For a demon god, more than a year is probably only about a minute.

That is the time when Lin Yu closed his eyes and opened them again, and quit practicing.

"I wonder what the current Gui Yuli is like?" Lin Yu murmured.

He opened his eyes again.

Stuck in a year of practice time.

He stood at the edge of the cloud, looking at Gui Yuli below, and saw the almost completely completed Gui Yuli City.

The entire city was built completely according to Lin Yu's design drawings.

So it was similar to the city that Lin Yu had in mind, which was very consistent with Lin Yu's expectations.

Most people have now withdrawn from Gui Yuli's construction project.

It's not that they don't want to continue to participate in Gui Yuli's construction project, but the current amount of work really doesn't need so many people.

Now all areas in the entire city are almost completely completed, and even the city wall, which is the most difficult and time-consuming to build, has been completely completed some time ago.

Now only the last area is left unfinished.

That is the area where Lin Yu, Morax and Gui Zhong, the three gods, live.

That is, Li Yu Palace.

Yes, it is Li Yu Palace.

Whether it is Gui Zhong, Morax, or Lin Yu, they all think that this name is very nice, so they do not intend to change it and continue the name.

Originally, Lin Yu planned to build the Li Yu Palace himself.

But later he followed Gui Zhong's advice and handed over this extremely luxurious palace-style building to the people of Gui Yu Li for construction.

Gui Zhong said that these little people, although they are weak, have good wisdom and technology.

Now, Gui Zhong believes that with the wisdom and technology of people now, it is enough to complete this extremely luxurious Li Yu Palace.

At present, the entire Gui Yu Li city only has the city center, this area.

The Liyu Palace covers a large area, and is divided into three halls, namely the Mora Hall, the Yushen Hall, and the Guizhong Hall.

From the names, we can know the specific functions of these three halls.

That's right, it is the palace where Morax, Lin Yu and Guizhong will live in the future.

They are collectively called the Liyu Palace.

In addition, there are other functional palaces, such as the library, the mechanism room, etc.

The most important courtyard part cannot be left out.

You must know that the most important and essential part of Chinese-style architecture is in this courtyard.

Various rockery, arch bridges, vegetation, bamboo and wood together form a luxurious palace courtyard scene.

At the end, in an extremely good location, a glazed pavilion is built.

It is called the Guiyu Pavilion.

This place will become the place where the three gods often gather in the future.

Lin Yu looked carefully above the clouds at the Liyu Palace under construction and the people busy below.

To be honest, although he believed that humans now do have this wisdom and technology.

But Lin Yu didn't really trust it in his heart.

After all, this is where he will live in the future, and he will naturally pay more attention to the place where he lives.

Forget it, if there is anything wrong in the future.

Just use the power of manifested authority to make changes.

Lin Yu returned to the pavilion and sat down, then closed his eyes.

He entered into cultivation again.

Manifested power +1

Manifested power +1

Manifested power +1


How to describe more than half a year?

Lin Yu didn't feel the beginning, it was over.

The power of the demon god increased a little, and Lin Yu opened his eyes.

At this time, he had a happy smile on his face, because he knew what kind of day today was, that is, the Guiyu Licheng project, which took nearly six years, was completely completed!

Lin Yu couldn't wait to see this city he designed himself.

Looking down from the clouds, the scenery of the entire Guiyuli City was all in Lin Yu's eyes.

Speaking of the entire Guiyuli City, where is the best and most open view?

That should belong to the pavilion on the cloud of Guiyuli City.

I will climb to the top of the mountain and see all the small mountains.

From this point of view, it doesn't matter.

In Guiyuli City, there is no trace of construction at all. The current Guiyuli City is already a complete version of Guiyuli City.

In the whole city, the streets are full of people coming and going.

They have paid their hard work and deserve to enjoy all the beauty of this city.

Lin Yu roughly estimated, the number of people in the city.

From this, it can be inferred that at this time, Guiyuli City has merged the population of Liyue City and Guizhong City.

