Lin Yu and his two companions roamed the oasis and fought fiercely in the canyon. The battle had not stopped since the afternoon of the next day. Lin Yu's rank was far superior to Ruo Tuo and others. In his spare time, Lin Yu suddenly thought of something that had not been completed, and felt lost.

Lin Yu thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered that this matter was to promise Fukalos to return the power of water in the throne to Navilette. Because the water dragon Navilette had served Fontaine for hundreds of years, maintained order, and made outstanding contributions, he really deserved this reward. So he decided to reward Navilette with the power of water.

Lin Yu told Qingyu and Xiao, "I have to go out for a while, and you don't need to accompany me." Qingyu nodded, and Xiao responded, "Yes, Lord Yushen!" Lin Yu nodded slightly, and the door of space appeared in front of him when he waved his hand. Lin Yu had used his divine mind to find out where Navilette was, and this door led directly to him.

At this time, Navilet was buried in the office of Momang Palace, dealing with urgent matters in Fontaine. Fontaine defeated the prophecy, celebrations were held, and it was very difficult to maintain public order.

In particular, Baisong Town was severely affected by the rising sea water and needed to be rebuilt.

With so many affairs piled up, Navilet frowned. The Fontaine government's finances might be in deficit. In order to maintain operations, it might need to borrow money from Liyu Bank, and it would be best if it could negotiate an interest-free loan.

While thinking, Lin Yu's space door suddenly appeared, and Lin Yu stepped out. Seeing this, Villette stood up and greeted him, "I wonder what the Order Ruler has come for?" Lin Yu smiled and said, "Order Ruler? I prefer to be called Lin Yu."

Villette replied, "Okay, Mr. Lin Yu." Lin Yu nodded, showing satisfaction, and continued, "I came here in person today, and there is indeed something, and it concerns you." Villette was puzzled and asked, "What is it?"

Lin Yu smiled and said, "As the Order Ruler, I am in charge of the order of the world. Fontaine has maintained order for hundreds of years, so I should reward you. What do you think?" Villette replied, "It's my duty, so why should I reward you?"

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Duties are duties, and rewards are rewards. The two cannot be confused. You should have no reason to refuse my reward." After that, Lin Yu's palm flashed with light, and the power of manifestation showed a ray of light blue light, which was a copy of the power of the water dragon in the throne.

Villette was shocked when he saw this, and it was the missing power of the water dragon. Lin Yu said, "Do you recognize this thing?" That Villette replied, "Yes." Lin Yu said, "Since you recognize it, then take it." That Villette was shocked and said, "This thing should be in the throne. If you take this power, the throne will be destroyed and Fukalos will die."

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, this power will not affect Fukalos. I have special means. Although it is troublesome, it is not too difficult." That Villette sighed, the rule of order is indeed extraordinary.

Recalling the incident of the star-eating whale, Lin Yu was so imposing that he nailed it to death with a wave of the nail of divine punishment. Lin Yu's strength is really incredible.

That Vilet nodded and said, "I understand." Lin Yu shook the power in his hand and said, "Since you understand, why don't you accept it? Don't you think highly of me, a little feather god?" That Vilet replied, "How dare I? I shouldn't refuse Mr. Lin Yu's gift."

That Vilet mobilized the power of the water dragon in his body, and the power in Lin Yu's hand flew into his body. That Vilet closed his eyes and merged. After a moment, the power of the water dragon was completely integrated, and that Vilet exuded a strong water element, and said excitedly: "I am a complete dragon, enough to judge the gods!"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows and said unexpectedly: "Ahem." That Vilet reacted and explained: "This is just excitement, no actual thoughts." Lin Yu smiled and said: "The responsibility of judging the gods of the world should be mine, and I will judge the seven gods. If you judge the law of nature, I can help deliver the judgment book. The dereliction of duty of the wind god and the rebellion of the ice god are all within my scope of judgment."

That Vilet was silent, regretting in his heart, how could he say this in front of the rule of order. Lin Yu's power should not be questioned. Navilet said with a bitter smile: "I already know what Mr. Lin Yu meant. I have no intention of judging the Seven Gods, let alone the Heavenly Law."

Navilet knew that he was not strong enough. Although he became a complete dragon, he was still no match for the Heavenly Law. Lin Yu's joke made Navilet feel embarrassed.

In summary, Lin Yu rewarded Navilet with the power of the Water Dragon because of his outstanding achievements. Navilet was confused at first, but finally accepted the power after Lin Yu's explanation.

Lin Yu's strength and broad-mindedness made Navilet deeply admire him, and he couldn't help but sigh at the gap between himself and the Heavenly Law.

(This is the classical Chinese version. The main text of 410 is in the main text column of the chapter list. All subsequent chapters will be released in a postponed manner regardless of the volume.)

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