Funina took Kong and Paimon back to the Momang Palace, and then asked someone to get Kong and Paimon the documents of the investigation team of Young Master Tartaglia.

After about ten minutes, Funina came out with a document in her hand.

She handed the document to Kong first, and then said proudly: "I have already got the documents of the Tartaglia investigation team for you."

"When are you going to leave? It's best to leave now."

"Please, please, this matter is really urgent."

Funina looked at Kong and Paimon and begged.

She had promised the servant before that if there was no way to investigate Tartaglia's matter clearly, wouldn't she have to face this woman again?

She didn't want this.

So she could only ask Kong and Paimon to leave early!

Seeing that Funina was so anxious, Kong also made up his mind and decided to set off for Melopenterburg in advance to investigate the disappearance of Prince Tartaglia in Melopenterburg.

"I know, I know, then we will set off now. Remember to prepare a table of delicious food for us when we come back and reward us well!" Paimon said.

For Paimon, the best reward is to prepare a table of delicious food for her.

Funina also agreed repeatedly.

"Don't worry, I will prepare a large table of delicious food in Momang Palace, waiting for you to return triumphantly from the investigation!"

After Funina agreed, Kong and Paimon immediately left Momang Palace and set off for the patrol ship station in Fontaine Court. After arriving at the Fontaine patrol ship station.

Kong and Paimon learned that the last patrol ship to Iliye Island had just set off. If they wanted to go to Iliye Island, they had to wait for the next patrol ship.

But the next patrol boat will come in an hour and a half.

"Ah!! We are obviously walking fast enough, but why can't we catch this patrol boat?"

"The next patrol boat will have to wait for an hour and a half."

"Hey! I have a good idea. We can go to Lin Yu now. Doesn't Lin Yu have a flying car? We can ask Lin Yu to lend us the flying car." Paimeng looked at Kong and said.

Borrow a flying car from Lin Yu? Good reminder.

Kong thought Paimeng's suggestion was very good, so he chose to follow Paimeng's suggestion.

Under Paimeng's suggestion, the two left the patrol boat station and headed towards the hotel where Lin Yu was.

After a while, Kong and Paimeng arrived at the hotel and came to the door of Lin Yu's room at the same time. Kong stretched out a hand and knocked on Lin Yu's room door.

Lin Yu is currently in an e-sports competition. After the Oasis device detects the knocking sound from outside, a prompt pops up in the upper left corner of Lin Yu.

But Lin Yu is currently in a game competition, how can he get out of it and meet Kong and Paimeng outside the house?

Then he thought, what if Kong and Paimeng encountered something? After thinking of this, Lin Yu separated a divine thought, and then condensed the divine thought into an entity, performing two-thread operations.

The divine thought came to the door and opened it, and then he saw Kong and Paimeng outside the house.

"What's wrong? Did you encounter any trouble during the investigation of the case of the son of Melo Petersburg, Tartaglia?"

There was no greeting, and he went straight to the source of the problem.

Kong looked at Lin Yu a little embarrassed.

After a moment, Paimeng, the mouth of God, spoke.

"Hey, Lin Yu, it's not that we're in any trouble. Actually, we're here to borrow something from you."

"Borrow something? What do you want to borrow?" Lin Yu asked.

Paimon Fly rubbed his hands and said, "It's like this. Kong and I want to borrow the flying car we used last time when we went to the Opikle Opera House."

The two didn't know the name of the flying car, so they could only call it a flying car for now.

It turned out that he wanted to borrow Feiyu from me.

"Okay, that's no problem."

After saying that, Lin Yu mobilized the power of spatial authority and directly transferred Feiyu, which was in his space, to the hands of Shennian·Lin Yu.

After the last use, Lin Yu upgraded Feiyu again.

The key to this upgrade is to allow Feiyu to have the ability to shrink and enlarge. Now Feiyu is in the hands of Shennian·Lin Yu, and it is the state of Feiyu vehicle model.

When we reach a wide area, or when we need to use the Feather, we can restore it to its original state.The original size of Feiyu.

Lin Yu added this function not for convenience, but for ornamental purposes.

He felt that he would rarely use Feiyu, but if it was left in the space to gather dust, wouldn't it be a pity for his masterpiece of the God of Feather?

In order to avoid such pity and regret, Lin Yu gave it such a function, so that Feiyu could appear in Lin Yu's field of vision as a decoration.

Join the ranks of decorations such as night lights and small black holes.

"Eh? Is this Feiyu? But how did it become so small?" Paimeng looked at the model-sized Feiyu in Lin Yu's hand with some doubts.

After hearing Paimeng's question, Lin Yu explained the new function of Feiyu to Kong and Paimeng.

Paimeng nodded and said.

"So that's how it is. Hehe, I know how to use the Feather!"

"Thank you, Lin Yu."

"If Lin Yu can join our investigation team, maybe we can quickly find out the reason why Young Master Tartaglia disappeared." Paimon said as he looked at Lin Yu.

"I am currently in a critical period of my cultivation, so I can't spare time to help you. You can only rely on yourself to investigate the reason why Young Master Tartaglia disappeared."

What a joke, he is now in an e-sports competition, how can he spare time to help Kong and Paimon investigate the matter of Young Master Tartaglia?

And Lin Yu fully believes in the abilities of Kong and Paimon, and believes that with their abilities, they can investigate the reason why Young Master Tartaglia disappeared in Melo Petersburg.

"Is that so? It seems that only Kong and I can investigate this matter." Paimon said with a slightly regretful expression.

Since Lin Yu had already said so, Kong and Paimeng naturally could not continue to force it. After saying goodbye to Lin Yu, they also left the hotel.

