
Funina shouted again, this was the umpteenth time she had done this.

When I watched the trial of Villette in the audience before, I never felt that the position of the Supreme Judge was so tiring, and Villette had been in the position of the Supreme Judge for hundreds of years.

Under the majesty of Funina, the audience fell silent again.

Then Funina spoke.

"As the god of Fontaine, I should naturally stand by the people of Fontaine."

"But if the sins of the people of Fontaine cannot be eliminated, then we Fontaine people are still guilty. According to the prophecy, all the people of Fontaine will be drowned by the sea, leaving me alone crying on the throne."

"But crying alone on the throne has never been my style."

"So I decided to use the power I have accumulated over the past few hundred years to eliminate the sins of us Fontaine people. As long as the sins disappear, the prophecy will be useless to Fontaine!"

"At this moment, all the people of Fontaine, cheer for your upcoming new life!"

After saying this, Funina, who was in the position of the highest judge at the Opicole Opera House, suddenly burst out with a very dazzling blue light.

The light enveloped Funina in an instant, and then formed a blue light column, which went straight into the sky through the top of the Opicole Opera House like a beacon!

People within hundreds of miles can see this miracle with their naked eyes.

Lin Yu, who was responsible for broadcasting live to all the people of Fontaine, also deliberately cut the camera to the outside of the Opicolet Opera House, giving a panoramic view of the light column that burst out from Funina to the sky.

No matter where the people are in Fontaine, they can witness this moment that belongs to Funina through the live broadcast.

I saw a huge amount of energy being drawn out of Funina's body, and it gathered in the sky along the light column. In about thirty seconds, the energy gathered in the sky bloomed.

With the sky of the Opicolet Opera House as the center, all the people of Fontaine scattered and shrouded in the sky of Fontaine.

At this moment, all the people of Fontaine felt that there was a force flowing in their bodies, and then it seemed that they had lost something and gained something.

Funina's voice began to sound in people's ears.

"People of Fontaine, you have now completed the transformation from anthropomorphism to human. From now on, you are real human beings, which also means that you have completely lost the possibility of returning to the past and merging into pure water elves."

"The water of the original fetal sea will no longer be a deadly poison to the people of Fontaine."

"People of Fontaine, from now on, you will welcome the future with a new identity. The sins of the past have dissipated, and the future is written by you."

"Cheers! Cheers! Celebrate the new life!!!"

As soon as Funina finished speaking, cheers broke out in the crowd, and the sound waves were louder and louder!

There is no doubt that Funina's behavior and speech completely mobilized the emotions of the people of Fontaine.

Before this, newspapers reported that Funina was indifferent to the deaths of disaster victims, and a wave of inaction by the water god Funina quickly swept Fontaine.

The incident in Baisong Town completely touched the nerves of the people of Fontaine. If this problem cannot be solved, who can be sure that it will not be themselves who will be dissolved in the water next time?

For a moment, the uneasy mood began to spread among the people of Fontaine.

Finally today, our water god, Lady Funina, really stood up and eliminated the sins of all the people of Fontaine in the prophecy!

It turned out that they had always misunderstood the Lord of Water. The Lord of Water did not do nothing, but prepared for this moment for hundreds of years.

In order to ensure success, the Lord of Water did not dare to use any power in the past hundreds of years, just to be able to complete this amazing feat before the disaster came!

At Funina's gesture, the Opikle Opera House fell silent again.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Funina clapped her hands gently. Three members of the security team, under the gaze of the audience, pushed a hotel cart onto the stage.

On top of the cart was a delicate basin, and the water stored in the basin was the original water of the sea that frightened countless people in Fontaine.

What Funina had to do now was to completely eliminate and shatter the fear that the original water of the sea left in the hearts of the people in Fontaine.

"Look at our three brave guards, pushing the water for our audience friends.What is coming? This is a basin of highly concentrated water from the original fetal sea!"

"But don't be afraid, we are no longer afraid now."

While Funina was talking, the three guards on the stage put their hands into the basin at almost the same time, and the water from the original fetal sea directly covered their wrists.

At this moment, the audience, who had been holding their breath for the three guards, burst into passionate and warm applause in an instant.

"People of Fontaine! Answer my question, are we no longer afraid of the water from the original fetal sea!"

"Yes! !"

"Very good, very good, then are there any brave audience friends who dare to come forward and experience the feeling of washing hands with the water from the original fetal sea?"


"I'll do it!"

"And me! "

Funina's words were responded to almost immediately. They were sure that they would not be dissolved by the water of the original fetal sea.

The audience stood up one after another, and then walked towards the stage of the Opikle Opera House. Under the lead of the predecessors, they began to put their hands into the water, with joyful smiles on their faces.

Some people even became more and more bold and drank a sip of water directly. Because the action was too fast, the guards did not have time to stop them.

Lin Yu frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

What's wrong with this person? You drink the hand washing water used by so many people ? Can you pay attention to personal hygiene in public?

It will not be dissolved by the water of the original fetal sea, but this does not mean that you will not have diarrhea.

People in the Opikle Opera House rushed to try to bathe in the water of the original fetal sea. The audience outside the Opikle Opera House, through the live broadcast of the giant screen, were also infected by this emotion at this time.

But there is no water of the original fetal sea around them, how should they release this emotion in their hearts?

The answer given by people is to jump into the sea and swim!

Since the incident in Baisong Town, Fontaine has been used as a water In the country of Fontaine, the people of Fontaine were actually afraid of the ocean when facing it.

