In the starry sky, two powerful figures of dozens of kilometers in size were constantly fighting.

The powerful figures of various planes on the earth also used their own means to spy on the battle scene, and at the same time used their own power to protect the galaxy where the earth was located from being affected.

General Lei Dian had received hundreds of memories of his serious injury and dying. Naturally, he had learned a lot of fighting skills in this realm in the constant fight with Yue Ye Jian Zun. However, facing Yue Ye Jian Zun, whose physical and mental state was getting more and more compatible, if he could not maintain the same progress speed as her, he would die.

In a collision, General Lei Dian was thrown to a planet with life. The rules of repulsion exploded in his body, and the entire planet, which was almost the same as Jupiter, was destroyed by the power of the rules.

A battle scene in the next few minutes flashed in his mind, and General Lei Dian immediately took out the Dream Truth, and swung out the mystery of Qianqiu Yimeng that he had just comprehended with his heart and mind. The time of hundreds of swings was condensed into this moment.

Although Yue Ye Jian Zun has not regained her sanity, after this period of running-in and fighting, she can inadvertently integrate her rule power into her every move. With a wave of her hand, various colors of auspiciousness appear in the universe and turn into the sleeves in her hand.

General Lei Dian's sword is amazing, but it is difficult to exert its true strength in front of Yue Ye Jian Zun blessed by the Heavenly Dao. Under the rejection of heaven and earth, countless coincidences and obstacles, the unstoppable sword can only end up in a mediocre situation.

The sleeves swept across the starry sky, countless planets exploded, and huge energy vented their unwillingness everywhere, but General Lei Dian coldly regarded them as his own supplementary strength. The swing of the sword was the same dream of the thousand years.

But this sword has a brand new change. The world is vast, the years are quiet, just like the world that keeps moving forward, without any joy, anger, sorrow or happiness.

The sleeves were cut off by this sword and turned into their original power, which also means that General Lei Dian's skills have once again crossed a level, and a sword is a corner of the world.

At this moment, General Raiden also stepped into the realm of the celestial being again. The world bubble emerged behind him, constantly evolving the birth and destruction of civilizations. The substances in the body and soul imprints also collapsed in the battle and became flesh and blood powder that constantly infected the world.

What is the position of the demon god in the Teyvat continent? Most demon gods may not know, but General Raiden can give a definite answer.

It is the cancer of the world!

It is the cornerstone of the nature of the world re-anchored by the law of nature.

At this moment, every time Yue Ye Jian Zun absorbs the endless energy of heaven and earth, he will devour some of General Raiden's power, but the power of this idiot clearly projects the way the power runs into General Raiden's heart, making her strength advance by leaps and bounds.

But Yue Ye Jian Zun couldn't find it at all. She just fought mechanically according to the instructions given by Takama-ga-hara, giving General Raiden the opportunity to learn.

The battle lasted for several months. General Raiden had already mastered Yue Ye Jian Zun's fighting methods by heart, and his mastery of rules and power had reached the level of perfection.

But at a certain moment, Yue Ye Jian Zun's eyes lit up, her body was motionless but mercury-like moonlight poured down, and General Lei Dian suddenly found that the mark he had in her body was rapidly dissipating.

Meng Mengzhen said that he slashed in the direction where the moonlight was pouring.

A plane of sea of thunder was opened up and collided with the moonlight. The thunder and moonlight in the plane were in opposition, but in the end the plane collapsed into a singularity, and then suddenly exploded.

This energy ray, which was enough to set off a galaxy storm, was like a breeze on the faces of the two people, causing no harm, but General Lei Dian knew that the most difficult moment was about to come. A strong man who could coordinate his own strength was hundreds of times more terrifying than a strong man who could only fight mechanically.


Yakumo Yukari felt the breath of General Raiden and Tsukiyomi disappear between heaven and earth, and could only get some information from the occasional fragments transmitted from the secrets of heaven.

"It's time to give the gods of Takama-ga-hara a surprise!"

It's time to end the offensive and defensive battle that lasted for three days on the second line of defense. Yakumo Yukari has focused the attention of the gods of Takama-ga-hara on this meat grinder. The trump cards of the emperor's lineage have been used up, and there is no need to delay.

Along with Yakumo Yukari's notification through special channels, several strong men in the core of Gensokyo also activated the formation one after another, and the hidden pieces buried in various parts of Japan also played a role.

A huge earthquake broke out on the land of Japan.

Countless lands began to crack and then were swallowed up by the mysterious power, but the strange thing was that the surrounding space seemed to have life and quickly glued together, as if this land had never existed.

At the same time, a mysterious force continued to act on various time and space in Japan, and the information in the books about the monster sage and a large number of monsters seemed to have disappeared.

Buddha was erased from the book by an eraser, and information that was very different kept emerging, replacing the original record.

In the forbidden land of Gensokyo, the notebook in Kamishizawa Keiin's hand made a mournful sound, but it was quickly repaired by the power of the Bai Ze lineage. However, the vicissitudes of life and antiquity in her eyes quickly disappeared, until a trace of regret flashed in her eyes.

Kamishizawa Keiin seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and found herself in a mountain range. Countless lands emerged out of thin air like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, leaving the hundreds-year-old monster dumbfounded, not knowing what was going on.

The noise barely disappeared until two huge mountains facing each other emerged. At the same time, she also felt the breath of many monsters and humans, including a breath that she was extremely familiar with.

"Fujiwara no Momoko?"


The gods of Takama-ga-hara were horrified. They had never expected that Yakumo Yukari would use the method of cutting off the firewood from under the cauldron. When their attention and strength were at their weakest, they launched the final step of dividing the real world in Gensokyo, destroying the anchor point of Takama-ga-hara corresponding to the real world, and could no longer realize the ability to imprison Yakumo Yukari and join the knowledge.

Yakumo Yukari looked at the city wall that began to collapse because of this incident, and a fierce light flashed in her eyes. It was time to let these young people feel the decisiveness of the monster sage in the past, and let them feel the fear of being dominated by Lord Yukari!

Ten minutes later, the city wall, which was called the glory of the gods by the emperor, fell. The gods of Takama-ga-hara suffered heavy casualties, and countless practitioners died at the hands of the monster sage. The second line of defense was declared to have been breached.

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