Marcosius thought that as long as he made up for these winter shortcomings, would these plants be able to grow in winter?

Compared to waiting, Marcosius decided to take action first.

As the Demon God of the Hearth, he had some power of earth and fire. Although it was not so pure, it was enough for building a greenhouse.

But after Marcosius inspected a section of the area near Guiyuli City, he did not find a suitable place to build.

The reason was very simple. The surrounding area of ​​Guiyuli City had been reclaimed by the people of Guiyuli as fields for farming.

As the Demon God of the Hearth, Marcosius could not occupy the fields of these ordinary people.

Soon after, Marcosius thought of a good place.

That is to build his greenhouse underground in Guiyuli.

As the Demon God of the Hearth, he easily opened up a space of ten acres underground as his first test of the greenhouse.

Then a batch of fertile soil was transported from other places and laid in the space of the ten acres.

Then a drainage system was built to irrigate the land.

The next crucial temperature problem stumped Marcosius.

The ceiling of the entire underground greenhouse is a dome structure. It only needs to gather a large amount of fire elements in the center to form an effect similar to sunlight.

But then there is a problem.

With the power of Marcosius, the Demon God of the Stove, it can be done easily.


Marcosius is not good at making things, so in order to maintain the light and temperature of the greenhouse, Marcosius needs to keep urging the power of fire elements here.

In this way, he is restricted here.

But Marcosius has other things to do, so he can't be restricted here.

After these days of familiarity, the relationship between Marcosius, Morax and Guizhong has been rising, and after encountering the current problem.

As the saying goes, if you don't understand, ask.

Marcosius was ready to go and ask Guizhong, who was not in seclusion, about this issue.

Guizhong, the Demon God of Dust, was extremely good at making mechanical devices, so Marcosius was thinking about whether he could ask Guizhong to help build a constant temperature device.

"Marcosius? Why are you here?"

Guizhong put down the machine in his hand, looked up and smiled at Marcosius.

Recently, since Marcosius got a lot of seeds from Lin Yu, he has been busy with seeds.

He said he wanted to plant them in winter.

"Uh... that..."

Marcosius hesitated for a long time, and finally told Guizhong about his request.

Guizhong also knew what Marcosius was doing.

It turned out that there was a lack of a stable constant temperature device.

"So you want me to use mechanical devices to make a stable constant temperature device?"

Guizhong touched his chin.

This matter is a bit difficult, but for her, Guizhong, it is not that she can't do it.

But she is currently at the most critical step of making the defense mechanism. If she makes other mechanisms at this time.

Not only will it delay the progress, but it may also cause the manufacturing of the defense mechanism to be delayed again and again.

"I can do this, but... I can't get my hands on it at the moment."

Gui Zhong looked at Marcosius with a little apology and said.

Marcosius was a little disappointed.

"Is that so?"

Seeing the lost Marcosius, Gui Zhong suddenly remembered something.

Before, Lin Yu and Morax killed the Swamp Demon Hastus and returned from the Swamp Demon's territory.

Lin Yu often held a night light in his hand.

Every time Lin Yu wanted to get close with the night light, Gui Zhong would ask Lin Yu to keep the night light away from him.

Perhaps from Lin Yu's perspective, he really just regarded it as a night light.

But as a demon, the perception of elemental power is self-evident.

So from Guizhong's perspective, Lin Yu was playing with a ball of extremely dense fire element. If such a huge amount of fire element power lost control...

Guizhong could already imagine that scene.

Guizhong had reason to suspect that when Lin Yu left Guiyu City, he used this night light to blow up Hastus, the demon god of the swamp.

Although the pit has now been restored to its original state, Guizhong still remembers that scene.

However, now that such a long time has passed, XiaoyeThe lights remained stable, quietly acting as a night light, and no explosion occurred.

If an explosion occurred, it would be impossible for Guizhong to not notice such a violent movement.

So Guizhong had an idea.

Didn't Marcosius lack a stable constant temperature device?

In her opinion, Lin Yu's night light was a very good choice.

Isn't it?

Marcosius had already arrived at the door of Guizhong Palace and was about to leave.

Guizhong called out to Marcosius.

"Wait a minute."

"Just now I thought about it carefully. In fact, there is no need to make a constant temperature device. Isn't there a ready-made one in our Liyu Palace?"

Guizhong smiled and looked at Marcosius and said.


Marcosius showed a puzzled expression.

Although he didn't live in Liyu Palace for a long time, it was also a period of time. During this period of time, Marcosius could be said to have already visited the entire Liyu Palace.

How come he didn't realize that there was a thermostat in the Heliyu Palace?

"Ah? Is there?"

Marcosius said uncertainly.

Perhaps he really didn't notice it.

"Of course there is. It's on the desk in Lin Yu's palace. He calls it a night light."

"Why not ask Lin Yu to borrow one or two and use it for planting. I believe Lin Yu will be very happy."

Gui Zhong looked at Marcosius and said.


Why is the thermostat called a night light?

Marcosius couldn't connect the night light with the thermostat he wanted.

But since Gui Zhong said so, he went to ask.

Oh... I just have to disturb Brother Zennos again.

I'm really sorry.

"Thank you, Gui Zhong reminded me. I'll go to Brother Zennos and ask."

Marcosius said.

Then Marcosius left Gui Zhong Palace and headed towards Lin Yu Palace.

Lin Yu heard the knock on the door again.

He opened his eyes.

After feeling the breath of the demon outside the door, Lin Yu felt a little different.

? Did Marcosius complete the task he gave so quickly?

No, it's only been about a week.

How could those plants grow!

