"Since this is the investigation team specially sent by the Water God, Funina, please follow me."

"All the details about the disappearance of Master Tartaglia are stored in my office. I think these materials and documents will definitely help you."

"On the way to the office, I will also personally introduce you to the various facilities and areas of this Melo Petersburg so that you can investigate the case."

"In short, the investigation team sent by the Water God, we Melo Petersburg will naturally support it."

Leosli looked directly at Kong and Paimon, and then, on behalf of the entire Melo Petersburg, expressed their attitude towards the Water God's special investigation team represented by Kong and Paimon.

"Well, let's get started."

"No problem, I'll lead the way, please follow me." Leosli looked at Paimon and said.

Under the guidance of Leosli, Kong and Paimon took the elevator to the bottom of Melo Petersburg. Along the way, Leosli kept introducing Kong and Paimon to what they saw and heard in Melo Petersburg.

About an hour and a half passed.

Kong and Paimon followed Leosli to his office. In Leosli's office, Leosli put all the detailed information about the disappearance of the son Tartaglia on the table in the office for Kong and Paimon to read and investigate.

And Leosli sat on the sofa beside him, watching the two of them flipping through the documents with interest.

Before this, as the actual manager of Melo Petersburg, he had naturally checked all the documents on the disappearance of the son Tartaglia when they were presented at the first time.

But no results were found.

The only possibility at present is that Childe Tartaglia may have followed a passage hidden in the Fort Melo Petersburg and unknown to the public, and left Melo Petersburg by diving all the way.

Ordinary people would definitely not be able to do this without diving equipment.

But it is obvious that Childe Tartaglia, the executive officer of the Fatui, is not among the ordinary people, so it seems reasonable to speculate from this point.

At present, the investigation direction of Sora and Paimon is also in this direction.

Sora and Paimon both think that Childe cannot have been hiding in Melo Petersburg all the time. After all, if he has been hiding in Melo Petersburg all the time, then he would lose the rationality and meaning of existence if he did so.

So from a logical point of view, Childe Tartaglia should have found a passage and then left Melo Petersburg along this passage.

In Melo Petersburg, Sora and Paimon spent a total of two and a half days.

There are similar surveillance devices in the Melo Petersburg. As the investigation team, Kong and Paimon naturally have the right to retrieve these similar images.

However, since there are not many surveillance devices in the Melo Petersburg, Kong and Paimon can not get many images about the young master Tartaglia.

Following the place where the image of the young master Tartaglia disappeared, the Melo Petersburg side had already conducted a careful investigation before.

But they were not able to find any traces of the hidden passage in it. The only footprint that could prove that the young master Tartaglia had been here also disappeared without a trace at the corner of the passage.

"It's really strange. Obviously, the young master disappeared in this place in the end, but why can't we find any hidden passages after investigating for so long?"

"Could it be that the young master is actually a Fontaine, and then a large amount of primordial fetal sea water was splashed by criminals, and finally the young master was dissolved here, and all the evidence disappeared."

"Well... Apart from this explanation, I really can't think of any other explanation."

Paimon said dejectedly.

In these days, she and Kong have been working very hard to make a detailed investigation of the matter of the young master Tartaglia.

But the investigation process was not smooth, and the two of them have not found out the reason until now.

Are they going to give up like this? Kong and Paimon felt very powerless about this, but it was obvious that they didn't want to give up, but where is the breakthrough point? How can things usher in a breakthrough?

Kong and Paimon returned to a room specially prepared for them by Leosli.

Kong was frowning and thinking about something, when suddenlyLiang, he thought of something very crucial, it seems that the current situation is about to usher in a turnaround.

During these days, Lin Yu's five-member team has been in the e-sports competition. The e-sports competition held by Qingyu will be held for a total of five days.

There are a total of 26 teams participating in the competition. At present, Lin Yu's team has entered the ranks of the top 16.

It is worth it that he has been pulling Qingyu and Xiao to continue to score points during this time. As time goes by and the number of games continues to accumulate, his current gaming skills are becoming more and more perfect.

He now fully feels that he can lead everyone in the team to the championship position without relying on plug-in programs.

At the same time, on the other side, Heulia came to the vicinity of Baisong Town.

The purpose of her coming to the vicinity of Baisong Town is that she heard that there is a unique flower called cypress flower around Baisong Town, which only appears in this area.

Heulia felt that the smell of cypress flowers was very unique, and this could be used to create a new and unique perfume fragrance.

That's why Heulia came to the vicinity of Baisong Town.

Heulia held a flower basket in her hand, and in the basket were cypress flowers. Looking at the cypress flowers collected near Baisong Town in the basket after a morning, Heulia looked very satisfied.

She planned to go to the nearest place, which was Baisong Town.

And open a room in the hotel in Baisong Town, so that she could take out the perfume refiner from the space and start researching and making perfume with cypress flowers as the main tone.

With this idea in mind, Heulia went to Baisong Town and settled down in Baisong Town very smoothly.

After taking out the perfume refiner, Heulia immersed herself in the process of making perfume, which was different from the automatic perfume refiner developed by Guizhong.

The perfume refining machine that Heulia is using now can adjust the concentration of various materials of perfume more finely, so as to achieve the conditions for making more advanced perfume.

