Not long after, under the leadership of the Demon God of Salt Heuliya, Lin Yu finally arrived at the territory of the Demon God of Salt Heuliya, that is, the Salt in the Earth.

However, the current Salt in the Earth is completely different from the Salt in the Earth that Lin Yu saw in Liyue in the future.

After all, the Guiyuli Plain has not been flooded, so the area of ​​the Salt in the Earth has not yet formed a large area of ​​​​water.

However, there are still rivers and streams.

The environment is very good, but it is a pity that this area will be flooded in the future.

The terrain is permanently changed.

"That, the Demon God of Embodiment Zennos, I, we are here."

"Here, inside is my territory."

The Demon God of Salt Heuliya said to Lin Yu in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

After seeing the prosperity of Guiyuli, now looking back at his own Salt in the Earth, it is really hard to describe.

Why is the gap between demons so huge!

"Just call me Lin Yu, no need to call me such a troublesome and difficult name."

"Are you ready? If you are, I will go down with you."

Lin Yu first corrected the name of the Salt Demon Hewuliya for himself, and then looked at her again and said seriously.

Hearing the question from Lin Yu, the Salt Demon Hewuliya had already made a decision in his heart.

"Well, I'm ready."

"Let's go in."

The Salt Demon Hewuliya said.

Lin Yu nodded.

Then the Salt Demon Hewuliya waved his hand and untied the barrier of the entire underground salt entrance. Lin Yu followed the Salt Demon Hewuliya and entered it together.

This underground salt is much larger than what Lin Yu saw in Liyue in the future, and the environment inside is also much better.

It's just that it's really dim, and the main lighting comes entirely from the Night Stone.

Looking at the walls inlaid with night stones for lighting, Lin Yu finally understood why the salt in the ground had so many night stones.


As he continued to go deeper, Lin Yu soon saw many traces of human life.

Because they lived underground, the humans living in the salt in the ground did not need to build houses at all, but chose to dig out caves similar to cave dwellings as their homes.

The two did not stay for long. Under the leadership of the Salt Demon God Heuliya, Lin Yu and her came directly to the palace of the Salt Demon God.

This is also the only building in the entire Salt in the Ground.

The entire palace was built based on the terrain, and the main material used was stone. As for the style? Lin Yu could only say that the styles of the Demon God Palace buildings in the early Demon God era were similar and there was not much difference.

As soon as the Salt Demon God Heuliya returned to his palace.

Then a group of people surrounded them.

They are all the management of the entire Salt in the Ground.

Speaking of the management of the Salt in the Earth, we have to talk about it.

The situation of the entire Salt in the Earth is similar to the structure of divine right of kings, that is, the king has obtained the permission of the gods to manage the people in the entire territory.

And this king is the people under the Demon God of Salt, Ion.

The king of this matter, that is, Ion, led a group of ministers under his subordinates and surrounded the Demon God of Salt Heulia.

At the same time, he looked at Lin Yu next to the Demon God of Salt Heulia with unkind eyes.

Feeling their gazes, Lin Yu always felt a little puzzled, after all, he didn't do anything.

And can't they feel the breath of the demon emanating from him?

Why in this era, as human beings, dare to have malice towards a demon god?

Who gave them such courage?

Could it be that there is also Fish Leong in the Teyvat continent?

Lin Yu was very curious about this.

"Lord Salt God! Where did you go?"

"Why did you leave for such a long time without leaving any information?"

"And who is this person next to you?"

"Does your departure have anything to do with him?"

Yaan said to the Salt God Heulia, and at the same time looked at Lin Yu next to Heulia.

Lin Yu now understood.

But this matter really has nothing to do with him.

"I just did something that concerns the future of the entire underground salt, don't worry."

"The one next to me is the demon from Gui Yuli, the demon of embodiment Zennos."

The Salt God Heulia said simply.

She has made considerable changes. If she changesIn the past, she would have explained to her people with apology.

When the group heard that it was the demon god from Gui Yuli, the whole palace fell silent in an instant.

Especially the name of the demon god Zennos.

Also known as the God of the Sun, this name is well-known!

If he is upset, he might plant a sun here directly, and then the entire salt in the earth will no longer exist!

Lord Salt God, why did you invite such a killing god?

"Lord Salt God, can you tell us what is the fate of the salt in the earth?"

Yan secretly glanced at Lin Yu, and after finding that there was no expression on Lin Yu's face, he gritted his teeth and said to the demon god of salt Heulia.

After all, Lord Salt God just said that she made a decision about the fate of the entire salt in the earth.

The people present were not fools, and with the appearance of the Demon God Zennos, they would naturally understand and guess the relationship between the two.

I just don't know what decision the Lord Salt God has made that can affect the fate of the entire Salt in the Earth.

"I decided to take the entire Salt in the Earth and join Gui Yuli."

"Gui Yuli has stronger strength and a better living environment, which is undoubtedly a very good thing for us."

In this matter, the Demon God of Salt Heulia has nothing to hide.

After hearing Yan's question, Heulia said it directly.

? ? ?

Suddenly, three big question marks appeared on the heads of all the people present.

Especially Yan, the bad mood in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Join Gui Yuli?

If the Salt God takes them to join Gui Yuli, will they still have the rights they have now?

Although the living environment of the Salt in the Earth is indeed a bit miserable now.

But what does this have to do with them? They are not the ones who are suffering.

But if they follow Lord Salt God and go to Gui Yuli, not only will they lose their rights, but even those who were oppressed by them before will stand up and bite them back.

No, this must not happen!