Then on the streets of Fontaine, he put out the model of the Feather in his hand.

Then he opened the hatch of the Feather and sat inside the Feather. Kong learned from Lin Yu's previous operation and clicked on the operation panel.

The operation panel of the Feather was not complicated. On the contrary, many things were graphical. In addition, the UI design was very reasonable, so Kong had learned the operation method after just a while.

He selected the entrance of Melo Petersburg on the map on the Feather.

The entrance of Melo Petersburg was built behind the Opikle Opera House. The main point is that after a trial, he can be sent down and locked up as soon as possible to complete the procedures for entering the prison.

"The destination has been set, and we are leaving."

The Feather slowly drove away from the ground, streaking a blue stream of light in the sky, and disappeared in the sky above Fontaine in an instant, heading towards the entrance of Melo Petersburg.

Not long after, the Feather completed its deceleration and slowly landed in front of the entrance of Melo Petersburg.

Kong and Paimon walked out of the Feather, and Kong stretched out a hand. Since he could not control it as freely as Lin Yu, he needed to read out the password set by Lin Yu when shrinking the Feather.

So what is this password? Kong closed his eyes and took a deep breath, looking like he had made up his mind.

"Fei Fei Yu Yu, change!"

After Kong read out this more shameful password, the Feather flashed and turned into a model size, and flew into Kong's hands at the same time.

Then Kong quickly put the vehicle away. He had already felt the eyes of the surrounding guards.

He now wished that he could use his toes to dig out a three-bedroom, one-living-room apartment on the ground, and then take Paimon in directly.

"Stop, the important area ahead, no one is allowed to enter."

Two members of the security team stopped in front of Kong and made a stop gesture to Kong.

Seeing this situation, Paimon was not panicked at all, and Kong also took out a document signed by the water god Fu Nina from his body without hurrying.

Kong held the document in his hand and looked at the members of the security team.

"Hello, we are the special task force sent by the water god Fukaros to Melo Petersburg to investigate the disappearance of the son Tartaglia."

Since Kong and Paimon borrowed the Feiyu from Lin Yu, they quickly arrived at the entrance of Melo Petersburg with the amazing speed of the Feiyu.

As a result, the notification documents sent from Mo Mang Palace to Melo Petersburg were still on the way to Melo Petersburg.

Therefore, the two security team members had no idea that a special task force was coming to Melo Petersburg.

The two security team members looked at the document presented by Kong.On the document, it seemed to be true, and there was a signature from the water god Fukaros.

But they were just two ordinary guards who guarded the gate of Melo Petersburg all year round. How could they have the ability to distinguish the authenticity of the document?

"Please wait for a moment, we will go to notify the relevant personnel."

For a moment, the two guards were unsure, so they had to report the matter.

Kong could also understand and understand the intentions of the two guards, so he would not use the document in his hand to embarrass the two guards.

Then he and Paimon waited in front of the entrance of Melo Petersburg.

The two guards successfully contacted the people below through the wired telephone set up next to the entrance of Melo Petersburg.

After reporting this matter, their management was unsure for a while. Finally, after the security team reported it layer by layer, it was reported to the manager of Melo Petersburg, Duke Leosli.

Leosli frowned. After all, in his impression, the water god Funina did not seem to be the one who would ask about such things. Generally speaking, shouldn't it be Villette?

But if you think about it carefully, the person imprisoned in Melo Petersburg is the son of the Fatui executive from the Kingdom of Winter.

Such a person was imprisoned in Melo Petersburg, and the Kingdom of Winter would definitely put diplomatic pressure on them.

But at such a juncture, the son of the Fatui executive of the Kingdom of Winter, Dadalia, disappeared in Melo Petersburg.

For Fontaine, this undoubtedly made Fontaine the disadvantaged party in the diplomatic exchanges between Fontaine and the Kingdom of Winter.

As a result, the diplomatic envoys of the Kingdom of Winter proposed some more excessive conditions.

Because of the pressure, the water god Funina had to personally inquire about this matter and even sent out a special investigation team. This shows how much the water god Funina attaches importance to this matter.

So let him go up now and meet the special investigation team sent by the water god Funina.

As the actual manager of Melo Petersburg, he is obviously responsible for the disappearance of the son Tartaglia.

From the inside of Melo Petersburg, Leosli took the ascending elevator and came to the entrance of Melo Petersburg.

After seeing Leosli appear, Kong and Paimon immediately cheered up. The temperament exuded by Leosli is completely different from the temperament exuded by others.

At first glance, he should be the manager or leader of Melo Petersburg.

"Hello, nice to meet you."

"You two are Ms. Funina, the special task force sent to our Melo Petersburg to investigate the disappearance of Master Tartaglia, right?"

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Duke Leosli, the manager of this underwater prison Melo Petersburg. You can also call me Leosli directly. I don't mind."

Leosli walked in front of Sora and Paimon and said.

Sora took out the document again.

"Yes, we are the investigation task force sent by the water god Fukaros."

"If you have no objection to this document, please cooperate with our investigation task force, Duke Leosli."

Sora took the document signed by the water god Fukaros himself and said to Leosli with a serious face.

Leosli took the document signed by the water god Fukaros from Sora's hand and observed it carefully.

He personally didn't know much about the signature of the Water God Fukaros, but he often exchanged documents with the Mo Mang Palace.

So he naturally knew the unique anti-counterfeiting features of the documents issued by the Mo Mang Palace.

After checking the anti-counterfeiting features on the document one by one, he had confirmed the authenticity of the document, and Kong and Paimon were the investigation team sent by the Water God Fu Nina.

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