"What are you thinking about, Mr. Villette? Are you doubting that there is something wrong with my glass of water?" Lin Yu looked at him with a smile and a kind expression.


After a moment of silence.

Villette took the glass of water from Lin Yu. At least on the surface, there should be no problem with this glass of water.

Taking the glass and putting the water into his mouth, Villette tasted the rich taste of the water.

"The taste is clear and cool, and many substances seem to be mixed together, full of traces of human interference. It doesn't feel like water from the Teyvat continent when you drink it."

"Congratulations, you guessed it right. This is indeed not the water from the Teyvat continent." Lin Yu said with a smile.

As expected of Navite, a water dragon, he is quite knowledgeable about water. He can even see that this water has been made in a factory.

When he heard that this was not the water from the Teyvat continent, Paimon immediately became interested.

"I want to drink it too, I want to drink it too." Paimeng came to Lin Yu and said.

Just as he was about to dispose of the remaining mineral water in his hand, Paimeng came over like this, and Lin Yu directly handed the Wahaha mineral water in his hand to Paimeng.

"All for you."

Paimeng smiled and looked happy.

He twisted the bottle cap and tasted the water in big mouthfuls.

"How does it feel?" Kong asked Paimeng.

Paimeng shook his head: "Well... Isn't it just the taste of water? Anyway, I can't taste any difference."

Skipping the topic of water, Zhongli started chatting with Violet, and the content of their conversation was about tea.

At this moment, Lin Yu felt that Zhongli was like a tea salesman, who had been telling Violet about the many benefits of tea.

Under Zhongli's well-reasoned recommendation, Violet immediately said that after waiting for his affairs to be free, he would go to Qiaoyingzhuang in Liyue in person, and then buy some suitable tea to try.

Villette has always been fond of water. He has not done much research on other drinks and has never tasted most of them.

However, when I think of Villette as a water dragon, everything seems to make sense.

Is it unreasonable for a water dragon to like water?

"Mr. Villette, Lady Funina said she is ready. Please take a seat in the VIP seat when the trial is about to begin."

The guard team members approached and informed.

Villette nodded, and everyone had no objection. They followed Villette and walked towards the VIP seat arranged by Funina for them.

The so-called VIP seat is actually the position where Funina watched the trial in the past.

She will judge all the people of Fontaine, so it seems a bit inappropriate for them to sit in the audience.

And this is the VIP seat treatment promised by Funina.

The corresponding number of chairs are placed on the VIP seat, but no one chose to sit down. Instead, they stood in front of the railing and looked at the situation inside the Opicolai Opera House.

At this time, the auditorium and aisles of the Opicole Opera House were already crowded with audiences who had entered the Opicole Opera House.

The audiences were whispering to each other and discussing the theme of today's trial.

People were very curious about this matter.

What kind of case could alarm Lady Funina to conduct a trial in person? Almost most people had a big question mark on this matter.

Seeing that the trial was about to begin, Lin Yu also began to use his own strength.

At the gathering place of people from all over Fontaine, a huge screen appeared in the air, and this was what Lin Yu had said to Funin and Villette before, to broadcast this trial live to all Fontaine people.

In the square outside the Opicole Opera House, the maximum number of people in the Opicole Opera House has been reached, but even so, there are still a large number of audiences who want to watch the trial outside the Opicole Opera House.

Now they are naturally attracted by the picture that appeared out of thin air.

"Something seems to have appeared in the sky."

"This is it! Isn't this the picture inside the Opicole Opera House?"

"We can actually see the picture inside the Opicole Opera House through this picture. This is really great! Even if we can't enter the Opicole Opera House, we can see the judgment picture of Lady Funina."

"A miracle! This must be a miracle from Lady Funina!"

The picture inside the Opicole Opera House that appeared out of thin air in Fontaine all over the world made most Fontaine people regard it as a miracle from the water god Lady Funina.Miracle.

After all, only gods can do such things.

And who else can be the god of Fontaine except the water goddess Funina?

Funina, standing on the highest judge's seat, looked at the noisy audience of the Opicole Opera House, cleared her throat, and spoke in a voice that she felt was very serious.


"This trial is about to begin. All the people of Fontaine in the Opicole Opera House should keep quiet immediately, otherwise they will be expelled from the court for disturbing the order of the court!"

Under Funina's serious tone, the people began to feel a little stunned. For a moment, they actually felt a touch of the temperament of the supreme judge, Villette, from Funina.

This temperament is completely different from the Funina they knew before.

Instantly, the entire Opicole Opera House became quiet.

After all, after waiting in a long line for so long, no one wanted to be expelled from the court for disturbing the order of the court.

If you miss such a wonderful trial scene today, you will regret it in the future.

"Lady Funina, didn't you say trial? Why don't we see anyone on the trial bench?"

"Yes, Lady Funina, where is the target of today's trial? Hasn't it arrived at the scene yet?"

"Excuse me, Lady Funina, why do you want to conduct the trial in person today?"

After a moment of silence, questions broke out from the audience.

And this is usually regarded as the audience exercising their rights, and it is not considered as disrupting the court. The audience has the right to raise reasonable questions about the trial process.


Funina said loudly.

She took a deep breath and officially began.

