machine that has been running for hundreds of years has any problems?

"I'll leave for a while." Lin Yu said to Kong and Paimon.

In the previous case of Linni and Linnit, Linni mentioned that when he entered the underground core room of the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment, he heard a voice from the core of the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment.

If nothing unexpected happens, the real Fukaros must be in the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment, right?

What is she planning? After coming to Fontaine for such a long time, it's time to solve the mystery for myself.

Then I will meet Fukaros and listen to what is going on.

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