A month later, the Mingshen Army led by General Raiden broke through the defenses of Kyoto and captured the Imperial Palace.

"How can we repair it! We are the descendants of Amaterasu, aren't you, the lowly people, afraid of being punished by the gods?"

"Let us go. I am the most outstanding genius of the Genji clan. Aren’t you afraid of our revenge?"

"I am willing to do things for you, please let me go!"


"General, these are family members who were extremely hostile to us during the war, and among them are several descendants of the emperor. How should we deal with them?"

General Lei Dian sat on the throne representing the supreme emperor in the palace, looking at the office of the Ashikaga shogunate, and said in a cold tone:"Take all those who dared to rebel out and kill them, and at the same time pay attention to whether their families have any rebellious intentions. If so, their property will be distributed by the soldiers who encircle and suppress them."

"Instruct the generals to come to other places at dusk after they have dealt with the matter."

After listening to General Lei Dian's words, the generals hurriedly passed the message on. Before long, the blood of the nobles and royal family, who were unattainable in the eyes of the common people, flowed all over the street.

Not far from Kyoto, Kikyo and Yato Kuhuotori led an army of a hundred people to kill a group of Onmyoji, but the formation they set up to break the seal had already been completed.

Evil, ominous... pure malice rolled up gusts of gloomy wind and spread in all directions.

"It's really... unimaginable pure evil."

A solemn expression appeared on Kikyo's cold face. This power and her own demon-breaking spiritual power repelled each other, describing the other's evil. The dark and ominous aura surged wildly, and the stars and the bright moon in the night sky became slightly dim. The smell of pure evil rolled up the gloomy wind and blew wildly in all directions, enough to make ordinary people's lives cut off and their souls withered!

A pair of blood-red eyes appeared in the black fog, but a demon-breaking purification arrow broke through the black fog in an instant and hit the opponent's body directly.

""Demon-breaking spiritual power! Damn witch!"

With a roar, the sky darkened. A dozen miles away, a group of black demonic clouds connected together and slowly surrounded Kikyo and others from all directions. They spread across the sky and blocked the afterglow of the setting sun.

The demonic aura emitted by the overwhelming group of monsters was nothing compared to the evil thoughts and evil aura not far away. In addition, Kikyo also felt a little bit of divine power in the continuous demonic clouds.

"Those gods are really tenacious!"

Yato said disdainfully. As a god himself, he could naturally sense that the monsters in the monster group were lured by the gods, and hurriedly led the soldiers to kill the monsters.

Guhuo Bird and Kikyo used their unique skills to attack the evil existence that escaped from the seal. The opponent's strength obviously reached the level of a big monster. If they let the opponent run away, it would be a huge trouble. The battle was about to break out. After more than half an hour of fighting, Kikyo and Guhuo Bird finally killed the evil demon that survived from the Heian-kyo period with tacit cooperation.

Inuyasha also felt the strong demon energy coming to support him. Looking at the army of hundreds of people who were besieged by tens of thousands of monsters, he raised his hand and pointed to the sky with an explosive flow.

Thousands of monsters were smashed alive, and dozens of tons of demon blood sprayed out in the sky, like a painting made of blood and ink. These demon blood fell It would have formed a short rain of demon blood, but before it could fall, it was swept back by the airflow brought by the explosive flow, forming a bloody storm.

Kikyo looked at this extremely bloody scene, and suddenly she didn't know why she had such feelings for Inuyasha, but she still bent her bow and shot a purification arrow at the monsters. The remaining monsters' demon power was immediately purified and their strength was greatly reduced.

Yato, who was fighting with the monsters, had a fierce light in his eyes and roared. The soldiers immediately knew that the time for counterattack had come, and they quickly launched a counterattack against the monsters.

Without the blessing of demon power, the strength of these monsters was greatly reduced, and they couldn't even beat a child. Facing the fully armed soldiers, they naturally had no power to fight back and were easily strangled.

Kikyo looked at Inuyasha who was still proud of the soldiers and said,"Inuyasha, aren't you going to accompany Kagome Higurashi? The power of the Tree of Ages is about to disappear!"

Inuyasha was confused when he heard Kikyo's kind reminder. He suddenly remembered that Yakumo Yukari once said that due to the changes in the spatial position of Japan, many magical items would lose their abilities. He looked worried, but also looked at Kikyo expectantly.

"I plan to go to Narukami Taisha in Gensokyo to be my shrine maiden after Inazuma is established. You'd better give up this idea!"

After Kikyo finished speaking, she walked towards Kyoto. This was the last place where evil spirits were entrenched. It was time to report the situation to General Raiden's clone, leaving Inuyasha alone to watch the sunset and the last afterglow.

Half a year later, the Narukami Army unified Japan and established a new country, Inazuma. At the same time, Kyoto was abolished from its status as the imperial capital, and a new Narukami Taisha was built near Kyoto to suppress all reactionary forces.

The next month, Edo Village in Musashi Province was expanded into Edo Castle, and the shogunate that ruled Inazuma was located in this new castle. In the city built, the castle tower representing the supreme power of General Raiden has become the tallest building here.

After Inazuma was established, a large number of monsters entered Gensokyo, the holy land of monsters. Some nostalgic monsters and monsters who were unwilling to be mediocre stayed in Inazuma, the kingdom of humans.

At the same time, the pantheon with the main god of the god Takenami, the Great Gosho Bar, was officially established. The gods under his command are Inari God Oojin, Hurricane Twins Yamai, War God Yato, Sword God Youtouhime, Guarding Jade Treasure Kanna, Seven Sins Thousand Faces, Treasure God Seimiya, Asama Okami


In the sea of stars, thunder covered most of the galaxies.

General Lei Dian looked numbly at Yue Ye Jian Zun, who had recovered most of his spirit.

At this moment, she could feel the wear and tear of time on her soul and body.

The spiritual energy in the world inside her body had long been consumed.

She suddenly understood why the strong in this world cared so much about spiritual energy, because this spiritual energy could solve the wear and tear of their souls brought by time and keep them in peak condition forever.

""Baal! Death!"

Yue Ye Jianzun suddenly said this sentence, and a powerful curse power enveloped General Lei Dian. The news about Baal in the world was quickly erased, as if to wipe out the existence of General Lei Dian. General Lei Dian immediately noticed something was wrong. After Yue Ye Jian said this, he fell into a weak state, and the aura of the Heavenly Dao on his body disappeared.

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