He has only just become a complete dragon, so where does he get the strength to support him to judge the law of nature?

At that time, the Dragon King brought the seven elemental dragons, wrapped in the power of the abyss, and fought against the law of nature for thousands of years without defeating it. He is a weak and powerless water dragon. Although he is a complete dragon, how can he be the opponent of the law of nature?

The ruler of order really loves to joke...

That Villette has a very clear understanding of his current situation.

Lin Yu actually did not take Villette's words just now to heart, and he did not believe that Villette had the ability to judge the gods.

After all, the mortal world is under the jurisdiction of his ruler of order.

As long as he is there, such a thing will not happen in the mortal world.

"Since the reward has been delivered, I will not continue to disturb your work, and I will leave first."

After saying this, Lin Yu opened a space door, raised his foot to walk into the space door, and left Villette's office.

But when Lin Yu was about to walk into the space gate and leave, Navilette spoke to stop Lin Yu.

"Mr. Lin Yu, please wait a moment."

Lin Yu, who was about to leave, was stopped by Navilette.

Lin Yu stopped and looked at Navilette, casting a puzzled look, and asked: "What's wrong? What's the matter? Tell me."

"Liyu Bank is Liyue's industry. Because of the prophecy, Fontaine suffered disaster damage in many places. While maintaining the normal operation of Fontaine, it is urgent to rebuild these places as soon as possible."

"So?" Lin Yu looked at Navilette.

He basically guessed what Navilette wanted to say, but it would be better for Navilette to say what he wanted to do.

"Continue to rebuild in various places, and maintain the normal operation of Fontaine. At the same time, Fontaine may usher in reforms in the future. Many things have piled up together, which has already caused a huge burden on Fontaine's finances."

"As a result, the entire Fontaine will face a huge fiscal deficit."

"So in order to ease the financial pressure of Fontaine, the current decision of Fontaine is to prepare a large loan from Liyu Bank to ease the financial pressure of Fontaine."

After listening to what Navilet said, Lin Yu nodded as if he suddenly realized it.

Then he looked at Navilet and said, "Is that the case? There is financial pressure on Fontaine. If you want to borrow from Liyu Bank, there is certainly no problem with reasonable borrowing behavior. I think Liyu Bank should not refuse it."

"Fontaine can arrange someone to discuss this matter. There will be no trouble."

Navilet was choked for a moment.

If it was just a simple loan, he naturally didn't need to mention it in front of Lin Yu deliberately. It was precisely because this matter was not simple that he needed to do so.

After a while, Navilette had several psychological struggles in his heart, and finally Navilette finally completed the psychological struggle.

Although it was a bit difficult, the advantage was that he could speak out about it.

"Fontaine wants to obtain a large interest-free Mora loan." Navilette finally told the truth in his heart.

Interest-free Mora loan?

Navilette's question was naturally no problem.

Fontaine had just experienced a huge disaster. From a universal rational point of view, Liyu Bank has an international nature, so there is absolutely no problem in giving some humanitarian assistance to Fontaine internationally.

And interest-free loans are also part of humanitarian assistance.

Lin Yu believes that this is within a reasonable and acceptable range.

"A large and interest-free Mora loan?"

"Given the current situation of Fontaine, there is naturally no problem in obtaining such a large and interest-free Mora loan, and it is also within a reasonable range."

"So according to your request now, you want me to act as a matchmaker between Liyu Bank and Fontaine for this interest-free Mora loan?"

Lin Yu smiled softly, and he looked in the direction of Vilet.

Vilet nodded: "Well, what I think is exactly what Mr. Lin Yu said just now."

"But matchmaking is a bit too troublesome, and my personal time is very busy and precious." Lin Yu said lightly.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Vilet's eyes dimmed a few degrees in a way that ordinary people could not detect.

Interest-free Mora loan, is it not possible?

But soon Lin Yu changed the subject, and at the same time, a white light flashed in his hand, and a document appeared in Lin Yu's hand.

"Matchmaking is too troublesome, so I won't go there in person for such things."

"Then Villette, this is a document from the Liyue Head Office, which contains matters about the interest-free loan of Fontaine. You can order someone to take this document to discuss this matter."

The document that Lin Yu is holding in his hand now is a document from the Liyue Head Office that he has just issued as the head of Liyue Bank in the mortal world.

