At the same time, outside the Opikle Opera House, a team of guards were escorting Vashie to Melo Petersburg to take him into custody.

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed dramatically, and it became dark in an instant.

A purple thunder gathered in the sky, and then fell accurately towards where Vashie was. The thick divine thunder suddenly landed, and instantly turned Vashie into a pile of ashes.

The wind blew over and the ashes instantly drifted between the mortals, as if they had never been there.

Only the guards looked at each other in bewilderment. They thought they would also die under the thunder, but they were buried in the thunder light without any harm.

Only Vashie turned into ashes in the divine thunder...

What exactly was going on? The members of the guards didn't know. They had to report the matter and then make a decision.

Lin Yu, who left the prosecution seat, walked to an empty corner of the Opikle Opera House, and then moved instantly through the power of space authority, returning from the Opikle Opera House to the inside of the hotel.

He could sense that the water god Fukalos existed in the space with the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment in a soul state, so it was not necessary for Lin Yu to go to the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment in person.

Just a divine thought was enough.

Lin Yu quickly used divine thoughts to lock the Cardinal of Oracle Judgment, and then he entered a space, which presented a somewhat dreamy Opikle Opera House.

On the stage of the Opikle Opera House, Fukalos, wearing a black and white gradient dress, was standing barefoot on the stage at this time.

She was in a very panic now, because just now she noticed that someone had entered the Opikle Opera House.

But because she and the other party were not at the same level of strength, she could not feel the other party's existence at all, but only noticed a very subtle abnormal fluctuation when the other party entered.

And this is also the result of Lin Yu entering without any disguise.

Fukalos didn't know who the person who entered was. She wondered if it was her plan that was discovered by Tianli, so now Tianli cast his gaze and was paying attention to her at this moment?

Will there be a nail of divine punishment falling from the sky soon?

Many speculations and information kept surging in Fukalos's mind.

It is unknown whether Tianli came in, but Lin Yu must have come in now.

Looking at the panic on Fukalos' face, Lin Yu also realized that his intrusion brought panic to Fukalos.

But it was not a big problem. The next moment, Lin Yu's image appeared in front of Fukalos.

"Hello Fukalos, long time no see."

Fukalos looked at Lin Yu with dilated pupils.

She didn't expect that the person who entered the Cardinal Space of Oracle Judgment would be Lin Yu. She still remembered the last time Lin Yu met her. At that time, Lin Yu's powerful aura scared her directly when they first met.

Unexpectedly, hundreds of years later, Lin Yu's intrusion scared her again.


"Hello, hello, I didn't expect that you, the Ruler of Order, would come. I wonder if there is anything?" Fukaros asked Lin Yu tentatively.

Lin Yu said: "The content of the prophecy should be about to happen. I wonder if you, as the God of Fontaine Water, are ready to deal with it?"

"I... Of course I am ready, but I haven't reached the key point yet, so the plan can't really be carried out." Fukaros looked at Lin Yu and said.

"Is your plan to accumulate so much energy in this Cardinal of Oracle Judgment? What do you want to do with this huge energy?" Lin Yu was full of curiosity about this, and he chose to ask Fukaros directly.

Hearing Lin Yu's question, Fukaros fell into silence.

She was afraid that the plan would be leaked, which would lead to the coming of justice, and then everything about Fontaine would be destroyed.

"Are you worried? What are you worried about? Are you worried that I will ruin your plan? My purpose of coming to Fontaine is the same as yours, both of which are to save Fontaine from dissolving in water."

"Don't doubt me, otherwise Fontaine would have disappeared by now."

Lin Yu saw the doubt in Fukaros' eyes, so he looked at Fukaros and said.

If he wanted to destroy Fontaine, Fontaine would have ceased to exist in his hands long before this.

"No, the ruler of order, I don't mean that." Fukaros denied.

Lin Yu said: "Then tell me your plan. I told you five hundred years ago that I would help you.and Fontaine from disaster."

"You know that we in Liyue always respect contracts."

Now that Lin Yu has said this, Fukaros knows that if she doesn't explain the plan, Lin Yu might not let it go.

