"Arataki Ichito, what are you doing!"

Arataki Ichito heard an anxious female voice and looked not far away. He saw Naganohara Yoshimiya, who had just tidied up, running over unhappily.

Damn! He is one of my great enemies!

How could Arataki Ichito not know Naganohara Yoshimiya, the famous child king in Inazuma City? If it weren't for the great adventurer Mei Kitano, who settled near the Naganohara fireworks store, how could he have officially come into contact with this lifelong enemy.

The child king of Inazuma can only be me, Arataki Ichito!

"Naganohara Xiaomiya, this is a matter between me and Kitano Mei. You, woman, should stay away from me, otherwise you will be overwhelmed by my domineering attitude. Don't come and harass me all day long!"

"Boss, the other party was also a god……"

When Arata Ichito heard his subordinate's reminder, he also opened his eyes wide and glared at him, asking him to stop talking nonsense. The people in front of him were all his enemies. How could he help others to be more ambitious and destroy his own prestige?

"Aratake Ito, you are such a nasty fellow. You only know how to harass Mei all day long. The lessons you have learned in more than half a month have not made you realize that your ability is nothing to Mei!"

Naganohara Yoshimiya will not be kind to Aratake Ito. They are both the kings of children in different regions. Now that he has come to her territory and is challenging her authority all day long, how can she not feel disgusted.

General Raiden looked at the two immature guys who were confronting each other, and said in a friendly manner:"Yashimiya and I are going to Kinan Ryotei for lunch.

If you don't mind, I can invite you to go there for a day.

After all, I like making friends the most!

" Aratake Ito was immediately unhappy.

This was obviously the tone of someone treating him as an elder, and he felt really uncomfortable with Mei Kitano, who really regarded herself as his elder based on age.

Who asked her to keep the appearance of a girl from more than ten years ago?

""Gurgle, gurgle~"

When Ichito Arata heard the sound from his stomach, he looked in the direction and found that his fat little brother was holding his stomach and looking at him embarrassedly.

He touched his pocket and took it out to see that he only had a hundred Mora, which was only enough to buy a few rice balls, and forget about anything else.

Ichito Arata was silent, and found that he was almost penniless again. He had no Mora on him. Was his endless part-time job career about to begin again!

Naganohara Yomiya saw Ichito Arata's embarrassment and hid behind General Raiden like a kitten and laughed secretly, which made Ichito Arata feel embarrassed when he heard the laughter.

General Raiden would not let this embarrassing situation continue, so he said:"It seems that Ichito has been very righteous recently, otherwise let Sister Mei treat you to a good meal!"

As the saying goes, even a penny can make a hero fall!

Aradaki Ichito also knew that this was General Raiden's good intention, and his favor for General Raiden increased greatly. He patted his strong chest and said,"Well, you are worthy of being the legendary adventurer of the Adventurer's Guild. Ichito has made a friend of Mei."

"But during the competition, I won't let you win just because of my friendship!"

General Raiden didn't care. Aratake Ito's mind and behavior were like a hot-blooded fool who never grew up. As long as she wanted to, she could use some tricks and sell the other party out, and she would still praise herself for her kindness and righteousness.

With General Raiden's mediation, Naganohara Yomiya and Aratake Ito also put aside their opinions and walked towards the Kinan Ryotei on the street, which was only a hundred meters away from here.

General Raiden pushed aside the curtain and saw the busy waiter. He whispered to her to order five servings of the previous dishes and desserts, and come back later to collect the dishes that everyone wanted.

As for why it was five servings, it was because Aratake Ito was allergic to soy products.

Led by General Raiden, the group of six sat down in a spacious room, picked up the menu and prepared the next dishes, waiting for the waiter to come and hand them over.

An hour later.

Arataki Ito walked out of Kinan Ryoten with three younger brothers with greasy mouths. They hadn't eaten such a delicious lunch for more than half a year. Who told them that the army of Tenryo Bugyo was fighting against Umijima and sweeping the remaining monsters on Nagasaki Island? The needed supplies caused the prices in Inazuma Castle to rise by 30 to 40 percent.

This undoubtedly made the Arataki faction, which relied on odd jobs to make money to maintain its gang activities, extremely tight financially, not to mention that the boss Arataki Ito had to provoke Tenryo Bugyo from time to time. Being put in solitary confinement made the second-in-command Hisayuu Shinobu even stricter on financial expenditures.

General Raiden and Naganohara Yoshinomiya walked out of Kinan Ryotei talking and laughing. After all, both of them were not short of money. One was a Mora manufacturing machine that could serve as a golden house, and the other was the only heir to Naganohara Ryunosuke, a giant who monopolized the Inazuma fireworks industry.

After eating, the six of them returned to the house where General Raiden lived, sat on chairs and looked at the beautiful scenery outside Inazuma Castle from a high place, and began to chat about some interesting things that happened around them.

The scene was very harmonious for a while, and from time to time, children ran to Naganohara Yoshinomiya and Raiden. The general and Arata Ichito asked them to tell some short stories to enrich their poor childhood.

General Raiden listened to the laughter of the children and adults around him, and couldn't help but recall the scene of having dinner and playing with Hotaru Kusanagi in the world of Inuyasha, and the secret game with various forces in the land of Japan.

All this seemed to have happened not long ago, but she knew that it was seven or eight hundred years ago, because her battle with Tsukiyomizu-kun lasted so long, not to mention the hundreds of years of death struggle memory that she had passed on from the future.

The rules of time and space are really a wonderful power.

The light began to���It was dark, which meant that the sun was about to set. Aratake Ichito looked at Naganohara Yoshinomiya, who could compete with him. He knew that he still had a long way to go to let the children know that he was the strongest child king in Inazuma Castle, but he couldn't forget the purpose of today's visit.

"Mei, let's have a sumo match!"

"Yes, one battle will decide the outcome!"


General Raiden agreed to Arotaki Ichito's request, picked up a branch and drew a circle with a diameter of six meters, then put the branch aside and made a sumo posture.

Arotaki Ichito wiped his hands, with eager eyes, and also posed a standard sumo posture. Naganohara Yoshomiya had just handed over the items to a middle-aged uncle, and hurriedly ran to both parties and said,"I'll be the referee!"

"Xiaogong, let's get started! I can already see the dawn of victory shining!"

Naganohara Xiaogong pouted disdainfully. Everyone knows that you, Aratake Ito, have never won when challenging General Raiden.

"Game start!"

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