[Note: The names of the characters in this book have nothing to do with the characters outside the original god. Please do not make ky or unwarranted associations. ]

In the entire palace, all the people in front of the Salt Demon God Heulia have now been submerged in salt and become a snow-white statue, standing here forever.

Heulia wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and left the palace.

On the other side, Lin Yu turned on the stealth mode and almost visited everything in the entire Salt in the Earth territory. He found one thing.

That is, there is serious oppression and formalism in the Salt in the Earth.

Why do you say that?

Because under the management of the Salt in the Earth management, they concealed the truth of the matter, deceived the Salt Demon God Heulia, and showed the best side near the Salt God Palace.

The farther away from the Salt God Palace, the worse people's living conditions are.

Especially people in marginal areas basically live a life of hunger.

"Hmm? Has the Salt God finished it?"

Lin Yu, who was strolling around, felt the breath of the Salt Demon God Heulia and walked out of the palace.

So he lifted his invisibility and flew to the side of the Salt Demon God Heulia.

"What's the situation?"

Lin Yu asked the Salt Demon God Heulia when he came to her side.

At this time, the Salt Demon God Heulia still looked very gentle, but there was a hint of determination in her gentleness.

"Those who disrespect the gods have been punished by eating salt."

Heulia said to Lin Yu.

When he heard this, Lin Yu was stunned, and it can be said that the whole person was in a state of confusion.

What? The punishment of eating rocks?

Is this also popular in the territory of the Salt God?

No, nine out of ten are wrong. Maybe it's not eating rocks but salt.

It makes more sense in an instant.

"That's good."

"When do we set off?"

Lin Yu nodded, then looked at the Salt Demon God Heulia and said.

Heulia did not hesitate.

"I will go and gather all the people in the territory."

"Set off immediately."

After saying that, the Salt Demon God soared into the sky, and a dazzling white light bloomed above the entire Salt in the Earth, which immediately attracted the attention of all the people in the entire territory.

They looked over, that was their Lord Salt God!

Then Heulia announced to all the people in the entire territory in the sky that he would take all the people of the Salt in the Earth to join Gui Yuli.

And told the people to pack their luggage as soon as possible and set off immediately.

And Lin Yu was thinking about another thing.

As mentioned before, there is serious oppression and formalism in the territory of the Salt God.

But these have no direct relationship with the Salt God.

The king and the ministers were all punished by salt and turned into salt sculptures under the hands of the Salt Demon God Heuliya.

But this is only the top level. More often, oppression comes from the bottom management.

Lin Yu was thinking whether he should pick out all these people and kill them all.

But on second thought, he felt that there was no need for this at the moment. After all, after they joined Gui Yuli, all their rights were lost.

How will these people who usually like to oppress others face the anger of the people?

Compared with this, killing them directly seems to be a bit cheap for them.

So it was done.

Soon after about two or three hours, all the people in the Salt of the Earth had packed their luggage.

Now the Salt Demon God Heuliya used his divine power to lift them up and sent all the people out of the Salt of the Earth.

At this moment, after decades, they once again set foot on this land and saw the blue sky again.

Many people's eyes were filled with tears.

Because they had returned to the land they once owned and now yearned for.

"Lin, Lin Yu, what are you doing?"

The Salt Demon God wanted to call the Demon God of Manifestation, but then he thought of Lin Yu's instructions before, so he changed his words again, but he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Now everyone has come to the earth. It stands to reason that they should set off in the direction of Gui Yuli, but Lin Yu looked at an open space, as if he was stunned.

"I'm doing something that will allow us to take them and go to Gui Yuli quickly."

"Otherwise, if you don't want to follow them, can you go to Gui Yuli with your feet?"

Lin Yu looked at the Salt Demon God Heulia and said

If you really use your two feet, starting from the territory of the Salt Demon God He Wulia, and walk towards Gui Yuli, I don’t know how much time it will take.

Lin Yu said that his time is precious and cannot be wasted in these places.

