Mount Hiei is the most famous sacred mountain of Buddhism during the Warring States Period in Japan.

General Raiden led the demons to surround the mountain, and the strong demonic energy continued to erode the mountain forest, inspiring Buddha's light in the mountains, and constantly fighting each other.

"Lord Bal, there is a famous temple of monks on this mountain called Honganji. There are hundreds of thousands of residents in the villages and towns below the mountain. There are also hundreds of thousands of monks stationed in the mountain. At the same time, the abbot is also a powerful daimyo."

The horse leader briefly told the information he knew. After all, this place is one of the holy places of Buddhism, and the monsters have very limited knowledge of this place.

"Well, if the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons only frightens ordinary people, it will only make people look down on it. If it does not destroy a powerful cultivation force, it will be difficult to deter those who have ulterior motives, and my steps to unify Japan will be hindered too much."

General Lei Dian said majestically, without telling him what happened to his clone two days ago. Ming Shen still needs some face.

"Lord of the Sunflower Field, please help me to contain the masters of Honganji. Buddha Bodhisattva will solve the problem with this body."

"Lingyuexianji, Seshomaru, Yaodaoji, Yingcao... and Nura, each of you will lead 10,000 monsters to advance from all parts of the mountain range, and kill all those who have cultivation without mercy, and ordinary people can only leave it to fate!"The voice of General Lei Dian echoed among the monsters, and dozens of monsters with high-level monster strength named by General Lei Dian also took action immediately, leading the monsters to kill towards Honganji from all directions.

Fengjian Youxiang watched her favorite junior Yingcao running to the foot of the mountain with a joyful pace. Her eyes returned to her original indifferent expression, and an oil-paper umbrella appeared in her hand. The powerful demon power was continuously gathered at the top of the oil-paper umbrella. Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the tip of the oil-paper umbrella and hit the golden and beautiful Honganji directly. The magnificent hall.

Before the attack arrived, the entire mountain was already covered with a rich golden light, forming a huge defensive barrier. The chanting of countless scriptures resounded between heaven and earth. The collision between the magic cannon and the Buddhist defense formation was like the rising sun, illuminating a large area of dark clouds, and the sound of butter and hot pot colliding was heard.

However, the endless demonic power clouds in the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons firmly isolated the impact of this collision. Feng Jianyouxiang also suddenly became serious, because she suddenly found that these monks still had some ability.


Feng Jianyouxiang whispered in her mouth. For her, the powerful physical combat technique is her main direction of practice, and the magic cannon formed by the gathering of her own demonic power is just a skill learned by teaching some blind guys a lesson. But the Buddhist holy land opposite was able to take it, which made her look at it with new eyes.

With Feng Jianyouxiang's seriousness, the gathering of demonic power became more and more powerful, and the magic cannon changed from the thickness of a bucket to the size of a bathtub. The whole Honganji began to tremble, and countless Buddha phantoms emerged and blessed the barrier of the mountain.

But everything was a struggle in vain. The god-level strongman was already this... The world can exert the limit of its power. No matter how powerful this Honganji is, it can only produce a few"big monsters" level strongmen. How can it cross that gap?

But Honganji does not rely solely on itself. There are many eminent monks summoned by Bishamonten in the name of Buddhism, and several Buddhist gods. Naturally, they can fight against Fengmi Yuuka temporarily.

At the foot of the mountain, Seshomaru had a calm expression, holding a katana that exuded a powerful aura in his hand. This was the demon sword Bakusaiga cultivated by his flesh and blood and will. When he made a move, the rich demon power gathered on the sword, chopping everything in front of him into powder.

"What a bunch of ignorant monks, they actually dared to stop me, Seshomaru, from doing things. It seems like they don't want to live anymore!"

Sesshomaru looked at the army of hundreds of people led by dozens of monks with cultivation in front of him, and his eyes became fierce. Because of Ling, he had let go of several ordinary human armies, but seeing his mother calmly and elegantly leading the demons in the distance and leaving him far behind, he felt a huge insult as he was very competitive.

""Blue Dragon Breaks!"

With a low shout from Seshomaru, the demonic power gathered on Bakusaiga, forming a bright blue dragon, and with the waving of the katana, it roared and rushed towards the army.

Boom~ the fortifications between the mountains and forests were immediately destroyed, and most of the hundred-man monk army was immediately lost.

Seshomaru immediately quickened his pace and crossed the stumbling block that was hindering his progress, and his voice echoed in the air:"Kill them all, leave no one alive!"

The monsters following behind Seshomaru also had fierce eyes. These human armies had real military merits and could be exchanged for Mora's spoils. If it weren't for Seshomaru's order, they would have started a massacre when they defeated those armies.

The same was true for the other dozen monster leaders. After some spiritual struggles, they chose the most direct method of this era, which was to completely clear all obstacles with their strength and use blood to reach the end of victory.

Yang Lei watched the monsters killing monks in the sky with reluctance, but he had no intention of stopping them, because this was the main theme of this era. He had experienced a lot in the past year and understood that wars between races were so cruel.

As it is written in the diary of a madman: I opened the history book and checked it. This history has no age. On each crooked page are the words"benevolence, righteousness, morality" written on it. I couldn't sleep anyway, so I looked carefully for half the night before I could see the words between the words. The whole book was written with two words:"eat people!"

Yang Lei is no longer the wage earner who lives in peacetime, nor is he a scholar who only knows how to talk about things. Instead, he follows the footsteps of monsters and fights constantly during the Warring States Period in Japan.

As time goes by, the magic array nodes arranged in the mountains are destroyed, and the light of the Buddhist defense array of Mount Hiei becomes dimmer and dimmer, and the smell of blood permeates the Honganji Temple.

It was caused by dozens of monks who were vomiting blood due to the backlash of the array because of their lack of magic power. At the same time, Honganji Temple is also bustling. The monks inside are not fools. In the face of death, they also have all kinds of thoughts, and each one acts according to their own wishes.

Puff ~

Boom ~

Fengjian Youxiang's magic cannon finally penetrated the defense array. The powerful force instantly flattened the main hall of Honganji Temple, and followed the movement of Fengjian Youxiang's wrist, and soon enveloped the tower representing the inheritance of Honganji Temple.

The collapse of the tower represents the official destruction of the hundreds of years of inheritance of Honganji Temple, and countless wailing sounds resounded in the ruins.

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