Next, Lin Yu, Morax and Guizhong continued their leisurely shopping trip.

Ancient times, still ancient times.

There are not many things that can really interest Lin Yu on the streets of Guiyuli City.

After observation, Lin Yu found that people care about several commodities the most.

It is nothing more than food, drink and clothing.

In this era, Guiyuli has just entered an era of no shortage of food. Although people's pursuit of material things is increasing, it has not reached the level of later generations.

It has not left the scope of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

People who can spend Mora to buy handicrafts are probably rich people of this era.


For example, I, Lin Yu, am also!

It took about half a day, and Lin Yu also paid thousands of Mora, and finally walked around the streets of Guiyuli.

Guiyuli City is very large. If you want to see it all, it is obviously not something that can be done in this time.

As the chief designer of Guiyu City, Lin Yu naturally knew the key projects in Guiyu City.

Just like visiting a scenic spot, there is always a point to visit.

After a private visit, Lin Yu and the three gods came to the front of the Liyu Palace. There was a circle of red walls and glazed walls outside the entire Liyu Palace.

"Stop, the gods are in front of you, no approaching!"

The city guards guarding the gate of Liyu Palace watched the three people approaching with great vigilance to prevent people with ulterior motives from approaching their gods without permission.


Lin Yu slowly typed a question mark.

I didn't expect that one day, I wanted to return to my home and could be stopped by others.

In terms of universal rationality, am I experiencing the treatment that Puyi received back then?

Morax and Gui Zhong looked at each other and were about to explain.

Lin Yu waved his hand and eliminated the previous spell.

Then, in the eyes of the city guards, a very magical scene happened.

The three ordinary people in front of the door suddenly became the gods they were familiar with!

His eyes widened and he rubbed his eyes.

They really didn't see it wrong?

Really, it was really the gods? !

"Yan...Yan God! Yu God! Chen God!"

"I was so presumptuous that I didn't recognize the three gods just now! Please forgive my previous mistakes!"

The city guards who had just tried to stop them immediately apologized in panic.

The three gods smiled at each other.

Lin Yu and Morax, the three gods in the end are all very kind gods.

Since they are very kind gods, how could they care about such a small matter?

Besides, guarding the door is their duty.

What's wrong with abiding by their duties?

"No problem, this is a private visit, no need to worry." Morax said.

After hearing the God of Rock speak, the city guards breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, they were only responsible for guarding the gate. They didn't expect that they would stop all their superiors at the gate as soon as they took office today!

This... I want to cry...

"Since the misunderstanding has been resolved, let me take you to visit the new Liyu Palace designed by me, the architectural master!"

Lin Yu looked at Morax and Gui Zhong and said.

"Okay, okay, I'm already looking forward to it." Gui Zhong said with a smile.

There was anticipation in his eyes.

The Liyu Palace in Liyue had already made Gui Zhong feel very fond of it.

Otherwise, he would not have returned to Gui Zhong City and imitated the furniture style in the Liyu Palace and renovated his own palace again.

Morax also smiled and said, "Then Brother Lauzennos will lead the way."

Under the leadership of Lin Yu, the three entered from the gate of the Liyu Palace. There was a courtyard at the entrance. The layout of the entire courtyard was very appropriate.

It was probably the MAX, PULS version of the Liyue Liyu Palace courtyard.

As for the palace they would live in in the future, the three gods did not show a cursory look when visiting. They looked at the scenery in the Liyu Palace very seriously.

Look at the scenery in the Liyu Palace with an appreciative look.

The more you appreciate it, the more satisfied you are in your heart.

Good! Great!

This palace is really a palace in the sky!

As a designer, Lin Yu naturally has to praise it.


After a while, the three gods finally saw all the scenery in the entire Liyu Palace, including their own palaces.

Afterwards, the three gods sat in the Guiyu Pavilion.

On the table were placed cola, tea, and gold thread.Shrimp balls.

Lin Yu naturally had to drink cola, and only the stone drank tea at present. The golden shrimp balls were a dish that Gui Zhong liked to eat.

"Great, now Gui Yu Li City is completely completed, and this will be the common city of our three gods in the future." Gui Zhong said with a smile.

Morax nodded: "Thanks to Brother Zennos's design plan. If I were to design such a magnificent city, I would definitely not be able to design it."

"Nowadays, there is probably only one place in the world with such a beautiful scenery."

Although Morax's tone was not obvious, it still revealed a trace of relief.

From the original small village to the prosperous scenery of Liyue City, the establishment of Gui Yu Li City now gathers all the wisdom of the three gods and the prosperity of the two territories.

Push the original prosperous scenery to a higher level.

"Yes, then next, can all the remaining people in Gui Zhong City and Liyue City be transferred here?" Lin Yu said.

Now most people should move to Guiyuli City to live, but there are still some people stationed in the original two territories.

Morax touched his chin and said.

"It's not good. There are still fields in Liyue City that need to be taken care of, and Guiyuli City has not cultivated the fields now. If all the people move away now, the fields will be abandoned."

"Where will the food for the entire Guiyuli City come from in the future?"

Lin Yu neglected this point.

Now 70% of Liyue City is cultivated land, which supplies the food for the entire Guiyuli City.

But the problem is not big. When spring comes, Guiyu City will naturally organize the reclamation of wasteland, and then a new batch of fields will be added.

The food of Guiyuli City no longer needs to rely on the fields in the Liyue territory.

It can achieve self-sufficiency.

"Well, I neglected this point, but when the spring comes next year, Guiyuli Plain will be able to reclaim wasteland. By then, the fields in Liyue Territory will no longer be needed, and self-sufficiency can be achieved."