Well, in fact, he just finds it troublesome.

But since there is a better way, why not use it?

Lin Yu’s method is very simple. He plans to use the same trick again. A huge rock element box appeared on the open space that Lin Yu had been staring at before.

Then Lin Yu simply explained to the Salt Demon God He Wulia about the principle of flying the box.

After knowing Lin Yu’s purpose, the Salt Demon God immediately ordered all his people to enter the box.

After that, Lin Yu and the Salt Demon God He Wulia sat on top of the box, calmly drinking tea and eating snacks.

The box flew in the air and moved towards Gui Yuli.

Not long after, about half an hour.

They had already arrived in the sky outside Guiyuli City. The people of the City Affairs Department responded immediately and sent people to come.

They were familiar with this process.

All the people in the Salt God Territory completed the registration in the hands of the staff of the City Affairs Department, and then were assigned to the houses in the expanded urban area under the arrangement of the staff.

And the Salt Demon God Heuliya, who had been watching the people move into the new house with smiles on their faces, was completely relieved.

"Don't worry, the people of the City Affairs Department will settle them for us."

Lin Yu looked in the direction of the Salt Demon God Heuliya beside him and said.

The Salt Demon God Heuliya nodded slightly.

The people from the Salt Demon God Heuliya's territory were settled, but how should the Salt Demon God Heuliya be settled?

Lin Yu touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

When Liyu Palace was first designed and built, it was not considered that so many demons would join Gui Yuli in the future.

Therefore, the residences in Liyu Palace have long been saturated.

But if the Salt Demon God Heuliya is not placed in another place, Lin Yu feels a little uncomfortable.

After all, all the demons of Gui Yuli live in Liyu Palace, except for the Salt Demon God Heuliya, which is inevitably criticized.

Add a lot of unnecessary trouble.


Lin Yu thought of a way.

If he can live with Qingyu, why can't the Salt Demon God Heuliya live with Guizhong?

Why not take the Salt Demon God Heuliya to ask Guizhong for his opinion.

The palace where Lin Yu, Morax and Guizhong live is the largest palace in Liyu Palace.

The interior design of each palace is different, but there is one thing in common, that is, they are large enough and have many free rooms inside.

"Ah? You want me to live with the Demon God of Dust, Guizhong? No, that's not necessary."

"Build a palace for me somewhere else. It doesn't have to be too gorgeous. It's okay as long as I can live there. I won't mind."

After hearing Lin Yu's proposal, the Demon God of Salt, Hewuliya, was at a loss.

After all, she and Guizhong had never met before, and then she was proposed to live together. Anyone would feel at a loss.

Besides, she didn't know what the Demon God of Dust, Guizhong, thought of her.

"Don't rush to refuse. Let's go to Tianheng Mountain to meet Guizhong. We'll talk about it later."

Lin Yu looked at the Demon God of Salt, Hewuliya, and said.

After thinking for a while, the Demon God of Salt, Hewuliya, looked at the sincerity in Lin Yu's eyes. It was really hard to refuse, so he agreed with Lin Yu's idea.

Following Lin Yu, they flew towards Tianheng Mountain together.

Tianheng Mountain is now bustling with people, and all kinds of construction machinery are built everywhere. The Tianheng Mountain Defense Line Project is being carried out step by step under the leadership of Gui Zhong.

The reinforcement work of the Tianheng Mountain Range is still in progress, because it has resisted too many attacks from demons before, and the entire Tianheng Mountain Range is in pieces.

If many places are not reinforced, the entire Tianheng Mountain may collapse in the long run.

Not to mention how to build a reliable defense line based on Tianheng Mountain.

This project is destined to take a long time, but the demons are the least short of time.

Lin Yu brought the Salt Demon God Hewuliya to Gui Zhong's cave in Tianheng Mountain. After entering it, Lin Yu watched Gui Zhong tinkering with the same huge machine.Close.

He looked at it for a while, but couldn't tell what it was.

