Three months later.

Under the careful care of Marcosius, this batch of fast-growing vegetables has begun to mature.

The winter outside has just passed, and it is not yet suitable for farming.

Although not all vegetables have grown.

But judging from their growth status, they are almost fully mature.

So at present, the underground greenhouse plan of Marcosius, the Demon God of the Stove, has obviously ushered in success.

Then the underground greenhouse plan of Marcosius, the Demon God of the Stove, is about to usher in expansion.

But there is a new problem.

That is, if Marcosius expands the underground greenhouse too much, then wouldn’t a huge hole be formed under the entire Guiyuli?

If the demons fight on it in the future.

Isn’t it like fighting in the Golden House? Just hammer the floor a little bit, guess what? The whole ground began to fall apart, and then everyone collapsed into the underground greenhouse.

Then...what else can I do? If I am not killed by the fall, I will continue to fight.

Ahem, if this is the case, it would be too bad.

So Marcosius only decided to expand and optimize the underground greenhouse slightly.

His goal was to use the seeds given to him by Lin Yu to breed a new batch of seeds, and then popularize these seeds.

After a few weeks, all the vegetables in Marcosius's underground greenhouse were mature.

Then Marcosius planted the other seeds that had not been planted yet.

Then Marcosius took a new batch of seeds and just caught up with Gui Yuli's spring farming season. Then a demon god joined Gui Yuli's mighty army of land reclamation.

As the demon god of the stove, Marcosius used his divine power to reclaim wasteland. The efficiency was really too fast. He reclaimed hundreds of acres of land in just one day.

Can Marcosius use up so many acres of land? Obviously, with the current amount of seeds of Marcosius, it is far from enough.

But Marcosius used these extra arable lands to make a deal with Gui Yuli's people.

He gave them the extra arable lands, and they saved the time and energy of reclaiming wasteland. They only needed to help Marcosius grow vegetables, and they could get 30% when they harvested.

This was also the preparation for Marcosius to gradually popularize more food.

A year later, Marcosius's planting industry had achieved phased success.

Under the leadership of Marcosius, many kinds of vegetables were successfully transferred from the underground greenhouse to the ground, and were known and recognized by more people.

Especially some of the plants.

For example, tomatoes, cucumbers, winter melons, pumpkins, cabbages, leeks, etc.

The addition of these plants greatly improved the living conditions and quality of life of the people of Liyue, but these vegetables were not easy to store.

They would start to rot after being stored for about a week.

But it was not a big problem. Most vegetables could grow in eight to ten weeks.

Seeing these vegetables gradually entering the thousands of households in Gui Yuli, a smile gradually appeared on Marcosius's face.

He knew that there was no problem with the direction of his efforts.

As long as he persevered and laid a solid foundation for the food, when Marcosius delivered the food, people would not be unable to learn those delicacies because of the lack of ingredients.

Now the first batch of seeds has almost been fully popularized.

So Marcosius came to the door of Lin Yu's palace again and knocked on the door.

After hearing the voice, Lin Yu stopped his practice, slowly opened his eyes, and felt the breath from Marcosius outside the door.

He got up and went outside and opened the door of the palace.

He looked at Marcosius and said with a smile.

"Brother Marcosius, but that batch of seeds has been popularized?"

Lin Yu didn't even need to investigate, just from Marcosius's face, he could see the clues.

"Well, the vegetables grown from the first batch of seeds have basically been accepted by the people of Gui Yuli."

"Now the food tastes of the people of Gui Yuli are finally no longer the original three."

Marcosius said happily.

Lin Yu nodded.

This is undoubtedly a good thing.

Lin Yu once wanted to add more food types to Gui Yuli, especially some vegetables and fruits from Blue Star.

But later, thinking about it, this process is really troublesome and boring, so Lin Yu gave up the idea.

After all, wheat, potatoes, and sweet potatoes are eaten alternately.

It's not impossible, right?

At least that's also three differentof taste! Not to mention that wheat can be ground into flour and expanded to pastries.

What bread, steamed buns, dumplings, and the like.


"That's great, Gui Yuli's people must be very grateful to you now!"

"But I think, now that Brother Marcosius comes to me, he should want the second batch of vegetable seeds, right?"

"Brother Marcosius, wait a minute, I will materialize it for you right away!"

Lin Yu said with a smile.

Now that Marcosius is willing to help him and spread these vegetables and fruits, Lin Yu is naturally very happy in his heart.

I just don't know what Liyue will be like thousands of years later.

After so many kinds of vegetables and condiments, what will Liyue cuisine develop to?

Thousands of years of accumulation, it must be delicious!

Lin Yu was glowing with white light, and then the materialized authority began to mobilize, and bags of seeds piled up in front of Marcosius.

Lin Yu racked his brains and materialized almost all the edible plant seeds he could think of.

They piled up in front of Marcosius.

There are so many different kinds of vegetable seeds!

Marcosius was shocked at first, and then his face was full of joy.

"Then I won't bother you, brother Zennos. I'll leave first."

After that, Marcosius was about to use his divine power to move these seeds and leave Lin Yu's palace.

He couldn't wait to start his new round of planting and plant popularization.

Looking at Marcosius using his divine power to move these seeds and quickly leave the palace, Lin Yu shook his head.

He sighed and said.

"Oh, it's good to be young, full of energy."

Although Lin Yu is not that big at present.

But one thing is certain.

As a newborn demon god, Marcosius, the Demon God of the Stove, Lin Yu is at least a little older than Marcosius.

Even if he is one year older, he is still older, isn't he?


After Marcosius left.

Lin Yu held his head with both hands and walked into his room leisurely

Continue to start his great practice!

At the same time, there were dozens of night lights on the shelf next to Lin Yu's desk.

