Three figures suddenly appeared in the Bone-Eating Well, which was a little bright because of the sunlight shining from the well mouth.

General Lei Dian felt the"rich" spiritual energy of the Warring States Period, and also unlocked the last suppression of his realm.

His realm directly stepped into the level of the celestial being.

Although there were no drastic changes in the world inside his body, General Lei Dian could feel the rules that he mastered in his body.

The barriers between the world and himself also melted away.

It seemed that as long as he integrated his power rules into this world, he would be able to possess great power, and at the same time, he would be able to have an immortal soul like the world.

As soon as this thought came up, it was killed by General Lei Dian. She was not a fool, so how could she not see the pros and cons? Although this method could borrow the power of the world and be immortal, it also had a great flaw, that is, she would prosper and suffer together with the world.

In ancient times, there were countless strong men who practiced this kind of soul and placed their trust in the rules of heaven and earth. However, when the spiritual energy was about to be exhausted, the terrible sequelae showed up, and countless strong men fell, waiting to be resurrected from death when the spiritual energy became rich again.

Of course, some strong men were unwilling to accept their fate, so they took one method after another to sever the connection between the soul and the rules of heaven and earth, or put themselves in a place with extremely rich spiritual energy, unaffected by the rules of the end of the law.

Yakumo Yukari was one of them, but she paid a huge price, cut off the connection with the rules of heaven and earth, and fell from the power of the Golden Immortal Realm to the power of the Celestial Immortal level, and built a holy land of Gensokyo for monsters together with a group of crooked melons and cracked dates.

It only took a blink of an eye for General Raiden to break through the realm.

After feeling the soul and body that were closer to the rules of heaven and earth, he gently stepped forward.

There were shouts and shouts from the surroundings, and demonic and spiritual energy were constantly interweaving. Kikyo immediately became alert. She did not feel any spatial fluctuations, but the environment had changed. She wondered if there was a strong man plotting against everyone.

"Kikyo, no need to be alert, this is Huasheng Street in Yingxiang Mountain, I brought you here directly from the Bone-Eating Well."

General Raiden explained softly, this ability to transform space has now become an instinct like drinking water, even a great witch like Kikyo can't detect any power fluctuations.

Kikyo also put down the defense spell she had just formed, looking at this lively place calmly, looking at the Kagami Nanashi who was surrounded by a group of monsters not far away.

""Sister Bal, has Lord Palace Administrator been besieged by monsters?"

General Raiden shook his head, and his clothes and appearance returned to normal. He also exuded the terrifying and majestic aura of thunder, and the noise on the street weakened for a moment. A surprised smile appeared on Kagano Nanashi's mature and tired face. When she turned her eyes, she saw the figure she had been thinking about for the past month, running towards General Raiden like a child who had found his parents.

When she came in front of General Raiden, her emerald-like pupils under her long green hair had regained their usual steadiness in front of everyone, and her tone was also respectful, saying:"Lord Naruto, the Monster Sage has been waiting for you here for a month. I hope you can accept her request to see her when you are free."

"At the same time, the monster sage also spent a lot of money here, and the scrapped bills were sent to the Narukami Taisha. The Mora reserves of the Narukami Taisha have been dwarfed by it."When

General Raiden heard the resentful tone of Kagano Nanashi, he understood why he felt a strong sense of resentment just after returning to the Warring States Period. It turned out that Yakumo Yukari became the role of the social waste Rock King Emperor, and the Narukami Taisha became the hall of rebirth for the victim.

"But I have stored 5 billion Mora in Narukami Taisha. Even if Yakumo Yukari spends 1 million Mora a day, it should be more than enough!"

""Mr. Narukami, you don't know how hard the Narukami Group has worked in the past few months! The entire eastern region of Japan has been completely unified, and our Mora has long been spent as a reward, and now we still owe more than 100 billion Mora!"

General Raiden was confused after hearing this. Mora was a very valuable currency in this period. Even if she did nothing in a day and only condensed Mora, she could only produce about 100 million Mora a day.

Now Kagano Nanashi actually told her that she owed the monsters more than 100 billion Mora, which was simply challenging her cognition. Even if her strength soared, she could only condense more than 5 billion Mora a day, which means it would take more than 20 days to condense Mora to pay off the debt.

"What is going on here? According to my reward mechanism, even if I rule all the monster territories in the east, I can only get a million Moras at most. How can there be such a big difference?"When

Kagano Nanashi heard General Raiden's doubts, he spread his hands and said,"We have a reward mechanism for killing enemies here. The higher the realm and the stronger the strength, the more valuable it is."

"But suddenly, within this month, a large number of weak big monsters appeared and caused chaos in our territory, and were easily killed by the monsters of the Narukami Group."

The meaning and reminder of Kagano Nanashi are already very clear, how could General Raiden not know that someone is deliberately"targeting" him and wants to make a lot of money from his body.

And the only force that can create a force with the power and strength of big monsters in the Kanto region is the talented Gensokyo, and the person responsible for the tip-off should be Yakumo Yukari, who is living a life of idleness and waiting for death in Kagemukaiyama.

If this deliberate behavior was not prepared in advance, General Raiden would never believe it. After all, the strong people in the realm of big monsters are strong people no matter what period they are in, not to mention the monsters that were temporarily created and have some abilities of big monsters.

And Yakumo Yukari's arrival a month ago should be to confirm whether General Raiden's body is still in Narukami Taisha, so that the monsters in Gensokyo can carry out this almost robbery-like behavior, so that General Raiden has no reason to get angry afterwards.

"It seems like it's time to separate the monsters of the Narukami Group!"

General Raiden complained helplessly and took out a storage ring, which contained more than 200 billion Mora, which was all the assets condensed during the three months when General Raiden suppressed his realm transformation. When

Kagano Nanashi saw the storage ring in General Raiden's hand, she immediately smiled. You know, she has been chased by monsters for debts these days, and she looks haggard. She doesn't have the extremely powerful strength of General Raiden, so she can only bear it silently, which makes her want to give up her position to Hoshimiya Rokuko.

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