"The case to be tried in this court today is "The Case of the Fontaine People Stealing the Water of the Original Fetal Sea", and the defendants in this case will be all the Fontaine people!"

! ! ! !

As soon as Funina said this, the whole audience fell into silence.

After a moment of silence, the crowd suddenly erupted.

"What does it mean that the Fontaine people stole the water of the original fetal sea? As a member of the Fontaine people, I have no recollection of ever having come into contact with the water of the original fetal sea. I protest!"

"Lady Funina, are you kidding me? The water of the original fetal sea is so dangerous. I don't think anyone in Fontaine would try to touch it, let alone steal it."

"Slander! This is a naked slander. Don't think that you are the God of Justice and can arbitrarily accuse others of things that they have never done!!"

"What a joke! Funina, are you crazy? You actually want to judge everyone in Fontaine!"

"God of Justice Funina, you said that all of us Fontaine people stole the water of the original fetal sea, so where is the evidence? Is there any evidence that we stole the water of the original fetal sea?"

All the audience who heard Funina's speech expressed their own voices.

First of all, people are very puzzled about Funinna's behavior. Why did the Fontaine people steal the water of the original fetal sea? Most of the Fontaine people have never seen the water of the original fetal sea.

Before the Linni case, even most of the Fontaine people did not know the existence of the original fetal sea water.

Moreover, the water of the original fetal sea is so dangerous. Except for the terrorists of Vash and the people of the Fatui, who would want to touch the water of the original fetal sea?

This matter is completely unreasonable from the most basic logic.

Now all the Fontaine people are waiting for a reasonable explanation from Funinna.


"Of course, our court has the decisive evidence."

"I wonder if all the audience present here know why we, and only the Fontaine people, can dissolve in the water of the original fetal sea?"

"Do you know why?"

Funina, who was sitting on the seat of the highest judge, looked at the audience calmly and raised such a thought-provoking question to the audience.

Really? Why are only the Fontaine people dissolving in the world?

For people other than the Fontaine people, even if they drink the water of the original fetal sea like wine, there will be no dissolution phenomenon. Instead, the drinker will become more excited.

Why did such a special result occur? Everyone at the scene fell into deep thought about this matter.

"The water of the original fetal sea is a poison specially made by others. Someone wants to destroy us Fontaine!"

"We have never really thought about this problem before."

"I know, I know! It's a prophecy! That thing that I have known since I was a child"An ancient prophecy that has existed for a long time!"

"Everyone in Fontaine is born with original sin that cannot be eliminated. One day, the sea level of Fontaine will rise, submerging and dissolving all the people of Fontaine, leaving only the water god himself crying on the throne, and only then will the sins of the people of Fontaine be washed away."

"Each of us carries sins, and because we are all sinners, Lady Funina has to judge us!"

"But...but what crime have we committed? Why should we bear such sins since we were born? Obviously we have done nothing! This is unfair, this is not fair to us."

"Lady Funina, as one of the judges, we have the right to know what sins we have committed! ”

When people once again thought of the prophecy, the content of the prophecy was gradually becoming a reality, and people began to gradually believe in the authenticity of the prophecy.

But even the most vicious villains have the right to know the crimes they have committed.

So as a member of the Fontaine people, they also have the right to know what the sin they have been carrying since birth is.


"Every Fontaine person has been born with the sin of stealing the water of the original fetal sea."

"Because the bodies you and I are using now are not real human bodies, but were created by the previous generation of water god Egolia in ancient times by taking the water of the original fetal sea privately."

"The current Fontaine people were all pure water elves in their previous lives, even me."

"The previous generation of water gods took the water of the original fetal sea privately and transformed us, the water god's followers, into humans, and thus committed a heinous crime. ”

“During the process of creating humans, due to the lack of authority, all Fontaine people face a common shortcoming. I believe you already have the answer in your mind now.”

“That’s right! This common shortcoming in us is that when we touch the original fetal sea water again, the power that binds the original fetal sea water in our bodies will disintegrate, the original fetal sea water will return, and we will become pure water spirits again.”

“And this process of transformation is now called dissolution by the world.”

“So dissolution is not death, it’s just that we are now back to our past selves. "

As the god of Fontaine, Funina's story about ancient times is very credible in the eyes of the people of Fontaine.

However, it is credible, but the content of Funina's story is too much information, which makes it difficult for the people of Fontaine to accept it for a while.

In the eyes of the current people of Fontaine, they are real humans.

Now Funina is here to tell them that they are not real humans, but humans transformed from pure water elves by the previous water god Egolia.

This almost broke their concept of life for thousands of years. It was really hard to accept for a while, but they felt that everything Funina said was right.

So what should they do now? Is their final outcome only to be submerged in the sea and dissolved?

"Lord Funina, so today's trial is to judge the sins of us Fontaine people?"

"What is the result of the trial? The book says that pure water spirits are a mixture of consciousness, and multiple consciousnesses share one body. This feeling is too terrifying. I don’t want to become a pure water spirit. "

"We are innocent! We should not bear such sins."

"Lord Funina, the God of Justice and Water, you should stand on the side of your people, right? You will not abandon your people, right?"

"This is fake! This is not true, I don’t believe it! How can I be a pure water spirit instead of a human? !"

After Funina’s words, most people were panicked.

But these are all human nature, and no one can accept everything in front of them so calmly.

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