Naganohara Yoshinomiya was eagerly waiting for General Raiden's explanation.

"Because the night is so beautiful tonight! The fireworks are so beautiful when they bloom, just like what is described in the light novel"

"Even if time goes back again and again, the fireworks still only last for a moment, but it doesn’t matter, as long as I watch it with you, it doesn’t matter whether it is round or flat.……"

Naganohara Xiaogong blushed when she heard General Raiden's almost confessional speech. She seemed to understand what General Raiden meant. Xiaogong tonight was more beautiful than the scenery tonight.

"What a cunning answer!"

"But I like it very much!"

"You are worthy of being a great writer who wrote the"Best Wishes for Teyvat" series. Your writing is really outstanding!"

Naganohara Yoshimiya said enviously. You should know that Inazuma is most famous for its weapon forging, samurai competitions, and the light novels produced by Yaedo. When General Raiden was traveling around the world, he was also an extremely famous light novelist.

When he just settled down, there were hundreds of fans and adventurers from the Adventurer's Guild who came to ask for autographs, and dozens of famous sword schools in Inazuma Castle came to challenge. It was not until General Raiden defeated Master Domon, the number one swordsman in Inazuma Castle, that the reputation of the"North Star Ittoryu" improved by General Raiden overwhelmed the reputation of the"Mingjing Shisui Ryu", and the challenge of the samurai came to an end.

Naganohara Yoshimiya still remembers the murderous words that General Raiden said after defeating Master Domon:

"The idea and pursuit of swordsmanship in Mingjing Zhishuiliu are both extremely brilliant, but the sword is a weapon and swordsmanship is a means of killing. No matter how gorgeous the words are, it is still a fact."

"And this is your biggest shortcoming now. If you want to challenge me again, you must learn your own secrets from the fights between monsters and enemies!"

Although General Raiden did not use mind reading, he could slightly sense some of Naganohara Xiaogong's divergent thinking, so he asked:"From the time you made the fireworks to the end, what confusion did you have in your heart?"

"So you figured it out!"

Naganohara Yoshimiya tilted his little head up, rested his hands on the back of his head, looked at the stars in the sky, and said with confusion in his eyes:"I always feel that the issuance of the National Closure Order and the Eye Hunting Order is a wrong national policy."

"Sorry, I don't mean to question General Raiden's intention. I just feel that everyone's life has become worse after these two orders were issued."

General Raiden looked at Naganohara Yoshimiya's innocent and confused eyes, and said in a helpless tone:"Don't meddle in other people's affairs. What you think is a wrong policy is the most correct in the eyes of the superiors."

"Hey, Mei, do you know some of the inside stories?"

General Raiden couldn't reveal too much, so he could only answer with part of the truth:"The Nagasaki Island, which has been submerged in the sea for hundreds of years, has escaped the seal from the bottom of the sea and emerged on the surface of the sea. The shogunate is now sending a large number of troops and priestesses to eradicate the monsters and evil gods in it. This is the time when stability and strength are most needed."

Naganohara Yoshimiya also seemed to understand some of the inside stories, but there were still many puzzles. But seeing that General Raiden was already helping her carry the fireworks cartons, she knew that it was getting late and she should go home to sleep.

General Raiden saw Naganohara Yoshimiya helping to recycle the used cartons, but he didn't ask any more questions, nor did he talk to her about the high-level inside stories.

Because the isolation order and the eye hunting order are in line with the interests of the top leaders of the three major magistrates, the Kujo family needs military exploits to consolidate the family's position in the Tenryo Bugyo and cut off the uneasy thoughts of some families; the

Hiiragi family needs to increase revenue and reduce expenditure when the country's finances are in short supply to provide the army of the Tenryo Bugyo. Provide enough salary to reflect the role of the Hiiragi family in the Kanjo Bugyo; the head of the Kamisato family, the shrine bugyo, wants his son Kamisato Ayato to take over his position, so he must let his son build a good relationship with the other two bugyo in important matters.

General Raiden and Naganohara Yoshimiya carried two boxes to each other and crossed the village, walked on the stone steps back to the Yoshimiya family's fireworks shop, and placed the cardboard boxes in the special waste area.

When the time of separation was approaching, Naganohara Yoshimiya still asked the question that had been buried in her heart:"Sister Mei, why do you not care so much about your God's Eye being taken away and embedded in the Thousand-handed Hundred-eyed God Statue."

General Raiden heard Naganohara Yoshimiya's question, thought for a moment, looked at the earth where insects were chirping, and answered:"Life is not just about the present, but also about poetry and the distance!"

Naganohara Yoshimiya quietly savored the words that General Raiden had just said, and looked at General Raiden's leisurely and comfortable behavior when he returned to his house. It seemed that he understood why General Raiden was not troubled by the loss of the God's Eye.


On the second morning, after General Raiden had breakfast, he came to the thunder cherry tree at the door. While leisurely reading a light novel, he found that the empty cardboard boxes left after the fireworks yesterday had disappeared without a trace, and only Naganohara Ryunosuke was running the Naganohara Fireworks Shop. He knew that Naganohara Yorimiya had gone out to work again early in the morning.

As for what kind of work it was, it depends on the wise.

After greeting Naganohara Ryunosuke, General Raiden took out a chair and sat in the shade of a thunder cherry tree. He opened the light novel"Please, My Fox Fairy" and started reading.

Not far away, the traveler Yingzheng brought emergency food Paimeng and came to this street on the edge of Inazuma Castle according to the information in his hand. When he looked up to find the Naganohara Fireworks Shop, he found a beautiful scene. The breeze blew in from the eaves, and a few cherry blossom petals on the thunder cherry tree were forced to fall on the girl's pink and purple kimono.���

The girl's purple-black smooth hair was gently blown by the wind. Her cold temperament and elegant book-turning movements made her look like a cold literary girl.

"Suddenly I felt a heart-pounding feeling!"

"It's the smell of Tianquan Star Ningguang!"

Traveler Ying and Paimeng suddenly said, but after hearing each other's words, they looked at each other awkwardly and walked towards the Naganohara Fireworks Shop with the Naganohara family seal.

"She is a young and beautiful girl of the mature type. I must make friends with her after completing the commission!"

Traveler Ying passed by General Lei Dian and thought to himself. He then came to the door of Naganohara Fireworks Shop and asked Naganohara Ryunosuke:"Uncle, is Naganohara Xiao Gong at home?"

Naganohara Ryunosuke looked at Paimon next to Traveler Ying, whose voice was as small as a mosquito to him, and hesitantly asked:"What did you say just now?"

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