These are all the extra time and recovered strength that Lin Yu used to improve his strength while practicing, without affecting the improvement of strength.

The night lights gradually materialized in batches.

Lin Yu sat in front of the desk, closed his eyes, and continued to enter the state of practice.

Materialized power +1

Materialized power +1

Materialized power +1


Marcosius, who brought the seeds back from Lin Yu, immediately began to plant them in his underground greenhouse.

After the experience of popularizing seeds for the first time, Marcosius was much easier the second time.

First, use the underground greenhouse to plant the first batch of seeds, and then distribute the seeds produced in spring.

At the same time, a commission will be given to the people.

Let the people of Guiyuli also get these seeds.

After tasting the sweetness, people will plant them.

In this way, as time goes by, these seeds will be able to grow on the land of Guiyuli Plain.

In addition to farming, Marcosius also personally selected a suitable store location in Guiyuli City.

He saw some shops selling food in Guiyuli City.

So Marcosius thought that he would also open such a shop.

The shop in the name of the demon god must have many people coming.

At that time, are you afraid that the food making method learned from Brother Zennos will not be passed on?

"Master Kitchen God, the shop you want has been decorated according to your requirements."

"At present, the only thing left is the shop plaque that has not been installed. What name do you think you should give this shop?"

"We can arrange a carpenter to carve a plaque for Master Kitchen God."

Qinghua, a staff member of Gui Yuli's office, looked at the stove demon Marcosius and said respectfully.

Although Qinghua didn't know why Master Kitchen God wanted to set up such a shop.

But since it was an order from Master God.

As the people of Gui Yuli, they should obey it.


It's another naming link.

It really gave Marcosius a headache.

He was not good at naming at all.

Marcosius touched his chin, thought about it carefully, and finally came up with such a name.

"As for the name, it's better to call it the Kitchen God Food Hall."

Marcosius said to Qinghua.

"Okay Kitchen GodSir, the plaque will be made in about three days. "Qinghua said.

It is natural that we cannot be careless when making a plaque for the Kitchen God.

The wood used is the best wood, and the carpenter is the best carpenter in Guiyuli City.

But Marcosius didn't care much about it.

After all, he hasn't got the recipes of the 108 dishes from Brother Zennos yet.

It's coming soon.

The second batch of vegetable seeds will be popularized in Guiyuli soon.

Soon I will be able to get the recipes of the 108 dishes from Brother Zennos!

Three months later, there was a bumper harvest on the Guiyuli Plain.

Marcosius had a bumper harvest of the second batch of vegetables, After deducting 30% for the people, the remaining Marcosius were all taken to the market and sold at a low price.

In more than a year, vegetables have been popularized and people's tastes have changed.

As Lu Xun once said.

I can endure darkness because I have never seen light.

The people are the same. After trying the sweetness of new types of food, they return to the old three kinds of wheat, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Naturally, they are very uncomfortable.

In order to improve their lives, the people began to grow new vegetables.

After they heard that the Kitchen God was about to sell a batch of new vegetables, a large number of people gathered in the market.

The city guards on the side maintained order on the scene.

People lined up with Mora in their hands, lined up in a long queue, and bought bags of vegetables.

Those who bought vegetables would say a respectful sentence.

"Thank you, Kitchen God! "

Because they know that if it weren't for the hard work of the Kitchen God, they would never get these vegetables.

At this moment, they are still eating wheat, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Thanks to the Kitchen God!

Marcosius was naturally very happy.

He knew that the popularization of ingredients had been accomplished!

More than a week had passed.

Marcosius came to the door of Lin Yu's palace with a happy face and knocked on the door of Lin Yu's palace again.

Some people are happy and some are sad.

Lin Yu knew that Marcosius had finished the matter when he sensed Marcosius outside the door.

But Lin Yu was not deliberately delaying with the issue of ingredients.

Indeed, among the 108 dishes, many dishes are completely derived from the product of Blue Star's food culture, and many ingredients are not available on the Teyvat continent.

Now that Marcosius has completed the prerequisites.

Lin Yu can't continue to shirk it. .

He stretched out his right hand, and a faint white light appeared on his fingertips again, and then the appearance of the 108 dishes emerged in Lin Yu's mind.

It's just that so much time has passed.

It's impossible for Lin Yu to remember every dish in detail.

But Lin Yu has been working hard to restore the 108 dishes to the maximum extent.

Then the recipes of these dishes were embodied in a golden recipe book.

As for why it should be embodied in a recipe made of gold, it is because such a recipe will reflect a golden light.

Just like the food in the anime, delicious food will automatically emit a ray of golden light after it is made!

After the white light passed, the golden recipe appeared in Lin Yu's hand.

Putting the golden recipe away temporarily, Lin Yu walked out of his room.

Open the door of the palace.

"Brother Marcosius, is the popularization of ingredients completed? "

Lin Yu said with a smile.

Marcosius nodded, and then looked at Lin Yu with extremely hot eyes.

"Well, it's done!"

"Now that the ingredients are ready, can Brother Zennos teach me how to make the 108 dishes!"

Marcosius looked at Lin Yu, his eyes full of expectation.

Lin Yu nodded.

"Of course"

"But it's not me who will teach. After all, I still have to continue to retreat and improve my strength. I believe that the considerate Brother Marcosius can understand it. "

"This thing, called the Golden Recipe, records the detailed methods of making 108 dishes. "

"Take it."

"Go and spread the food to the mortal world! "

Lin Yu took out the golden recipe.

Immediately, Marcosius's eyes were all on the golden recipe.

Marcosius took the golden recipe from Lin Yu, opened the recipe and read a few pages, and then put the recipe into his arms like a treasure.

"Well, I will."

"I will popularize the food.When it comes to the mortal world! It will definitely happen! "

The stove demon Marcosius said.

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