General Raiden smiled slightly, walked over his chair and walked towards the stone steps of the city wall, holding a book behind his back, with a sense of erudition.

Paimon scratched the back of his head in confusion, flew to the traveler Ying's ear and whispered:"I always feel that this Beichen Meiyi has something very similar to Zhongli, like an old man."

Traveler Ying thought for a while and found that just as Paimon said, the steadiness of General Raiden was more like a sense of"old age" of a hero, but she still followed General Raiden, wanting to get the answer she wanted to know.

"Traveler, do you know the origin of the Eye of God?"

"The origin of the Eye of God! Paimon and the traveler Ying know it very well."

Paimon flew to the side of General Lei Dian, patted his chest with some pride, and then looked at the beautiful scenery of the village below and said:"When faced with uncontrollable circumstances, people always sigh about their own powerlessness, but at the steepest turning point in life, if the desire of mortals reaches the extreme, the sight of the gods will be projected down."

"This is the Eye of God, an external magical organ obtained by those who are blessed by God, used to guide the power of the elements that match each other."

Paimon said the answer he knew verbatim, but General Lei Dian didn't feel much about it. After all, these two were not scholars and didn't study the Eye of God in depth.

"Although the answer is very simple, it can also show that you have some understanding of the origin of the Eye of God."

"In order for the Eye of God to be activated, there must be an extreme desire, and there must also be a constant flow of emotions to provide it with power, so that when it absorbs elemental power, it will be branded by the holder and used for its own purposes. This is why people with the Eye of God can mobilize elemental power."

"Hey, weren't you asking about the origin of the Eye of God? How did you jump to the principle of the Eye of God?"

Paimon was a little unhappy. She was a little angry that General Lei Dian only told half of the story and concealed the other half, as she had tried very hard to tell everything she knew.

Traveler Ying understood why General Lei Dian skipped the most important part, because it involved the secrets of the Seven Gods and Sky Island, so she asked,"Please don't mind Paimon's angry words. Why can having the blood of the demon god resist the effects of losing the Eye of God?"

General Lei Dian looked at Traveler Ying with a smile and said,"You should have never activated the Eye of God, so naturally you don't know the changes in ordinary people after obtaining the Eye of God."

"After ordinary people obtain the Eye of God, they will be baptized and strengthened by the elemental force contained in the Eye of God. Their physical fitness will be quickly strengthened several times, and their ability to sense and resist elemental force will be greatly enhanced. However, after completing the physical strengthening, the body's instinct will put a layer of shackles on its body to prevent excessive use of the body and suffer injuries."

"This is why the owner of the Eye of God usually has the illusion that he is no different from an ordinary person. It is also because the Eye of God mobilizes elemental power to strengthen the body, and the Eye of God and the owner are inseparable."

When the traveler heard this, he suddenly understood why ordinary holders of the Eye of God would feel confused and their temperament would change drastically after losing the Eye of God, because losing the Eye of God is like losing the soul and memory, which makes people in a state of congenital disability.

"It seems that you have some brains, traveler, and you have figured out the trick. The blood of demons, immortals, and monsters can have innate control and affinity for elemental forces, and the effect of the Eye of God is greatly weakened, so that the owner does not need to be fully strengthened by the elemental forces refined by the Eye of God."

"Naturally, the impact of losing the Eye of God is not as serious as that of ordinary people. If you want to verify the truth of my words, you can go to the streets of Hanamizaka and find the demon clan Aradaki Ichito of the Aradaki faction to verify it."

""The demon clan Aradaki Itto of the Aradaki sect?"

Traveler Ying whispered, then thanked General Raiden and took Paimeng to the direction of Hanamizaka. Who told her that she was very interested in the secret of the Eye of God? If it was verified, it would undoubtedly explain many problems she encountered along the way.

General Raiden looked at the backs of the traveler and Paimeng who left in a hurry, and understood that the two were commissioned by Kamisato Ayaka, the eldest daughter of the Kamisato family, to investigate what the loss of the Eye of God meant to the owner.

"Lord Bugyo, you have been watching the show for so long, how long do you have to hide now?"When

General Raiden saw the figure of the traveler Ying disappear without a trace, he said slowly to the person beside him. A young man wearing a beige main color, a standing collar haori with furisode and an extended back hem, and the hem with the Kamisato family's tobiko pattern printed on it also walked out from the hidden place of the house.

"Please don't make such jokes. Just call me Lingren as before. You watched us grow up when we were little."

Kamisato Ayato walked slowly to the side of General Raiden, with a smile on his face like the warm spring sun, which made people feel good about him. But in the eyes of those old guys, he was a little fox who used a smile to hide his inner thoughts.

"I really have to thank you Kamisato brothers and sisters for your concern. You actually let the wanted criminal openly investigate people who lost the Eye of God in the streets of Inazuma City, and specifically investigated me, the eldest daughter of the Beichen family."

A little embarrassment appeared on Kamisato Ayato's face, but she quickly covered it up, because the Beichen family is one of the families that the Tenryo Bugyo trusts the Kujo family the most. As long as General Raiden wishes, she can immediately get the Eye of God back and become a high-ranking official of the Tenryo Bugyo.

"Isn't this just caring about your condition? My sister cares about you very much, and hopes that the Traveler who shines so brightly in Mondstadt and Liyue can resolve the shogunate's hostility towards civilian holders of the Eye of God."

General Raiden did not comment on Kamisato Ayato's substitution of concepts, but still said coldly:"I hope you know that the Traveler's combat power is extremely strong, and it is a huge threat to Eternity. If your Kamisato family continues to indulge Princess Shiraha's behavior, the other two magistrates will not hold back." Kamisato

Ayato naturally knew what General Raiden meant. Inazuma Castle was the base camp of the Tenryo Bugyo, and the She Bugyo could use his connections to erase some of the influence caused by the Traveler, but when it came to the interests of factions, it was not something that he, the head of the family who had just taken over the She Bugyo, could settle.

"Just consider that my Kamisato family owes Miss Mei a favor!"

General Raiden nodded in satisfaction after hearing Kamisato Ayato's answer. Otherwise, with her status and position, if she accidentally leaked something to the officials of the Tenryo Bugyo, the Tenryo Bugyo would not let the terrorist Traveler Ying wander around Inazuma Castle.

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