Together, it has become the current Guiyuli City.

However, Morax and Guizhong have not come yet, and there must be people left in Liyue City and Guizhong City.

Since I am awake, let's notify Morax and Guizhong to come over!


Lin Yu took out two Thousand Miles Transmission Notes from his sleeves.

These two Thousand Miles Transmission Notes were manifested by Lin Yu before, and he gave one to Morax and one to Guizhong respectively.

He only needs to crush these two transmission notes to transmit his voice to Morax and Guizhong.

When Guizhong was guarding against the Swamp Demon, Lin Yu gave Guizhong one.

Lin Yu rubbed his hands together, and the two Thousand Miles Transmission Notes in his hands instantly broke, and the talisman paper began to dissipate with golden light.

"Brother Morax, Sister Guizhong, Guiyuli has completed the construction of the city, come and meet!"

The Thousand Miles Transmission Note disappeared in front of Lin Yu.

Then, in the distance, Morax and Guizhong's ears rang with Lin Yu's words.

Morax put down the teacup in his hand, stood up and looked in the direction of Guiyuli City in the distance.

The population of Liyue was almost transferred, and Morax naturally knew the progress of the construction of Guiyuli City.

However, he did not go there, and what he was waiting for was this moment.

At this moment, the three gods should go together.

After putting down the teacup, Morax paused and then turned into a ray of golden light, and then flew directly from the window of Liyu Palace into the sky, heading towards the direction of Guiyuli City.

On the other side, Gui Zhong also put down the unfinished mechanical creation in his hand, stood up and turned into a ray of dust-colored light, flying towards the direction of Gui Yu Li City.

Not long after, Morax and Gui Zhong arrived at Lin Yu's pavilion in the cloud one after another.

"Brother Morax, Sister Gui Zhong, you are here!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

Morax nodded slightly and said, "Well, I came as soon as I received the news. The completion of Gui Yu Li is a memorable event and should not be neglected."

"After the construction of Gui Yu Li City is completed, we can live in the same palace in the future, which means that our friendship will be even deeper!~" Gui Zhong said with a smile.

Ahahahaha, Lin Yu's mind has already emerged the scene of himself and Gui Zhong going to Morax to play chess together in the future.

At this time, Morax still knew nothing about this.

He was seriously looking at the bustling city below from the cloud.

"Shall we go down and take a look? Just use divine power to hide our existence." Lin Yu said.

Gui Zhong was surprised: "Eh? You can do this? Invisibility?"

"No, actually I used the power of embodiment to embodiment a kind of force to reduce or eliminate the attention of people around us."

"Even if we don't change clothes, in the eyes of others, we are just a handsome young man and a beautiful sister!~"

Lin Yu said with a smile.

Gui Zhong nodded.

Embodiment of power is really convenient enough....

Morax also said: "In terms of universal rationality, with such a magical ability, if you want to go on a secret visit in the future, you don't have to change your body shape and blend into the people. It's really convenient."

"Okay, I have applied the power, we can enter the city." Lin Yu said.

Lin Yu's little hand swiped, and a white light was dragged out, and then a pale white light film appeared on Morax, Gui Zhong and Lin Yu respectively.

It only lit up for a second before it became completely transparent.

With the protection of this layer of light film, they can enter the city openly without worrying about attracting the attention of the people and disturbing their careful observation.

Gui Zhong was full of joy: "Well, let's set off quickly."

"Of course." Morax said.

The three of them fell from the clouds and landed steadily in front of the south gate of Gui Yuli City.

Looking down at the city gate and tower from the sky, it doesn't look so majestic, but standing under this city gate, looking at this tall and majestic city gate and tower.

It is indeed very majestic!

Especially on the city wall, the flag embroidered with the word "glass" fluttered in the wind.

It looks even more majestic.

"Let's go, let's go in."

Lin Yu and Gui Zhong smiled at each other, and Morax nodded slightly.

The three of them entered the city through the city gate. There were city guards at the gate to check the people entering and leaving Guiyu City.The Guiyuli certificate in his hand.

