Seeing Morax's confused look.

Lin Yu knew that he was not very satisfied with his little lamp.

Perhaps he felt that it was a bit unreasonable to use the small fireball technique as a lamp.

But Lin Yu didn't think it was that outrageous.

There is a glass cover, it will glow.

Yes, that's the lamp.

It's reasonable, right?

Moreover, this lamp was materialized using one-fifth of Lin Yu's power, which contains a powerful fire element.

It is simply used for lighting.

It continues to provide lighting for a city, and the brightness will not decrease for thousands of years.

It is still a long-burning lamp!

Ahem, just kidding.

After all, this thing can't be thrown away, right? It can only be temporarily regarded as a lamp and placed at home.

Wait until I understand the ability to recycle the materialized power.

Then recycle this little fireball.

One-fifth of the power.

Even if it is placed on the future self, it is still a very powerful force.

So this is not just a lamp, it is also a power bank!

Enterprise-level understanding.

Lin Yu pouted at Morax and said, "You are really unromantic. Don't you think this is a cool gadget?"

.... Morax fell into silence for about three seconds.

He said, "Well, in terms of universal rationality, I don't think this is a cool thing."

"Forget it, this shows that my ideological realm is higher, you don't understand!" Lin Yu waved his hand and said pretentiously.

Then he took the Star Night Light back from Morax's hand and continued to weigh it up and down in his hand.

And Morax looked at Lin Yu's back.

Sure enough, Lin Yu is still the same Lin Yu, without any change.

I don't know when Lin Yu's childish personality will change.

Morax sighed silently.

Next, Lin Yu entered the barrier that protected humans.

Lin Yu was suspended in the air, looking down at the humans below. Just now, these humans witnessed the beginning of a war and the fall of the Swamp Demon God under the protection of the barrier.

And what were they thinking at this time as the people of the Swamp Demon God?

Lin Yu was not the Great Compassion Tree King at this time, and he could not read minds, so naturally he did not know what they were thinking.

"The Swamp Demon God Hastus has fallen."

"Are you willing to follow me and go to Guiyuli to start a new life? If you don't want to, you can leave now."

Lin Yu said to the group of humans in front of him.

Soon, several different voices came from the crowd. They were ready to be executed at any time and cursed at Lin Yu.

"Murderer! You murderer! How could you kill such a kind God!"

"We will never follow you! You murderer! Come on, come and kill me too!"

"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

Countless vicious words came out from the mouths of dozens of people.

Lin Yu's face did not have much expression.

He knew it would be like this.

But it's normal. If a demon god doesn't even have a few loyal people in the end, then this demon god is too bad.

I'm not angry, not angry.

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath.

MD, I really can't help it!

My mother has never scolded me like this!

Ahem, not angry, not angry, I am a kind god, how can I point the killing to these lovely people?

"In that case, I can only ask you to leave. I will not choose to kill you because I am a kind person."

"The rest of you, come with me to Guiyuli and start your new life."

Lin Yu said calmly.

But he had already thought of a hundred different ways for them to die.

The group of people looked stunned and their eyes were dull.

What? They were all ready to be killed, why didn't he kill himself? Is he really a kind god?

But no matter how kind he is, he can't escape the fact that he is the murderer of the Lord God!

Such a sin, unforgivable!

"Thank you, Lord God, for your mercy!"

"We were also forced to believe in the Swamp Demon God. Most of us were snatched from other gods' territories by the Swamp Demon God. It was not our wish."

"We are willing to follow Lord God and go to Guiyuli to start a new life!"

Except for those who were eliminated, the rest of the people said sincerely.

Lin YudianNodded.

Since these are the humans who were robbed by the Swamp Demon after the territory was annexed by the Swamp Demon.

Then it seems that more humans who believe in the Swamp Demon have probably died in the swamp.

Then Lin Yu waved his hand and led the people in the barrier to follow him from the sky and leave with Morax.

But when leaving, Lin Yu accidentally turned on his star night light, and then the "little star" ran out.

Those who stood up and insulted Lin Yu in person before were now stunned.

That god actually let them go?

Then they saw a ray of light.

Is this, daybreak?

No! That's the scorching sun!

The body suddenly burned up, and a raging fire came out.

Everyone was burned to ashes by the star and died.

"Eh? So my little star ran here."

Lin Yu smiled and put the star back into the glass box.

Morax's mouth twitched slightly. He naturally knew what Lin Yu had done with this star just now.

But in Morax's opinion, there was nothing wrong.

It was very consistent with Lin Yu's temperament, and it seemed like something he could do.

Morax first returned to Liyue and told the news of the death of the Swamp Demon God Hastus to the Dust Demon God Guizhong.

Then he took the Dust Demon God Guizhong to Guiyuli together.

As for Lin Yu, he continued to stay with that group of humans and went to Guiyuli.

"Lord Yushen!"

The people who were busy with the construction of Guiyuli stopped their work in unison after seeing the appearance of Lord Yushen.

Then they looked in the direction of Lin Yu, and were curious about why Lord Yushen brought so many people here.

And from the clothes of these people, it was obviously not from Liyue.

After Lin Yu put the five thousand people down steadily from the air and lifted the barrier under control.

Said to the people in Guiyuli.

"These are the people under the command of the former Swamp Demon God. Some time ago, the Swamp Demon God attempted to destroy my Guiyuli land. Now the Swamp Demon God has fallen."

"And they will also join Guiyuli. Don't be prejudiced against them. You should complete the construction of Guiyuli together and build the future together."

After saying these words, Lin Yu disappeared directly from the spot and returned to the pavilion on the cloud.

What should be explained has been explained, and what should be said has been said.