Lin Yu came to the door of the palace, opened the door, looked at Marcosius outside the door, and asked.

"Brother Marcosius, what's wrong? Is there something you don't understand? You can tell me, I will definitely help."

Well, as long as he doesn't let him teach Marcosius to cook, it's fine.

After all, Lin Yu can only cook some super simple dishes.

If he is asked to cook some difficult dishes, it is very likely to become a dark dish that poisons people to death.

"This is what happened..."

Marcosius briefly told his story.

After listening to it, Lin Yu was stunned.


The Stove Demon is going to build a greenhouse to grow the plants I gave him? !

Is this... reasonable?

Greenhouse + planting.

These two labels can't be attached to the Stove Demon.

Lin Yu immediately covered his face.

However, Marcosius came up with the planting plan of building a greenhouse in order to learn the cooking methods of those delicacies from him as soon as possible.

So, it can be considered reasonable.

"Well, Brother Marcosius, I understand. So Brother Marcosius wants me to provide a device that can ensure the constant temperature of the greenhouse, right?"

Lin Yu nodded and said to Marcosius.

"It was the Dust Demon Guizhong who told me that Brother Zennos has a device that can provide a constant temperature for it." Marcosius said.


Sister Guizhong said?

Lin Yu slowly typed a question mark.

He didn't quite understand.

What's in his palace? Doesn't he know it himself?

So, when did he have a device that can provide a constant temperature for the greenhouse in his palace?

Lin Yu touched his chin and thought carefully.

Then his eyes lit up!

He seemed to understand.

"I know. Since it's for the promotion of food, it's just an ordinary thing. I'll go get it for Brother Marcosius."

Lin Yu said with a smile.

For things like night lights, there is a shelf in Lin Yu's room specifically for this purpose.

There are dozens of night lights on the shelf.

These night lights are all made by Lin Yu using his own power to use as power banks.

Lin Yu reached out fromOn the shelf, he took a night light at random, weighed it in his hand, and then walked towards the hall with great satisfaction.

"Brother Marcosius, look at what I brought for you!"

Lin Yu smiled and walked towards Marcosius.

After hearing Lin Yu's voice, Marcosius turned towards Lin Yu.

Then he saw a particularly shocking scene.

In the vision of the demon god, Marcosius saw Lin Yu holding a very powerful fire element sphere full of dangerous breath in his hand and weighing it up and down.

Even if there is a layer of transparent glass outside, but...

It doesn't seem to give people much sense of security.

"This... This is... a constant temperature device?!"

Marcosius said a little too unbelievably.

If the object in Lin Yu's hand explodes, even if it is a demon god-level existence, if it is taken hard, it will probably be annihilated in it.

"Yes, I guess Guizhong must have said that, right?"

"I call it a night light. Brother Marcosius, do you think it looks like a night light?"

"This shell has been specially designed by me."

Lin Yu held the night light close to Marcosius and said.

Out of trust in Lin Yu, Marcosius resisted and did not retreat.

He said with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Like... it really looks like..."

Lin Yu said, "That's right, Nuo, just use it."

"I will hand over the control of the night light to you, use it however you want, and don't detonate it in the city!"

"At the same time, pay attention to the impact of the demon god level, otherwise it may cause uncontrollable factors due to external forces."

Lin Yu said and ordered, and at the same time pushed the night light directly into Marcosius's arms.

Marcosius quickly hugged the night light in front of his chest with both hands.

For fear that the night light would fall down.

Then a ray of white light burst out from Lin Yu's fingertips, and then Oh Marcosius felt that he had some kind of connection with the night light.

He can control this night light.

At present, the night light is in the state of illumination, providing only brightness without generating temperature.

In this state, with the energy contained in the night light, it can probably last for tens of thousands of years...

"Okay, go and work on your greenhouse, I am a man who wants to seriously improve my strength!"

Lin Yu patted Marcosius on the shoulder and said.

After saying this, Lin Yu returned to his room, and only Marcosius was left in the huge hall.

Oh, he was holding a harmless night light in his hand.

It emits a bright light.

Marcosius stared at the direction where Lin Yu left, and couldn't help falling into deep thought.

After a few seconds, he still chose to believe Lin Yu.

Brother Zennos, the demon god of embodiment, shouldn't harm himself? !

So this night light should be safe!

As long as I don't detonate it, there shouldn't be any problem with the night light.

With this thought, Marcosius was relieved.

With this night light, he walked out of Lin Yu's palace and headed towards the underground greenhouse.

On the other side, Morax was sensing a huge energy that seemed to be moving in the Liyu Palace.

So his mind saw that Marcosius was holding a "night light" in his hands and flying out of the Liyu Palace.

Morax shook his head and sighed secretly.

I just hope that the night light will be put into use and will not bring disaster to Gui Yuli.

Otherwise, Morax can still deal with the consequences.

After leaving the Yushen Palace, Marcosius quickly came to the underground greenhouse, and he couldn't wait to raise the night light into the dome.

Then the temperature of the entire underground greenhouse was raised to 25℃ by the heat released by the night light.

This temperature is suitable for the growth of most vegetables.

While the night light releases heat, it also provides bright light for the entire underground greenhouse, which can effectively promote the photosynthesis of plants.

Of course, Marcosius does not understand these principles, but these are the conclusions he draws based on experience.

After everything is ready, Marcosius starts sowing.

In just one day, dozens of different seeds were sown on ten acres of land, and the canal system began to operate normally.

At present, we only need to wait for the passage of time to witness the results.

If the results are feasible, then we can directly expand the greenhouse and realize the underground food planting base!

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