"Lord Bal, that bad monster is coming!"

Firefly Grass suddenly saw a lady in a gossip robe, and immediately hid behind General Raiden, saying timidly.

Everyone heard Firefly Grass's voice and her behavior like a frightened little animal, and immediately looked in the direction she pointed, and found that Yakumo Yukari was holding a barbecue in one hand, approaching them casually.

General Raiden did not look surprised. At her level, even if she did not deliberately perceive the surrounding environment, Yakumo Yukari's every move was like the sun, and she could not pretend not to see it.

"Isn't this Baal? It's been a long time since we last met. In Chinese, it's like a long time since we last met."

Yakumo Yukari approached the group that was talking with a smile and greeted them in a very familiar tone. However, Kagano Nanashi, who had been in contact with her the longest, knew that the bad monster in front of her was just a joke.

"What are you talking about? Of course, you are talking about how to deal with those idle guys in the Narukami land who only know how to eat for free. Who told her to go to Narukami Taisha?"

Kagamino Nanashi mocked mercilessly. After all, the bad temper she received this month made her feel like she had to vent. Now that General Raiden was by her side, she naturally didn't have to endure it.

The smile in Yakumo Yukari's eyes became more and more obvious. She nodded in agreement, took a bite of the steaming barbecue, and said,"She should be dealt with well. I won't let such a person waste my resources in vain. I will only let her work hard!"

When Kagami Nanazai heard Yakumo Yukari's suggestion, her plump chest immediately trembled rapidly. To Yakumo Yukari, this suggestion was simply a dispensable thing. After all, who could let Yakumo Yukari go to work!

Seeing Kagami Nanazai's bullied look, General Raiden naturally would not let Yakumo Yukari tease Kagami Nanazai again, so he echoed and said,"Yukari's suggestion is very reasonable. I will go down now and let the Mingshen Army take all the rogues and idlers from all over the place to labor reform so that they can have the ability to support themselves."

"I believe that these guys who have been transformed and can start a new life will be very grateful for the advice provided by Lady Yakumo Yukari."

When Yakumo Yukari heard General Raiden's attitude of accepting advice, her body froze. She could fully imagine how many people would speak well of her in the future, but she still said jokingly:"The relationship between us and Bal has become much more distant. He actually used this body to describe himself!"

"No one would know that they had unknowingly owed a huge debt of astronomical figures, and there would be no change!"

General Raiden's tone was faint. Even a simple-minded monster like Firefly Grass could feel the displeasure in General Raiden's words, and glanced at Yakumo Yukari who remained calm.

Kikyo also glanced at General Raiden and Yakumo Yukari. After all, the debt of 100 billion Mora made her feel a mountain of pressure. Even if she was paid 200,000 Mora a month, it would take at least 500,000 years to pay it back.

No wonder General Raiden, who always greeted Yakumo Yukari with a smile, was so unhappy.

"Ha~, isn't it because the Narukami group monsters under Bal are quite powerful, they can kill those monsters who have just been promoted to big monsters with the strength of high-level monsters. The materials on those big monsters make even me jealous."

General Raiden didn't pursue the matter after hearing Yakumo Yukari's words of comfort. Although those monsters in Gensokyo had cheated him badly, it is undeniable that Narukami Taisha also collected a lot of precious resources through this.

The environment around everyone suddenly changed, and everyone was suddenly transferred to a reception room in Narukami Taisha. The familiar environment inside made everyone understand that it was a room in Narukami Taisha.

"Nanashi, go and give me the list of Yakumo Yukari's spending these days, and then go down to deal with the affairs of the Mingshen Taisha. I will discuss with the monster sage how to settle these expenses."

After hearing what General Raiden said, Kagano Nanashi's eyes lit up, and she quickly took out a large stack of paper from her storage ring and put it in General Raiden's hand. She looked at Yakumo Yukari with a provocative look, and then left the guest room happily.

General Raiden picked up a bill that had been sorted out and read it. The content inside made her sigh, Yakumo Yukari, are you spending it personally or buying it wholesale? Every purchase is based on the number of hundreds.

After reading one bill, she picked up the next bill and read it, and found that the amount of purchases on it became more and more unscrupulous, as if it meant that someone's behavior became more and more unscrupulous.

Lin Ling calculated that he actually spent 200 million Mora. Even Kikyo, who was helping to pick up the bills next to him, kept twitching his eyebrows. He never thought that Yakumo Yukari would be so crazy.

"Ha~ Lord Bal~ This is not spent just for us, it is spent for you to have good popularity in Gensokyo. After all, you, Naruto, don’t want to be hated by many monsters for being too stingy!"

Yakumo Yukari opened her mouth and pushed all the responsibilities onto others, as if she put herself in Naruto's position and was thinking about her.

At the same time, she looked at the large amount of food that had just been taken out from the gap, and said:"It's almost noon now, let's eat first!

" Firefly looked at the food that exuded a charming aroma and swallowed her saliva, but still controlled her actions.

She wanted to follow General Raiden's orders and would never embarrass General Raiden.

General Raiden looked at the bamboo stick on the ground with some meat shreds on it, and said with a warm smile:"Let's sit down and talk, I'm a little curious about the people in Gensokyo���Something."

After General Raiden finished speaking, he sat down like a host. Yakumo Yukari showed an expression of escaping a disaster, and knelt on the cushion with Hotaru and Kikyo to eat together.

After everyone drank a few glasses of wine, Yakumo Yukari saw Hotaru's slightly flushed face, and knew it was time to give General Raiden some air, otherwise after the meal, General Raiden's fierce attack would come.

"Firefly Grass's alcohol tolerance is really not very good. Ibuki Suika, who is of the same body shape, can drink a lot. Every time she drinks, she drinks more than ten bottles of fine wine, which causes her to use her treasure gourd to brew water into wine every day."

When General Raiden heard Yakumo Yukari's almost teasing words, he also heard the information revealed in it. Most of the thousands of jars of fine wine in the bill were bought by the ghost clan.

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