It is worth mentioning that there is a woman next to Gui Zhong! Master Liuyunjiefeng!

? Suddenly, a big question mark appeared on Lin Yu's head. After all, she couldn't figure out why the woman appeared here!

"Lin Yu, you are here."

"The one next to you should be the Salt Demon God Hewulia, right?"

"I'm sorry for not welcoming you. I've been busy tinkering with these mechanical creations and I really can't spare the time."

Gui Zhong looked in the direction of Lin Yu and the Salt Demon God Hewulia and said.

She has been busy making mechanisms and has no time to go to Gui Yuli.

"Well, she is the Salt Demon God Hewuliya. Today, she has brought all the people in the territory to join us Guiyuli."

"From now on, she is also a member of our Guiyuli family."

"But let's put this matter aside for now. Why is Master Liuyunjiefeng here?"

Lin Yu finally couldn't help but wonder in his heart, and looked at Guizhong to ask about Master Liuyunjiefeng.

Master Liuyunjiefeng said with a small face.

"Hmph, do you think this immortal is willing to come? It's not that the Demon God of Dust has visited me many times and begged me to help him develop a new mechanism. Otherwise, this immortal would not be willing to come."

emmm After listening to Master Liuyunjiefeng's words, Lin Yu looked at Guizhong.

Gui Zhong explained: "Recently I have been studying a smart mechanism, but many aspects are still unknown, so I thought of finding a few more people who are good at mechanisms to study together."

Well, Lin Yu finally understood what was going on.

In other words, Master Liuyun Jiefeng was attracted by the new mechanism that Gui Zhong was studying, that is, the smart mechanism, and finally agreed to help Gui Zhong study together.

But in the end, Master Liuyun Jiefeng recounted the process of the matter in his own way.

"Oh! So that's it, I understand!"

"But what is a smart mechanism?"

Lin Yu understood it, but he didn't understand it completely. After all, when he was in Liyue in the future, he didn't hear any smart mechanism from Master Liuyun Jiefeng.

And the term "smart" doesn't sound like something that should exist in this era!

Hearing Lin Yu's question.

Gui Zhong smiled and said, "Hahaha, this is all thanks to the smart chessboard you gave me back then. After decades of research, I have already glimpsed something from the smart chessboard."

"I am going to combine smart technology with the Gui Zhong machine to create a smart Gui Zhong machine."

Huh? Nani!

So that's how the smart mechanism came about!

It seems that this little butterfly of mine has set off a big storm.

I just don't know what Liyue will look like thousands of years later.

After talking about the matter of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and the smart mechanism.

Gui Zhong started talking about Lin Yu and the Salt Demon God Hewuliya.

Since Gui Zhong was interested in this matter, Lin Yu also told Gui Zhong the whole process of the Salt Demon God Hewuliya arriving at Gui Yuli, then returning to the salt in the ground, and finally joining Gui Yuli.

He simply told Gui Zhong about it.

Guizhong was also filled with righteous indignation after hearing this. How could there be such shameless people in the world? It was really pitiful for such a gentle Salt Demon God Heuliya.

If not, I am afraid that the Salt Demon God Heuliya is still being deceived by those people.

"Because the palace layout of Liyu Palace has been finalized, it is impossible to add a new palace, and Qingyu is living with me now, so I thought about letting Heuliya and Guizhong live together in Guizhong Palace."

"I don't know what Sister Guizhong thinks."

After telling the story of the Salt Demon God Heuliya, Lin Yu seized the opportunity to speak and told the intention of bringing the Salt Demon God Heuliya this time.

Guizhong looked in the direction of the Salt Demon God Heuliya. She felt that Heuliya was a very good demon.

And there were many empty rooms in her own Guizhong Palace.

Rather than being empty and deserted, Guizhong was more willing to let Heuliya live in.

"Sure, my Guizhong Palace is usually very quiet, and with the company of the Salt Demon God Herulia, I think it will be great." Guizhong said with a smile.

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