When Paimon heard Naganohara Ryunosuke's question, he thought that he had not explained it clearly just now, so he said:"Excuse me, is Naganohara Yoshimiya at home?"

When Naganohara Ryunosuke heard that Paimon was still speaking in the same tone as before, he knew that this was an outsider who didn't know the situation here, so he explained:"I'm sorry, two guests, my ears have been damaged due to some accidents in the early years, and the guests need to use a louder tone to hear clearly."

Traveler Ying and Paimon looked at each other, and Traveler Ying said loudly:"Excuse me, is this Naganohara Yoshimiya's house? Is she here? We need her help with something."

Naganohara Ryunosuke finally heard the traveler's words clearly, so he said embarrassedly:"This is the Ayanohara family, I am her father Naganohara Ryunosuke. The child is busy now and will probably be back in the afternoon. Do you have anything to say? I can wait for her to come back and help tell her."

Travelers Ying and Paimon were stunned, but then they thought that the uncle in front of them was Naganohara Ayanohara's father, and should be more familiar with Beichen Mei who was deprived of the Eye of God, so they said:"Hello uncle, we want to visit the great adventurer Beichen Mei through Naganohara Ayanohara's relationship. I wonder if you can help introduce us?"

This seems to be the way people in Liyue speak, right?

Naganohara Ryunosuke thought so in his heart, but he still raised his hand, pointed to the Thunder General under the Thunder Sakura tree and said:"The Miss Mei Beichen you are looking for is under that Thunder Sakura tree. She is very easy to talk to."

Paimon crashed. The Traveler looked at the literary girl under the tree and just uttered the word"thank you" with difficulty, because from her acquaintances in Mondstadt and Liyue, Mei Beichen was aloof and cold, decisive and warlike.

But the literary beauty with long black hair and a cold temperament and a soft face under the Thunder Sakura tree in front of him did not fit the legendary image at all.

Traveler Ying said goodbye to Naganohara Ryunosuke, and Paimon came back to his senses and asked in an inquiring tone:"Excuse me, are you the legendary adventurer Mei Beichen of the Adventurer's Guild?"

"Hello, stranger from afar and her little fairy, I should be the great adventurer Beichen Meiyi you are looking for."

General Raiden replied in a gentle tone, staring at Paimon who was constantly looking at him.

"So you are really Beichen Meiyi, but the difference between your image described in other countries and the image I see in reality is so big that I dare not confirm it for a moment."

Paimon patted his chest and said, but suddenly remembered that he had not introduced himself yet, so he spoke again:"I am Paimon, the best guide in Teyvat, and next to me is Ying, a traveler who wants to travel around the seven countries. As you can see, we are commissioned by someone to ask you something."

The traveler Ying closed his mouth helplessly, having never expected Paimon to be so alert, leaving him speechless.

"I have heard that the traveler Ying solved the problem of the dragon disaster in Mondstadt and became an honorable knight of the Knights of Favonius. He is a powerful adventurer."

The traveler Ying put his hands on his waist, ready to listen to the other party's further praise, but after waiting for half a minute, there was no follow-up. He opened his eyes and found that General Lei Dian was looking at him as if he was a fool.

(Sorry, General Lei Dian set himself to investigate the movements of the Abyss Cult in the waters near Qinglai Island, and he has no idea about your great achievements in Liyue.)

The traveler Ying awkwardly returned to his expressionless face. She suddenly realized that Inazuma had been in seclusion for almost two years, and it was reasonable for the other party not to know about the big things she had done in Liyue recently.

Paimon saw Ying's dilemma and continued,"The traveler later crushed the conspiracy of the Fatui in Liyue, and together with the Liyue Seven Stars and the immortals, sealed the demon god Osel who broke free from the seal of the Geo King, and restored Liyue to safety."

"It sounds like a magnificent adventure. I really want to witness the elegance of immortals and demons with you guys!"

General Raiden said flatteringly. After all, when he left Teyvat, his strength was also at the level of immortals (big monsters). It was nothing like now, when his real body could tear open the canvas in the sky and face the existence behind the original man.

Seeing General Raiden's reaction, Paimon also took advantage of the situation:"I heard that your God's Eye, Mei Beichen, was confiscated by the warriors of the Tenryo, and built into the statue in front of the castle tower. Why didn't you resist!"

"Resist, why resist? I'm tired of this life of licking blood on the knife edge, it's time to enjoy life"

"Mora has accumulated billions of wealth, and her martial arts and reputation are already world-class. Why would she go out to sleep in the wild, suffer from mosquito bites, attacks from villains, and take great risks to fight monsters?"

General Lei Dian calmly talked about the hardships she suffered as an adventurer. This job is far from being as glamorous as she imagined. If it weren't for her own beliefs that spurred her to constantly explore the truth of the world, she would have stayed at home long ago.

"Traveler, what she said makes sense! But why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

Paimon nodded in agreement, but then shook his head and said a little depressed.

Traveler Ying didn't think much about it, because she had seen several people who lost the Eye of God either lost their souls, forgot something important, or changed their temperament drastically.

"Miss Beichen, what was your wish when you got the Eye of God?"

Traveler Ying directly asked the most critical question. This is the biggest weakness of people who lose the Eye of God and their temperament changes drastically. The literary girl in front of him should have changed because of losing the Eye of God!

"Wish? It seems to be to gain enough power to continue adventuring in the continent of Teyvat!"

"Hmm? Do you know your wish to obtain the Eye of God?"

General Lei Dian's reaction was beyond Traveler Ying's imagination. It was completely different from the five or six people she had met who had lost the Eye of God.

"Maybe it's because I have awakened the blood of the demon god in me. Unlike ordinary people, I don't have to rely on the external magic organ, the Eye of God, to use elemental power to strengthen myself."

"Demon bloodline?"

This question once again stumped the traveler Ying, but Paimon asked carelessly:"What effect does the demon bloodline have on the Eye of God? Why are you not affected by the Eye of God?"

General Lei Dian gently lifted the hair on his face to his ears, recalling that when he was studying the structure of the Eye of God, he discovered the relationship between wishes, the Eye of God and its owner.

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