But just when Heulia was very serious about mixing perfume, there was a movement outside the hotel window.

"Everyone, leave here quickly! The water outside is rising!"

"It's bad, a lot of seawater has flooded in, and the road out of Baisong Town is blocked by seawater."

"It will definitely not be good to stay here. It's better to rush directly from here to the outside of Baisong Town while the water is low."

Looking at the seawater flooding into Baisong Town from outside, the residents of Baisong Town also felt the urgency at the first time.

After all, the only entrance and exit was blocked by seawater, and seawater continued to flood in. Judging from the terrain of Baisong Town, if the subsequent tides continued, it was not completely impossible for the entire Baisong Town to be submerged by seawater.

The waterline of the Fontaine Ocean has been rising over the years, and the people of Baisong Town have seen it.

Hearing the noisy sound outside, Heulia could not help but stop the process of refining perfume essential oils in her hands, and came to the window of the hotel room and stretched out her hand to open the curtains.

Then she saw this scene.

I saw that the sea water was constantly flooding into Baisong Town. At the entrance and exit of Baisong Town, where the sea water had not yet touched, several aggressive men cheered each other up.

Then he took a deep breath and prepared to rush directly into the sea water, and then go upstream along the sea water, leaving Baisong Town from here to a safe area, and at the same time taking the information of Baisong Town out to bring rescue to the remaining people in Baisong Town.

The six people were all prepared, looking at each other and communicating.

After nodding together, the six people dived into the sea water, and the remaining onlookers opened their mouths wide, terrified and speechless.

Because they saw that the six people dissolved in the sea water the moment they touched it, and a term suddenly emerged in people's minds.

That was a term known to all Fontaine people after the trial of Linni and Linnet, namely the water of the original fetal sea.

Everyone retreated in fear and terror, until they retreated to a place they thought the sea water could not reach for the time being.

"He, they were dissolved by the sea water!!"

"Sea, sea, there is the water of the original fetal sea in the sea water!"

"It's over, it's over. The only exit is blocked by the sea water. All of us will be buried by the sea water and then directly dissolved in the sea water...""No, no, I'm only 20 years old, I'm still single!!!"

After seeing this scene in front of her, Heulia frowned.

What's going on? When she entered Baisong Town, she saw that the water was still a long way from Baisong Town. How come such a short time has passed?

The sea water outside Baisong Town directly poured into Baisong Town.

Hearing the noise outside, Navia also came out with their members of the Rose Thorn Club as soon as possible, and after briefly understanding the situation from the crowd.

Navia immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

Then Navia's two capable men, Miles and Silver, came to Navia and asked Navia for orders.

"Miss, the water is pouring into Baisong Town, and the people at the bottom of Baisong Town may not know the situation yet. We have to send people to evacuate the people at the bottom immediately."

"Yes, Miss, otherwise when people get in chaos, maybe everyone will be blocked down there."

Myles and Silver looked in the direction of Navia and said.

Of course, Navia knew very clearly that the seawater with a high concentration of the original fetal sea water would be fatal to them, the Fontaine people. If they accidentally touched the seawater with the original fetal sea water, the whole person would be dissolved in an instant.

There was not even a moment of resistance, the whole process was very fast...

On one side was the safety of the people in Baisong Town, and on the other side was the safety of the Thorn Rose Society members such as Myles and Silver. For a moment, Navia was caught in a dilemma.

In the dilemma, Navia remembered what her father said when he was still alive.

Finally, Navia made up her mind and looked at Myles and Silver.

"Myles and Silver, you must come back safely. The first thing to do in the rescue process is to ensure your own safety. Don't do anything stupid. Do you understand?" Navia looked at the two worriedly and said.

Myles and Silver nodded and said in unison: "Don't worry, miss, we will definitely ensure our own safety!"

After saying these words, Myles and Silver immediately turned around and left, taking the brothers of the Thorn Rose Society to the lower level of Baisong Town to evacuate the people in the lower level of Baisong Town.

In order to prevent more people from being dissolved in the sea water.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

The dike originally used to protect the entrance of Baisong Town was directly breached because the continuous influx of seawater destroyed the soil below.

All of a sudden, the sea water rushed into Baisong Town like a giant dragon out of the sea, and formed a rainy season waterfall landscape in Baisong Town that fell three thousand feet.

If this continues, Baisong Town, a quiet and peaceful town, will definitely suffer a huge disaster.

Heulia knew that she couldn't watch it anymore.

Immediately, Heulia jumped out of the window of the hotel and flew to the entrance of Baisong Town, where the sea water kept pouring in.

Seeing Heulia's appearance, everyone was stunned for a moment.

After all, in their impression, the strong men of the Eye of God could not stay in the air for a long time. Could it be that the woman in front of them was a god?

A burst of white light appeared on the tip of Heulia's hand in the sky.


Heulia shouted in the air.

Under the effect of Heulia's magical power, the originally flowing waves were directly fixed, and then quickly condensed into solid ice.

After doing this, Heulia felt that it was not safe, so she used solid ice to form a solid ice wall outside the entrance of Baisong Town to prevent the sea water from continuing to invade Baisong Town.

After watching these scenes, the people of Baisong Town were stunned.

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