This certificate is a thin slab of stone with names, addresses, special anti-counterfeiting serial numbers, etc. carved on it.

It is probably an ID card from ancient times.

People with this identity certificate are also marked as the people of Guiyuli, so they can enter and exit Guiyuli City with this certificate.

"Stop, please show your Guiyuli certificate."

The guards guarding the city, holding a spear, stopped Lin Yu and the other two with one hand.

Lin Yu had already prepared for the Guiyuli certificate. He didn't even ask the management agency to prepare it, but directly materialized one.

There is no certificate, it is more real than this.

"This is the certificate for the three of us, please look." Morax said in a flat tone.

At the same time, he handed the three certificates to the guards guarding the city.

The guards took a general look and let Lin Yu and the other two enter the city after thinking there was no problem.

After all, the city is where all the people of Guiyuli live, and the city gate is a safe gateway, so it is natural to conduct inspections.

To prevent people who are not from Guiyuli from sneaking into Guiyuli City and creating chaos.

After entering the city gate, the first thing is a wide main road, which is in the shape of a cross and connects the four city gates in the southeast, northwest, and northeast.

The four areas divided by this cross are residential areas and supporting facilities in residential areas.

The pavilions near the main road are all shops in Guiyuli City.

With the existence of these commercial streets, the business of Guiyuli City will reach an unprecedented level of prosperity in the future.

But... it would be great if this prosperity could continue.

Lin Yu, Morax, and Gui Zhong were walking on the busy streets. Although the business had already gained momentum at this time, the variety of goods was obviously not as many as in the future.

However, Gui Zhong still took a fancy to the same exquisite wooden hairpin crafts.

Gui Zhong took it in his hand, put it on his head, and said to Lin Yu and Morax with a smile.

"How is it? Does it look good on me?"

Lin Yu applauded: "It looks good, it's just right for Sister Gui Zhong!"

"Haha, I think so too! Then let's buy this hairpin." Gui Zhong said with joy.

The stall owner beside him was suddenly enlightened when he heard that Gui Zhong had the intention to buy it, and his face was full of smiles.

Although this kind of hairpin has gradually become popular among the crowd.

But for people, it's just a hair tie, and a wooden stick can still be used to tie hair.

It's really hard to sell a wooden hairpin like this after it has been exquisitely carved. The main reason is that the price is too expensive, and people will think it's not worth it.

Why does a hairpin cost so many Moras?

"Three of you, in order to carve this hairpin, my father spent a full month of work."

"It only takes 500 Moras to take it home."

The stall owner said with a smile.

500 Moras? It seems a little expensive.

Mora of this era, under the control of Lin Yu's Liyu Bank, has not yet inflated to the level of the future.

So these five hundred Mora are not cheap.

Guizhong blinked and looked at Morax. After all, Mora's name was taken from Morax, so how could Morax not have Mora?

Morax felt the intention from Guizhong.

But now using divine power to create Mora, will it really not be discovered by the people?

Morax touched his chin and said.

"Brother Zennos should have Mora, so let Brother Zennos pay."

When using the power of embodiment to materialize Mora, it is obviously more concealed and difficult to be discovered.

"Me? Ah? Why me?" Lin Yu pointed at himself and said in surprise.

Morax at this time is not the social waste Zhongli in the future, how come he has no Mora at such a young age? !

"Morax has no Mora, it's a world wonder." Lin Yu muttered.

But his body was still very honest, and he materialized five Mora with a face value of one hundred and handed them to Gui Zhong.

Let Gui Zhong spend five hundred Mora to buy the wooden hairpin.

After the three of them walked away, Lin Yu and Gui Zhong looked at Morax with strange eyes, while Morax looked at the two with a look of you listen to my explanation.

Well, it turned out that Morax was worried that using divine power to materialize Mora would be discovered.

Forget it, it's just a little Mora, nothing to worry about.

Lin Yu believed it for the time being.

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