The human person in charge of Guiyuli will naturally complete everything for the rest of the things.

Sitting in the pavilion, Lin Yu poured himself a cup of Coca-Cola and put it in the teacup to taste it carefully.


Lin Yu sprayed it out directly.

This Coca-Cola tastes like sugar water.

It turns out that the Coca-Cola in the teapot is the Coca-Cola from three days ago. Coca-Cola that has been placed for three days, isn't this sugar water?

At that time, the demon god of the swamp, Hastus, came to make trouble, so Lin Yu had only these cokes left.

After pouring out all the coke, Lin Yu materialized a pot of iced coke again.

Sure enough, coke with ice is the best way to drink it.

Not long after, two rays of light appeared in the sky, and it was Morax and Guizhong who came.

Morax stood on this cloud, and he didn't feel strange. He was used to Zennos and some of his strange ideas.

This cloud should also be obtained by Zennos through his own materialization of power.

"Brother Morax, Sister Guizhong! Please sit down quickly."

"Since Gui Yuli started the city-building plan, the three of us have not gathered here for a long time."

It's only been more than a year, is it a long time?

"What does Sister Guizhong want to eat? I'll materialize it for you." Lin Yu looked at Guizhong and said.

Gui Zhong thought for a while and said with a smile: "I want to eat that golden shrimp ball. Since we last parted, I have always missed the taste of golden shrimp balls. It's a pity that the people in the territory don't know how to make this delicacy."

"Hehe, Sister Gui Zhong can eat as much as she wants. I'll treat you." Lin Yu said with a smile.

At the same time, he waved his hand and several plates of golden shrimp balls appeared on the table.

Then Lin Yu looked at Morax again.

"As for Brother Morax, I know, I know, a pot of brewed good tea, right?"

Morax nodded slightly.

Then Lin Yu turned into Morax and manifested a pot of good tea.

The tea fragrance was overflowing, and it smelled very fragrant.

But Lin Yu still felt that Coke was better, maybe he still hadn't been washed by the years.


Morax smiled slightly, and then poured himselfServe a cup of tea.

After having a good meal, Lin Yu, as the designer of Guiyuli construction project, brought Morax and Guizhong to introduce this city on the cloud.

After all, looking at the design drawing and seeing the real scene in reality are two completely different things.

The visual experience is naturally completely different.

The construction time of Guiyuli has lasted about a year and a half.

The tower is completely completed, and the remaining sections of the wall are still under slow construction.

The construction of the city wall, the inside is filled with hard soil, and the outside needs to be built with fired bricks, and finally this magnificent city wall can be formed.

This is not a simple job.

The three people's eyes came to the residential area in Guiyu City. The residential area in the whole city is divided into four different parts.

They are scattered in four different directions of the city, and each residential area has a corresponding life design.

For example, wells, markets, etc.

Now the residential area of ​​East City has been completely completed, and the people who originally lived outside the city have also moved into the city.

They have a better quality of life.

They are also looking forward to the day when Guiyuli will complete the construction of this city.

In this era, it is estimated that only they, as people of Liyue, can build such a magnificent city.

A sense of pride continues to sprout in the hearts of the people of Liyue.

How can we not feel proud? With the protection of two powerful demon gods, the living environment is extremely safe, and with the seeds given by Lord Yushen, everyone has no worries about food and clothing.

Now they have built such a magnificent city, and the quality of life and future will also be guaranteed.

How can we not feel proud living in such an environment?

"How is it, not bad?"

After the introduction, Lin Yu smiled and looked at Morax and Guizhong and said.

Guizhong smiled and looked forward to it.

"Well, Lin Yu is indeed a master of construction. I like this city very much. I really want to see the day when Guiyuli City is completed." Guizhong said.

Morax said: "In terms of general rationality, based on the current construction period of Guiyuli City, there is about another four and a half years before Guiyuli is completely completed."

"Four and a half years is not a long time."

Lin Yu said: "Hey, then I have to take good care of the construction of Guiyuli City, and I can't let Brother Morax and Sister Guizhong feel disappointed."

Morax and Guizhong looked at Lin Yu and smiled at each other.

Now they are very satisfied, how can they feel disappointed?

In the future, this will be their common city.

After more than a day of gathering, Morax and Guizhong left Guiyuli City separately.

They also need to return to their respective territories.

At the same time, they must continue to supply blood to the city of Guiyuli.

Construction materials, construction workers.

During this period, the population was transferred to Guiyuli in several stages until the day when Guiyuli was completed. All the people in the two places moved to Guiyuli.

After that, there was no city called Liyue and Guizhong in the world, only Guiyuli.

A year later, the roads and drainage system in the city were completely completed.

The roads in the city were all paved with bricks, which were strong, wear-resistant, flat and dirt-resistant.

With the construction of the drainage system, when it rains heavily in the future, rainwater will no longer accumulate in the city, and all will be discharged outside the city through the drainage channels in the city.

Another year later, the residential area in the southern part of the city was completed, and the city wall in the south was completely built.

During this year, more people from Liyue and Guizhong poured into the construction of Guiyuli.

Most of the building materials were supplied by Guizhong City.

Liyue City mainly provided stone and food.

After all, all the trees in Liyue have been cut down by the hardworking people of Liyue, and there is really no other wood.

After continuing to build for a year, Lin Yu quit his training again to check the construction progress of Guiyulicheng.

At present, the four residential areas are completely completed, and some commercial streets have also been built.

At this time, Guiyulicheng has become popular.

This is because most of the young people in Liyue City and Guizhong City have gradually moved to Guiyulicheng.

Of the four sections of the city wall, only one section is left, which is still under construction.

There is only more than a year left before the completion of Guiyulicheng.

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