
When Aratake Ichito heard the order from Naganohara Yoshimiya, his body rushed towards General Raiden like an angry bull, and his hands did not care about the other party's identity as a girl, and grabbed the vital parts.

General Raiden naturally knew that Aratake Ichito was a straight man, otherwise if outsiders saw him, they would definitely criticize him and call him a pervert. General Raiden did not care about Aratake Ichito's action. He took advantage of his slender figure to move to the side, twisted his body and did a variation of the"sticking to the mountain and leaning against the mountain".

Aratake Ichito only felt that the other party slid to his left hand like a swimming fish, and his back slightly touched half of his body. His body was like steel being hit by a heavy object, and his whole body shook violently, and his body could not generate any strength at all.

General Raiden also quickly grabbed Aratake Ichito's arm with both hands, and then threw it, and Aratake Ichito rolled out of the competition circle like a gourd.

"I declare Mei Kitano the winner of the sumo match!"

The children watching around also applauded. Although they didn't know what happened, they were still shocked by the action of a slender girl easily throwing the strong Arotaki Ichito away.

"Boss, are you okay?"

Three younger brothers surrounded Aratake Ichito and asked.

Aratake Ichito recovered his strength after lying on the ground for a few seconds. There was confusion and a little unwillingness in his eyes, but he did not complain. After all, all the actions of General Raiden were in line with the standards of sumo, but the skills he used made him lose control of his body instantly.

"I actually lost again, this is an event that none of the nine tengu wanted to compete with me in!"

Ara Taki was furious. You know, he had already lost to General Raiden in events like the ghost beetle competition, wrist competition, running competition, etc. He was good at it, and even lost to the sumo wrestling that he was most proud of.

"Mei, you are indeed very strong, much stronger than Kujo Tengu, but I will not be discouraged. I will challenge you again after I defeat Kujo Tengu."

Aratake Ichito declared himself a loser, but there was no complaint on his face. Instead, he was full of fighting spirit. He said goodbye to Xiao Gong and Raiden General, whom he had just recognized as good friends, and then rushed home.

"What a simple-minded and hot-blooded ghost!"

Naganohara Xiaogong commented on Ara Taki Ichito, who had a more comprehensive understanding today, and did not stop the other party's idea. Inazuma Castle has nearly one million residents. If you don't hurry back, you won't even have dinner.

"Mei, I'll show you my latest research on fireworks tonight! Just as a gift for inviting me to dinner at noon."

General Lei Dian looked at the clearness of the sky and the moisture in the breeze, and understood that there was a moonless night tonight, so he nodded.

"It's settled then. Dad should have prepared dinner by now. I'll take you back to watch the fireworks after I prepare them outside the city tonight."

"You must come in the evening!"

Naganohara Xiaogong expressed her thoughts enthusiastically, and General Lei Dian also accepted it happily and decided to meet at the entrance of Naganohara Fireworks Store at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Returning to her house next to the Naganohara Fireworks Store, she took out the ingredients and started cooking. In less than ten minutes, several delicious dishes had been served.

The curse that once made it impossible for General Lei Dian to cook has disappeared. During the hundreds of years of fighting with Yue Ye Jian Zun, she has stripped this concept of the dark from the deepest part of her soul and regarded it as one of the strongest means of attack.

As long as she wants , you can add the concept that this is the product of your own cooking to the attack, and this attack will be attached with the exclusive dish of the Lei movie"The Time of Judgment", which will give you the buff of food poisoning.

After General Lei Dian put all the dishes on the table, he took out a bottle of sake as a drink and drank it, then picked up the gorgeously shaped dishes with chopsticks to taste the flavor. At eight o'clock in the evening, the light of the full moon enveloped the sky.

General Lei Dian arrived at the Naganohara Fireworks Shop on time, and saw Naganohara Xiao Gong who was playing with fairy wands with several children, so he said,"Xiao Gong, are you playing with fireworks with the children again?"

"Well, of course I am the future heir of the Naganohara Fireworks Shop, so of course I have to know how to play with fireworks!"

Naganohara Xiaogong answered irrelevantly, but he was also telling General Lei Dian that this was the family business. If he didn't play with fireworks with the children, would he play with other things?

"Well, the time has come for our summer festival's fireworks queen. If we don't go early, we won't be able to get up tomorrow."

"Sorry~ Sorry! I had so much fun playing with the kids just now!"

Naganohara Yoshinomiya said a few words to the kids, and then, under the reluctant gazes of the kids, he and General Raiden walked out of the city.

Walking down the stone steps, they finally arrived at the village outside the city. There were fewer people on an open space, and several boxes of huge fireworks were placed on it.

"It’s time to light the fireworks, Mei, you have to give me an accurate impression of what you’re watching!"

Naganohara Yoshimiya said as she lit the fireworks in order, came to a stone and looked up at the fireworks slowly rising in the sky.

The fireworks exploded with a loud bang, revealing a series of dazzling patterns in the sky, as if venting some special depressed energy, but so fascinating.

Sitting on the stone and concentrating on watching the colorful fireworks blooming in the sky, Naganohara Yoshimiya had a unique intoxication with this beauty, like a princess intoxicated in a fairy tale.

General Lei Dian stared at the shining fireworks in the sky, the sea in the distance, and the slowly flowing lake beside her, which touched her heart a little, and an inexplicable feeling surged in her heart. General

Lei Dian didn't know what he felt, he was in a daze for a few seconds, looked at the quiet Naganohara Yoshimiya next to him, and then smiled.

Fireworks always wither, and when Naganohara Yoshimiya came to her senses, the heat from the fireworks box had disappeared without a trace, so she asked General Lei Dian with expectant eyes:"What do you think of my fireworks this time?"

"When a rising firework is viewed from below or from the side, is it round or flat?"

Naganohara Yoshinomiya was puzzled when she heard General Raiden's question. She was clearly asking General Raiden to express his gratitude for the fireworks, but why did she get two rhetorical questions in return? Is n't it enough to just see the fireworks bloom?

Aren't fireworks flat when they bloom? Why would you ask whether they are round or not?

General Raiden pushed the hair away from his face, looked at the quiet sky and explained.

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