Half an hour later, all the places on Penglai Island except for the places protected by Kikyo and the Yamai sisters had become bumpy.

The four once invincible fighting gods were all killed in the battle. Only Gangluo, who corresponded to Xuanwu, still had a turtle shell undulating on the coast. The others were all smashed by Yingcao's dandelion hammer until not even flesh could be seen.

General Lei Dian looked at Yingcao who was out of breath and touched her little head with his hand. In this battle with the four fighting gods, Yingcao not only learned to use the power of her plant monster to improve her advantages in battle, but also wielded the dandelion hammer vigorously, using a set of exquisite hammer techniques to beat the four fighting gods to death with their own strange strength.

"Firefly Grass really impressed us. Unlike before, she didn't just wield it recklessly based on her feelings. She was able to calmly use her racial characteristics to establish a close connection with the earth, improve her demonic power, and even killed the Four Fighting Gods with her hard-learned skills."

General Lei Dian praised Firefly Grass fiercely. She didn't tell Firefly Grass that if the Four Fighting Gods' origin stored in the Jade Box was not erased, the Four Fighting Gods could still be resurrected, but their strength would obviously drop.

""The eternal realm!"

General Lei Dian shouted softly, and the devastated Penglai Island was immediately affected by the invisible force and restored to the state it was in when it landed on the island. Even the dead animals did not notice that a big battle had just taken place.

Yakumo Yukari looked at General Lei Dian in amazement. She did not expect that she actually mastered the power of time. She even felt more than a dozen different uses, and even the power of the law of space.

General Lei Dian took a step and crossed a distance of several kilometers. He saw an ancient oriental tripod furnace. There were more than a dozen half-demon children shivering beside it. The Yamai sisters were touching the ringing furnace, trying to check what was inside.

Kikyo flew over silently at this moment, but behind her was a priestess who looked exactly like her. She was wearing armor that exuded an inexplicable oppressive force and holding a long sword that looked ordinary in her hand.

"Kikyo priestess, you actually took her in and acknowledged her existence."

Yakumo Yukari was also very puzzled by Kikyo's magnanimous behavior. With her eyesight, she could naturally see that the replica in front of her was a half-demon priestess cultivated with the secret method of the demon clan, but she was born with incomplete intelligence and needed to be instructed by others to complete tasks mechanically.

"No matter what, she is just a person who has just been born into this world, and she has not committed any unforgivable sins. Naturally, time can be used to teach her to walk on the right path."

Looking at the demented replica in front of her, Kikyo couldn't help but think of herself when she was made of clay. Naturally, she wanted her to walk on a bright path again, which was also a kind of tempering for her heart.

General Lei Dian looked at the cauldron in front of him and put his hand on it. The power of time gathered in his palm. The scenes of this cauldron in ancient times, when weapons were forged with materials from monsters, appeared in front of General Lei Dian. Countless secret methods of refining weapons were learned by General Lei Dian, and the way of matching materials was also in full view.

General Lei Dian exhaled a breath. According to the information she left in the Dream Truth, she obtained the forging techniques and methods she used when forging the Dream Truth from the Singing Furnace. At the same time, she took another step forward on the road to the celestial realm.

"It seems that Bal has made great gains, but it's a pity that my future self is unwilling to reveal the news to me, otherwise I can only be used as a tool by you."

Yakumo Yukari looked at the harvested look of General Raiden, and couldn't help but complain about herself five hundred years later, watching General Raiden open the furnace of the Singing Furnace, take out the Jade Box, and use divine power to directly refine the four groups of origin inside into elixirs that can improve cultivation.

"Yingcao, this is your reward. When you reach the peak of a high-level monster, you can take this Four Symbols Pill to break through the bottleneck and reach the realm of a great monster."

Yingcao happily took the pill and hid it. This is a pill that can help monsters break through to the level of a great monster. It is more precious than the famous swords of Douya King.

"Kikyo, you can help take care of these children here. When the monsters of the Narukami Group come to take over Penglai Island, you can take them back to the Narukami Taisha Shrine."

Kikyo nodded with a smile. As a priestess, she was embarrassed to go to the gathering place of the big monsters. At the same time, she needed time to educate her own clones, and at the same time, she could ensure that the hearts of these half-demon children could be purified by her and not bound by resentment.

General Lei Dian took away the Mingdong Furnace, and the barrier of Penglai Island also lost most of its effects because of the loss of the array base, so that Penglai Island reappeared in the world from the other space.

"Kikyo, we will leave first, remember to protect yourself!"

General Raiden said, and under the instruction of Yakumo Yukari, he made a space jump of several hundred kilometers, and finally saw a green valley like a fairyland on earth.

This place is located in the Ezo region of Japan, which has always been called a barren land. Maybe even the nobles of General Raiden didn't know that there was such an area here.

"It's really a strange place. If you don't have the strength of a great monster, you won't be able to detect any abnormalities."

General Raiden said, his amethyst-like eyes glowed, and the fairyland in front of him suddenly turned into a broken and distorted space. Countless powerful auras were hidden in it, as if protecting something.

Yakumo Yukari smiled slightly, waved his sleeves slightly, and the barrier covering the valley immediately lifted the interference to the Yamai sisters and Firefly Grass. They suddenly felt like they were in a world of ice and snow, and the sense of crisis constantly stimulated them to want to stay away from this place.

""Let's go! Let's go and see these strong men who are cooperating with us!" said General Lei Dian, using his own power to cover the bodies of the Eight Dance sisters and Firefly Grass, dispelling the influence of the aura that those strong men accidentally revealed on them.

The Eight Dance sisters only hesitated slightly before following the firm steps of Firefly Grass and walked towards the place where countless spaces converged.

As soon as they entered the"portal" in it, the environment changed.

What caught their eyes was a small forest full of warm breezes.

Not far away, there were piles of Mora as magnificent as a hill.

Next to them stood a cherry-haired girl with a bun head, with a chain on her left hand and an empty right arm, but next to her smooth and round calf, there was a right hand that exuded a powerful pressure.

General Lei Dian only met for the first time, and he knew that the beautiful young lady in front of him was Ibaraki Huashan, one of the four ghost kings of the ghost clan, or the immortal Ibaraki Huashan who had just used the spiritual power in Mora to achieve the body of an immortal and sealed his bloodline power with his right hand.

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