But now it is different. The fear buried in people's hearts is gradually being broken.

This kind of thing will never happen again in the future, and the situation where the water of the original fetal sea dissolves the people of Fontaine will only appear in the history of Fontaine!

Especially the people in the refugee camp outside Baisong Town, they are the personal experiencers of the disaster in Baisong Town, and they have also seen the scene of people dissolving in the sea water with their own eyes.

Therefore, the people of Baisong Town are particularly afraid of the ocean water.

For them For people, water... is highly poisonous!

But now this is being broken. As the first group of people arrived at the beach, they gradually walked into the ocean and then floated on the ocean in a swimming posture.

The fear of the ocean in people's hearts is disappearing little by little.

I know that more and more people have joined in.

This carnival in the Opikle Opera House lasted for about half an hour. With a silence from Funina, the guards were evacuated.

The audience returned to their seats again.

"Silence, the trial continues!"

"Regarding the case of "Fontaine people stealing the water of the original fetal sea", there is currently no evidence to prove that the case is established, so the case of "Fontaine people stealing the water of the original fetal sea" is not established."

"Make the final judgment."

"I, the god of justice, Funina de Fontaine, sentence all Fontaine people..."

"Not guilty! "

Funina threw the manuscript in her hand into the sky and opened her hands. It can be seen that she is very happy and excited now.

She really did a great thing.

In the cardinal's oracle, Fukaros was watching everything in the Opikle Opera House. After seeing Funina's performance, Fukaros was sincerely happy for Funina's growth.

She is worthy of being recognized by her as the most perfect human being.

It seems that everything about Fontaine can be handed over to her in the future. She was in a hurry and took it from Egolia before she was ready. Passed the position of God.

The reason why she wanted to become a human was to see and experience the beauty of this world from a human perspective.

But before everything started, she had to immerse herself in the great cause of saving Fontaine.

Now she has achieved one or two of them through the Oasis virtual reality equipment given by the Order Rule.

In the Opikle Opera House, everyone was immersed in the joy of this moment, and when they cheered for the water goddess Funina, the entire Opikle Opera House was shaking.

Lin Yu frowned, what's going on? He was eating melon seeds and watching it with great interest.

He released his divine thoughts to quickly investigate the situation. It turned out that it was the whale in the water of the original fetal sea on the planet that was causing trouble.

It's really abominable... He didn't really mind, adding a new delicacy to today's menu.

At this time, there were very dense audiences in the audience. If the whale was allowed to tear the space here, it would be a huge disaster for the people in the entire Opiklay Opera House.

In order to prevent the disaster from happening, Lin Yu stood up.

He remained calm in the face of danger and stretched out a hand, with a blue light blooming on his hand.

Lin Yu, who mobilized the power of space, directly intercepted the whale, and then forcibly dragged it out and appeared in the air of the Opiklay Opera House.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The whale, feeling imprisoned by Lin Yu, let out a burst of impotent rage.

"What on earth is this!" Paimon said in fear, hiding behind Kong.

Funina waved her hand and ordered the guards: "All members of the guards, evacuate the people in the Opikle Opera House immediately!"

She could feel the powerful power emanating from this huge monster.

If a battle breaks out here, the people in the Opikle Opera House will inevitably be affected, so the best choice is to evacuate the people in the Opikle Opera House.

At the same time, before this, the live broadcast screen that lost Lin Yu's control was also stuck on the scene where the water god declared not guilty.

People who didn't know the situation in the Opikle Opera House thought that the trial was over and the screen naturally ended.

That Villette looked at the monster in the air. It was obvious that he had known about its existence before this.

"Finally I met it... I know exactly why it appeared here."

"That whale does not belong to Teyvat. It is a monster that keeps crying and shuttles between planets. It is greedily devouring the energy of the planet's fetal sea, becoming larger and larger, and is also the main reason for the rise in sea levels."

"And the energy of the fetal sea will soon dry up. Its next step is to devour the Fontaine people who contain the original fetal sea water."

"But it is obviously a step too late. Now the original fetal sea water no longer exists in the blood of the Fontaine people."

Listening to Villette's story, Paimon looked as if he had suddenly realized something.

"Oh, I know! I know!"

"In this case, we now know that the whale is the source of the disaster in the prophecy. Now if we get rid of it, can't we prevent the prophecy from happening?"

"From a universal point of view, that is indeed the case." Zhongli nodded in agreement.

Navilette said: "At present, the whale has absorbed too much water from the original fetal sea, and it has almost merged with the fetal sea of ​​the planet."

"If this matter cannot be resolved, even if the entire planet is destroyed, the whale will still be safe in the end."

"Funina has enough power to control the water of the original fetal sea, maybe..."

Lin Yu interrupted Navilette's speech.

He said: "I think it may not be so troublesome, just let me solve the whale's matter, it just so happens that I have never tried alien species of creatures, and I don't know if it can be eaten."

! ! !

"Eh?! We are obviously discussing how to defeat the whale, but Lin Yu you are thinking about whether it can be eaten!!! This is really great! Can you take me with you when you eat it!"

Paimeng came to Lin Yu very excitedly, rubbing his hands and said.

It's still unclear whether it can be eaten, but Paimeng is now booked.

Lin Yu squeezed the light ball in his hand fiercely, and then the whale suspended in the air was instantly broken and dissipated.

The whale in front of him was just a projection of the real whale, not the real one. The real whale is still in the water of the original fetal sea.

But it’s not a big problem, he will take action.

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