Ibaraki Kasen, who was in extreme joy, also noticed something was wrong. She looked in a certain direction and found Yakumo Yukari looking at her with a smile. She looked at the people next to Yakumo Yukari and naturally saw a mature lady with long, soft purple hair tied into a braid, looking at her with her amethyst eyes.

Heaven's Ringing God Baal!

Ibaraki Kasen saw the person who was harmed by her and many great monsters, and knew that the situation was not good. But before she could open her mouth to cover up her identity, General Raiden spoke:

"Sorry, I seem to disturb you!"

"I am Baal, the Lord of the Demons and Ghosts of Narukami Taisha, and I am here to discuss the details of the last matter. Please don't be so nervous. It seems that this beautiful immortal is sealing the evil things!"

General Raiden said to Ibaraki Huashan with a sweet smile, revealing the purpose of this time and the cover-up of Ibaraki Huashan's identity.

"Oh, it turns out to be the Heavenly Naruto God Bal of Naruto Taisha Shrine. I am the celestial being Huashan, and I am here to seal the power of Ibaraki Douji to prevent him from causing harm to the world."

Itsuki Huashan obviously heard the hint from General Raiden, and she spoke without hesitation, trying to cover up the fact that there was an arm emitting a strong evil spirit beside her. At the same time, an arm made of bandage tissue appeared on her right hand in the blink of an eye.

The Yamai sisters did not doubt what Isuki Huashan said, because the girl in front of them, who was full of harmony with nature, did not match the hideous ghost hand under her feet at all.

Yakumo Yukari smiled slightly and said nothing, but Yingcao's little brain was confused. She was a little confused about the relationship between the immortal Huashan, the ghost king Isuki Huashan and Isuki Douji. Aren't they the same person?

General Raiden looked at the billions of Moras who had lost their spiritual energy next to him, and he knew very well that Isuki Huashan should have sealed most of the power of the ghost clan into his right hand, and the power attribute was transformed into the fairy power unique to the immortal.

Isuki Huashan approached General Raiden and felt that only when The boundless power that could only be felt from her own boss, Suika Ibuki, suddenly she discovered that the strength of this Ame-no-Miracle God had reached the level of the Demon Emperor (celestial being).

Ibaraki Hanasu's attitude towards General Raiden became even more intimate, because the other party's strength and the status of the Lord of Demons and Goblins reminded her of hundreds of years ago when Shuten-doji Suika Ibuki used the identity of the Lord of Demons and Goblins to launch the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons and used the ritual to step into the legendary realm of the Demon Emperor.

General Raiden only thought that the other party knew the purpose of his trip, and in order to ease the awkward relationship between them, he was very friendly to her. Just like a best friend, they crossed the overlapping spaces one by one and introduced the monsters in them one by one.

With the help of Ibaraki Hanasu, the local snake, General Raiden and his party really became tourists on a sightseeing tour. When they visited these spaces and the strange and changeable geographical environment, Yakumo Yukari suddenly felt that she had a different opinion of this Gensokyo that had not yet been completely completed.

"This immortal can only take you here. Only the Ame-no-Murakami Baul and Yakumo Yukari can enter the area ahead. We, the weaker monsters, are not allowed to enter this core area."

"We are already very happy that the immortal Huashan can enthusiastically lead us to visit the scenery in these spaces. We just hope that the immortal can help me find a place for my three friends to rest and wait."

Ibaraki Huashan did not refuse General Leidian's request. She also needed to find a time to hide her right hand that sealed most of her ghost power so that she could be at ease as an admirable immortal.

General Leidian watched the Yamai sisters and Hotaruka follow Ibaraki Huashan away, exchanged a glance with Yakumo Yukari, and then stepped into the forbidden area that the big monsters could not enter.

Just after stepping into this space, General Leidian felt a huge pressure, as if he was carrying the entire continent on his back. Looking up, there was a map of the land of Japan in the sky, with countless light spots scattered in it.

"This is the base map of the formation when Gensokyo divides Japan in the future. It's really a big deal!"

General Raiden praised without hesitation. She seemed to know why the land area of Inazuma in the future was only a quarter of that at present. That was because this place was included in Gensokyo.

"Bal, it's been a long time since we last met. Would you like to have a drink with me?"

When General Lei Dian heard this passionate loli voice, he immediately understood that this was Ibuki Suika. At the same time, he also saw four people around her. A royal sister with a cold temperament but very charming charm was holding a strange book there, constantly writing something on it, making the space wailing.

A gentle girl with two horns on her head and a bow tied on her silver-white hair was looking at him with innocent but wise eyes. A figure wearing majestic clothes and filled with infinite Huangquan breath, hidden in the black fog, sat quietly in the same place, as if no changes in the world could move her.

The last one exuded infinite fairy spirit, and countless natural principles surrounded her body, as if she was evolving all things, making people want to live in peace with the world and feel the beauty of nature.

One of the creator gods of the demon world - Shenqi.

The wise man of the demon clan Bai Ze - Shang Bai Ze Hui Yin.

The King of Hell - Four Seasons?

The goddess of heaven -?

General Lei Dian only took a quick look and knew that two of them were identity, but the two powerful people next to them who were obviously hiding their identities were difficult to know their identities. After all, at their level, as long as they didn't want people to guess their identities, even if they burned their origins, they couldn't know much useful information.

Yakumo Yukari saw the calm demeanor of General Raiden and didn't care whether she knew each other's identities, but she still walked forward enthusiastically, using her identity as a"socialite" to make everyone familiar with each other unconsciously.

This conversation lasted for more than two months, and General Raiden took the Yamai sisters and Firefly Grass to leave the fantasy village composed of countless space fragments and return to the Narukami Taisha.

However, in the forbidden land of the fantasy village, a magnificent shadow of the shadow mountain shone brightly on the illusory map of Japan. In addition, there were countless purple silk threads radiating from the Narukami Taisha on the top of the mountain to the entire Kanto region.

At this moment, Ueshirozawa Huiyin's eyes were full of vicissitudes left by endless years. The brush formed by the rules and blood power in his hand kept modifying the content on a book.

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