She believes Lin Yu's words and believes that Lin Yu will not harm Fontaine.

But there is no wall that is impenetrable. She is worried that if she tells the plan, there will be a risk of leakage, so she has kept the plan in her heart for hundreds of years since the beginning of the plan.

"Are you worried about Tianli? Don't worry, Tianli is still asleep, and Tianli's maintainer is also seriously injured and asleep. Even if Fontaine announces a rebellion against Tianli now, Tianli will not react at all."

"Unless you attack Sky Island and kick Him twice. "

Seeing that Fukalos was still hesitating, Lin Yu guessed the answer after thinking for a while, and then Lin Yu looked at Fukalos and said with a smile.

Although there was some joking in Lin Yu's words, the current situation was indeed the fact.

After seeing this situation, Fukalos hesitated for a while, and then he opened his heart to Lin Yu.

"The people of Fontaine, the reason why they dissolved in the water of the original fetal sea, is because the previous generation of water god Egolia wrapped the water of the original fetal sea when creating these Fontaine people, and now all Fontaine people still have the water of the original fetal sea in their bodies. "

"Once people touch the water of the original fetal sea, the power in their bodies will lose its original effect uncontrollably, so they will dissolve and gather again to become pure water elves. "

"One lonely night, I sat alone on the cliff, looking at the picture shining under the moonlight. "

"At that time, I was thinking that it would be great if the people of Fontaine could become real humans. If they could become real humans, they would not be dissolved even in the ocean containing the water of the original fetal sea."

"An idea at that time made me embark on the path I am walking now."

Speaking of this, Fukalos pondered for a moment, and then continued to speak to Lin Yu.

"I want to destroy the Water God Throne, release part of the water power imprisoned by the law of nature, and then return it to the Water Dragon King Navilet. Navilet, who has the complete power of water, has the power to make all Fontaine people become real humans."

"What about you? The Water God Throne is bound to you. If you want to destroy the Water God Throne, you will no longer exist. "Lin Yu looked at Fukaros seriously and said.

He didn't expect that the Water God was actually thinking of such an idea, but the Water God's throne was bound to the Water God. If Fukaros wanted to destroy the Water God's throne, wouldn't it be equivalent to killing himself?

After a moment of silence, Fukaros looked up and looked at Lin Yu and said.

"I... I am a sinner. From the moment I separated from the pure water elves and became a human being, I have become a sinner."

"Our wrong decisions in the past have created the current situation. Using the life of a guilty person in exchange for the continuation of the entire Fontaine's life, this will be a very cost-effective deal, isn't it?"

Lin Yu:............

Is there a possibility that there are other more cost-effective deals?

"In my opinion, this is a stupid plan. To solve the problem, we should explore the root cause of the problem, not put the cart before the horse. "Lin Yu looked in the direction of Fukalos and said.

To solve the problem, we should find the source of the problem.

Listening to Lin Yu's words, Fukalos was thoughtful.

She was thinking that since we should find the source of the problem to solve the problem, what is the source of the incident in Fontaine? Isn't it that the law of nature wants to drown Fontaine and wash away the sins of the people of Fontaine with water?

If we don't put the cart before the horse, doesn't it mean that we have to solve the law of nature?

Fukalos looked up and down at Lin Yu's figure, and his eyes gradually became strange.

I didn't expect that the Rule of Order has always hidden such a huge ambition. Is it going to rebel against the law of nature? Ordinary people don't have this courage. If it is the Rule of Order...

"You... Sorry... I don't have such a grand goal as you..." Fukalos said in a low voice.

Huh??? After hearing what Fukalos said, Lin Yu His face was full of question marks.

Hasn't he always been a lazy guy? Since when did he have a grand goal that he didn't even know about?

Lin Yu said, "What grand goal? Fukalos, what are you talking about? I mean, since the water of the original fetal sea is overflowing, then solve the problem of the water of the original fetal sea.Isn't it better to just drop it?"

"Why do we need to do such a dangerous thing?"