They must persuade Lord Salt God and not let him take them to join Gui Yuli.

It’s just that the Sun God from Gui Yuli is standing beside them.

To let them slander Gui Yuli in front of the Sun God is undoubtedly an act of an old man eating arsenic and refusing to live long.

But Lin Yu didn’t want to intervene too much in this matter.

After all, this matter is essentially a test for the Salt God Heulia. If she can’t deal with the dirty things in the salt in the ground, she will definitely not be able to join Gui Yuli.

After all, they don’t want this kind of dirty things in Gui Yuli.

"Just discuss it, don't worry about my existence."

After saying this, Lin Yu turned around and left, walked out of the palace and began to wander around the salt in the ground.

Anyway, no one can see his existence after turning on the invisible position.

When Yaen saw that Lin Yu, the great killing god, took the initiative to leave the palace, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as this difficult sun god is not there, Lord Salt God and his men are still easy to deal with.

"Lord Salt God, we can't join Gui Yu Li!"

"Have you forgotten the Demon God War? When Gui Yu Li is the only one left in this area, the demon gods in Gui Yu Li will fight each other."

"And Gui Yu Li at that time will be a purgatory on earth!"

"Lord Salt God, why do you want to go to such a purgatory on earth?"

Yon looked in the direction of the Salt Demon God Heulia and said, although he called him Lord Salt God, his tone did not show any respect for Lord Salt God.

The Salt God sighed in his heart.

Then he said in a cold tone.

"Joining Gui Yu Li is my decision. I have made up my mind. There is no room for change."

"Pass the order down, order all the people of the Salt in the Earth to pack up their belongings and prepare to set off for Gui Yu Li. "

After hearing the words of the Salt Demon God Heuliah, Ion and the others were stunned.

They didn't even notice that the tone of the Salt Demon God's speech at this moment was different from the past.

"Salt God, didn't you understand what we said?"

"Why are you so stubborn!"

"This will take our entire salt of the earth into the abyss!"

"Are you willing toAre you willing to be such a sinner! "

Yaan asked Heuliah, the demon god of salt, directly.

People will only behave so radically when their own interests are involved.

But it is obvious that Yaan is used to the weak demon god of salt Heuliah before, but he does not know that the demon god of salt Heuliah now is no longer the demon god of salt Heuliah before.

The demon god of salt Heuliah saw this scene and saw Yaan and his ministers questioning him.

It was as if there was a thousand-year-old cold wind and frost in his heart, and he was immediately chilled.


"Are you questioning me? Are you forcing me? ! "

The Salt Demon God Heulia looked coldly at Ion and the group of ministers behind him.

As the Demon God of Salt in the Earth, Ion, as the king of the territory, naturally has the power granted by the Salt Demon God.

Hearing the cold and unfamiliar tone of the Salt Demon God Heulia, everyone present was stunned.

Salt... Lord Salt God, why is it like this all of a sudden?

She was not like this before.

Yes, yes, it must be that damned Sun God. It was him who influenced their Lord Salt God and instilled evil thoughts into Lord Salt God.

That's why Lord Salt God has become what he is now.

"Lord Salt God, you must have been bewitched by the Sun God to make such an absurd decision to join Gui Yuli."

"As your people, we must expose the evil in it. "

"I can't bear to see our Lord God be bewitched by the God of the Sun and fall into the abyss!"

Ya'en said with a look of deep sorrow.

It was as if he was really thinking about the Salt God.

But what Ya'en said was partly true, and the Salt God had also thought about it.

The Demon God War caused all the demon gods to fight each other. In the end, only seven demon gods remained on the road and ascended to the ruling position, and the rest of the demon gods would no longer exist.

Gui Yuli's demon gods will also have a fight.

But she has already thought about it. If she really can't avoid that moment, she will withdraw from Gui Yuli and go to the Dark Sea.

And her people have completely integrated into Gui Yuli at this time.

No matter who wins the final victory of Gui Yuli's demon gods, the children will be the last. The people can continue to live in Guiyuli.

However, the now awakened Salt Demon Heulia has learned to look at the scene from another perspective.

He found that Ion's actions were obviously not sincere.

He seemed to be greedy for his own rights.

And she was deceived by them, and had no idea whether the people in her territory were oppressed or what their real situation was.

At that time, I really trusted them too much.

If I hadn't been awakened by the Rock Demon and the Demon of Manifestation, I'm afraid I would still be kept in the dark by them.

"Ion, you are the king of the salt in the earth."

"I think you should know what kind of punishment you will receive for disrespecting the gods. "

The Salt Demon God Heuliah no longer had the patience to answer Ion's words, and asked Ion coldly.

Ion's pupils dilated and his body froze.

Lord Salt God, you don't want to! No, it's absolutely impossible! The punishment is made by them, and Lord Salt God has never implemented a punishment!

The gentle Lord Salt God would not do such a thing!

Ion thought about what might happen next, and kept comforting himself in his heart.

"If I remember correctly, those who disrespect the gods will be punished with salt."

"Today, I will give you the punishment of salt! "

Looking at them with cold eyes, she had completely given up the last bit of tenderness towards them in her heart.

They really didn't deserve it, she was like this.


Before Ion and others could say the last word, a lot of salt was poured into their mouths, and then they couldn't say a word.

A lot of salt was poured into them, not choking to death, not choking to death, but suffocating to death.

The salt entered their respiratory tract and their lungs.

After doing all this, a tear flashed in the corner of the eyes of the Salt Demon Heulia.

After today, she said goodbye to her past.

Communication Group 2


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