"At that time, all the people in Liyue will be transferred here."

"After all, there is still a distance from Guiyuli City. If there is any danger, it will not be possible to rush back in time."

"If there is any threat in the future, it can also be transformed into a defensive fortification. What do you think, Brother Morax?"

Lin Yu said.

All the considerations he has made so far are all preparations for the future Demon God War. ,

In the future, a military fortress can be built on the old site of Liyue Territory, that is, on Tianheng Mountain. With some mechanical creations on it, it can form an indestructible and unbreakable Maginot Line belonging to Guiyuli.

Morax nodded. He listened to Lin Yu's speech and thought that what Lin Yu said made sense.

"From a universal point of view, what Brother Zennos said makes sense."

"When Guiyuli can achieve self-sufficiency, all the remaining people in Liyue territory will be moved to Guiyuli."

"As for the construction of fortifications... it seems that there is no need for it at present, but it does not mean that the future will always be stable, so it is still necessary to take precautions before it happens."

Morax said.

When it comes to fortifications, Guizhong's eyes light up. She just happened to be researching some powerful defensive weapons recently.

Especially after disassembling the smart chessboard that Lin Yu gave her, although Guizhong could not fully understand the structure and ideas, she also absorbed some essence from it.

And used it in the production of weapons.

"Fortifications? If it is a fortification, then there must be weapons for defense."

"Recently, I just happened to be researching a powerful weapon that can be used for defense. With multiple combinations, it is not a problem to even block the primary demon god!"

Gui Zhong said with a smile, with a strong confidence in his wisdom and technology on his face.

Although the weapon has not been fully completed yet, and no experiments have been conducted.

Everything is still in theory.

But this can't stop Gui Zhong from believing in it!

This is the culmination of her years of work, so Gui Zhong has such confidence!

When he heard Gui Zhong mention weapons, Lin Yu suddenly remembered a weapon in the future, named Gui Zhong Ji.

That was the woman who, after Gui Zhong's death, continued Gui Zhong's design and further upgraded and transformed it in memory of her friend.

And named it, Gui Zhong Ji.

This is the origin of Gui Zhong Ji.

"Gui Zhong JiDid Sister Zhong design any weapons? I'm really looking forward to it. I wonder when I can see it. "Lin Yu looked at Gui Zhong and said.

Gui Zhong fell into thought.

After about three seconds, Gui Zhong estimated the complete time.

Looked at Lin Yu and said: "Well... It will probably take two or three years. It will be soon. "

Two or three years?

In terms of common sense, the passage of two or three years is really nothing to the demon god.

Amidst the laughter, the gathering of the three gods in Gui Yuli Pavilion ended.

Lin Yu returned to his Yu Shen Temple and sat in front of the desk in the hall. On the desk were some scrolls about Gui Yuli.

The four treasures of the study are naturally indispensable.

The most important thing is that the night light emitting a faint orange-red light was also placed on the desk by Lin Yu.

Lin Yu glanced at the night light, and then entered the state of cultivation with great satisfaction.

Embodied Power +1

Embodied Power +1

Embodied Power +1


While practicing to increase his own strength, Lin Yu Still thinking about one thing, that is, how can I reverse the process of materialization?

Reverse the materialized object into materialized power.

Instinct is telling me that my idea is feasible.

But at present, he does not have the ability to reverse the materialized objects into materialized power.

So what is blinding his eyes? What kind of skills are needed to complete this process?

In the next training time, the content about materialization reversal has become Lin Yu's training theme.

After having the ability to reverse the materialization power.

Lin Yu plans to make a few more night lights, so that if he encounters a big battle in the future, he will have a different choice.

The first one is It is direct, simple and rough, throwing the night lights in the hand.

Throwing one after another, directly caused powerful fire suppression to the opposite demon god, and stunned the opposite people.

However, such means are still too limited.

So this requires the second plan.

That is, Lin Yu regards these night lights as his own power bank, so as to materialize something more powerful beyond his ability.

Cause a devastating blow to the enemy, focusing on an unexpected attack.

No matter which of the two plans you choose, first mastering the reversal of embodiment is the foundation and core of everything.

Lin Yu made up his mind.

He must learn to reverse the ability of embodiment!

Half a year later, Lin Yu is still There is no clue.

After a year, Lin Yu still has no clue.

After a year and a half, Lin Yu seems to have found some tricks.

Materialize, materialize.

What is materialization? To materialize the imaginary object, the process is to imagine and conceive the appearance and characteristics of the object in your mind, and then use the materialization power to materialize it.

What about the reversal of this process?

What if you reverse the materialization process?

The object begins to disintegrate, transform into molecules, and finally become your own materialization power.

Does this sound much more reasonable?

Too reasonable.

Lin Yu's eyes suddenly opened, he now has an idea!

Now that he has an idea, the natural thing to do is to try it.

"Materialize! "

In Lin Yu's hand, a square iron block suddenly appeared.

The iron block has been materialized. What Lin Yu has to do next is to reverse the materialization process, so as to realize the transformation of the materialized object into materialized power.

According to quantum mechanics, the law of conservation of energy, the theory of relativity and the principle of levers.

Lin Yu began his own attempt.


Imagine that the iron block in his hand begins to disintegrate into particles and finally turns into materialized power.

A surprising scene happened.

In reality, the iron block in Lin Yu's hand actually changed.

The iron block turned into particles and gradually disappeared in Lin Yu's hand. At the same time, a force that could just materialize the iron block appeared in Lin Yu's body.

"NICE! Success!"

A smile appeared on Lin Yu's face.

It seems that there is indeed nothing wrong with my idea.

Now I have mastered both materialization and reversal abilities at the same time, and I have become more powerful.

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