"The previous generation of water god, Egolia, has already started to deal with the matter of dealing with the water of the original fetal sea. The original construction of Melo Petersburg was to hide this secret."

"Under Melo Petersburg, the main channel for the original fetal sea water to gush out was blocked by the previous generation of water god, Egolia, hundreds of years ago."

"It's just that due to the increasing pressure inside, one day these original fetal sea water will still burst out, and it will be more intense. "

Fukalos looked in the direction of Lin Yu and said.

As the saying goes, it is better to drain than to block. Fontaine has suppressed the water of the original fetal sea for hundreds of years. Now the valve that seals the water of the original fetal sea is about to reach the critical value of pressure.

If no solution is found, a large amount of water from the original fetal sea will be mixed into the sea water. As the sea level rises, Fontaine will be submerged, and all the people of Fontaine will be dissolved in it...

"I said, can I solve the problem of the water of the original fetal sea?" Lin Yu shook the bracelet on his wrist.

Fukalos did not understand the meaning of Lin Yu's gesture, but this did not prevent Fukalos from being shocked after hearing Lin Yu's words.

Lin Yu said that he could solve the problem of the water of the original fetal sea. Did she really hear it right?

"The Ruler of Order, do you know how to solve the problem of the water of the original fetal sea? ! "Fukalos looked at Lin Yu with a shocked look on his face and said.

He now has mastered the rules of water in the Teyvat continent, and the water of the original fetal sea is naturally out of the question.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu's body was located in the hotel on the other side. The water bracelet on Lin Yu's wrist emitted bursts of majesty, and Lin Yu took over the water of the original fetal sea along the Fontaine Ocean in an instant.

From the moment he took over the water of the original fetal sea, Lin Yu could sense everything about the water of the original fetal sea.

Then Lin Yu's expression began to become a little weird, because he found that in the depths of the water of the original fetal sea, there was a huge whale.

And this whale was swimming in the water of the original fetal sea, and at the same time greedily sucking a lot of water from the original fetal sea, causing violent fluctuations in the water of the original fetal sea, causing the water of the original fetal sea to overflow continuously.

So it is said that all this is caused Is this a whale? How did the law punish him?

Teyvat is a world with destiny, and destiny is engraved in the starry sky. Everyone in Teyvat, no matter where they are in the starry sky of Teyvat, will have a place of their own.

So did the law of nature see the future destiny of Fontaine? So it chose to treat it as a divine punishment and passed it on to the water god?

Otherwise, why didn't the law of nature do it directly, but left so much time instead? Wouldn't He know that the more time left, the greater the room for operation, and the greater the possibility of changing the ending?

Hmm... I don't know if this whale can be eaten.

Ahem... What the hell is he thinking about? He must have been too close to Paimon recently, and was infected by Paimon's foodie attribute!

"Of course, I have already mastered the rules of water, and I can easily calm all these disasters by using the power of rules."

"But I think you are actually right. Let the Fontaine people become real humans, so that they will be fine when they encounter such a crisis in the future. "

"But don't worry, I can do this easily."

Lin Yu looked in the direction of Fukaros and said lightly.

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Fukaros fell into silence. After a moment of silence, she raised her head and looked in the direction of Lin Yu and said.

"Apart from the factor of saving Fontaine, I want to return the power of water to the water dragon Navilette. ”

“Water dragon Navilet has lived in Fontaine for hundreds of years and has completely integrated into the human world. This also confirms that people and dragons can coexist and live together...”

Lin Yu:???

Didn’t you plan to blow up the throne in the end? Then why did I say so much before?

Lin Yu sighed. Now that the words have come to this, whether it is the water god or Fontaine, he Lin Yu will save them!

That Navilet, Lin Yu thinks he has the qualifications to manage the world’s great trial. When he establishes the world’s highest court in the future, he may be qualified to take over.

In this case, then treat it as a pre-training.

“In this case, I will also take care of the power of water. It is not a difficult task for me.”

In addition to letting him face the law of nature, there is really nothing he dare not do now.

It’s just a copy of part of the power of water.

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