Mount Hiei lost its usual mystical beauty due to the collapse of the tower, and the monsters who were still in the mountains and could only rely on the terrain to move forward also noticed that the Buddhist spiritual power that bound them in the mountains was rapidly declining, and they were able to release their demonic power.

The high-level monsters who led the monsters to besiege suddenly used their demonic power to lift themselves up to the sky and looked at the Honganji Temple a few hundred meters away.

The golden light of the ruined Honganji Temple slowly disappeared, and countless black air began to break out of the ground, mixed with a strong demonic aura.

"You monks are finally unable to trap me. I will turn all of you into nutrients for my growth!"

"Hehehe~ What a strong smell of blood~"

"Is this my subordinate coming to rescue us?"


One after another, strange figures emerged from the ground, exuding a strong aura. They were obviously the demons and monsters suppressed by Honganji in Mount Hiei.

But before these demons and monsters came out for long, the joy of being freed was replaced by panic. Anyone who was surrounded by tens of thousands of demons, including���How can we not be afraid of a few monsters that emit a breath that makes them palpitate?

"Bishamonten, why are you hiding in the ruins like a stinkbug in a toilet? Don’t you want to stand up for your devout believers?"

"Humph, Ming Shen, you actually led the monsters to destroy the holy land of our Buddhism. Aren’t you afraid of the revenge from our Buddhism and the gods of Takamagahara?"

"When the time comes, heaven and earth are on your side; when the time goes, heroes are not free."

"This is a perfect place to bury the Buddha!"

General Lei Dian used his eyes to check the details of those demons and monsters. It turned out that they were all evil. So there was no need to worry about their lives. Just kill Bishamonten. Bishamonten's face turned cold, and his already ferocious face became even more fierce. The muscles on his body swelled, and the rich golden light gathered into a three-headed and six-armed fighting Dharma image.

General Lei Dian did not dare to be careless. The upper limit of the power that this world can exert is the god level, and the Bishamonten in front of him is not the big wavy blonde queen in later generations, but the battle-hardened Vaisravana, one of the four heavenly kings of Buddhism.

If General Lei Dian is not careful, he may... She lost face when she was overturned in front of the enemy, but as a"celestial being" she didn't rely solely on close combat.

General Raiden mobilized the power in her body, constantly using the power of rules in her body to fiddle with the power of time. Three illusory figures seemed to have crossed several layers of space and descended into this world, emitting a breath that made the heaven and earth tremble.

The breath and power of these three people were exactly the same as the General Raiden next to them.

Yakumo Yukari immediately saw the true identities of the three General Raiden. They were the General Raiden's own body that used the law of time to summon herself from the past time and space. Each of them had the same powerful strength as her.

"Kill them all!"

After hearing the original body's words, the three lightning generals from the past time and space took out three different weapons without hesitation, namely the katana, the naginata and the white star ring.

Bishamonten's ugly face also showed an expression of disbelief. He never thought that the lightning general could actually summon three clones of the same strength. He hurriedly urged the Buddhist divine power in his body, preparing to use secret methods to temporarily enhance his strength and escape part of the soul.

But the next moment he was dumbfounded.

Soul: I have already given the order, you guys move quickly!

Body: Did you give the order? I am already mobilizing the divine power! Didn't you just give the order?

Bishamonten's golden body immediately fell apart due to the error in the operation of the divine power, and countless golden The blood spilled on the ground, and he realized that the speed of time flow in his body had become a mess.

This is the power of the rule of time!

Bishamonten then understood why General Thunder summoned three clones to besiege him so slowly, because he had been unknowingly affected by the power of time and was in a state of clumsiness. The three General Thunder in the past time period naturally saw Bishamonten's fear, but they treated him as a good sandbag. Countless martial arts techniques were performed on him, and their skills were once again experimentally proven.

Bishamonten, the clones of the Buddhist gods, and those demons and monsters passed away peacefully, and their legacy after their death enriched everyone's family assets. Seshomaru, Ryotsuki Senki, Youtouhime, and Hotarugusa also successfully crossed the barrier of great monsters and became great monsters by relying on this battle.

However, a storm was set off again in Takama-ga-hara, because the position of Bishamonten, who had always been very strong in combat and could fight on equal terms with god-level strongmen, collapsed, which meant his fall.

This made some gods in Takama-ga-hara who were already wavering start to choose the side of Narukami and decided not to get involved in this mess.

The fall of Bishamonten, a powerful Buddhist guardian god, also meant that the next battle would be extremely dangerous.

If they were not careful, they would die.

How could they not choose a safe way, or at worst choose a slow death.

The powerful gods who led the battle in Takama-ga-hara... Ming Ye suddenly realized that the strength of Ame-no-Murakami was so strong that Bishamonten had no chance to send a message for help. Naturally, he knew that the gods of Takama-ga-hara at this time could not be the opponents of Ame-no-Murakami.

The gods could not help but cast their eyes on the three inherited artifacts of the Emperor of Japan, because they could rely on this as a lever to let the existence on the moon destroy the Miurakami for them.

The night passed quickly, and the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons led by General Raiden traveled throughout Japan with unparalleled power, making the identity of Ame-no-Murakami, the Lord of Bal, resound throughout the world. As the sun rose, General Raiden stood in the backyard of Miurakami Taisha, looking at the sacred cherry tree that was formed by the roots of the world tree, and took an item handed over by Yang Lei.

"Lord Baal, this is the world anchor point reward given by the system when I was promoted to a powerful cultivator of the Refining Void and Combining Dao. Please be sure to accept it."

General Lei Dian took it into the world in his body, and countless rule powers continued to analyze the knowledge contained in it. Within a few minutes, he understood the power of space rules and time rules, and combined them into the power of time and space. He could vaguely feel the mark he left behind in the distant chaos.

"This is really timely, but you should take it back, it can save your life in a few decades."

Yang Lei did not ask the reason, took back the world anchor, and watched General Lei Dian waved his hand to let him leave.

He knew what he could ask and what he could not ask for such a brief reply.

Ming Shen's words must have a deep meaning!

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