With the document from the Liyue Head Office, after the authenticity is confirmed by Liyue Bank, there will be no problem even if 100 billion Mora is withdrawn from Liyue Bank.

The document of the Liyue Head Office is not something that others can copy if they want to. The production of the document requires the equipment issued by Lin Yu at that time. The materials for the equipment to produce the document come from the conversion of the materialized template.

No materialized template If it is not possible to copy Lin Yu's things, then naturally it is impossible to copy Lin Yu's things.

At the same time, there should be no such daring people in the world who can set their sights on the equipment in Liyue Head Office.

If there is such a person in the world, then Lin Yu thinks that this person should be very eager to eat nails.

In this case, Lin Yu does not mind giving him a few nails, so that he can taste what the nails from the sky taste like.

I think no one in the world has tasted its taste.

"Liyue Head Office's document?" That Villette took the document from Lin Yu, and then simply checked the contents of the document in front of Lin Yu.

The content of Lin Yu's document is very simple and easy to understand.

If it is summarized, it should be said that I, Liyue Head Office, Fontaine wants to borrow money, so lend it! Interest-free loan!

Well... It is really very concise, like the style of the Rule of Order.

"Thank you Mr. Lin Yu for your help, I am really grateful. "

"There is one more thing. Funina and the others are planning to hold a party in Momang Palace to express Fontaine's gratitude to the people who actively saved the prophecy."

"Funina said that Mr. Lin Yu must be invited. Otherwise, the party without Mr. Lin Yu would be like missing... uh... Fontaine, the Supreme Judge." Thinking of Funina's original words, Villette couldn't help but be a little speechless.

"Others should have come to invite this matter, but since Mr. Lin Yu is now in front of me, I might as well tell Mr. Lin Yu about this matter in person."

Lin Yu smiled softly.

This is something that Funina can say.

A party to thank those who actively saved Fontaine? At that time, Zhongli and his party will receive an invitation. It would not be good if he didn't come alone.

In this case, he agreed to the party and enjoyed the beautiful moment after the words together.

"Okay, I know. ”

“I will go there in person when the party starts. "

Lin Yu looked at Navilette and said.

After saying this, he walked straight into the space gate and disappeared from Navilette's office in Mo Mang Palace.

Watching the space gate disappear and feeling the ripples of space fluctuations, Navilette remembered that there was still some information that had not been explained, that is, the specific time of the party...

But then he was soon relieved. The Rule of Order was so powerful that it was extremely simple to know the start time of a party.

So there shouldn't be any problems.

Navilette, holding the document of the Liyu Head Office, walked out of his office immediately, and then handed over the matter of negotiating an interest-free loan with Liyu Bank to the person in charge of the finances of the Fontaine government in the Mo Mang Palace.

With this document, the matter of borrowing from Liyu Bank naturally became very easy.

So here in Navilette, the priority of the interest-free loan of Fontaine was adjusted downward.

Now he has a lot of Fontaine affairs to deal with, Don't waste some time if you can.

In addition to the expenses of disaster relief, reconstruction, public security, reform, etc., there is another thing that gives Villette a headache, that is, the former water god Egolia who was resurrected under the rule of order.

According to the current water god Fukaros, she wants to return the power of Fontaine to the former water god Egolia.

Villette has no idea about this matter, but how to operate this matter, and how the people of Fontaine face the three gods of Fontaine now.

How to divide the powers and responsibilities among the three gods of Fontaine, and how to change the judicial system afterwards.

This series of things makes Villette feel a little headache...

Although it is a headache, it is something he has to do. After all, the water god Funina, who can now use the power of Fontaine, is basicallyHe didn't have the ability to really handle the government affairs of Fontaine.

So this series of things naturally fell on his Navilet...

Fortunately, he is a powerful elemental dragon creature, otherwise if an ordinary person were in this position, he would have been exhausted by this position.

However, Navilet, who has already regarded Fontaine as a part of himself, can't choose to give up the burden. Fontaine now also belongs to him.

Although it's a headache, you still need to work hard.

Lin Yu returned to the hotel through the space gate and saw Qingyu and Xiao in the room again.

At this time, the two leaned on the sofa motionless, wearing oasis equipment on their heads. It is obvious that the two entered the oasis world and swam freely.

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